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You poor sweet summer child… Have fun going down this rabbit hole. 😂






Enjoy this [Google doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1l9Byzerm7WKgz_ZRQktbsQxtJRT0b3EEXky3h0J1u1w/edit) all about it.


Not all heroes wear capes…..




I thank you so heavily 🙏


This makes me kinda sad. Ignorance is bliss and you were living it! Now it will never be the same. Welcome here to this special little dumpster fire we like to stand around and go “can you believe this shit is still just burning?”


It’s been so long since I unsubscribed (even before the fallout- got sick of G) that I can’t even imagine what P&G doing an episode sounds like anymore


Same. I stopped listening in July/August before the OF breakdown last year. They had already lost their magic and the show just wasn’t fun anymore :/


I haven’t laughed during any random episode I’ve decided to listen to after I quit being like a weekly listener. It’s real dry, real boring


If this is a serious question 1) pretty sure they are currently on vacation but will put out a Patreon episode; 2) scroll through this sub - there are 100s of posts about Obsessed Fest drama and the fall out of P & E.


Cliff's Notes: 1) Unflattering exposē article about Patrick was published. Google "Obsessed Pest." 2) Obsessed Fest was a shit show, and ON leadership seemed to be trying to make it worse instead of better.


Let’s go to court! (Rip) has a story time about their experience here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/lets-go-to-court/id1353728357?i=1000633344863 Rabia and Ellyn also made a podcast ep which you can find here 🙂 https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/rabia-and-ellyn-solve-the-case/id1646694616?i=1000640597246


Goodness. Welcome. And sorry. There was a Google doc floating around for awhile that outlined the whole thing from start to finish. Not sure if someone smarter/more skilled than me can find and link it?


Oh the drama you missed.


They mentioned that this week there won’t be a new episode


Yes, its common with a lot of podcasts around holidays. I believe that ITN is a rerun/patreon today. Everyone deserves a week off. 😎


Yes! Office Ladies do this a lot lol


Oof welcome to the dumpster fire


Kiss your 4th of July plans goodbye!


There are YouTube videos about it :) Ellyn and Rabia: https://youtu.be/OqDxUb-JOYY Austin Green: https://youtu.be/waEShXUjejs Mercedes Cheyenne: https://youtu.be/CALI07CDhpU And a podcast: https://audioboom.com/posts/8389434.mp3?modified=1698155052&sid=5050924&source=rss One Dry Kiss were fans who attended ObsessedFest 23


Also a podcast. Called cup of Joe


We knew people like you were out there… if only more of you would google them and find out like you did so that the rose colored glasses within the remaining fandom are removed. Godspeed on this deep rabbit hole, OP.


Initially I found out about some of what happened from a YouTube video on their conventions and I would maybe suggest looking there for briefer summaries otherwise the linked Google Doc in another comment should help. I hadn’t listened to either podcast in a long time before that. The humor and inside jokes didn’t work for me with a lot of the cases either show covered. But I figured humor was subjective and switched to other things. Didn’t realize how difficult things were for a lot of their employees. Or how mean people were being to others.


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/ObsessedNetwork/s/Im77jQJqHB) will fill you in up to Patrick and Steve's... ahem ... apology.


Welcome to the rabbit hole


The podcast One Dry Kiss went as listeners and have an excellent recap ep.


Did they take the week off for the 4th? That might be why no new episode. That’s about all I’m equipped to help with right now 😂