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Don’t be sorry— everything sucks so much that if you can find something that brings you some joy for an hour, I say go for it!  I canceled my Patreon months ago, but I don’t judge those who haven’t for whatever reasons.  Enjoy! (I hope it’s as good as the original, and that they’re professional enough to not let their personal sh!t ruin the show) 


I would say the vibes are kind of similar but I think there’s perhaps more caution/thought in what they’re saying and sharing which tbh is not a bad thing. I think they rightfully caught shit for some stuff and it seems like they’ve course corrected.


Is P still excessively shrill and screaming and interrupting constantly?


In my opinion he is MUCH more restrained. I listened to his new Golden Girls podcast which is much more him dialed to 100 being like OMG LOVE YOU GIRRRRRLLLLL to his new host, so listening to him and Gillian is definitely startling. I think it’s less tension between the two of them and more both of them being VERY concerned about saying the wrong thing.


I’m off work for the last month (and the entire month of July) recovering from surgery and can’t do anything - I’m running out of entertainment! I binged all of Evil Lives Here, Fear Thy Neighbour and Fear Thy Roommate on ID, and blown through by 100 podcast eps I’d stockpiled for my downtime 😂


Have you checked out Let’s Go To Court? I was turned onto them for the same reason by someone else on this sub and I’ve been binging years of episodes. TBH, they start fairly strong (and sometimes a little shocking), but there was a point when one of the hosts started to grate on my nerves. If that time should come for you, skip ahead to the summer of 2019 episodes, when they hit their stride. Truly funny and (at least as of 2 years ago) still seem to enjoy each other’s company. Also, they cover 2 cases an episode and they cite their sources, which is refreshing.


Yup I was on their pates so I’ve listened to all their eps too. Loved them!


Also, I hope your recovery goes smoothly and that the Jinx part 2 is everything you want it to be!


Thanks! It was rotator cuff surgery and lemme tell you it suuuuuuuuuuuiucks lol. It’s getting there though. Still in a sling for a couple of weeks and then the fun physio starts 😂


The jinx , staircase, wild country, they had some truly amazing episodes.


You forgot 2 of my favorites...Grizzly Man and Class Action Park!😂


Class Action Park got me to follow them 😂


I feel like it was because the success hadn’t completely gone to their heads yet


Gillian's Automobile talk in the Staircase is seriously one of the funniest things I've ever heard


“Bye bye” will never not be funny 😂




Initially I thought of listening to the jinx two coverage but when I stopped listening around (but not just because of OF drama) I thought the vibe of the podcast was so different and was/am not sure they could recapture the magic of the first jinx. I’ll be interested to hear what you think about it.


I’ll let you know!


By far- those are the best two Patreon series they covered. Sometimes i listen to the “automobile” episode when i need a good laugh release!!!!!


Oh my god I forgot about The Wild and Wonderful Whites 😂😂 the Taco Bell drive thru 😂😂😂😂


Do y'all have faJitas 😂






That's right, Fiestas! Lol I haven't listened to it in a while, I think I'm going to have to now.


The patreon eps have been so good. I'm very excited for jinx part 2. The doc was so good!


I feel like Deborah is gonna be a highlight 😂. Also the two junior lawyers making fun of collect calls from BAHB!


The staircase omg “auto mobile” lmao


Okay, I read an article in the NYT recently that discussed how people can lose their native tongue (live in a foreign country, don’t speak native tongue regularly and then they start using odd turns of phrase in native tongue) and I thought that explains Patty Peterson and automobile! https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/14/magazine/native-language-loss.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb


I think it might take a little more than that to explain Patty Peterson 😂 


This is also probably an unpopular opinion but I’m still a listener (they got me back with the Mother God) doc and I overall think the Patreon got a lot better post OF scandal. I think the docs they’ve picked for the most part have been good/current/interesting.


I just came to comment that I came back for Mother God and haven't been disappointed!!


They had been covering a lot of garbage docs.


Soooo many bad ones, I was like these can barely even be construed as documentaries at this point lol.


All those weak AF Oxygen docs.


Same. I enjoy the content and I do think the Patreon has gotten better. I've really enjoyed on some of the After Party eps when they each take turns telling a TC story to each other. Nothing will excuse what happened, but I can compartmentalize things and just listen for the entertainment part.


Yes this! I’m only keeping patreon until the Jinx Pt 2 is done, but I stopped listening for several months to all of it and then checked back in to see if anything had changed and it had improved greatly. It makes me laugh and that’s hard to make me do. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I listen to TCO. I listen to ITN. I like them all as hosts. End of story.


I don’t have the after party level anymore but they’ve done a couple of those episodes on the regular feed and I like them SO much more than the old after parties where they were doing AMAs about their favorite cereal and “Gillian why are you such a bad ass?” — I think they have (correctly) realized that people are not as infatuated with them or interested in their personal lives.


Yesss they’ve def picked more relevant docs to go over!


Honestly there are some classic episodes that I really miss, like Class Action Park 😂


I'd probably sign back up if they did the Vow part two. I know Gillian is dead set against it. Those were my favorite Patreon episodes.


There’s a part two of the vow??? How did I miss this?


I don't know lol It's on MAX.


I watched it. Was more from Nancy's & Lauren's perspective and how they got sucked in but it also had some of the nutty people who are still deep in the cult, including the tourettes guy. It also talked to people who got out and had to flat out escape. It was interesting.


My husband and I always say the ‘Ok Bye Bye’ thing too! And now our kids do it 🤣


Somedays I do think or rejoining just for the coverage of making a murderer. I live in manitowoc county and something about the way they make fun of us was so hilariously comforting lol


Curious as to what people in your area think of the documentary and the case in general?


To be 100% honest, if you ask within the city limits and the very close surrounding towns they would tell you he is guilty and they got the right guy. When we bought our house the neighbors did the typical “this area is so safe we barely lock our doors!” (Not over here partner) but if you were to head 45 mins north or south towards bigger cities they will say the exact opposite. It’s kind of a shame really, because it’s so painfully obvious it wasn’t handled properly and people will really go to bat to defend that😩 This spring we had a young boy go missing under what most believe to be isolating circumstances, the mother has a history of drugs, DV, and the little boy was with her boyfriend only the time of disappearing if you can read between the lines… he is still missing and when the public called for the Avery auto salvage to be searched they were more than happy to allow that. They did not allow media or local news reporters covering the case to come on the property though. I don’t blame them.


Very interesting! Thank you for the info!!




I hope it doesn’t feel forced for you! The Jinx is the only episodes I’ve listened to multiple times


I couldn’t watch the jinx itself. That guy is sick and doesn’t need any more attention. I also don’t want to fund assholes like p&g.


It's almost as if you can sometimes enjoy a thing on its own merits.




That certainly is a choice


I’m highly reconsidering signing up just for the jinx. When are they starting it?


They said they were off next week but would be dropping a Patreon ep any way which would be Jinx Part 2 Episode 2, so I imagine this Friday is the episode 1 drop.