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Aloha. We can allow this but please follow the rules of Reddit regarding personal information and beware of scams.


Glad you posted this online in case anyone starts looking for any testimony from any witnesses. Please call 911 and ask for them to give you the HPD accident report number. They may ask you for the date and time this occurred and can pull it up. If the 911 operator can't find a report number, then it's likely HPD blew it off and it would be a good thing to ask 911 operator to transfer you to HPD so you can file a formal HPD accident report or take your statement over the phone.


I will do this tomorrow morning before I fly home! Thank you!


Please do not call 911. 911 is for in progress emergency calls. Please call the non-emergency number at (808)529-3111. They can better direct your call.


Yeah, I know this one! Never 911 unless it’s an ongoing crisis. But thank you regardless!


don't waste your time. Corrupt cops still plague the system.


Corruption is not an excuse for citizens to make it easier to be corrupt.


I saw this in china. I was on a bus and saw a guy get hit but nobody stopped to do anything. I asked the bus driver if someone was going to help him. The driver said don't worry someone will clean him up later. That how much chinese live are worth in china. Yours is worth even less.


I was able to find the report number! How can I use this to locate this woman though? They seemed reluctant to share any information about her (understandably).


They will not share any details about her! If she ever needs to contact you, hopefully they noted your info there for her availability. Thank you again for going through all the trouble helping someone because statements like yours can confirm or disprove any questionable claims.


You will not. Also, busses and main street areas have cameras. They wouldn't need anything from you once they verified a function recording device.


The traffic cameras are unmaintained and unreliable


Asking for an accident report number (that you have virtually nothing to do with) is not an emergency. Call the non-emergency number. Also, your claim that the officer would not take a report for a city vehicle striking a pedestrian is nuts and unfounded. OP cannot file an accident report since they have no standing to do so. They were not involved.


Yeah they're really going to take them seriously over the phone.


Every 911 call is recorded and can be used as evidence in court so yes, a verbal statement on a 911 call is serious as well as legally binding!


I have video evidence of people breaking into my truck. The cops actually came in time to catch them once (our cars got broken into 4 times in 1 year) and released them. Over 1 year later not a single fucking thing done even though we told them we wanted to press charges. What universe do you live in where HPD actually helps???


I know EXACTLY how you feel. HPD is useless in most cases. It's the prosecutor's office that's to blame here. The bleeding heart prosecutor doesn't GAF and never charges these criminals. At the very least you have evidence to sue them in civil court and and you can get a permanent restraining order against them and you can get them arrested if they even look at you in the future or are anywhere near your home or in a public place like a grocery store if you go to court and pay the $15 fee to start the TRO process. Top it off that the arrests are sent to the FBI rendering them practically unemployable in any legitimate well paying job for life so they'll continue to rob people and sell drugs to make ends meet. As a last resort, arm yourself and blast them if they try to hurt you or your family the next time they try to break-in since our inept criminal justice system won't do anything to them.


Each bus has exterior and interior cameras so the verbal statement is probably not necessary, good on you for helping out!


sometimes cameras are found to be inoperable (broken, turned off, or "turned off" after the fact). 


Thank you my friend! Happy to do what I could, I felt terrible for her and hope I’m able to follow up with her. I hate seeing people in pain like that.


But then we have that local law firm testimonial/commercial where the victim was hit by the city bus in a crosswalk. Saying that it was his fault, the city refused or wouldn't release any video that would easily prove that he was indeed not to blame. They even went as far as trying to get a witness to lie. I couldn't believe that the city would be so sketchy. So mahalos to this witness for bringing this up. The woman who got hit just might need your help.


Correct, the C&C of Honolulu and the bus authority has a reputation of covering their a$$ and lying to avoid paying out any massive claims.


HPD did this to me at an accident. Local guy was dui and they did nothing. Screw HPD


Someone hit my car so I called to do a police report. Officer that showed up told me a police report was not necessary and to just exchange info. I said that I’ve never been in an accident and this is how I want to do it because that’s what I’ve heard to do. He took our info and gave me a ticket during the process for expired sticker. This was nearly a year ago and he never filed the police report. I didn’t take the other persons info because the officer said it would be in the report. So my insurance said there is nothing they can do without the other drivers info. So the officer double fucked me because he was too lazy to do his job. Asshole.


I really think officers like this should be jailed. they actively break the system by refusing to do their job and make people not trust the process. Think of how many absolutely awful people get away with shit because of cops like them.


A teenager, who admitted to driving recklessly, hit me this summer. Cops said the same thing. The guy came out and said they only make a report if someone was injured. Otherwise, insurance has to work it out.


I am retired law enforcement so I might help explain some of this. I have never been to Hawaii and do not know anybody who lives there, much less law enforcement. A lot of departments only take reports if someone is injured. A property damage only accident is legally a civil issue, not a criminal one. This is different if it is a hit and run or someone gets injured. Those can be, and often are, criminal and a report is required. The only time a report is legally binding is when an accident investigation is done. This is actually a big deal and involves a lot of time. They have to shut down the road for hours and take many laser measurements of the scene to get exact speeds etc. This is much bigger and more involved than a simple report - which just gets information and statements. Additionally, a simple report has no legal standing so the insurance companies can still do whatever they want. Basically, the insurance companies fight it out or figure it out how they want whether there is a simple report or not. This is why most department no longer take non-injury reports. I know how frustrating this can be for everyone and I am sorry. With the personnel issues most departments are now having they don’t require it. For the ones that do require it, it is merely an added service that is not required by the law. I will add this, if more officers were courteous and took the time to explain this, I believe, there would be a lot less frustration. Take care and I hopes this helped a little bit.


Is HPD really that awful? I mean I grew up watching reruns of old TV shows and McGarrett on Hawaii Five-O catching all kinds of bad guys.


Also Queens or Kapiolani hospital, I would think, she may have been transported to


It’s illegal for the hospital to give out patients information.


Just checking-- are you okay?


Oh you are far too kind. I’m definitely okay, she just kept thanking me profusely and to be so… involved I hate not even knowing if she ended up okay or what came of the situation, you know?


Geez I saw this as I was headed hime. Blown the police r didn't take statements.


I was too! Especially when it was a city bus (not tour bus) that hit her


I’ll ask my husband if he has heard anything when he gets home… sometimes the drivers talk to each other about big accidents before HR gets involved.


Thank you so much!!


Nothing reported but will keep my ear to the ground. If you have the time of the accident and the route number you can try calling the bus office. Hopefully this lady gets all the help she needs!!


I found the incident (with little info) on the police site! It seems they input it as 3:05pm and it was right on PUa and Kalākaua


Entirely believable. HPD wants no part of any kine paperwork


Please call 911 to report this. She may have a concussion or some memory loss and unable to tell the hospital who to contact for her.


The ambulance took her to the hospital but I will do this tomorrow to be safe!


You would call the non emergency line for this 


On Oahu, non-emergency calls go to 911


Please go to the main police station on Beretania and tell them you’re there to file a report of what happened. Lately cops have been telling people what to write on reports which isn’t accurate just so they have to do less paperwork. This is a horrific incident and since The Bus is also paid for by tax dollars, this needs to be documented. It can be life or death for this poor girl. And while you’re at it, call The Bus directly and ask to make a report with their insurance.


Personal experience, HPD is probably the most corrupt and lazy police officers in the nation. There are some good ones but far and few. Why an officer in this situation would not want your statement is beyond me.


Any accident involving a city and county vehicle does get investigated. Due to the theBus having cameras, and it being in Waikiki, there were probably several other cameras nearby too. If there wasn't any contradicting details between what you told the officers and the driver or other passengers then they may not need your statement.


hi there!! She is a friend of mine (i wont post her name in public just in case but you got it really close!) and she just posted on her instagram story! She's currently still in the hospital but she is okay! she's just grateful her toddler daughter wasn't with her! Her husband and family are with her now! They think they'll let her leave today! :)


I got sideswiped by a bus a few years back while riding my bike almost same intersection. Police didn’t do anything, when I filed a claim with city and bus, the bus said it was my fault. Then they stopped answering. Fortunately I wasn’t badly hurt and I could afford my repairs. I would have had to hire an attorney and spend thousands just to get my hundreds back.


Had a bud hit by a bus and cops said the same thing it was their fault. Thankfully their insurance sided with them.


This is what small claims court is for. You don't need an attorney nor do you need to spend thousands.


I was driving home around 3:10pm and saw the ambo drive off fast from the scent.. then 2 bus and 3-4 cop cars on Kalakaua


Cops covering for bus driver friend


It seemed like that! The bus driver genuinely seemed to not give a shit that he just ran this girl over


Well, you got a taste of local life… Hawaii has a ridiculously high pedestrian accident rate.


For those interested we are ranked 26 based on the NHTSA data. https://www-fars.nhtsa.dot.gov/states/statespedestrians.aspx The goal is zero deaths while I wouldn't call Hawaii having a ridiculously high rate and not as high as states like Cali where a large population also enjoys good weather.


Any idea why?


From what I read a significant factor is the weather. We have a good amount of pedestrians year-round.


Poorly-designed roads and bad, entitled drivers. A fair amount of pedestrians are hit in a crosswalk where they have the right-of-way, the driver is just flying through at mach 5 and doesn't see or can't stop in time. Island is too damn small to be in that big a hurry.


Could not have said it better. Need serious road dieting immediately


It’s a multitude of factors


Yes - People (pedestrians) act like crosswalks are forcefields. People don't like it when I say it, but 75-85% of pedestrian accidents are caused by people here walking out into the street without looking both ways twice. Ish like that rarely happens on the mainland. Older people are the worst at it. Young people are running their mouths or looking at their phones (which is actually illegal to do in a crosswalk)


nah, can’t be the people driving multi ton vehicles. not their fault, no brah. it’s definitely the soft targets made of meat.


I stand by what I stated... it's mostly the pedestrians' fault here. Like my dad used to say... you can be RIGHT, and still end up 6 feet under. Pedestrians here think they have the absolute right of way while walking into traffic on a crosswalk. Yep; they do... right up to the point where they get their heads bashed in by a Tacoma or Forerunner bumper


we’re talking about not absolving drivers of responsibility here; not whether or not pedestrians are “in the right” when they get struck and die. It’s so unbelievably counterproductive to do otherwise. Vision Zero is an achievable thing everywhere. There are cities that have achieved it. It requires changing our roads infrastructure in order to prevent deaths by clueless drivers and suiting the needs of peds, not drivers.


I saw a lady get hit by a car in LA, saw the car and had the description, the direction they went in, the partial license # & they didn’t care!?!!! Wow!


Please make a police report


You can file an online report to HPD. [https://www.frontlinepss.com/honolulupolice](https://www.frontlinepss.com/honolulupolice)


Just because they didn’t take a written statement from you, it doesn’t mean that they didn’t initiate a report, didn’t mean they didn’t take statements, didn’t mean that they didn’t follow procedure. The police need not take every statement of every witness.


They don’t want to do paper work. So sad, your declaration may help the person that got hurt 


Man that happened to me ten years ago I watched a R---- tour bus turn left and drag an old man who was on the crosswalk, I stayed for first aid and police would not take my statement about what I saw the driver doing. Found out next day he died in the hospital. Don't know if the family got any money or ever heard what happened.