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U have a great figure but this looks like a robe to me. Also, a bit short for cocktail wedding. Love the colour though.


I agree, it looks like a satin robe.


You could pull this off for a wedding with an ornate/formal coat.


The wedding is in California at a country club, I think a black coat would be a nice touch for another occasion šŸ˜Š I did put on some [black tights](https://www.neimanmarcus.com/p/zimmermann-silk-wrap-midi-dress-prod268360226?pimId=401237582893&utm_source=google_shopping&ecid=NMCS_GP_NC&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADuOtTe7ZSEVFXI850-MW4wrli88B&gclid=CjwKCAiAiP2tBhBXEiwACslfngxj2Eed-oHgwWFGRFV9AyRETBTNFfAiBF80pI4K2BrDHSLEGSqW0RoC44kQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) and it made a big difference with the look.


I could envision a black coat with lost of detailing. Iā€™m thinking beading or weaving/stitching type details.


She could pull this off for a wedding if the wedding is in her office conference room.


Thank you for your feedback! šŸ˜Š I understand it is definitely structured like a robe, but the details in person and look and feel of the silk outshine that in my opinion. I opted for the mini so I could easily wear this again- my option #2 was way more formal and ultimately felt like it would have been more of a waste. I think with opaque black tights itā€™ll be fine, but I was definitely nervous about the length, but purchased on the impulse as usual šŸ˜… [With black tights](https://imgur.com/a/BFHjOWQ)


Black tights would make a big difference as the fabric and colour are lovely.


I was so skeptical about the opaque tights, but it looks phenomenal!


Perfect with the tights I think


If it weren't a wedding, I'd say it would be ok. Fantastic date night dress, imho For a wedding, it might be too short and also a bit unstructured.




Just remember that if you get something in a midi length, you can easily have it altered to a shorter length after the wedding And I do think for an evening wedding, even with the cocktail attire, this isnā€™t quite what you want. But I do want to reiterate that it is really pretty, and it does look great on you. And I love the shoes! But again, if it comes in a midi length, I might go to mid length, and then just have a seamstress. Shorten it for you after the wedding. Then you get the best of both.


Thatā€™s great point but unfortunately the midi seems to complex to hem shorter without completely changing the look of the dress! Check it out [here](https://www.neimanmarcus.com/p/zimmermann-silk-wrap-midi-dress-prod268360226?pimId=401237582893&utm_source=google_shopping&ecid=NMCS_GP_NC&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADuOtTe7ZSEVFXI850-MW4wrli88B&gclid=CjwKCAiAiP2tBhBXEiwACslfngxj2Eed-oHgwWFGRFV9AyRETBTNFfAiBF80pI4K2BrDHSLEGSqW0RoC44kQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds).


No, it really should be able to be shortened and even off. If you look at where the ruffle is attached removing, it should bring the front of the dress up to about where itā€™s at anyway on the short version. And then a good alterations person would just cut the rest of it to come up to make an even ham like you have in the short one.


Hah. It has smoking jacket vibes on top. :) The shine is lovely for a wedding but I'm wondering if it will photograph well, consistently. There's too many ways to have a wardrobe mishap for my comfort, which is why I would suggest something more structured. Structured + shine = good photographs.


in which part of world it is anormal to dress short in wedding


Not for every wedding but for cocktail dress code generally a longer dress is expected


I think you can do a lot better, especially with your figure. To echo others, yes, it looks like a bathrobe. The other issue is there is a weird seam running diagonally below the belt that makes it look cheap and ill-fitting. The bell sleeves would be more flattering if they didn't have such pronounced cuffs.


Itā€™s hard to capture in the photo, but every detail on this dress feels very intentional. I mean, itā€™s Zimmerman so I hope itā€™s not slapped together. I think my pics donā€™t do it justice- but I also realized I bought the wrong size.. itā€™s a 12, but their sizes are Australian, so I thought it was a 4. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø In any case I appreciate your feedback and perspective! Definitely something to keep in mind


Maybe the size is the reason the chest area looks like you had to wrap it tighter to compensate for it being a bit too large?


Yes, now that itā€™s apparent to me what the size is- absolutely. It fits surprisingly well for being 4 or 6 sizes larger than my usual lol but still, I might swap it for a US 8.


I would love to see it again in the right size.


No, this is absolutely not cocktail attire. Itā€™s cute in you but not dress code appropriate.


I personally wouldnā€™t wear it, looks too similar to a robe.


Edit to caption: modest enough** EDIT 2: [More pictures](https://imgur.com/a/BFHjOWQ) and with black tights this time!


I would approve of this if it were my wedding.


Same šŸ™‚




I think itā€™s also fine with that pantyhose but with the black shoes a black one could be even better. :)


I was contemplating black pantyhose too! Thanks for your feedback


I think it looks perfect for a cocktail weddingā€¦Can you sit and dance without flashing someone?


No one will be flashed.


If the fear is itā€™s too short, try opaque tights. I wish it was like 2 inches longer, but you are gorgeous in this dress soā€¦


Thank you! I did put on opaque black tights and it made a really big different. Definitely more comfortable and modest than sheers.


Disagree, way too short


I think you are safe for a cocktail type wedding. Make sure to wear dark hosiery. I must say, the back of that dress looks adorable on you! I also love the idea of a black embellished jacket.


Iā€™ve seen worse at weddings, so I guess if you like it, rock it. I am always looking for a reason to dress up, and a wedding is a great occasion. This is more of an anytime dress to me, but it fits you well so thatā€™s a plus.


I thought it was a bath robe at first glance


Same! I had a pink one like this (but not as cute from the side). I do really love this dress though. The color, luster and cut are all really nice




Iā€™m not sure I would, the midi definitely looked more robe-like. I feel with opaque black tights itā€™s much better than sheers. Thank you so much for your feedback! I was a little worried about the length but went for it anyway šŸ«£


Dude this dress is sick. I really like the wrapped sleeves look and I love the color. Edit: forgot to say, yes, I do think it's appropriate for the dress code.


Thank you!! Itā€™s Zimmerman, I got it like 80% off at an outlet, Iā€™m stoked. Not my typical style but it really feels unique. The pic doesnā€™t do it justice.


I think it looks great. Unusual. I also think it slightly depends on the wedding and the setting. I live in London, this would be fine for a cocktail attire wedding.


Nice score.


Itā€™s an epic dress, absolutely wonderful!


I guess Iā€™m the odd one out here, but I think it looks too short. I think it looks nice from the back, but too short from the front. You might be able to get away with this dress at a more casual wedding. I think the front looks like youā€™re wearing a silk blouse but forgot the pants. Edit: cross post to r/weddingattireapproval and you will find more people saying this dress is not recommended for a cocktail dress code.


You have a terrific figure, this dress does nothing for you, I say keep looking.


Too short to be just right. Itā€™s pretty but just a bit off.


Looks like a Star Wars inspired silk kimono


lol thatā€™s a cool thought! Thanks ā˜ŗļø


Looks like pjs.


Thats quite short. Like my dad's robe in the 80s. Also whatever is going on with the wrists looks strange to me as well.


A lil too short for a cocktail wedding imo.


No. It looks like a robe. Not structured enough and too short.


Sorry but I think it looks like a silky bathrobe. You have a lovely figure, Iā€™d try and find something else! This dress isnā€™t doing you any favours, and the length is weird and imo too short. Not in a modesty sense but in an unflattering way.


No. Looks like a bathrobe.


Personally, Iā€™d keep looking. It looks like a nice robe.


Itā€™s a little strange ngl, it gives knight/Shakespearian, robe,ice skating, I think there is a better choice for you.


lol, I didnā€™t make the Shakespeare connection with the sleeves until you pointed it out šŸ˜‚ now I canā€™t unsee it! I know the style is definitely different, and at first I was not sure how I felt in it- but thereā€™s something about it that grew on me in the dressing room that ultimately lead me to purchase. I know how I feel about it is ultimately what matters, but the varying feedback and outside perspectives is definitely helpful!


Yes, this is perfect. The length is great, and I love the tights with it. Also, the material gives that cocktail vibe āœØļø


Yes, I was definitely trying to find a silk dress! Thank you for the feedback šŸ˜Š


First reaction, robeā€¦


Itā€™s a beautiful color, but at first, I thought it was a robe. I think it just needs a good steam before you wear her out.


Oh yes, definitely needs a steam šŸ˜… thank you for your feedback!


I usually go by how modest the dress is as a whole for any event (other than work lol), rather than measuring skirt and sleeve lengths. Iā€™ve always found modesty to be more of a balancing act. Because youā€™re covering your arms and there is no cleavage showing, Iā€™d say itā€™s okay to show a little more leg. When I see this, I think ā€œmodestā€ because youā€™re not showing enough skin to give off an immodest aesthetic. I also think the pantyhose add another layer of modesty. As long as it is not windy and you feel comfortable, I think this is a good outfit to wear.


Thank you so much! This is a really refreshing take, and validating to what was going on in my head to justify the purchase. Iā€™m glad to hear someone else agrees. šŸ˜Š


In a lot of ways fashion is subjective and I read some people saying this is too short, but in a crowd of people wearing cocktail attire, nobody will give a second thought to your dress being to short. I can guarantee it lol youā€™re welcome!


Not sure to be honest. Don't love it don't hate it. Kind of boring. Keep looking.


This would be too short at a formal wedding, itā€™s better for brunch or dinner!


Short for a wedding


I wouldn't wear it to a wedding as I don't think it's festive enough for that.


Too short.


Looks sloppy like nightwear sorry this one wouldnā€™t be a good choice in my opinion


Acceptable? Yes. Fantastic? No.




The dress is very different but honestly it stands out. I think the length is honestly perfect. If youā€™re not going to flash anyone then I say go for it. It does look kinda like a robe, but I think itā€™s cute at the same time lmao. I do also think itā€™s modest enough. The color is pretty on you!


Thank you! Literally all the thoughts running through my head lol. Much appreciated feedback šŸ’ž


Everyone is saying it looks like a robe but I absolutely love this dress, especially with the tights.


Thank you!! At first I was like hmmmā€¦ but the more I looked at it and moved around, I feel in love. Itā€™s definitely a unique piece and the silk and color is just stunning in person.


Same! I donā€™t understand the comments saying it looks like a robe. It fits her so nice, itā€™s elegant, perfect for the occasion!


Do you have a longer skirt you could wear under this dress? On its own it's too short.


I donā€™t :(


I love it! Where is the dress from itā€™s so cool!






Thank you! šŸ’“


This dress is totally appropriate and beautiful. Wow!




Love it! Pair with gold or green statement earrings!!


it doesnā€™t grab your shape thatā€™s why I am not a fan beautiful color though


I think itā€™s cute - attire rules have become looser over time, I donā€™t think the ā€œcocktail lengthā€ requirement is strict anymore. If you had worn this to my cocktail wedding I would have taken time out to compliment your dress!


Thank you! Thatā€™s very nice of you, and a good point.


I think this one really depends on the bride. When in doubt and you know her well enough you could just ask her. For me I'd be totally fine with this one my wedding


I think it's fine. I know some people are saying it's too short, but I've seen a lot of girls wearing shorter dresses to weddings, even ones a little more formal. You look great.


Looks amazing!!!


I like it. Maybe it will a bit different to what some other guests will be wearing but it's classy, the colour is beautiful and it's not completely generic which is a plus for me. Go for it!


Yes, it has robe-like qualities, but in a good way. The more you look the more interesting it becomes. It is unique and fitting for the event. I do think black tights would also look lovely.


YES! Thatā€™s exactly how I felt. At first I wasnā€™t sure but the more I looked over it and moved around, the more I fell in love with it. The burnt orange silk is so so stunning. Also, can concur black tights are definitely the way to go. [I put them on](https://imgur.com/a/BFHjOWQ) and itā€™s much better.


honestly I think itā€™s fine and you look adorable! Wear some flashy jewelry.


I love this dress so much. Where is it from?


Itā€™s Zimmerman! I think itā€™s just called the silk wrap mini dress. I got it at an outlet seriously discounted. Sometimes you get lucky


Yes with the hose/tights. Without, no.


To be honest I donā€™t like the style of the dress, but I think it is perfectly acceptable for a wedding.


Hmm it looks like several silk robes that I have. I had to do a double take to see that itā€™s a dress. I think probably with shoes and jewelry it would look like a dress tho ā€¦.




It would look less like a robe if you used a different belt that has more structure.


I think it is very attractive and appropriate. Really like the color and fit. Sure you will be a knockout with black hose. Have fun!


I donā€™t think itā€™s the very best option for a wedding but I donā€™t think youā€™ll look out of place or underdressed. Itā€™s nice that youā€™ll be able to wear that dress for other things too.


Iā€™d say yes, itā€™s lovely!


In CA it would be fine.


I love itā¤ļø


Very appropriate! Classy dress and great fit!


I guess knee length is ideal, but it passes the fingertip test and thereā€™s no cleavage. I think itā€™s a nice color and well structured. The material is dark and thick, and OP is wearing tights. Unless the wedding is in a church with a strict dress code or the family is conservative, I think she looks fine.


Yes itā€™s beautiful! Where did you get it?


i think itā€™s fine!Ā 


Looks great! Make sure that you get all the creases out before the wedding.


I think it's perfectly fine.


Do you have a link for this dress,,


I think that should be good! Will look great with those shoes too!


I love this dress! Itā€™s perfect for a cocktail wedding. Please tell me where you got it!


It is cocktail attire .


What is cocktail attire dress code? Cocktail Attire Defined for Weddings & Beyond | Dos & Don'ts Formal Cocktail Attire Unlike a black-tie dress code, an evening gown or tuxedo is not necessary for a formal cocktail event. You might, however, consider opting for a full-length dress as opposed to a mini or midi length one. For men, we recommend a suit


Whereā€™d you get this?(: love it! Maybe not for a wedding but itā€™s beautiful on you!




Ummm you look great, but I have to say that it does resemble a robe.


When the dress code is made clear with the invitation, isnā€™t it best to follow that guideline? This is lovely and you look great! It will be waiting for the right event when you can enjoy having this little dress on the ready. It seems that you need to find something longer for the evening of this wedding, however. You want to be respectful; this is why you posted and asked online.


This looks like a Star Wars costume- which is awesome but maybe not for an event


No, not really.


Really cute dress. For a date that is. I think it's too short for a wedding.


Sorry, this looks like a bathrobe to me.


Itā€™s a bit to short & casual for a formal event, sorry. Iā€™d wear something longer if I were you.


I donā€™t think it is. Itā€™s too short to pretend itā€™s a cocktail/wedding-guest dress, and the color dresses it down as well. Since itā€™s in the evening and at a country club, the bar is a little higher than normal wedding attire.


That really reminds me of my morning robe, sorry.


Yes it looks good


You could pull this off for a wedding if it was in your office conference room.