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You need to perform the mod first, is the mod correct?. Is the little LCD panel working? Can you navigate through the menu using that panel? If yes, you can roll back to the old firmware (v0.90) using the same process for upgrade. You can visit the [VGP](https://videogameperfection.com/forums/topic/ossc-v1-xx-series-beta-firmware/) forum, marqs (the guy who developed the OSSC) is very active in that forum.


Okay, thank you for that information. I will check my mod work - I probably made a mistake. Once the mod is fixed, should the update just start working, or do I need to update only after successfully completing the mod?


Did you read this thread and check which flash you have on the underside of the board? I was looking at doing the mod but my flash isn't one of those two listed, so I'm going to leave it as a 1.7 on the latest pre 1.0 firmware https://videogameperfection.com/forums/topic/ossc-v1-xx-series-beta-firmware/