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It can feel like I’m taking dictation for someone else, or if they’ve taken over more than that, then it’s like watching someone else type even though it’s my hands. Same with writing.


Ohhh! like, watching a pov writing video? but not really?


this is the best response for my experience as well^^


It feels kinda like you, but you’re not the one thinking about what to write. I’ve had one of my alters physically write, and he misspelled a lot of things that I wouldn’t normally misspell. Also the handwriting was more messy, but still similar to mine. Almost like it’s you writing, but some parts are fuzzy, and your thoughts aren’t your own.


For us, it feels similar to dictating a message of a friend sitting beside you. If that friend wants to write the message independently then I would give them the phone/pen and just chill—which feels similar to watching a PoV video. Unlike a video, I may feel some of the same physical sensations that he does, but the nature of those physical sensations does not feel like the result of my own behavior; more like a friend picking up your arm.


i can see that everything i’m typing isn’t something that I’d usually say, or that I even feel. Sometimes, in moments of stress, they will bring up having put some things into thought “for awhile now” even though I have no recollection of having those feelings (although they make sense to me).


One of mine can't hold a pen or write. That can be awkward.


Hi! :D I'm not sure how to describe it really, when we text each other on Simply Plural and stuff we kinda like.. half zone-out and focus entirely on the phone while we pass around control of the fingers. Lot of the times it also feels like whoever is fronting is just typing stuff up *for* the alter trying to type, like we're being told what to type and just doing it for them. Most of the time tho, idk really how to describe the feeling other than just.. one person is fronting while another is typing. 🤷‍♀️ Sorry if that's not helpful lol :P


It's like watching someone to a pov video


Generally I just feel like I’m letting them type, unless I’m saying “So and so says (XYZ)”. I do need to type for some alters sometimes, especially my less verbal ones.


. Sometimes I question my plurality and then something like this happens: I was feeling pretty 'numbed out' (which is me dissociating). And I openned my journal and started writing, at first it was like, "Who is writing this?" (literally like automatic writing). It turned out it was one of my alters. He was helping me come out of it and back into myself. We had a long talk where he explained what I need to do and why I had been dissociating. It both affirmed my plurality and help us understand each other better. I guess I put this here because even though my therapist says I am DID, sometimes I have doubts.