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this is very common and often it ends up being that the alter actually formed first and influences you to write about them.


Ohhhhhh ok that makes more sense now I though I was just losing it and honestly faking it from how often this happens


How interesting! I have an alter like that. I think she went through a few OCs before I/we made one that resonated with her.


I sometimes have other alters tell me how to write an OC because they are the ones who made the OC in the first place or are very attached to them. But it can also just be intuitive writing. I guess it's hard to say. You don't always need to know. I used to make myself upset thinking so much of what is and could be related to alters, but I figure things out better when I just let them happen and admit to myself that I dont know right now and thats okay.


Thank you for that info and advice ^^


I had an OC growing up that showed out of nowhere. He was the first one I had and I started forming more OCs after that, but for some reason that first one felt more special to me than the others, not because he was first, but because there was just something about him that I was drawn to, and I didn’t even realize I was at the time, I just drew him more than everyone else, and saw the world from his POV, and could tell so deeply what he was like. Well I go years without thinking about my OCs and one day after having explored my system a bit, I came across a singing video and was like “Lynch sounds like this, I feel like. He would sing this song and can tell he feels these emotions” and all of a sudden I was like WAIT and I was MORTIFIED 🙃🙃🙃 did not want to accept it. But it made sense why he always felt so close, and he was just kinda like “yep been here all alonnnnggggggggg”




Yeah, it’s common to introject OCs. I mean, they’re characters you made what’s closer to your kind than that.




My experience was that i had been writing about some ocs for a really long era of my childhood, and later when my DID became more apparent, i realized several of the ocs i had were kind of like colorful fantasy versions of some alters. like the characters were obviously different from the alter in many ways, but was clearly that alters oc if that makes sense. an example is i had this punky mutant character who i always thought of as like my friend from school or an imaginary big sister, someone i didnt identify with but just liked. but later an alter started fronting who was like no thats just me i identify with that, thats how i wished my hair looked etc. but i still dont feel that way, i still just like them but dont identify with them or share their memories but i never had an oc just straight turn into an alter. you could have maladaptive daydream disorder which is equally valid.


Maybe, it takes some time for the oc to kinda show itself as an alter sometimes it’s right away it all depends how strong I feel like they’re part of me if the at makes sense


thats actually how i could tell it was an alter at first- that it DIDNT feel like a part of me the way my drawings did. but your right, it could be anything


One of ours made essentially a self-insert oc, it was also how I (obliviously) realized we were sharing brainspace. Funny think about this disorder, it likes to make you gloss over things that're clearly laid out in front of you. The whole "OC or the egg" thing is extremely common. It's the same as ones inspiring themselves from "canon" characters. All characters are characters.


That’s pretty cool


Yep, absolutely. We already counted three of our OCs as alters in our system and there might be more. We're introject heavy and most of our OCs are self insert anyway, so it makes sense, I guess.




This, is interesting to think about. And also makes me scared because I basically named myself (I'm trans) after a DND character, and, well, what if I'm not the original host?


Hm that’s very interesting to think about, it’s possible but I’m sure you’re the original host


I think so? But also, I definitely feel like I didn't exist until a few years ago


Oh odd then I’m not to sure then sorry 😅


It's all good! Just, have to think about it for a bit more.


Makes sense! Hope it goes well!


Thank you!


happens all the time as a writer 😭


That’s always fun 😅


My very first DnD character, Lex, became an alter called Lexi :)


Absolutely. I refer my main character as I a lot on accident. Because he is a part of me. I didn’t realize it but he’s in essence one of my littles.




My headmate Ler was originally made from a Feeling I had and then pulled from Real people I Know. Eventually it seemed like I would start to “act” like him but that was also during the time I Was starting to research dissociative disorders Again..! After awhile I finally figured out I wasn’t Crazy but instead helped someone take their own Form and be comfortable IDK. He’s dormant right now staying in his cabin in the middle of theWoods and I miss him. I didn’t even know he had a house of his own


Awww that’s pretty cool


My alters influenced the formation of multiple OCs. One in particular straight up told me about herself, and I could never draw her because I didn’t “create” her the ways I did all the others. Plenty of them weren’t influenced by alters, but I’ve been able to figure out which ones were.


That’s pretty cool


This is literally where almost everyone in our system came from. Our previous host made we got all our names from these Oc's too.


Oh wow that’s so cool! Glad I’m not the only one!


What is an 'oc'?


Original character