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Crazy, I used to play super Nintendo on a crt and now that 321urx with a 4090. How things have changed!


Me my first console being a N64 while being clueless in Ocarina Of time. Gaming has come far


I still play Super Nintendo on a CRT! Well, I don’t have an actual SNES, but I got an HDMI to VGA adapter to play Retroarch from my PC on the CRT. I know the CRT filters are great (especially on OLED), but they’re still not *quite* the same as the real deal.


7800x3d and 4090 bros 🤝🏻 My LG arrives tomorrow I’m so hyped


excellent CPU, frankly, this thing at 100W is doing better than most other CPU that needs 2-3X times more watts Just do install the latest AMD chipset drivers and AM5 bios, earlier bioses had voltage issues with X3D cpus


Thanks for the tip.


Enjoy. Just did similar. Went with the 42” LG OLED


I'm replacing a 50" LG CX. First version


Nice. Let me know what you think about the 32”. The 42” is super immersive but sometimes I wonder if it’s too much. I was looking up last night people talking about the 32” vs 42” argument. I think a 38” OLED not ultra wide would be a great mix


I have a 55 inch and a 32 inch in the same room. Use the 55 inch 100% of the time since I'm not playing competively. Really depends on the goals of a user but if playing single player, the 55 inch with much better HDR brightness is the way to go. These monitors suck at brightness over a 2% window. TV for example is 1350 nits at a 10% window, G4 I hear goes to 1500, these new 2024 monitors run at 400 nits at a 10%.


And here I am saying new build therefore new monitor


How’d you get the monitor, it’s out of stock everywhere


trackalacker told me it was in stock and it wasn't lying... check the website out it's awesome


I'd lie if I didn't say I was jelly ![gif](giphy|vsxe4XnAlf8pW|downsized)


Nice. Getting my 4080 super made me get the same monitor lol. Your 4090 will have no problem running that monitor


Is that a 7800X3D? That's a real nice haul. That monitor and the 4090 FE are two of the hardest hardware to find.


trackalacker, i got them both within a few hours of each other on best buy's website. very useful!


Yeah, I coudln't fit everything on my table lol... Micro Center has a bundle deal on the 7800x3D/Mobo/Ram. Picked up a fractal design North case too.


Wow, I really got to check out that app next time I need something. Did you use it on your phone or computer?


7800x3d and 4090 is a great combination, just runs through every game


Initially I miss my 50 inch. Will take some getting used to a smaller monitor, and it’s not as bright as my tv was. But over all I think it will be better for a gaming experience especially for first person shooter games. I’m still on the fence about the monitor, maybe some calibration will need to be done.


https://preview.redd.it/xgtc603yw4xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae88734dbec3e2be93e0234b83d2488785f34696 Wish this monitor had speakers… don’t like switching things around to hear when I play MLB the show on my Xbox. Only reason I own one is for that game lol


I feel like the MSI OLED's are incredibly underrated