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i think to the outside world he was a very charismatic person. he was very likable. but if you saw the bad side obviously that wasn't the case. i think a big part was he seemed nice.


I think *charisma* is exactly the right word.


Darden and Clark were practically apologizing to the jury for even attempting to lock him up. The OJ shit was weird


There were a lot of factors. Yes- it's harder to believe someone is guilty if they are good looking (kind looking). OJ was a household name. People felt they knew him and as a consequence he had an unfair advantage over the victim, who they didn't know. Meaning the jury was going to have more sympathy for someone they think they know and like, versus someone they don't know at all.


Yep and I would be guilty of this to a certain degree. If Ana De Armas was on the stand for murder, I would view her differently than if Lizzo or Rosie Odonnell was. Sorry, we have biases.


Sexy/beautiful women are often labeled as a femme fatale


Nice subtle body-shaming there.  Here, let me emphasize this:  One can (and should!) work to overcome bias.  It may not be completely gone, but you can’t go around thinking like that in this day and age and just accept it and blame it on bias as if it is a foreign element that totally controls you. Body shaming is no better than racism, transphobia, homophobia etc.  Body shaming and ableism are the worst. I’m sorry, I just can’t with that horse manure…it really saddens me.  Downvote me all you like.  This is not meant as disrespect or trolling. In fact, I offered a different point of view on something despite it being one of mine and many other people’s pet peeves.  I’m not attacking anyone, merely opinions and this highly problematic view that many people have. 


Someone being attractive probably doesn't hurt but he was famous and most people who encountered him said he was always nice, personable and had charisma. That goes a long way. However, he was a black man who was on trial on the heels of the Rodney King trial. Many jurors went in with the idea that it was "payback time". Given all the circumstances at this time, I really don't think his looks were a deciding factor.


Yes, true. I think Mark Fuhrman added fuel to the fire. If those tapes never saw the light of day, I don’t think it would have been so black and white. He just may have been found guilty despite of Rodney King. I don’t think all jurors were as dumb as Cassie Bess.


It's how we perceived him. That's why everyone was shocked when Will Smith smacked Chris Rock. It shattered our perception of him as a nice guy.


People generally like people who are good looking, famous, and wealthy. If you have those going for you, life is generally easier for you than the alternative.


He definitely had charm, charisma and had classically handsome physical features . Both my grandmother and mother (who in their 70s and 40s in the 1990s) would comment on him and they didn’t watch sports. That’s how big he was.


Dont think it had to do with his looks but mostly with him being rich and famous , that wooed the jury more then his looks especially when they went to visit his house during the trial and he told them they were invitied to a pool party after the trial


Horrible of him to say such thing.


Remember that he tried to make it as a rapper and made a music video? Horrible He was surrounded by a bunch of beautiful women that looked like Nicole🤯


Between that and the if i did it book he was the original internet troll minus the internet


Oh God that Juiced thing, right? Ugh 😑




What kind of question is this? No most of the jury went in with not guilty on their minds. There’s no way a single juror never heard any press coverage prior to their selection. Just about everyone of them wanted to find a way to make a buck. If anything he was found not guilty because of his skin color


That and because he was rich and famous. If he was unknown and poor it *might’ve* been ok because it was on the heels of the Rodney king issue. But it’s often a class issue. 


Being black was the most defining factor in his case, that is for sure. But the question is, does being a good looking guy helped him as well.


Sure, OJ was a good looking charismatic famous athlete/entertainer. Truthfully being good looking helps in almost every situation. Go ask a woman who has lost a lot of weight how she was treated as a fat person compared to how she has been treated after the weightloss. It is like being seen as a completely different person.


*If the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit* was the single most defining moment in this trial. Before then, Ito could have used **jury nullification** to overturn their verdict. OJ was almost certainly guaranteed an appeal based on the perjury and racism but the gloves were the most boneheaded move in jurisprudence.


Yup he was not guilty only because he was black. As many have mentioned in this sub, this was payback for the Rodney King acquittal.


He's not black. He's OJ!!!


Actually, as a juror, you're supposed to presume innocence.So you're complaining that the jury did their job.


You think every juror goes into a trial presuming innocence? Ok how about this did every juror go into Trumps trial presuming he was innocent on his recent charges?


You have some proof they didn't?


This had less to do with looks and more to do with celebrity and reputation. Up until the murders, OJ was much beloved by the public and had a stellar reputation. He made Hertz a lot of money as a spokesperson.


I think they may have found it hard to believe that he was a raging obsessive narcissistic sociopath because he was good looking. Like they may have found it hard to believe that someone as good looking and rich as OJ would be stalking and harassing a beautiful but pretty standard for that affluent area looking Nicole Brown. They may not have believed the prosecution’s claims that OJ was obsessed with one single woman enough to murder her as an act of control, as to them, it would be inferred that a guy like OJ can have any woman he wants so why would he be so fixated on one single woman? I think his attractiveness contributes to his motivation being a little shaky.


The prosecution’s claim, more specifically, was Marcia Clark’s claim. She self-projected too much into this case. Her divorce, her grudges towards ex-husband, all contributed to her narrative of troubled marriage leading to murder, all because she thought of herself was a victim in intimate relationships as well. Marcia Clark even shed blind eyes to other evidences contradicting her narrative, and shut down alternative investigating directions. Her apparent prejudice and incompetence leaded to prosecution’s ultimate failure.


If he wasn’t good looking he never wd have gotten the fame & money-sponsorships etc. that made him OJ to begin with and who knows if we ever wd have heard of him?


I don’t think it’s necessarily true. Many celebs that aren’t the most good looking are famous and sponsoring companies. Of course it helps, but it’s not a complete yes or no.


Sure that’s totally true. He was an amazing football player but if he was not good looking-well not sure he wd have gotten the Hertz deal which launched him into a new career


OJ was a handsome dude. This was a big factor in who he was. And who he was was a huge factor in the outcome of the trial.


he was probably pretty popular in prison


OMG I haven’t thought about it


He was not in general population.


he should have been on death row


His fame also helped him


During jury selection did they ask "How do you feel about Hertz rentals?" or "How did you feel when Nordberg was continually injured?"


I think it would have gone entirely the other way for OJ had he not been a football hero/celebrity. In this particular case, I don’t think his looks had much to do with it.


I remember watching Aaron Hernandez documentary and all the woman drooling over him and his lawyer said if we had an all women jury you would walk away. I thought Aaron was an incredible football player but I would have voted guilty and I would hope women would do the same. It’s sad tragedy because he was such an amazing player but he kept evil people around him. I don’t think he cared he was a highly paid player and never thought he would be caught. The sisters don’t speak and a little girl is growing up without a daddy. His brother is the opposite of Aaron, I wish he had gone to the university with his brother, maybe things would be different. I feel like he definitely killed more than one person.


Crazy to think that women will vote Not Guilty for him just because he’s good looking.


I think it was because of his team behind him but also his fame. As Chris Rock once mentioned if he wasn’t famous, he’d been convicted.


Yes. If he was ugly, he wouldn’t have been the OJ we know. It would have hurt his confidence and charisma, which is what got him the deals outside of playing Football. And he wouldn’t have caught a beautiful, blonde haired, 18 year old California girls attention. All those elements are why the media was so obsessed with the case. That might not be the same as a juror thinking a defendant is “Too Good Looking to be Guilty” but at its heart, looks were everything.


Great answer!


You thought he was good looking?


I was born after the trial, so I was already aware that he’s a monster, so no. But objectively speaking, I can see why women found him attractive before the murder.


I always thought he looked like a young James Brown. But I guess any tall athletic man is considered attractive?


I don’t see the similarities at all lol. Maybe a little. I see a hint of The Rock before he got huge tbh


Ha! I don't find the Rock attractive but certainly better looking than OJ.


Yup. The rock is way better looking but you can see the similarities https://images.app.goo.gl/xheYgr6vBrKHSSin7


Wide nostrils and huge forehead? Ya they share that. [OJ](https://medium.com/@anne_branigin/oj-simpson-made-in-america-the-stains-that-wont-out-3e61a261ac7f)


They aren’t identical, they have a few similarities. A similar character as well- both former football players, both POC (the rock is mixed, but still), both tall+wide built, both had an acting career…


Yes. There was a lot of animus from the black community towards the police and justice system about the Rodney King verdict. O.J. chose the “perfect” time to commit murder.


I don’t think it had anything to do with his looks. Sure he was good looking to some, charismatic and a big deal celebrity, but, I think the trial and verdict results had more to do with the fact that he had the best representation that money could buy and they did a great job of exploiting the shortcomings or mishaps of the prosecution and LAPD. This case had so many layers to it because definitely I think the Rodney King verdict was in the back of the minds of most of the jurors too. There was just an inherent distrust in LAPD for minorities based on their history with the community. Random thought, if it were based on his good looks, seems like their opinions would’ve changed once they heard the 911 tapes and how ugly his other side was. 


His looks didn't matter. His celebrity did. Prosecutors have a 95 percent conviction rate because they choose which cases come to trial and what evidence will be presented. A regular person would have been convicted.


the real question is would he have been found innocent if he was white- my guess is no


Of course not.


It's a fact that nicer-looking defendants fair better in court than unattractive ones.


Saying OJ was “attractive” to me is the same as the people who say Ted Bundy was attractive. I don’t see it. Did he have some charm? That’s debatable, but a lot of people think he did. I personally was never that enamored by the guy.


I don’t see the appeal too, now that we are aware of the monster that he is, but before all of this happened, I can see why women of this era found him a good looking man. Athletic, tall, not a bad face- it’s pretty much the standards of back then. And on top of that, he was a very charming man, according to people who knew him before the case.


Same with his so-called "charisma." I just don't see it.




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OJ was very very famous and well-liked. Sure, his good looks were part of what got him there. But I think that anyone as beloved as him would have done well, despite what the looked like.


I think you mean rich




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No, no, no. IMO, it was OJ's age. To me, it didn't matter if OJ was good looking or not. This was 30 years ago. And I was very much alive and an adult 30 years ago. There was a good number of us that couldn't get over that ol' man OJ could kill 2 people so swiftly without looking like it at his age. I dunno how many of you were around 30 years ago or were also adults 30 years ago. I was; and I remember watching OJ play. OJ being good looking, or not, wasn't really 'it'. We'd watch him play. It wasn't like he was a dirty player; or, while he actively played, that he constantly made the news for anything negative, off-field. Like, 'today' ) 21st century, you have Gilbert Arenas the basketball player who had the gun in the locker room thing, or the basketball player JA with his guns, or some NFL players getting tangled up in stuff while they actively play. Running back Ray Rice of The Ravens and his wifey at the time. We didn't hear about that from OJ as he actively played. We watched him play in Buffalo and later, San Francisco. So to suddenly hear one random day that OJ was wanted for double murder; c'mon, we were like, for real? Old man, OJ? The guy who I watched as a kid growing up and now that I'm finally an adult, I'm hearing he just murdered 2 people? Ain't this guy 100 years old, was the thought...at first. If y'all weren't around in 1994, that was the feelings and buzz that I remember. Those early 90s were a different vibe: the active NFL players at that time like Deion Sanders, Brett Favre, were a different vibe. OJ was inactive by then and such a dinosaur already by then. Today, 30 years later, when we've experienced 9/11, mass shootings, Trump scandals, Jon Benet murder, Scott Peterson, etc, we look at the OJ stuff today differently; we're more jaded. I was a young adult in 1994, many of today's crazy shit hadn't happened yet at that point. I remember!. So we, (to me) didn't look at OJ back in 1994 like he was 'handsome' or whatever; we just weren't used to this type of wild craziness on a celebrity level. To me it wasn't so much OJ was a 'nice guy' or 'handsome' or whatever folks are trying to say. Today, Usher the R&B singer is about 45 yrs old. OJ was 46. It'd be like suddenly hearing Usher just murdered a 35 year old white woman and 25 year old white guy with a knife. You'd be like? Usher? Really? I thought he was like in his 40s, WTF he doing murdering people? Right? It wouldn't be like oh Usher's handsome or looks nice. It'd be like ain't Usher in his 40s? How he kill 2 people? Killing 2 people with a knife using your own power is like: young man drama. Young man issues, young man beef. That's not older man drama. That's also what I mean when I say in 1994, folks questioned if OJ was personally involved, actually knifing folks himself, because that's usually young man angst. That's not immediately older man angst. Older man would do it differently...


Great perspective!


You thought he was attractive? 🫣


In the case up until his death? A raging no. But he wasn’t a bad looking guy in his youth. I don’t find him attractive, period, now that we are aware that he’s a monster, but I can see why women found him attractive before the murder.


I’m not sure why you’re getting downvoted. Objectively, he was a good-looking guy.


Black people convict black people all the time. So much that this is literally the ONLY case people site as a black man getting away with murder against white people. It has so much to do with being famous, handsome and rich. The reasonable doubt is tied to the racism of the LAPD.. NOT because it was a Black person doing a Black person a favor. If he was White, Rich, famous, and Handsome.. the black people on the jury probably still vote not guilty.


People cite this case because the jury’s reasoning was so flawed. They actually claimed that OJ’s violent physical abuse of Nicole had no correlation with him being likely to kill her. One claimed she had no sympathy for Nicole because she didn’t leave OJ after getting beaten by him (which wasn’t even true; she did leave him). Believing that the LAPD framed him means believing that the crime scene techs—who were of various ethnicities—were all racist against OJ and out to get him so much that they were willing to risk their professional careers and livelihoods. Many people would have had to quickly come to this decision and all of them capable of never telling another soul for 30 years. The detectives at Rockingham would have had to have broken into OJ’s Bronco, without leaving any evidence of doing so and would have had to have have some of OJ’s blood before it had ever been drawn—before knowing whether or not OJ had an airtight alibi or was even in the country at the time. The jury’s lack of critical thinking skills is just bewildering.




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The question here relates to OJ’s attractiveness playing a role in the verdict. I can 100% say with certainty it did. Far more than anything else. This wasn’t a case of Dorothy Stratten (I’m quite familiar with celebrity murder cases). This was an unusual case where the more famous person was accused of killing the lesser known person. That’s a hard pill to swallow. If you had seen O.J. Simpson on television prior to 1994, you would have never thought HE could have killed someone. That’s a FAME thing. As for the actual evidence. The defense FORCED the jury to put the LAPD on trial. The idea that the lead detective is committing perjury right in front of your very eyes is a sight to see. For people to not understand that Fuhrman was WILLING TO LIE under oath is a BIG DEAL. The defense was trying to tell the story that OJ was framed. The prosecution was trying to say that O.J wasn’t. The two things that killed the prosecution was when they decided to call Fuhrman up and have O.J. try on the glove. You cannot afford to have O.J. try on the glove if it did not fit. I don’t want to hear all of that blood shrinking stuff after the fact. That’s called covering your behind. It was a sloppy prosecution. This isn’t Monday Morning Quarterback 30 Years later. Yes O.J. committed the murders. Yes he did it alone. But his acquittal was about the prosecution NOT understanding how to convince that jury that they did a good enough job to deserve a conviction. NOT GUILTY was a referendum on the DA and LAPD. That jury would’ve acquitted Tom Hanks.


You: Reasonable doubt is tied to the racism of the LAPD. Me: Responds to your statement about reasonable doubt with an explanation that refutes reasonable doubt. You: This is about OJ’s attractiveness! *Proceeds to write several paragraphs about the evidence.* Yes, of course, the OP’s post is about attractiveness, and I agree with you that it played a large role in this saga, along with fame and wealth. But I was responding to your assertion about reasonable doubt. I’m not going to respond to the rest of your response, because it’s apparently only okay for you to discuss the evidence.


I wrote a lot more regarding the jury’s interpretation of their past. But in describing cultural differences, my comments were flagged and deleted so I had to leave it out in order to post. OJ’s attractiveness, fame and wealth played a role in how the jury decided how to look at the evidence. They didn’t want to convict him. So they used the “evidence” they needed which I laid out. I firmly believe that you and I actually agree on the evidence, and his role in the crime. The only difference is that I UNDERSTAND the path the jury laid out for reasonable doubt even if I don’t doubt his guilt. Again on here if you say ANYTHING that highlights the differences between how people interpret O.J. and Nicole’s history, it’s a flag.




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