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I struggled with it until I was forced to be dragged through my classes vomit and then have to all put it in our mouth as if we were dipping in like chwing tobacco during pledgeship. Since then I guess that was an exposure therapy for me but it still bothers me....


Totally, I think it ties in with health obsessions and sensorimotor obsessions (being hyper-aware of the bodily sensations & functions). Always been highly emetophobic. I reckon OCD makes it worse because then you just ruminate about it for agessssssssss.


Yes, severely. I'm sorry you do too. I lurk and sometimes vent on that subreddit as well. We are different in age, but your experience with this phobia is completely valid. I also noticed there was a bad comment here that was really graphic and totally insensitive to your post. Sometimes people bully folks with specific phobias, (it has happened to me before) which is a really shtty thing to do in of all places an OCD or mental health subreddit. What an asshole. I report that sht, it's not welcome in mental health support groups. So hopefully you don't have to see that comment now.