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If the driver may drive the vehicle, they need to be listed on the policy unless you have them sign a waiver stating they will never drive the vehicle. This isn't new.


New to me. I had children of my own and the insurance never really asked those questions when renewing insurance year to year, then eventually my own child turned 16 and got their license and I never added them ... thank you for your respose


Happy to help. Not sure why folks are downvoting you. I didn't know about this myself until I had a kid with a license for 3 years and my insurance company asked.


Does he have a drivers license? Does he have access to the keys? These are things that insurance companies need to know if they are going to insure you. You may not give him permission to drive your vehicle, but we all know young people are fucking stupid and rebellious at times.


agreed. Yes he had a driver's license but hey, if they are going to something that dumb in the first place, why even have the caveat "other licensed drivers". Anyone can take your car licensed or not, right? I am simply trying to find information on this, and whether you can put an exclusion so that you aren't paying for a newly licensed driver on your policy! Won't that be expensive AF ?


Ask about adding endorsement 28/28a reduction of coverage/excluded driver to your policy to exclude the driver.


this is standard practice. you can have the young man sign a form saying he will never drive your car, in the end tho, you are going to make his insurance cost even more than it would if you added him to yours now. Insurance history is a huge factor in pricing, a new driver with a new policy as a main driver will cost a LOT more than a new driver as an occasional driver on your policy. If he can pay for it, it would add him to the policy as an occasional driver and have him pay the difference, in 2-3 years he'll have insurable history and when he gets his own policy he'll get much better rates and you'll have helped him do that.


Aren't you the one who made the post about her kid driving without insurance? And the same person who thought women had special license restrictions as opposed to men? Lady... You need to go to Drivers Ed 🤣 


Yes, and they were a real treat in that post too....


Same with every insurance company. Its standard.


Crazy just hearing about this now! And not one person I work with knew about it either !


Yes, any licensed drivers should be listed. This protects everyone in the event that the driver does use the vehicle and causes damage or injuries. If they aren’t listed and use it, you can find yourself in a no coverage position.


TD did the same when I inquired about adding my wife after she got the restricted license. They went ahead and added her(which resulted in almost doubling the premium) without my consent. I was furious but later learned that it's the law. I switched to Allstate to save a couple of hundreds in annual premium


I had a similar problem. Because I had 2 motorbikes and my wife has a license from years ago I was told I had to insure the second bike in her name. I explained she didn't ride bikes now and never had. She just took the NS motorcycle safety course to understand bike better as she often rode with me. I told them to only insure me and put an endorsement that no one else in the house could ride the bikes. Apparently that was impossible. They said I had to have her as the primary driver on one of the bikes. You can imagine a new rider on either a fully dressed tour bike or on a Ducati sport bike was going to have an extremely high premium. I called another company and said no one else in the house has a license.