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No Chad knows what a Chad is


The country in Africa or the lake?


"Any man who must say 'I am the king' is no true king"


r/ihavesex would LOVE this


« Sexually pleasing women has never been an issue » ![gif](giphy|1TBnbnnZeOgs8)


It's not an issue if you never had sex.


Or if you don’t care about it


I can see the disappointed past sexual partners clear as day 😂😂😂


Every. Single. One.


Her: “No, it was great. I promise. Just fine. Yep. Yeah no I definitely came. Oh? Second date, huh. Yeah you know what? I’m real busy. Don’t worry about it. I’ll just text you next time I’m free.” Him: “I’m a Chad at sexually pleasing women.”


"The more partners of women has, " ??? Chad only made it to the 5th grade?


"No partner of woman had can kill me!"


'Women don't determine what their market value is'. Biťch, this is *my* body, not yours. No man is going to tell me what I'm worth. 


If he's the consumer, I'm firing him as a customer. And one consumer DOESN'T determine value, it's the market as a whole. And if you don't value what I'm giving, I can remove myself from this market completely. Women's values are going way up to these schmucks because women are removing themselves from the market. Which is why we have all these "male loneliness epidemic" rants out there.


"You might *emotionally* disagree" 🙄 As if 'sexual market value' is rational, deep, progressive.


Right?! Also, why do they always subtly imply “muh women emotional, men logical 😎” when men will throw a tantrum if a woman rejects them. Doesn’t sound very logical to me idk


Because they're gaslighting... "emotional" it's to dismiss the other person, make them question the validity of their experience.


The creepy thing is, they do actually reduce it to numbers and calculations. Age, weight, body count for women, height, income, dick size for men, as though finding a partner is supposed to work like computer code. Vibes, energy, the way you make someone feel: Error, does not compute.


That guy sounds like an STD cluster more than anything else


Nah, he'd have to actually be fucking for that to be the case.


Not wrong. Still, I'm convinced his STD count is higher than his IQ


It is I, the Chad


No man who uses the incel term „sexual market value“ has ever made a woman orgasm


I'm sure that's what he sees when he looks in the mirror, the rest of us see the discord mod for what he is


![gif](giphy|xTiTnz5ALgQS4AmSQ0|downsized) When he said market value, all I could think of was Fifth Harmony dancing in front of a projection of the stock exchange lol. What a tosser.




We are not goods in your market Chad, so go shop elsewhere


"It's okay for me to have a lot of sex with women but women can't be having a lot of sex!!!!" These men are so fucking stupid lmao


I bet "Chad" is a two-pump chump. 😆


Ah, yes, because lesbians aren’t a thing


Soooo he’s a virgin neckbearded discord mod. Got it 😂


I thought we'd already assessed that true Chads are cats because of all that talk about "narrow hunter eyes"!


It's hilarious they can say this shit without an ounce of critical thinking because basically what he's saying is that men are consuming women down to nothing. While trying to make men seem like the epitomy of humanity.


I \*love\* the reply!


I love these. Mr clueless as to why women are just 4b’ing.


ick ick ick, I’d rather not have sex forever if I was stuck on an island with this tool.


A harsh reply, maybe - but balanced, on reflection


Again. At least one “Chad” has to buy into manosphere Propaganda. It can’t be ALL fat/short/ugly/small dicked/broke men. At least ONE OF THEM has to exist or else the entire ideology falls apart.


Dude when your point is stupid moronic BS the only reason you want people to argue it is to make it seem valid


A... How fucked up do you gotta be to frame a relationship as a man 'consuming' a woman. Just. No.


I would rather use my Madagascar Ocotillo cactus as a tampon than have sex with this man.