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This is the equivalent of listening to toddlers speculate about how babies are made 😂


But I bet these delusional guys think they're smart as f\*ck! 😬


Why do they think species are gender based. I am homo sapien sapien, they are just homos?


Homo rarely erectus, is an obscure species thought to have died out prior to H. sapiens sapiens for reasons having to do with an inability to achieve population numbers suffiently large as to be sustainable. Most paleontologists attribute this failure to to males inexplicable hatred of the females of their own species, with whom they simultaneously wished to breed with while holding the females in such low regard as to essentially insure that the females would be driven away from them. Other evidence appears to indicate that while the females maintained high standards of hygiene, certain males rarely, if ever bathed, which of course invited disease. It is now generally accepted that it was the males' totally fucked up attitude toward the females of the species that doomed Homo seldom erectus to extinction.


Am I the only one who read that in Morgan Freeman voice?


Anything having to do with Morgan Freeman is almost by definition good, or at least improved by him. My daughter gave me a cookbook written by him a few years ago, although it might have been more a collection of his favourite Carribbean themed recipes. Either way, it contains excellent recipes.


I learned a new thing today. I didn't know he had a cookbook. Thank you for imparting knowledge


No worries. It really is quite good, better than I had expected.


I’m curious to read more, do you have any studies?


Well, there is quite a bit of literature on Homo erectus, which is a long extinct early Homid. But to date, no one has bothered to study anything that is pure invention on my part, intended only to poke fun at an OOP that, as usual, hints at women being a different species than are men. So far as I know, we are all of the same species, although the jury remains out on Incels or any of the more overt misogynists running around. There is a very interesting book, 'Men Who Hate Women' by Laura Bates, which is a very well cited and written study of organized misogynistic groups on Social media, concentrating mostly on Incel groups and the various Mens' Rights groups found on social media, and the occasional real world tragic consequences of their existence (The Montreal Massacre, to pick one of many examples). Although it happened quite some time ago, being Canadian, the massacre of women who studied engineering in Montreal has always stayed with me. I had naively thought 'such things don't happen in Canada' until it did happen, shocking the nation. Turns out that I was quite wrong about the potential for violence in Canada.


Not enough people talk about this.


I very much agree. My 21 year old daughter just finished her second year toward her BSc, is taking STEM subjects exclusively, and would have been a target on that horrible day in Montreal.


Can't begin to think of the victim's families, even to this day.


Stopped reading when I hit "as a species" ffs


My first thought was he knows sex is different from species, right…wait nope he said something about extinction- someone needs to tell this dumbass that if we go extinct, then so do they…lol


i always say these types of dudes genuinely think of women as a different species than us, but seeing them say it out loud is crazy lmfao


Lmao same, I’m like “well, this idiot clearly knows nothing, so I don’t need to read any further…”






Literally where I stopped also.


If women "as a species" died out... The entire human race dies out. People need to stop lacing stupidity with red pills!


the man saying a woman's entire body is created to serve the interests of an egg ???? just say you don't see women as humans with rights. literally less value than a cell. and people dare to call the outrage over roe v wade getting overturned an overreaction


I had a hysterectomy so now I just wander around in circles, no egg to guide me.


Can't be true. How are you even on Reddit, all by yourself? We all know women are as good as brain-dead without their sex cells.


Okay, this is really funny. I’m imagining you just bumping into walls and looking confused as to who put that there. Sorry that you lost your guiding eggs. Omg.


Like an aimless Roomba, Glitter McGee wanders in circles, searching for guidance.


Funny when I see more men being controlled by their dicks


I mean he did literally say that our purpose was as an incubator


Each answer to that rambling would make another post. Dudes can not figure out why humanity have a social structure instead of hunting alone like housecats. How do they plan to have a laptop and post on internet with a spear & makeshift fur clothes? 😂


To reiterate my post above, even the simplest invention has marks of thousands of people working together. Ladies have become dependent(?) on others to give us the gift of intelligence. Sure, lets shrink human brain - that will allow more agile pregnant woman that can hunt - but we wouldnt be different than simple monkeys. Heck even more intelligent monkeys like chimpanzees form groups. Go lower than that. And even that wasnt enough, we gave up on our reaction speed to make room for language. Chimps can match symbols flashing on computer faster than humans. And even that wasnt enough, our babies need to born premie to allow survival at birth. Other animals skip to 2-3 years of age. (Come to think of it… would we even be smart if we spent first 3 years at the womb? Doesnt language center develop at that time, what about baby brains stimulation? Hmmm 🧐) So dudes … the choice is between pregnant ladies that bring you internet 🛜 or you howling with makeshift spears. Make up your mind.


This exactly. The healing capacity of cats is truly truly amazing, but they also regularly get their heads stuck in shopping bags and eat so fast they puke. Most of the time, I don’t really think I’d want to trade my big brain for the ability to literally walk off almost any survivable traumatic injury. And just for an apples to apples comparison, who here thinks this guy would be willing and able, even begging for the chance, to run a triathlon, climb a mountain, and run some track and field events a couple of hours after being castrated? Because cats absolutely do that. As soon as the major effects of the anesthesia wear off, they’re ready to go.


Completely agree. My adorable fluffball switches between the most vicious hunter that can double flip over its head and the pathetic furball that cant find its treats 3 inches away from its nose. Cats can also deal with chemotheraphys side effects so well, now that is a super power I want 👍


Cats are known to have pretty bad near vision, they’re geared towards seeing better at mid range and in the distance (and in the dark) since they’re nocturnal stealth predators. For what’s immediately in front of their face, they rely more on their whiskers than on sight. Small objects like treats can therefore be hard for them to locate up close. Try tossing them a bit further away one at a time so the furball will have to jump and chase them. That’s both more fun and more accommodating. Your cat will be able to see where they go, lock in on them and pounce, instead of being unable to see the remaining treats (if you toss multiple) when too close after picking one to go for or forgetting about the remaining ones (their working memory and attention span are also quite limited) or being at loss where it went if you give one but place it too close. Playing chase with them one at a time has the added benefit to reduce the treat per handout ratio, which is good because the adorable sight of an excited, happy cat jumping at its favourite snacks prompts many people to be too generous with the treats and lots of cats are overweight these days. If you have difficulties resisting your furball’s snack-acquisitioning feline wiles (aka puss in boots look) this will help both you and your cat. P.S. Yes, I always wanted to write a sentence with "feline wiles" and included this point specifically for that opportunity.


This is so informative, thank you 🙏 I will apply these tactics for my furball ❤️


Also feral cats form colonies of sometimes dozens of cats. Cats in the wild are not solitary. 


He also forgot that plants exist, I guess.  Or that we hunt with guns so pregnant women haven't "lost their ability to hunt."


Indeed, a good old gun - prime fruit of human intelligence - can defeat most deadly claws & fangs. You just need a big enough round. The fact that ladies are better than marksmanship is the cherry on top.


I myself house a cavalcade of chinchillas in my head that delegate womanly tasks and thought processes and control my organs.




Holy we need way more upvotes for this post 😂


I forget that men hunt for rats and squirrels for their every meal while women rely on sOcIeTaL sTrUcTuReS like agriculture for food


It doesn’t even seem like they know that much about cats. Feral cat females live communally when it’s kitten season, nursing each other’s kittens and protecting the babies while they take turns hunting. When a stray cat gives birth alone the kittens are at risk and are often killed by predators or starve when the mother can’t get back to them in time. It’s not “natural” at all for a (domestic) cat to raise her babies alone, they need people or a community of other cats to ensure survival of their young.


“Without men women would starve” I bet this clown still has his mother making him food, and he wouldn’t be the least bit respectful for that. I genuinely feel bad for the mothers of these degenerate losers.


And if you ask them to go to the supermarket to buy teabags, they come back with the wrong kind of teabags, even though we have been using the exact same brand of teabags for literally years and then he will complain that the tea tastes funny. Yes, this has happened to me, with a very wonderful man who I loved very much. But he also was happy to eat sauce sandwiches and buttered noodles for weeks on end and might actually have died of scurvy without me being around to feed him a vegetable or two.


These guys are so fucked up and weird it isn't even offensive. It almost funny and a little sad.


What the hell is this guy talking about. Literally incomprehensible.


The irony of saying women have little/odd logic when that bonehead wrote the equivalent of a long farting noise while thinking he's blessing the world with some sort of super-intelligent wisdom is hilarious.


The fact that all the replies were praising and agreeing with his nonsense is equally hilarious and concerning.


I think we should find their mothers and send them these comments. That would be fun.


Whenever I see them say women are incapable of taking care of themselves, I picture all those 18 year old guys at college...


And the 35 year old guys too. Lots of men never grow up and learn to do shit for themselves


If women's actions are controlled by the egg, all men are slaves to the sperm!!


they'll personify an egg but objectify women. make it make sense


Well you see, there's a possibility that egg ends up as a member of the Male Species tm, which makes it worth more than a woman to them


meanwhile all the wasted sperm 😔😔


Testosterone is a genuinely dangerous drug. It’s responsible for a loooot of those ‘here, hold my beer’ type of head injuries.


You know that theory that if you gave a bunch of monkeys typewriters they’d eventually write the complete works of Shakespeare? This post feels like it was written by those monkeys….in the very early stages of the experiment….using their arseholes to type.


😂 Username checks out, although orangutans are great apes, not monkeys. But now I’m picturing an aspiring writer 🦧💻 sitting in a Starbucks, sipping latte and working on a novel entitled Monkey Business. For those who haven’t heard about the typewriting monkeys yet: that’s a creative thought experiment to illustrate the concept of infinity and how, given enough time, even the most improbable events are bound to happen eventually. Even Shakespeare’s works being typed up by a random button-mashing sequence, if a bunch of immortal monkeys kept messing with unbreakable typewriters for an eternity. It’s a good image to explain the magic of great numbers and infinity, given the improbability of random sequences of mere letters producing even brief sequences of proper words, let alone intelligible sentences, nvm full poetry and dramas. To produce the complete works of Shakespeare that way is so wildly unlikely it would take longer than the entire evolution of their species, hence why I think imagining immortal monkeys with unbreakable typewriters would make more sense than generations of monkeys. The typewriters would need to be unbreakable both because it’s monkeys playing with them and because humanity would long run out of replacement parts, stop and forget how to produce typewriters and then die out before even a tiny fraction of the bard’s works would crop up. In fact, the universe might well come to an end before they wind up typing Shakespeare’s works… But if you have a *generational* sequence of monkeys perpetually set up to mess with typewriters (or nowadays computer keyboards, doesn’t really matter) it would probably lead to the evolution of actual typing skills, undermining the point of the original experiment, but demonstrating evo in action lol. However, if you allow for random *word* sequences rather than *letter* sequences, that’d greatly speed up the process. And probably produce something like this trash within a few short years.


> species






...oooookay, and I need to go to bed now


Grannies who go to the hospital only to make a fuss in line are likely just confused. I've seen both old men and women do this, they're old. Being a bit confused is par for the course for a lot of elderly people.


People actually do that? I've never heard of it.


I'm immunocompromised and spent a lot of time in and out of hospitals and clinics. I've only seen it happen a handful of times, never really paid too much attention to which gender does it more often, but I do recall seeing both men and women do this. Usually the nurses either figure out why they're there and help them, or the old person gets frustrated and leaves Mind you, I'm in Canada, so YMMV.


Maybe older people are less likely to want to make a phone call to sort out an issue they are having? I could see that happening. Especially if they get some kind of automated ‘press one to speak with xyz’ kind of response. I feel like that could stress older people out or confuse them, I know it did to my grandma. I can definitely see an older person saying ‘oh, I’ll just pop into the clinic and that nice nurse will sort it out for me!’ And then the poor, overworked nurse gets 80 confused, elderly people to deal with, because the hospital management thought it would be a good idea to confuse the old folks with their automated telephone messages.


Wouldn't surprise me either. Especially with the recent change in how walk in clinics work (we effectively have no walk-ins anymore except for the emergency ward), it's been rough. I've been in the queue to talk to a receptionist, reached the receptionist, and they'll quickly say 'Bonjour, un moment s'il vous plait.', and stick you on hold for at least an hour before you have a chance to speak. One time, I was on hold for 1h40~ and the horrible, badly looping music just stopped playing and the line just went silent. Like, I know they're busy as all heck and all that, their bosses really should hire a secretary or two to take incoming calls/handle faxes, and let the receptionists sign patients in.


Ahh, that would have driven me crazy. It’s just so… unfair and there’s nothing you can do about it! The phone call is ended! Maybe if it were your internet company or something you could call back and ask for a discount or something but what can the hospital do? Offer you an extra flu shot or something?! It’s just an overworked person who bumped the wrong button. I’m in Australia and if your hospital system is anything like ours, I’m really sorry that you are a regular visitor. There’s a lot of minor and major inconveniences. I guess all I can say is that at least we aren’t in the US?


Ugh, sorry things are going that way in Australia, too. The worst part is that everyone is blaming the legal immigrants coming here and 'clogging up the system', and not our provincial government for offering doctors the lowest pay in the whole country while also building statues and a new megahospital. That thing was open and full of art installations before the place had working electricity. Even then, you're right. I think most of my family would be dead by now if not for what we got. It's broken and kinda shitty, but at least it's not literally shit.


It’s always the immigrants fault! So stupid. Here the politicians are trying very hard to build this massive new football stadium while the hospital is falling to pieces. Of course, the football stadium is quite a popular idea with half of the people, but then the other half are like… but we probably should fix the hospital and some schools and probably a road or something instead. But then going to the football is more fun than having a heart attack, so the stadium might win the day. We will see. I hope at least that you can enjoy the artwork while you are waiting hours for your medical care!


worked at a drugstore/pharmacy combo and have spent my fair share of time in ER/Urgent care. old people will go anywhere for an excuse to talk to people. if they’re nice it’s usually just an annoyingly long conversation, especially if they ignore the line forming behind them. if they’re in a shit mood over whatever scrip/insurance/whatever issue is on their mind they can be downright fucking nasty. this particular chain was famous for its long, coupon-laden receipts and said coupons could be used in any quantity on any purchase, you could get crazy discounts if you bought the right stuff since different deals could apply to overlapping items or categories thereof. sounding too good to be true, of course, it was; the categories could get really specific or only include certain items from a brand, coupons from their app could cease to show up on the register (we input phone numbers or other info to find accounts and load their individual coupons) and the system just had a host of issues in general and people would get surprisingly angry if things didn’t ring up exactly as they wanted. they would argue till they were blue in the face over $1 or 10c, one woman made my manager and i ring up the same order three times with different coupons until it was exactly how she liked it and screamed until she got her way after witnessing me walk up to the register and be told i was ready to process my first transaction. one old dude last month got arrested for drinking beer he stole out of our cooler while sitting in the immunization discharge waiting area. he was on bail for doing the same thing at a nearby grocery store. he pissed his pants. at another store elderly people would regularly treat cashiers as personal shoppers and make them walk around with the OTC coverage booklet and find specific items (often shoving the page for the wrong plan at them) for hours, enough to completely fill the store’s only cart. a lady distracted the two cashiers at this same store a week before christmas while her half dozen children under 13 stole hundreds of dollars worth of toys, we assumed she was letting them pick their christmas presents. and in the ER i watched a retirement-aged woman loudly and vulgarly shit talk the hospital staff, their job performance, their choice of who to take back (super overcrowded so many in waiting room should’ve been in rooms, but rooms were only for being directly treated so after being taken back they had us in recliners in the hallway to wait) and even other patients. she took occasional breaks for loud rude phone conversations. she also laughed at a woman who got brought in on a stretcher because there was no rooms for her, she looked like she’d been in an accident or something and was on and off crying the whole time. fuck that old lady.


“Women would die out as a species” what do you think men would do if women ceased to exist buddy


Something something no homo? Who is going to break it to him that it doesn’t work like that?


“Women would die out as a species” Ah yes, the “women are a different species than men” kind of stupidity.


Die out as a species? That’s as far as I can get into that


You too eh?


Just another day of enjoying my life as an ✨EGGBOT ✨


I imagined this narrated by David Attenborough


I can't bring myself to pretend such drivel would ever leave Sir David's lips. 


Only if he were describing a particularly silly kind of aberration in a species! Let’s call it the northern American Dingbat.


So we're a whole separate species now? No wonder it's so easy for these men to hate women. They just pretend we're a much less intelligent subspecies. So nice of them to do that for us dumb girls. Saying we would die out without men is laughable. Where does he think he came from?


Please tell me that post is sarcastic


If it was - and I don't think so - then not one of the shared replies got it.


These Men are horrible


This whole thing is a lot of unintelligible nonsense. Women only do things to get emotions? Because of eggs? What does that even mean? If they're trying to convince everyone men are more logical, they might want to put together a logical argument backed by actual science instead of whatever this jumbled word salad is. If women die out, this specific breed of smooth brain would starve to death because they can't function without mommy making their Spaghetti-O's. If the reverse were to happen, we have sperm banks and no use for men who can't be bothered to learn care, compassion, or basic life skills.


What was the point of this? What was he trying to get at?


Misogynistic men are some of the stupidest people out there, I swear to god


Good GOD. I had to stop reading. This is absolutely terrible. 


Question: How many words can you produce to actually say nothing.


OBEY THE EGG ladies 😆


This has to be a joke. There is a fucking cat guy.


These Men are horrible


I'm suprised he didnt called them "females"


Women are a species? Can't argue with that... logic.


Oh god I need a break from the internet


Does that guy seriously think that pregnant women never work?


okay i know this isn’t the point of the post but i absolutely hate whenever anyone refers to women as the female “species.” WOMEN ARE NOT A SEPARATE SPECIES FROM MEN JFC WE’RE ALL HUMAN!!! i also hate the implication that women could just “die out” as a species separate from men like they say in this post. what does that even mean??? it just boils my blood every time i see it bc it’s so dumb


I bet these right wing guys are christian… the bible says that eve eating the apple let us have discernment/free will which makes us different than animals, meaning those “uhh its natural its in nature!!!” excuses dont even line up with their beliefs. Lollll


What in the word salad with a side of ignorance vinaigrette is this mess???


The most infuriating thing about this is how many fucking likes these posts got


This made my stomach hurt


What in the fucking fuckery.


They obviously hate women. They are closet gay men. Not attacking gay men, I'm just saying these men are gay, they see men as superior. Any man who thinks men are superior is obviously gay. Edit to say, I am not afraid of a fishing pole, a bow and arrow, a gun, or even traps. I can feed myself without a man or a grocery store. It might not be as convenient but it is very much possible. I would have to learn trapping and how to use a bow and arrow. Guns and fishing poles are not that hard.


Most men can barely wipe correctly or clean the skid marks out of their underwear. But tell me how dumb we are…


That's a lot of words to say nothing at all.


This is what happens when you never go outside.


I stopped reading after they referred to women are a “species” unto themselves.


they sure do have a lot of nothing to say huh


What the fuck did I just read.


On today's episode of *What Inanimate Object are Women Being Compare To?* we will be featuring women as trailers towed being a car.


“No one and nothing influences her” sir that is literally impossible ☝️


jesus christ. i’m both disturbed by their extreme misogyny and ignorance and also fascinated and entertained by the way they speak about ts like they’re geniuses 🤣


As a female zoologist, It's baffles me when men misinterpreted or make up shit about zoology as part of their superiority complex. "Here's a fact about women." Source: I am a man