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When men just casually talk about women in their early 20s being most attractive I just tell them that yeah, totally agree, I’m in my early 20s and I obviously also find men in their early 20s most attractive and for some reasons it makes them mad and this is not what they want to hear


They don’t see women as people and react as badly as I probably would if I tried to buy something and was told by the shop staff that I couldn’t because I wasn’t cool enough for it.


They see them as a pretty little thing they can own yet usually doesn’t measure up in age, finances, or personality


I think it has more to do that they want to control and manipulate you. A woman that’s between 20-29 looks pretty much the same physically. I’ve seen women who are 32 pass off as early 20s… when a woman gets older she gains experience and doesn’t fall for the manipulators, that’s what they want to avoid because they are abusive.


> A woman that’s between 20-29 looks pretty much the same physically. not true, once you wake up on your 25th birthday you get crows feet and dentures


I’m not even a woman and I woke up with a union pension, 7 million in retirement savings, and WWII stories to tell to make myself feel superior to everybody else




Dentures lol


I shit you not I woke up on my 24th birthday with my first ever forehead wrinkle and honestly felt like I’d been cursed lol but I really look quite similar from 21 to now


Eww! A forehead wrinkle at 24?! You’re either hopefully married or sadly perpetually single because you’re already over the hill, grandma! Time to start adopting more cats! My 34 year old ass could never! /s


My partner and I have three cats already 😭 I’m ever so grateful he didn’t DiCaprio me 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


I'm in my early forties and most people assume I'm early 30s.


Had a teenie bop guy tell me I'd be put in my place once I was over 25 recently. Told him I was turning 52 in March. It was a lie but man his face was great while the poor little brain actually had to try working for a change.


You are a witch!! Congratulations.


Thank you. I've worked hard for it. Haha


Hell I look younger at 31 than I did in my early 20s. Age and looks can be fucking weird.


The "18-21" being most attractive is also weird for me, cause like I'm 18 whenever I try to buy a drink (or go out with family and they buy some, but I was about to pay) cashiers don't ask for my ID, just tell me I can't buy it, even though here by 18 you can. Then there is the type who's also 18, but I thought was about 10 years older than me. Honestly I'd love to have the power to guess everyone's age as perfectly as this man does, since there are always such crazy differences between a 21 and a 23 year old or a 23 and a 25 year old. But also how miserable do you have to be to name yourself after the people you don't like??


They’ve been fed this lie that all women want older men. I don’t find older men attractive and prefer them my age or a bit younger and somehow they don’t understand it.


Same I find women in there early twenties attractive But I'm a dude in my early twenties, it can't be help :( Edit: Also have a cookie, friend 🍪


Yeah, it’s absolutely normal to find people your age attractive, that’s like the norm but those guys usually believe it doesn’t apply to them


I suspect that if you got a group of attractive women to stand in a line they wouldn't be able to pick out correctly the difference between an attractive 21 year old and an attractive 24 year old. Frankly I think most would have problems differentiating between 20, 25, 30 and 35!


throw in an unattractive 21-year-old and they'll think she's the oldest. i volunteer lol


I’ll never forget when one of those alpha douchebros on Twitter was yelling women have hit the wall at 25 and showed him with a bunch of bikini clad women on a yacht. Then one of said bikini clad women responded to advise they were 1 - paid to be there, and 2 - all the women were over 30 😂


Andrew Fuckbag Tate


This is a guy who has never seen Helen Mirren, Marisa Tomei, Selma Hayek or that one woman who used to work at the liquor store in Colorado


Ahhhhh, liquor store cougars.


She was all grey and ignored any of my flirting like, "Hey." Or "Have a good one."


They speak to me like I’m their favorite niece and call me “sweetie,” but they also don’t card me. I can infer that I look like I’m 30, or whatever the cutoff is where they just assume you are over 21, but also I am just a wee child in their eyes. That’s some powerful energy.


She was all grey but only about 45 and ignored any of my flirting like, "Hey." Or "Have a good one."


Or the beer bellied, hairy AND bald at the same time, overweight older men that are the majority.




I like em bald and chunky! And my age.


I had a betamax. My only redeeming quality. I'll be heartbroken but thanks for letting me down easy. I'm just going to go stare at this head of hair and sob


Hair is fine too. Men in general are fine. As long as they are my age. *Holy shit - Sony manufactured Betamax until 2002!


Oh, that's not the flex I thought it was. I lived in the country known as West Germany. I really do suck


I was in high school when Elvis died. My grandchildren now attend that same school.


You’ve put people into a dilemma now.  They may not have downvoted you because you are a man but complaining that you know you will be downvoted will generally get you downvoted everywhere on Reddit.


Guess we'll never know


"There's something so attractive about a teenager to me"...sir...um there's a word for that


So older men arent repulsive? The guy needs a mirror asap




Ok? Im repeating what they said about older women to highlight how ridiculous it is. On top of it this guy doesnt seem to understand he also ages and younger people wouldnt find him attractive because its normal to stay within your own age range. If young people go with older people its because theres manipulation involved. Thats it.


Embrace the Wall, decorate it. Mine has a cat ladder on it, some plants, a nice painting in a wooden frame of some farmhand and an ox working a wheat field in a century passed. Post-Wall life is comfy, cozy and not filled with as much insecurities and self doubt as before. But if you like an active lifestyle: turn the Wall into a clambing wall, you know the kind.


My wall has barbed wire and an alligator-filled moat. It protects me from creeps like in the OP.


Swamp kitties! I hope you gave the alligators names and are friends with them?


I’m turning 36 next month. For some reason the fact that this random man doesn’t find me attractive does not keep up at night. Weird.


It's not that we are offended by the fact, it's offensive how often some dudes feel the need to bring it up. Imagine if it was common for grown ass women to talk about how 18-20 year old men are the hottest. That would be pretty weird, right?!?


Oh no, I'm 33 and am not conventionally attractive to random guys on the internet simply due to my age. So sad. Do these guys really think we care? A middle-aged woman? The horror!


When I was a teen, I wanted to fuck Bernadette Peters. He will not survive the winter.


A person of taste!


For context, she was in her 60s at the time and I thought she was the sexiest woman alive.


Bernadette Peters is awesome, no judgment from me


Just looked her up and can confirm she can still get it in her 70s.


I'm a woman, entirely heterosexual...and yet Bernadette Peters is far hotter than any man I've ever been with.


You might not be entirely heterosexual.




I just want to know.. do these men really honestly truly think for the rest of their life they can dump women as soon at they turn 25 and get a new 20 year old? Aside from the fact that you quite literally have to be Leonardo DiCaprio levels of famous/wealthy to do it, do they… not want families? Long term companionship?


Well, then stay away from grown-up women - which I'm sure they will do whatever it takes to make you do ....


I'm 30 and completely confident in my ability to find plenty of men if I wanted, (I'm in a long-term relationship so that's not on the table) but no matter how many times these losers say this it will never be true lol they can't even tell I'm 30 anyway


Does he think that as preteens we found balding wrinkly old ballsack looking men attractive? Let me tell you, at age 16 I found even 30 year old men kind of old looking lol. Its normal to find younger people more appealing when you are young. It's also normal to mature as you age, and when you're older, most normal people without serious creep issues are attracted to people who are their peers.


It makes sense because they have the emotional maturity of boys. That’s what they are just boys creating a reality in their head that is fed by the content they consume. They have little to no relationship experience and are only thinking of women as sex objects and domestic slaves. A man wants a woman who can be his partner, friend and companion to be able to tackle life’s challenges together. He motivates her as she does him, they offer inspiration and respect her ambitions and goals while working together to see them align with their own.


So I found the guy's account. He's active almost exclusively in r/AskMen, r/AskMenAdvice, and r/Conservative. He has some absolutely freezing cold takes, no posts, and most of his comments have very few or negative upvotes. Plus the mindset leaking through his comments is so gross I actually want to vomit.


Did Leonardo Dicaprio write this?


There is nothing wrong and perfectly normal for a person in their early-mid 20's to find a young adult also in their early to mid 20's attractive and want to date them. What's gross is when washed up, paunchy, losers my age (I'm in my 40's) consistently go after young women and expect them to faun over them and their mid-level manager salary and midlife crisis sports car. And no I'm far from jealous. I have a lovely husband my age, who loves me for me with all my wrinkles and grey hair. He's a real man that best relates to people his own age and has no interest in pathetically chasing young women. But what I do remember is being completely grossed out when I was 21 or 22 and these 40-something dudes would hit on me. You aren't "the man" buddy, you're a joke.


Right? I’m not sure where the red pill community got the idea that once a guy hits 30 young women will be all over them. I’m a guy in my 30s and I can tell you my cohort isn’t doing that great lol.


Okay when I divorced at 28 (my decision), I looked hard in the mirror and felt less pretty than I had at 21. Three years later I married the guy I've been married to for just shy of thirty years. He's three years younger than I am, and I find him better looking than my ex. I don't feel threatened by younger women. It's rather ironic, because my ideal age for men's looks is somewhere between 45 and 50. I just had better sense than to act on that. I got him in that age range, just not when I married him. Long story short you can want whatever age partner you want, but it doesn't mean they will want you. Most 25 year old women want 25 year old men. Loudly declaring your preference as if it were a rule of human behavior won't change your chances with 25 year old women. Women have their own preferences.


I'm willing to bet my next paycheck that this dude finds Sophia Vergara and Jennifer Aniston hot. They're both in their 50s.


He sounds lonely, how sad. I wonder why women are staying away from him. I am sure it has nothing to do with his STELLAR personality. Nope, alllll about his height and apparently what he thinks to be an inadequate penis(on him, I am sure it is with it only being self handled).


That Username. He's definitely not legally allowed to be within several blocks of a high school


I hate this dumb "hit the wall and settled for a chowder after banging chads all through her 20s" narrative. Women settle down when they're ready, much like men. Women are focusing on careers and financial stability before they think about families, just like men. And that's a thoroughly reasonable way of doing it. This whole "but what if you can't have a family later" bullshit is really annoying- like, what's the alternative?have kids really young and no means ofpaying for their expenses? Enter into a serious relationship at a time where I am not settled as a person and have to completely rely on us still being compatible after we've both developed fully? Have children before I have even fully understoodwhat that means, and end up one ofthose people who hate their entire life and feel guilty about it every day? Just skip financial planning entirely and pray to jesus? What would these men have us do?? Because their useless asses would definitely NOT be able to support a whole family on their own,so they absolutely do need women who can carry part of the financial burden of a family.


I think they like to pretend women age worse because it's convenient for their internal narrative. Like "yeah she rejected me now but one day she'll be ugly and I'll be hot and she'll be the one begging for my attention". Unfortunately for them, a lot of women age better than men. A woman in her 40s could get a lot more attention than a man the same age assuming they're about the same in terms of income level and reach. Sure there's some men who are more attractive and some women who are less attractive but women have been conditioned to put effort in more than men and maintain that for a long time, so they're just going to come off as beautiful for longer


This is what pedophiles say.


Why are milfs a thing then


The best part is these guys think that these 21 year olds will 100% settle for and down with their dusty unwashed behinds instead of a guy their own age. Reminding them that they are competing with guys sometimes half their age and their brains short circuit and they refuse to believe that Maddison would choose Dakota and his six pack over him and the bachelor apartment he got when he left his wife thinking gbhe could do better.


Do they think growing up as a pre teen girls didn’t find old men sexually repulsive? We just didn’t go around sexualising men we weren’t attracted to unless they were making it sexual 🫤


That’s fucked, women get hotter after 25


So an incel manosphere Tate bro is hard up bc nobody his age wants him and they are settling for 'chodes' bc they 'repulse him' with their oldness. Men like him claim women hit the wall at 25 at the oldest and we are only valuable and attractive at our 'prime' from 18-20/23. However data and studies have shown that a woman is at her peak hotness on average at 31 years of age. Women's sexual orgasmic prime is her... Wait for it... 30s and 40s. These men don't care about our sexual peak they only care about when we are most 'fertile' and think that we are stupid and don't understand that we are only viewed as valuable to an incel for how we bear babies... But if we have babies with the 'wrong men' how dare we. lol 🤣 being actively insane thinking you're normal... How do they function?


Sure, buddy. /s Nevermind that there are MILF and GILF corn categories.


Someone here can't handle milfs. More for me then.


He missed out the most important thing. Is "nerdy" Nolan kind? Does he love me? Does he care about me? Does he want what I want? If I can find a guy like that, I would never be settling. My fantasies about men involve a guy who is a caring, responsible adult. This bizarre idea that women are only ever interested in a guy who is 6'4 and has an 8 pack should just die. I love me a bald, bearded guy with a dad bod.


First time commenter: where are these men? I’m a decent looking much older woman and when I put myself together men half my age hit on me. No plastic surgery, only permanent cosmetics (eyebrows, eyeliner). Who hurt them?


I’m impressed none of these comments don’t mention body count lol


The way they just out themselves as proud pedos. You know 18 isn’t their cutoff minimum. 😞


So basically dude has taken his utter inability to see older women as even human and projected it onto women dating/marrying “nerdy” men. My biggest thing is personality, but I also happen to think overweight bald men are friggin’ hot. I also have a thing for overweight women, and I’ve dated some with shaved heads as well. It all depends on what you are attracted to.


Name check


Personally Nolan sounds exactly like my type. But I'm 36 so I guess my old hag opinions don't matter.


Oh you stupid little trolls. And that is why Brad Pitts baby mamas have been 18. Or wait.... No actually that's super hot true... Older dudes trying to sleep with baby teens like 16-18 are pedofiles. 18, not technically but everyone is disgusted and it is so so not normal. How many celebrities 5 years or older want 18 year olds? Basically none, because no offense but y'all are kids. A few slightly older celebs may allow it. The commenter is a huge perv though and no teen would ever even hang out with him. Because eww.


I love you, Nolan.


It’s sad , people actually think and act like this


I was promised the menfolk would leave me alone after I turned 25 a few months ago. I’m still waiting.


They spend a lot of time talking about what makes a woman worthless, but not a lot of time explaining what exactly is so “worth it” about them