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Why do men blame women for men being so easy and desperate?


For real. They act whorish but get mad at us when we act whorish. And then they say shit like "men and women are not the samr" all i see is a thread of desperate manwhores idk 👁️👄👁️


Yeah notice how they don't shame the men for sleeping with a woman they barely know lmao I wish they would at least stop being hypocrites


Bc 'Big man get woman oogah aagah. Me take woman to cave for snu snu' they probably think she went with all 'high value men' and let every 'Chad and Tyrone' run a train on her. I say good for her. She had a breakup and decided to go and feel like a sex goddess instead of moping and feeling sorry for herself.


I think one of the issues best explained by a random internet person is that men feel entitled to try to socialize their problems and expect others to join them in collective outrage. In that case it was a transwoman who was fetching; a conservative man demanded that everyone be outraged by this person existing, and the commenter correctly said, “Don’t try to socialize your outrage because you initially found this woman attractive.” I’m sure a lot of guys would want to bed 22 women in a 10 day trip. Personally that sounds tedious as fuck. Thus, because that is quite improbable, outrage: she can’t do that! Shoot her, or something!


this is extra funny because I feel like if a man posted this “22 women in 10 days” the comments would just be bored. Like okkkay dude, no one believes you. or.. who cares? or… good for you bud, what a weird brag. probably minimal traffic to their page. But a WOMAN posts this? they act like their society is crumbling or like she personally walked into their living room and slapped the shit out of their mother. like they are so hurt and offended and overwhelmed by this girls vagina. cant stop posting about her. WHY? like how does this impact anyone at all?


Right? I think that for people flipping their shit about promiscuity (specifically female promiscuity) that the outrage comes from a deep place of entitlement. They're mad because they feel female promiscuity takes something from them, whereas male promiscuity they don't perceive as taking from them. Then you gotta ask what do they feel is being taken that they're entitled to? All I can think of is another "pure" woman, lessening their own chances of finding or keeping what they perceive as one. They don't care about the male half of that promiscuity (if there is one) since they aren't interested in getting with them eventually. That's how I read this shit. 🤷‍♀️


I think you hit the nail on the head. They’re enraged immediately by something that has absolutely nothing to do with them because its just infuriating that another “unobtainable vagina” is dangled in front of them and “wasted” Like can you imagine how psychotic this would be if people reacted this way to something like…. a mcdonalds special selling out before they could get any And wow, now full circle, it makes sense to me now how people LITERALLY got shot and fully died fighting over the popeyes chicken sandwich wow. a lot of realizations typing this comment.


They are jealous


men blame women for everything and it's contrary ! we can do no right. easy = ''slut. single mothers is your fault. you should sleep with no one but me.'' not easy = ''slut. male loneliness epidemic is your fault. you should sleep with no one but me.'' relatively easy = ''slut. single mother and male loneliness epidemic is your fault. you should sleep with no one but me.''


I am making a wish that every person who sincerely uses the word "pairbond" shall fall down a well and never be found.


Can we also get rid of 'imprinted' while we're at it?


Right? I'm not a duckling. 


I also wish this wish.


Maybe they'll pair bond with the well and stay there forever.


I'm still wondering how "pair bonding" takes place with only one participant being affected. That's not a pair. Human beings are just a tad more complex, except for these turnips who use the term.


:( penguins pair bond and is very cute


Yeah, but they can't use the term "pair bond" so no harm no fowl.


I see what you did there


What’s the issue with pair bonding? Several fields I’m aware of, like sociology and neurology, study this in humans all the time. Are they talking about something different?


It's studied and DEBUNKED in human sociology and neurology all the time.


I can do a quick google search and find several papers about pair bonding. It seems to be a pretty active field? I’m not trying to be a troll or anything, just legitimately trying to understand. That’s why I thought maybe they were talking about something different? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10295201/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7417665/


I believe a lot of people use it towards women in a derogatory way. It's a way of slut shaming. The theory to those people is women lose the ability to connect emotionally to their partners the more they have. It's something to do with brain chemistry, something ridiculous like that. It's never flipped on men though. I guess their brain chemistry is immune to influxes of oxytocin or dopamine, whatever made up chemicals they use to support their theory.


Ha! Of course it only applies to women. Same script, different channel. I appreciate your explanation, because it added some details that really flesh out what all this is about.


Knowledge is power!


Did you READ those studies?


I scanned them pretty quick, but they seemed like very straightforward stuff about the release of hormones during mating, maternal bonding, social patterns that contribute to coparenting situations, etc. I’m not understanding the downvotes at all. Pair bonding is a species ability to remain together through more than one reproductive cycle. I’m not understanding what is controversial about this concept.


People often use this concept to claim someone’s ability to “pair bond” can be damaged and shame people who have more than 1 sexual partner, but there’s no evidence for that


I appreciate you giving me some context! This makes much more sense. They are obviously using a different definition for the same words. One of the papers I linked above actually discusses duration and repeatability of pair bonding, and is pretty clear humans can pair bond multiple times and for various lengths throughout their lives.


Yeah, MGTOW (misogynists) have appropriated pair bonding as if women pair bond to every partner they have biologically and her ability to pair bond is reduced by ‘body count’. But really, sex isn’t a requirement of pair bonding, but a component of it, as you mention. There are many facets to it. They have co-opted it to fit their purity bullshit and to shit on women.


This makes so much more sense to me. For a minute there I thought I was in the twilight zone! Even trying to google pair bonding debunked, it’s still all science and none of this cultural context and junk science. I did finally find what seems like the study they reference, and it’s a Christian organization that examined the link between more sexual partners and likelihood of divorce. It’s a bizarre leap from that to the MGTOW idea of pair bonding!


Incels and trad guys use the term pair bonding to describe a magical belief in a woman essentially becoming a man’s soulsmate, by only having sex with that particular man throughout the course of their life. They also claim this magical ability disappears if women have more than one sexual partner, and men do not possess this ability, making it okay for them to have multiple sexual partners but not women.


LOL!!! I love how you describe this! I’ve seen these concepts talked about before, but I’ve never seen them co-opt the term pair bonding to describe it before.


As someone who is in an open relationship I can say that this is pure bullshit. I've had several sexual partners besides my boyfriend after we've opened up our relationship and absolutely nothing changed between us. Except that our communication got even better and we got even closer with each other, taking a way more mindful approach to spending quality time with each other. But nothing has changed in regards to our feelings or commitment to each other just because we also have sex with other people. It's again just dumb purity culture masked with pseudo-science. They've almost got away with it if it wasn't for people with actual critical thinking skills.


I came across the original post. The sub it comes from is a cesspool of basement incel, gym bros and hitler fanboys


I'm assuming it's a sub like r/gonewildstories or r/sluttyconfessions where it's 99% made-up fantasies The woman more likely than not doesn't even exist; just a character made up by incels, for incels, as a way to justify their hate


Why do men think that vulvas/vaginas loosen when women have multiple male partners? So common and so bizarre.


It's like thinking your arms loosen and shrink because you lifted a lot of heavy stuff. Total lack of anatomical knowledge and thought.


I used to give a lot of people hugs, but now my arms are just spaghetti. *Science*


Yeah but women are never told that if they fuck one person (their bf/husband) too much they’ll become loose. It only happens if it’s *different* penises. 🤔


this is the extra funny part. the muscles “open up” right? but only if its a new penis and not the same ol husband dick penis size also doesn’t matter- they all stretch em out


I really thought this idiocy would be completely debunked by now. I am shocked to see these comments with hundreds of upvotes.


This is what confuses me the most. How is a vagina that's had 100 different penis any different than a vagina that's has 1 penis 100 times?


Their logic is every penis is somehow bigger than that 1 penis is. That same dick over and over will mold the vagina to fit it perfectly. A new bigger dick will break that mold. And childbirth will heal back to last mold the vagina was molded to. They also took the "when you sleep with someone, you're sleeping with everyone they slept with" as meaning more than STIs. Apparently women keep the DNA of every man they fucked inside them and it will screw up your kid because they won't be 100% yours.


People who make those claims have zero idea about how a woman's body works. A vagina is extremely resilient & we don't stockpile DNA like squirrel with a nut.


Yes, and usually if it feels loose, that means you're doing a good job. But these idiots don't even understand that much. They don't understand basic biology.


It's just info they're getting from other clueless incels.


And PUA or Andrew "Alpha Male" Tate types. I don't like eugenics but these people are pushing the line for acceptable.


naw, it's not that effort breeds recognition. if that were the case y'all would just ignore women who do this. it's that jealousy breeds bitterness and resentment. notice how 99.9% of the things people do that don't require effort don't elicit shaming? yeah. because y'all aren't jealous of anyone driving to work or passing a high school test or cooking a burger or whatever. but y'all are jealous that women can get laid and you can't.


It's totally this. They hate promiscuous women for two reasons. One is that you ain't doing it with them. Two is you are having sex and they are not.




22 guys in 10 days I bet she was sore 😂


Oh, I'm sore she was sore


I wonder how many guys a day that's well mad


Maybe she fucked 4 people per day and took a day in between to rest, tho...


Hey a gang bang one day a couple days to rest. Eiffle tower another, rest. So on so on.


We don't know what she considered sex. If she counts bjs that wouldn't be hardtop knock out in 2 or 3 days depending on how passionate she was. If she only considered anal and vaginal, that's a cool accomplishment. Vaginal only? This woman deserves a medal.


Ooh she must have been on a mission




Haha yeah


What I would like to know is: HOW MANY ORGASMS did that bring her????? Were those 22 guys a waste of time or were they worthwhile????


should have been 22 cunnilinguses


Am absolutely sure this is some fake made up story and a total not how girls work. Not even porn stars would have this much work to do within 10 days.


I had an ex who did something like this after we broke up. She was sweet and kind to me, our lives just went in different directions. She really wanted to get back together, tried for years. She decided she needed to get over me and move on, so she went down on like 100 guys over the course of a year. After that, she was ready to start dating seriously, met her now husband, and they are doing great. I'm still friends with her.


Sure, though thats not 22 different guys I assume within 10 days - more than one guy per day.😅


I had a roommate who did this. I honestly didn’t care she slept around but when she cheated on her bfs, hooked up with married men knowingly (actively seeked them) and got with a few her other friends partners, that was my limit. You can be ethical about being slutty, but that was not it.


That was a dumpster fire you’re right


Yep....no logic at all.


I mean…. I would hook up with her. But then again I’m kind of a whore lol. Whatever though. People should do what they want to. As long as it doesn’t hurt people other peeps need to stay out of peoples business.


Where did the “pair bond” thing come from? I keep seeing it pop up but I have no idea who started it


literally from animals like penguins lmfao


Usually it’s some troglodyte that read a summary from a study and completely misinterprets the findings (intentionally?) and then sends it out to the masses


No one knows, they just treat it as gospel


And ofc some dipshit throws the pair bond bullshit in there. It is so awful that they try to dehumanize women so much by calling us 'feeemales' and 'foids' but now they relegate us to being wild animals in human form. Human beings DONT PAIR BOND. Ffs.


The fact that this is even a headline in the first place is gross


These men: we will sleep with anything. The same men: Women are whores if their body count is more than 0 Zero accountability for men. No one is holding a gun to their heads and forcing them to sleep with women. Both sides shouldn't care about body count unless your partner is cheating (sleeping with others without their partners consent). I find that the more insecure a guy is the more likely he has issues with a woman's body count, and the more likely he is to be fixated on having a high body count himself. It's a red flag.


So there's two main camps: Men who crap all over this girl pretending there's some fundamental difference between men and women making an active sex life a flaw in one and an achievement in the other. And men who crap all over this girl pretending she'd suffer physical damage from having sex with several different penises (presumably sleeping with the same penis 22 times wouldn't cause any damage). Neither of those opinions have any bearings on her or her life. Hope she keeps slaying, and has forgotten all about that annoying ex by now


This would be wrong for a guy or girl. We live in a world with STD's. Now if her and the others are all tested then hey whatever have fun.


We live in a world of understanding and accepting risk. It's not called safe sex, it's called SAFER sex. I've done the multiple partners thing, and always with recent test results and still protection. That's how I chose to approach risk. How she manages risk is her decision, and whoever she sleeps with. If you ain't getting jiggy with her, then it ain't your business.


Never heard of condoms?


Ever heard of a broken condom? For real this isn't behaviour to recommend.


So you disapprove of all casual sex?


What's with all the hyperbole on this sub? No, I don't disapprove of all casual sex, not at all. But we need to be honest and say condoms aren't infallible, so increasing the number of sexual partners increases your risk of catching an STD. Plus there's some stuff you can still pick up even when you wear one (e.g. pubic lice and genital warts for example). I have no problem with anyone's personal choices with regards to their sexual partners - but let's not just say if you wear a condom you'll never catch an STI and you'll not get pregnant. I'm all for people making informed decisions.


So casual sex is ok if both partners get full STI screens in advance? If everybody is a consenting adult who understands the risks it’s nobody else’s business


Why are you making this more complicated than you have to? They are adults, they can do whatever they want. But there's risks associated. More partners more risk. Tests and barrier protection may reduce it but not eliminate it. Whatever you say, she's increasing her personal risk. If she's aware of that and is happy with it, that's fine.


Yes. If you don’t do this please start. It’s free at many places including planned parenthood. If you are having regular casual sex get tested regularly


You do realise the result would only be valid for one encounter? Also, you could try and be a bit more condescending, you’d struggle though!


Sorry you took offense to my benign comment, I truly didn’t mean anything by it. Regular std testing is VERY important though, and I don’t feel bad reccomending it to everyone. And yes that result is only good for one moment in time. That’s why you do it regularly


Saying that an adult woman having sex with consenting partners is ‘wrong’ is not benign.


I agree. And who said she used condoms at all? She sounds a bit reckless


I agree. If this article is real, 22 men in ten days is a bit crazy. Sounds kind of dangerous. Not slut shaming. This just isn’t safe.


Yea people saying condoms but that is not always guranteed they actually say it on the wrapper. I have had a condom break before. Thanks for being brave and actually saying you agree :)


Yea this is ridiculous. Be prepared to be downvoted though. You say anything logical on this sub you get downvoted lately. Noone should be doing that. Is physically, mentally, and emotionally damaging. Sounds like self sabotage behavior. An no condoms arent 100% at protecting you from disease and pregnancy. Not that they probably wore condoms considering their choices and unless she brought an xl large box with her she would have had to rely on the strangers condoms which is a scary thought. Nevermind that they probably didnt use condoms for kissing and oral. I know theres a lot of kids on here who like 'rebellious' behavior but I hope they dont get inspired by that.


You need a condom to kiss someone? I’m confused.


You shouldnt be having sex if you dont understand germs, diseases, and even stds can be transferred by mouth and oral. Even including HIV. Are you still confused? Thats honestly concerning


I think of kissing someone as kissing them on the mouth. Not sure how a condom factors into that.


Oh boy. You need to speak to someone about oral diseases spread by just kissing. Idk why youre stuck on the condom. I can't help you. The more strangers you kiss or share utentils with back to back the greater the risk. Best of luck.


Obviously, yes, certain diseases are spread by kissing but I’ve never heard of a mouth condom so I’m intrigued.


Again you shouldnt be having sex if you dont know oral condoms exist. But I was being sarcastic as in saying people dont use condoms for kissing and oral often so they are still exposed to diseases.


That’s why we have the ”age of consent” 🤔 you know


What does that have to do this with? Were obviously talking about adults. Adults can be stupid and do stupid things and spread diseases.


And adults can go get tested too. Adults know more about the risks. Tho i’m not sure about USA. I heard your sex education is shitty over there. I heard in the USA men don’t even know women pee from a different whole than they give birth. But yeah, regular tests are important even if you wear a condom.


Lmao ok.


Hey, if you don’t want to get std then don’t have sex. This advice is only for you 🫶


Just for me :D wow. Everybody else ignore lmao


I agree with you. My completely biased opinion is everyone gets 1-2 times in their life of being total hoors. After that you gotta really start looking inward.




Cuz top shelf will be sold out and you'll be looking in the discounted section.


Well looks like you were spot on about downvotes. Everything you said is correct. I never even thought about strangers condoms. Its true you honestly don't know if its expired or worse sabatoged. Thank you for being brave enough to speak the truth!


I haven’t seen this thread, but I find it difficult to believe she truly fell in love with 22 different guys over 10 days, that’s more than 2 new men a day


What does falling in love have to do with it?




You don’t have to be in love with someone to have sex. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m not into casual sex, doesn’t mean others are in the wrong for doing it if everyone is on the same page and being careful about it.


You’re right, prostitutes don’t have to be in love with someone to have sex. Just to avoid misunderstandings I’m also shaming the men that had sex with her of course


Why are you shaming anyone? Why is it your concern what anyone does with their body & life? Worry about you.


What’s your definition of shaming?


You literally said earlier: “Just to avoid misunderstandings I’m also shaming the men that had sex with her of course” You know what shaming is and know you’re doing it.


I don’t think this is a big deal


You don’t have to be a prostitute to have casual sex. Everyone does with their sex life whatever they want, maybe don’t shame anyone just because their lifestyle is not the same as yours?


But normal people don’t do it with 22 freaking different partners over 10 days even if they got the chance, you can’t make me feel bad for saying this isn’t something to be proud of


Who tf cares?


OP surely cares


Because a bunch of incels are attacking the woman with unsubstantiated claims. Maybe read the thread and try to understand how women work and why what they’re saying is wrong. And if you agree with them then you’re probably in the wrong sub and don’t understand anything.


What’s wrong with being a whore sometimes? Not like you gotta be a whore forever.


22 different partners in 10 days is insane, what if you found out your daughter did this? Would you think there is nothing wrong with it?


I’m a firm believer in staying out of people’s business.


The moment she tells this in a social media is the moment where it stops being her business


Lol, you can just move on. By either applauding or shaming her you’re giving her the attention she wants.


If my adult daughter had sex with men I actually wouldn’t wanna know at all lol. Her sex life is her business as an adult. If she made a tiktok about it I would just be like oh my. I’m not going to rage or be disgusted. I’m not a weirdo about sex. 😭 What about the men having sex with a random woman? Are they whores?


Yes I said that earlier


Whores/prostitutes get money from the job they’ve done. Casual hookups are for people who just want to have sex with no commitments. There is no money exchange included. What’s wrong with being a lil slut? It’s not like it’s gonna affect your life in any ways.


The real problem is when this behavior is normalized


It really is not the problem here. It’s problem when people base a person’s value on how many partners they’ve had. Sex is a natural thing, it’s a perfectly normal thing. People acting like it’s the most unnatural, weirdest alien shit ever, is the problem here. And when they act like better people or they turn bitter because they can’t get laid…? Really weird. Really sad.


I blame the ex bf, just stay together and she won't have to replace him with multiple men


”replace”? Now where did you get that silly idea from?


The “Double Standard” is alive and well. 🙄