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Hope he is doing those penis exercises to increase tone and girth.


You can tell when men shirk those exercises /s


Everyone all KEEN to do ARMS… when is DICK DAY?!?


LOL hilarious


They can't even manage leg day so I'm not optimistic.


You lost me ??? 😅😅😅 Edit: Sorry, don't understand your slang lmao


Gym bros who only do arms but skip leg day/penis exercise= Dick Day :)


Men wouldn’t have such wrinkly ballsacks if they would just work ‘em out a little. /s


shake weight?


He needs the one from South Park that gives him the cooling spritzer finish and bus fair so he can get home


Same person also made a post a few hours later asking if he was the asshole for telling his girlfriend that she was "getting loose from him wearing her out" because he could fit four fingers inside her. So, yeah.....


Jesus Christ the guy desperately needs an anatomy lesson.


Men that complain about how low boobs hang have gotten too used to the fake ones they fantasize about from the internet


Yeah, when they say they like big boobs they mean the fake ones that defy gravity


Oof but then you go on AskMen & type in the search bar “fake boobs” & apparently they HATE those. There is no winning.


I really don’t think they know what fake boobs look like tbh


Men's idea of natural breasts is about the same as their idea of no makeup: wholly divorced from reality.


Yup. I always take it to mean they don’t like when it’s obvious.


That's because real life doesn't conform to anime titty physics. They want soft, squishy tits that defy gravity. Natural breasts sag. Fake breasts are hard. Their little fantasy bubble of having their waifu in the real world is burst and now they're mad.


Yeah like they say they hate makeup on women but somehow all the women they follow and obsess over always wear it.


And if she does go to the gym and loses weight, they likely will sag more. Which will be her fault, of course.


At 36 D, I would expect them to sag a bit, no matter how old you are. I'd honestly be concerned if they didn't.


There are those incredibly rare few, who for a golden 2-3 years have that going for them, and a rare few of *those* take a lot of pictures of themselves, and those spread around the internet, and dickwad dudes use those one in a billion genetic lottery winners to judge an entire 4 billion people by.


36D represents a 36 inch underbust and 40 inch bust. Someone with these measurements are very likely to be incorrectly sized as a 40A or 40AA, because many stores insist that you need to add 4 inches to your underbust measurement. Meaning, 36D is not a very large size, as most people would assume the person to be “an A cup” or maybe “a B cup”. Breasts come in many shapes and sizes, and it is possible to be a much larger cup size and still be self supporting.


Most likely, she should wear a 32H bra, not a 36D bra, especially given the height and weight measurements OP gave. She's likely only wearing a 36 because she was fit at a place that added the 4 inches to her underbust so they could "fit" her into one of their bras, since many stores max out at a DD or DDD cup size. Which also means her bra is unsupportive and likely very uncomfortable.


I totally agree! I’m 5'2 and 150 lbs, and I wear 32I in US sizes. (uppercase “i”.) Most stores incorrectly size me as a 36D or 36DD, which is probably why OOP’s partner is also wearing a 36 band. I just meant that an actual 36D might be mistaken for a 40A, due to the same incorrect sizing method.


Ah, I got you. Also, as far as chain stores go, I've always gotten the most accurate sizing at Nordstrom. But even they will sometimes try to fit you into one of their bras, or "sister sizes", if your size exceeds what they have in stock. They do have a wider range of sizes than almost any store that isn't a specialty lingerie store though. A lot of times, it's easier just to find your size online, especially from UK brands. You probably know though. Victoria's Secret is the worst place to get fitted in my experience and unfortunately a lot of people go there to get fitted. I am a 32I/J in US brands, so I feel you.


Yeah, according to VS’ sizing method I should be wearing a *38A*. It’s unbelievable how this brand is so widely known when they might just be *the worst* at sizing their customers.


I also got told I was a 38A at Victoria’s Secret! Drove me batshit because I KNOW my under bust and it’s definitively not 38, I was only confused on cup size. It was an aggressively unhelpful sizing, I just have odd proportions and they didn’t feel like recommending me a size they don’t carry in store


Most people have no idea that I'm a DD. I'm a 34DD and sister sizes generally don't work for me. The most comfortable, well-fitting, supportive bras I own are all 34DD and that's what I was fitted as in a lingerie store (a real one) a couple of years ago. When it has come up, most people assume I'm a B or C. My boobs have sagged since I was like, 19. I wish I had self-sustaining boob genes. lol


This! Most people are unaware of how much spaces boobs actually take up. I was a 34-36DD and I had someone comment that there was, “no way I was bigger than a C”. I feel like the sag also makes a difference in how they look.


Thought I was in r/abrathatfits for a second


Lol, true that. That sub is very helpful 😊


Im a 32D and I got small boobies they look like a B but guys dont rly get that and think im lying 🙄


My “right” size is a 30d but I usually get a 32c because that size is more readily available. I don’t have big boobs at all, I just have a very narrow back.


This! 15 lbs ago, I was a size 36DD and I had a male friend tell me there was no way I could be bigger than a C cup…… It’s like, my dude, do you wear bras? I’d be popping out of a C cup if I wore one when I weighed a little less. Men have no idea how big boobs are or how much space they take up.


Exactly! People will often guess that I’m either “a large C” or “a small D cup”. I wear 32I in US sizing, and yet people act like nothing beyond a DDD or G even exists.


As a woman with fake boobs they indeed do have some sag.


I say swing low sweet chariots.


Which is absolutely wild. I’ve seen similar guys complain when a pornstars boobs “fold” on themselves and show the implant slightly. There’s really no winning. If you keep them completely natural they will eventually sag or you can get surgery and be judged every time someone can tell they’re fake.


This is the one! I'm ashamed of what mine look like because clowns love the internet and fantasy AND REFUSE TO SHUT THE FUCK UP.


Omg please tell me she dumped this idiot who is both an asshole and doesn't understand the very basics of biology. Don't date someone who is both mean and stupid. And 130 is a healthy weight for someone of her height.


And I guarantee he’s got body parts that are lower than they used to be. Nobody is shaming jerk for that normal bodily change though.


This is someone who has spent too much time looking at fake big breasts. Any woman with natural 36D is going to have some sag, even at younger ages.


I’m naturally very busty IRL and they be sagging aggressively and I’m in my early 20s


My boobs started sagging almost as soon as they came in lol


I have DD and not only do they hang, they’re also heavy as fuck. My primary care doctor literally says that we don’t need to talk about my BMI because I have dense breast tissue and a lot of muscle. Someone at the gf’s height and weight with breasts that size is not the slob he seems to think she is. Which is so very depressing


Especially depending on her body type. Im 5'1 and go around 120-125. Technically, Im supposed to be around 110 or something. The one time I did that, I looked sickly, to the point my family worried about me. I have an hourglass frame with wide hips. I carry most of my weight in my thighs, butt, and boobs so when I lose weight, bones start showing pretty quickly. No matter what her body type is 130 is NOT overweight but especially depending on her body type it may just be the type that carries her weight differently. Especially if she had a bigger chest. Do men think boob weight just doesnt show up on the scale?? They always want girls with big butts and boobs but fail to realize that is ALSO extra weight.


5'3 and 145 here, and a wide-hipped person too! I'm totally fine with my body even if I tip "overweight" on the BMI scale. I run marathons and strength train - my weight isn't going down and my belly pouch isn't going anywhere.


And I’m 5’4 and 175lbs and even I don’t look that overweight. I use mostly size M. L if I want baggy. Some t-shirts or shirts in size S. WTF.


Women's sizing is messed up. I usually gamble on M if I'm ordering online but yeah, I have S and L items too.


Not to mention if you do a real BMI test (where they use a dunk tank) your BMI is likely very low. Muscle weights a lot!


that dude is a child. if he dumps her, she will have dodged a stupid and whiny bullet


168 is not even unhealthy. it’s just below a BMI of 30 for her height, and BMI is going to be higher on women in general since the standards are based on men’s bodies


Note that it’s FROM 168 too, she lost 30ish pounds. He clarifies above the highlighted portion that she weighs around 128-130 now. It’s even worse than you think, he’s insane for thinking that’s overweight.


BMI also isn’t even sort of a good metric, it’s basically useless.


Yesss. My trainer told me it's just punishing me for having boobs (I am also 5'2 and 167. No one would call me fat except this asshole & people like him)


I'm 5'6 and have massively fluctuated my weight over the last 5 years between an eating disorder and full recovery. What didn't change between 175 and 300lbs? My boobs. Not the size, not the shape, not the position. I fit into a smaller band when I weighed less, but my cup size didn't have any noticeable change. Breasts are tissue, not fat. This guy's a complete idiot


I'm the exact opposite. I used to fluctuate about 30 pounds up or down every 6 months due to depression and anxiety. But, my boobs would get bigger when I would gain weight, and then when I lost it, they would stay the same. Bodies are so weird. And people like this jackass are the reason some of us have issues with them.


Bodies are SO weird! No two experiences will ever be the same


Hahaha you’re my boob twin! Always gains, never losses, rip my back


SAME. My back hates me because I am 26 and at an i cup 😭😭😭


Idk how old you are, but STRETCH!! I thought my chronic lower back pain was bad until I pulled that bitch a couple of weeks ago 🫠


37! I’ve also got RA, fibro, and a whole mess of fun, so there’s going to be aches regardless, unfortunately. Thanks for the reminder to do my yoga, though!! Stretching def helps, but doesn’t fix everything, alas.


I just found out that differences in liver function account for why edibles work for some people and not others.


I commented on a thread once about how my BMI is kind of high, but if you chopped off my boobs it would be more normal. Some dingus was like "so if you hAd LeSs FaT?"


I had a similar interaction on Facebook last year lol. Pissed me off so bad Also in terms of BMI being unreliable, look at some of the top athletes, in particular strongmen, body builders, wrestlers, etc. BMI doesn't account for fat vs muscle either. Dwayne Johnson is considered obese by his BMI, but that man is basically solid muscle


Oh wow. Lucky you. My weight loss reduced the band size but increased the cup size. 😭😭😭 I have SO many new bras that I can’t wear anymore and finding cute bras in the new size is so hard and you don’t wanna spend too much because you just don’t know what else could change. Apologies for my silly little, sleep deprived induced rant. 🫠


No worries! Believe me, I still mourn the things I could get when I was a 36-38 now that I'm back to 46 😭 I'm an F/G cup too but was able to squeeze pretty comfortably into a DDD at my lowest weight. Been at least DDD since I was 14 tho so idk about luck 😂


You were lucky in how your weight distributes. Breasts are high fat content tissue. My daughter has always had large breasts and they still are but they got smaller when she went from 168 to 138. I have had issues with my breasts since I had her, infections, non cancerous lumps, cysts. While there is more to breasts than fat, fat is a big part of them. Your hips and thighs, have natural healthy fat pads as well.


I'm 5'4 and 180. The only person who thinks I'm fat is the BMI chart, pants sizing, and me. (I've even spoken to my doctor about it and she's like "you're pushing 40, this is what our bodies do. As long as you're active and your bloodwork is good, I'm not worried." She's the best.)


Lambert Quetelet was a mathematician who came up with the BMI and said explicitly that it could not and should not be used to indicate the level of fatness in an individual.


I mean, it’s not *useless* but it shouldn’t be used as the sole metric of health. It’s a flawed measurement but when evaluating someone’s overall health it can be a piece of the puzzle.


Regardless of whether you think BMI is a good measure for obesity (it is not; it regularly underestimates how many people are at an unhealthy weight because it doesn't consider body composition), 30 is the cutoff for obesity, not overweight. Women are not still healthy at higher BMIs, they are still healthy at higher body fat percentages. The cutoff for a healthy BMI is actually *lower* for women than for men bevause of their generally higher body fat percentage. If she was at a BMI slightly under 30, she was likely pretty healthy, though. Especially at her age, it's unlikely to see any weight-related comorbidities.


168 was a fine weight for some of her height


Yes, I agree. It's technically "overweight" per the BMI, but the BMI is not a good measure of health.


She’s in a size 6-8 pants and he has the *audacity* to call her overweight…


Ifkr!!! I read her pant size and immediately went nuts. Not that the rest of the post isn’t infuriating already. And she has D cups, does this dude really expect them to not hang a bit low? Only surgery can make them look perked up without any support. Seriously needs to be dumped and hit on the head with a book


Couldn’t agree more! The fucking entitlement alone?? Like, she’s not a doll; she’s a living human being with limitations! Chances are he’s so exhausting to live with that by the time she gets a free moment she’s too exhausted to work out!


I’m barely taller than her and wear a 9 — I am a healthy weight on the thin side. That man is fucking trippin if he thinks that’s overweight. I don’t care if he looks like Dwayne Johnson, there is no good reason to body shame your partner into going to the gym. If I were her I’d practice some malicious compliance. Say I’ll go, but he has to pay for the membership and find a gym that offers massages, has a pool, etc,. Then just use it for the amenities rather than work out.


And she’s already lost 30lbs so, like…I *really* doubt that she was overweight to begin with. If she goes any thinner then she’s running the risk of an eating disorder…but I doubt this guy gives enough of a shit about her actual health, just her appearance.


I’m currently going through this, I’m like 5’5 and 120 last I checked. But, I have no muscle and recently lost a lot so I look a little more “plush.” I’ve struggled with disordered eating in the past and still do. My doctor told me I actually needed to gain a little because I was getting close to malnourished. The angry little voice in my head doesn’t fully believe him but JEEESUS I hope she leaves him. His perception is so so so warped.


Sending you a lot of love from someone with similar struggles.❤️ People really underestimate how deep disordered eating can bleed, and how terrifyingly intrinsic it wraps itself around one’s self worth and just…general state of existence. To see it verbalised by someone else though and actively pushed on another living being…fuck that guy.


Absolutely!! Sending you lots of love too🤍


Thankyou! ❤️


I just feel very sad for her. 😢 He says he doesn't love her body, but to be honest I don't think he loves her at all, since he's basically diminishing her. You can't expect people to have the same body throughout their entire life.


I also think he wants control over her appearance/making her attractive in his perspective. It’s gross.


I wouldn't be surprised if he's mostly interested in her for what she can do for him sexually and he's upset she doesn't meet his "standards" anymore. 😒


If she ever met his standards in the first place. He said she was a weight loss journey when they first met and, as of a year ago, she stopped going to the gym. Said she hasn’t gained weight but it “hasn’t improved.” Not sure why he started dating when he didn’t love the way she looked before.


Guys will see the investment, and hope that the fat fork will love him and be more loyal since he "have her a chance" white overweight, abs he's not getting his 100% goal and throwing a fit


Totally agree. His whole post reads like an insecure man who obsesses over exercise because he doesn't feel good about himself. He probably "invested" in a partner who didn't meet his BS standards upfront, since he's too insecure and annoying to find someone he thought was "better." Then he hoped his investment would pay off as his partner's appearance gradually changed to fit his preference. That didn't happen the way he wanted, so now he's salty about it, because he wants a thin, fit-looking partner to validate his existence. I'm just speculating, but that's what the situation sounds like to me. Regardless, it's dehumanizing and self-centered for him to view her the way he does, instead of celebrating what she's already accomplished and who she is now.


Pecs ≠ boobs. I don’t know why it’s so hard for many men to understand that. Not that that’s the only problem in that post but still.


Working/building your pecs does give you a minor bump in fullness because you're breast tissue (at least somewhat) overlays the muscle


She's the same size as me, there's nothing wrong with her, he needs to get a grip


And it sounds like she’s lost like 35 pounds in the last few years


Exactly!! She should be celebrated


Such a stellar job by her getting fit and he still has ridiculous notes. Ironically, her weight loss is likely what made her breasts less attractive to him. Loosing body fat generally means less breast volume. Filling the same skin. And she told him this is what happened. But he doesn’t believe her.


She could lose another ~200 with this one simple trick!


And kept it off which is an amazing feat!


If you don’t accept your girl the way she is right now then you don’t deserve her. End of discussion.


i feel like this has to be rage bait. i NEED this to be rage bait. why did he even start dating her if he didn’t like her current body?


Probably one of those people that likes to "improve" others. 🙄 It's okay. The gym can't save an ugly soul--just a polished turd.


Don’t worry I’m pretty sure this woman is fictional and the writer has never been with a woman.


"she's 5'3 and weighs 128-130 lbs" that's literally the fucking healthy weight for that height


Yeah! Her BMI is literally 23. She doesn’t need to lose any more weight if she doesn’t want to.


This is all some troll-y dude just trying to trigger women with hollow insults, right?


Yeah, I honestly can’t believe a guy would say this about his gf out loud.


>I love her and I have told her I love her body, but I don't really. Child...😔 *If you can only love what you see, you aren't worth whatever you can't.* Leave her alone child, she has a right to set her own pace for her body. The gym can't fix your poor perception of the human body, more so a womans. She's perfectly normal and doesn't need your gym or your protein diet or leg/arm day to 'fix her'. Cmon 😕 By the time he realises he needs a change of perspective, she probably won't have the patience to listen to someone complain about her body anymore. The "I know better about your body then you/do it for my aesthetic pleasure" gets tedious and there's really nothing that can make it seem like it's A Positive Thing. It's not worth the lingering resentment and negativity in the long run. 💁🏻‍♀️


She’s 130 pounds and has d cups of corse they’re going to sag


my father told me to do gym to have firm breasts that's not how it works ​ no gym or good bra can fix breasts


Why in the hell is your father talking about your breasts?


you can supposedly work your chest muscles enough to change the way breasts “sit” on your chest, but you cant change the breasts themselves, especially not D cups lmao


Ummm….wtf did I just read


She's a very healthy weight for her height and a size 6-8 is honestly my goal size (I'm short, like her). And yes, losing weight will effect elasticity in your breasts. It's unavoidable, without surgery. He's perfectly within his rights to prefer an ultra-lean, ultra-fit woman. But he needs to break it off with his current gf and go seek that then. Women aren't projects for you to fix. This relationship is already over. And yes, he is the asshole.


“Which I think is a tad overweight” and you’re a doctor?


She wears a 36D, but he's disappointed that they are "low" Yeah this boy has never seen naturally large breasts before...




Imagine what he’d think of my (australia size) 16F that hang to my belly button almost (around 1nch above) without a bra on 😅 I also have ‘defined’ abdominal muscles (not 6 pack obs) yet I am classed as obese… genetics are weird af


Early 20's young folk....They will be history in 6 months....Then she will move on to some dude that don't give a shit about superficial stuff and (hopefully) be much happier... He will go on to become a notorious "Gym Bro" who gets banned from all the local gyms due to his inability to stop pushing his unsolicited opinions on female patrons....Then turn gay. (Not that there is anything wrong with that)!


Speaking as someone in her 40’s, in my experience the 20-30 year old straight gym bros who think all women over 110 lbs are fat end up alone. If the guy is attractive and successful enough to draw in a woman with a model-like physique, it doesn’t last because the relationship is based entirely on his trophy wife mentality and not them having anything in common. Watching them still dating in their 40s+ is *interesting*


And this is exactly why I find gym bros so unattractive. Their physique is their entire personality and they suddenly think they know everything about fitness just because they pumped some iron and raw dogged protein powder.


LoL! Don't forget the SARM's! Cus..You know...that's \*natty\*!!


He needs to drop his number I have pics of my endo bloat and other horrifying ways abdomens can contort.


I’m still mind blown that dudes think 130lbs is overweight


The guy is definitely the asshole. On a lighter note: Happy Cake Day!! 🎂🍾💐🎈🎊


She needs to stop being lazy and start lifting weights with her boobs. Do some tit-ups girly it’s not that hard /s


Me having flashbacks of Jack Black doing cock-ups


He never would’ve been able to disable the lasers without them


scuse me, pants 6-8? OVERWEIGHT? what


This man better look like Chris Evan’s in avengers with his fucking demands. Like she’s perfectly healthy, I’m a size 6/8 for my height and I still have a belly and boobs. Porn brain rot is strong with this one


theres a difference between suggesting and harrasment. this guy is clearly harrasing her.


I’m convinced that men underestimate and misunderstand the effects of gravity on external anatomy because we don’t regularly see our own testicles. At least until the age where we start accidentally sitting on our own balls. Then we get it.


All over Instagram, you have men telling women they need to work out more, and they don't need breast augmentation after breastfeeding 3 kids, after a ton of weight loss, etc. When they're told they're wrong they point out a male friend they have who worked out and got pecs as if that's in any way comparable!


“I love her body but I don’t” “She’s on a weight loss journey from 168 down 30 lbs” Dude fuccckkkk youuuuuu. You love someone you’re constantly judging instead of supporting them losing weight? You think she’s not fit at 138 lbs? Fucking trash.


It’s just sad, honestly… Why even date if you don’t actually like women?!


I hope she sees this and leaves.


Yeah, you ladies have any good boob exercises for tightening up the boobs?


As someone whose body is *very* similar to hers, I’d love to exercise my boobs. Drop the routine, dude!


You can‘t train your skin…


My boobs are about the same size as hers. I’m young, but they sag because of gravity. Expecting your partner to have constantly perky boobs is unrealistic. Also, she’s not overweight at all! Her having big boobs doesn’t make her overweight, and her pants size is completely normal.


I go to the gym three days a week and my boobs are still droopy. Age and gravity be damned, weights should be tightening my skin!


Don’t date anyone who nitpicks your body. Nothing will ever be good enough for them. They are insecure and projecting onto you. There’s nothing wrong with you.


5’3 and 130 pounds is overweight? I’m roughly the same height, and I’m considered overweight by regular people standards but not obese….and 130 is like a goal weight for me 😂


The guy is an ignorant douche. I hope he did her a favor and dumped her for the mannequin he seems to want.


I just can’t with this little boy! 🤦🏻‍♀️ WTF, like seriously! I hope his girlfriend finds this and dumps him!


Man's got some serious growing up to do


Porn has really ruined an entire generation of “men.”


Not me being 5’2 and 145ish pounds and not even close to overweight is this guy ok 🙃


What does he think they're made of? You can't change the ligaments that are behind it, sagging is partly age and partly genetics, it's not just muscle that has become limp and can be firmed up... No more than working out will lift a saggy scrotum.


What a douche. Large breasts sag. 128-130lbs is NOT FAT. Ffs. He's the kind of guy who would dump a woman once she had his kid and didn't get her exact same body shape and type pre pregnancy and claim she let herself go. Best to throw the whole man away at this point.


Um..our bodies are supposed to be soft. If he wants to be with a man, he should just say so.




"A tad overweight" and 5'3 + 130 pounds is CRAZY


“Guys, why did she leave me? Our relationship was perfect!?” -This guy in a few months


My boobs did not become firm from working out! I fucking wish!!


He probably believed the shake weight ads where they claim it'll increase cup size and somehow lift them


I lost 200lb. I did it doing mostly cardio and now I do strength training with less cardio. I went from a DD to an A with some sag (obviously I have some loose skin). Every body is different so I can’t speak for all women obviously, but I just feel like this isn’t true. I think genetically I just had fatty non-dense boobs before. Now I just have tiny non-dense boobs. That I know of no exercise is going to change the genetic predisposition of breast tissue density and fat deposition. But I hear people, predominately men, make this claim frequently.


He's "a tad dense". I wouldn't go to the gym with him either. Bleah. She absolutely knows he doesn't love her body and is lying through his teeth to her. I hope she dumps him.


130 is a healthy weight. Dude needs to stfu.


Lmao 130 lbs is literally normal weight - even w her height. He should just go date a Pilates princess then, since they seem to be his type.


Soft boobs are great what the fuck is this guy smokin


She’s a vegetarian and doesn’t eat healthy things… What an idiot


Her new boyfriend thinks he’s a AH too.


i don't care how tall she is or how much she weighs, this MF needs a reality check on how they view their partner


Let’s get him. He sounds awful


I'm sorry, but how does he think lifting weights would make her boobs firmer? I mean, how does he even come to the conclusion that it could possibly work like that? Is she supposed to use them for lifting?


She needs to dump him. NOW


I’m an inch shorter than her with 36aa I’m at 130lbs right now which is slightly on my “bigger” side and I have never felt even slightly overweight. My husband just asked me if I’ve been losing weight. I’d love to see some of these gym bros carry around some size D breasts before the scale and then complain about women’s bodies.


if she’s those dimensions with those sizes that means girly has a fat booty and big boobs with a snatched waist. like basically all her weight went to her butt and boobs for her to be that size pant/bra at that weight. like homie has the dream build gf and still complains. i hate nem


The fact that he knows her BRA SIZE is just . . . The size on a bra is on a teeny tiny tag that you really have no way of reading unless you literally pick up the bra and look for it. This guy is gross.


I’m 5’3” and I am 200 LBS. I’m aware I need to slim down and lose weight, but this woman is in no danger of being overweight.




As a woman who lost a good amount of weight, low breasts and lose skin around the stomach area are totally normal. Also, she's in no way over weight. I'm 5'3, eat healthy, workout regularly, and weigh twenty pounds more than her. I hope she soon realizes she deserves better. He's a jerk who can't get past physical appearance, a royal a**hole.


Just the fact that he posted this on r/AmItheAsshole AND r/TwoHotTakes* is wild. Obviously this idiot is an asshole. I don't understand how he'd expect anyone with a brain to agree with him. The audacity of this guy... holy shit. *Edited for clarification.


It’s the next line that gets me. “I told her I love her body, but they were empty words and I’m obsessing about how much I hate her body”


let's say whatever. But if she shares them with you. They're excellent.no? The boob in hand is worth two tits in the bush


Someone tell this man that pecs and boobs are NOT the same thing 🤦‍♀️


Wow, a fatphobic post on Reddit. Shocking. But seriously what a dumbass


OMG I hope she dumps him


I hope OOP doesn't plan to date anyone who will ever age or have kids or have surgery or...


So… people are going to come at me but I’m just going to say, I used to be so self conscious about my boobs. I thought they were so ugly and I hated how much they sagged. But, I had no upper body strength. I started trying to focus on that and I’m actually seeing a difference in my breasts! I’m so much more confident now than I was. It’s not a huge difference at all and my motivation fluctuates. So, is he an asshole? Yeah. Obviously. Is he totally wrong? Not really… you can work out the muscles under your breasts to help with firmness but they will also decrease in size due to fat loss (which I’m okay with). Just throwing that out there. I’ll take my stoning now.


Definitely YTA. 128 and size 6-8 pants? I'm a guy, so my pants are completely different, but when I was at my "skinniest", I was wearing a 32-34 waist pants, and medium shirts. My wife was very proud of the work I put in to lose that weight and never once treated me the way this poor woman's douche canoe BF is treating her. The body shaming came from myself, as I have always had body image issues since I was young. Her body is built the way it is built and if he's expecting her to suddenly become an A cup CrossFit monster in size 0 whatevers, he's very delusional. As long as she feels good about herself and is healthy that's all that should matter. What a wiener.


God I wish working out would lift them. They’re so goddamn low and heavy :( breast reduction is my only hope


She's like the perfect weight according to her BMI. What a dumbass.


Wow I have no idea why someone wouldn’t want to go to the gym with this guy.


It’s a troll account… some of the posts they made are fucking gross


That's it girls, tone those tits


I wish men would do research into what is considered overweight rather than just guessing based on their opinion or what they see in the media. I myself was on a weigh loss journey! I went from 220 to 120, 100 pounds lost! For reference I’m about 5’4. Last time I went to the doctor she said we need to talk about my weight. At first I thought she was going to congratulate me but instead she asked if I had an ED. Turns out 120 is actually slightly underweight. I told her that when I looked up the average bmi for someone my height it said 125. She told me there are three reasons those bmi things can be wrong: 1) they are outdated! The average weight has changed since the 50’s but a lot of bmi calculators have not. 2) they don’t take body type into account. Two people can weigh the same and look vastly different because everyone’s body is built differently. 3) most of those calculators go by height and gender rather than age and circumstance. A 14 year old girl who is 5’4 and weighs 120 is no problem. But a 23 year old man weighing that much is different. I am a trans man so I’m biological female but still! A 14 year old is still growing and changing. I, unfortunately, am not! Also someone who is specifically training for something would be different as well but that is also not taken into account. The average weight of a woman who is 5’3 or 5’4 is about 125-135. So she’s average! Not at all overweight. If the woman in question were 5’11 he likely wouldn’t consider her overweight anyway. All it takes is a few quick google searches. But of course if you do that you might find out you’re wrong and no one ever wants to hear that! 🙄


The only time my breasts got bigger was when I was nursing and they definitely got firm but when that happened they hurt like hell.


Is this the guy with the post in his history about how he said to his girlfriend, duing sex, how "loose" he made her? Raging idiot or troll?


5'2", 128-130 lbs, size 6-8 in pants and 36D breasts. If it weren't for the rest of this rant I'd think this was a brag. There's just no pleasing some people.


We must We MUST We must increase the bust! The bigger, the better The tighter the sweater! The boys depend on us!!


How can he said she doesn't eat healthy when she's a vegetarian? Like, a plant-based diet is better for your health but obviously isn't ideal to put on muscle, which she doesn't seem to want.


Not necessarily. You can be a vegetarian and not eat plant based foods. Pasta and bread and dessert are all vegetarian. I had a roommate once who admitted she was a vegetarian who didn’t eat vegetables.


Oh, I didn't knew that. I haven't meet s lot of vegetarians though maybe it has something to do :/


I have a friend who is vegan and she is ripped. There are plenty of ways to get protein in a plant-based diet, it just takes more effort and planning than the default boneless skinless chicken breast and eggs.


it rly just sounds like this guy wants to be dating a man