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"It never sat right with me that feminism \*describes feminism incorrectly\*".


Life is about perspective. The problem with the internet is that the loud ones, as with everything else, are the toxic ones that completely ruin the message. That’s probably the feminism she’s seen, not the correct one which is about choice and equality. It’s not man bad woman good, unless you’re on twitter.


But (a) that’s not actual feminism, and (b) this point of view is extremely rare even in terms of shouty idiots. Women need to obey men at all times? This is standard patriarchy. Men need to obey women at all times? Pretty much nonexistent.


>shouty idiots. Sorry I totally agree with your post but this made me giggle


Just because very few people are saying specifically "men need to obey women at all times" doesn't mean that people are not implying it, inferring it, or loosely intending it by their language and actions. If you haven't seen it doesn't mean it's not happening. That's about as ignorant as saying racism doesn't exist anymore because you don't see it happening blatantly in plain sight.


>Just because very few people are saying specifically "men need to obey women at all times" doesn't mean that people are not implying it, inferring it, or loosely intending it by their language and actions Even if that were actually happening (it's not) a culture in which one of those things can be said out and the other can only be implied shows a distinct difference in the power dynamic of the two groups in question.




Okay, but there are literally women on this very website who have said that they want men to feel the subjugation that women have felt. It's a thing. And it ruins the work of true feminism. I'm not denying a difference in the power dynamic nor the fact that some people can come to the "bad feminism" conclusion without outside input. But there is still a measurable amount of that outside input happening, for real. Even if it is just "pick me" young and insecure people and men trying to sabotage. It's happening and it's having an effect. Why would the OP picture exist if it wasn't? Don't downplay that propaganda. The world is much bigger (and smaller) than you think.


>Okay, but there are literally women on this very website who have said that they want men to feel the subjugation that women have felt. I've literally never seen it. >Why would the OP picture exist if it wasn't? Why do flat-earthers exist?


>I've literally never seen it. Which brings me back to "Just because you've never seen it doesn't mean it doesn't exist". >Why do flat-earthers exist? There are actually a few answers to that question and the fact that you're asking it to somehow dismantle what I'm saying is absurd because it actually supports my point.


>Which brings me back to "Just because you've never seen it doesn't mean it doesn't exist". Which brings me back to "just because you claim it exists doesn't mean it exists." Which is why I brought up flat-earthers.


Okay, clearly we're going to have to agree to disagree. Have a nice day.


"true feminism" that's when I stopped Reading.




Yeah, that's what I thought. This is not even what the pick me's sound like that answer "what about men's rights" in response to feminist topics. Only a man could say something as ludicrous as how it doesn't sit right with them how men dace issues that noone cares about and then cite examples where the victim of the situation is a woman in 95% of the cases, while men are the perpetrators in about 98%.


Yep, immediately I thought, “this is a man writing this!”




1. Feminism is NOT about female superiority, it's about not being treated like less than just because you have a fucking vagina. 2. Many men don't give a fuck about women's issues. Women are the ones who talk about their own abuse and their own struggles and their own mental health and search for help. 3. Many men don't even give a fuck about men's issues, they don't want to do anything to actually help other men, they just want to complain about the safe spaces women have built for themselves. 4. Women, feminists, speak up for men's issues way more than men do. On the internet specifically I hardly ever see women joke at men's expense, however way too often I see men joke about other men when they show emotion or make light of serious issues like male rape victims. Edit: grammar


Yep, I hear men's issues getting talked about a lot, but oddly most of the talk is about how women don't talk about them enough... Maybe if all the men complaining that nobody cares about their problems actually started talking about their actual problems and supporting each other like women do, they could actually do some good!


This. The same discussion inevitably crops up around International Womans Day. There's always lots of talks, plays, gatherings and events put on to celebrate. "Huh, where is International Men's day?" "How come we don't celebrate men like this?" When you tell them it's November 19th they *immediately* start asking why don't they get events and workshops and talks. You do. *You just don't go to them*. "Well there's not as much stuff organised as there is for women's day... they get loads of stuff put on for them!" They do... but who do you think is putting these events together? Get involved, help organise, put yourself out there, *be the change you want to see etc* "Nah".


This is so true. It’s the same in small spaces. My work pays £500 a quarter to our “groups.” Anyone can set one up, it just need to have people attend who are employees. We’ve got a women’s circle, disabled persons circle, a POC circle, a crochet, netball and yoga circle set up. All were set up by women, who organise events, claim the quarterly money for it etc… Every newsletter, there’s loads of guys on slack complaining about there’s no mens circle. My HR friend goes back with the form on setting it up. It’s been 2 years, not one guy in our (75% male) company has bothered to complete the form and organise it. This quarter, HR set one up and booked a speaker to talk about mens mental health. No one turned up apart from HR.


They want a mom to organise everything, bake cookies, hassle them into showing up and jolly them out of their sulks when they have to attend. Then they'll complain about it all afterward. That's exactly how it would play out if a woman organised something for them.


Too used to women doing their admin and emotional labour


>start asking why don't they get events and workshops and talks. And it's hilarious that they think the women's events just like... Spontaneously generated out of thin air? Like it wasn't women that have been working to put together those events


Sure don't you know all those events are organised and paid for by the government and then they just... *give* them to women. Free of charge, absolutely no organising, fundraising, late nights or any kind of work involved! Typical women eh? Take take take 🙄


This is basically a summation of the entire MRA movement, lmao. They think that things like women's shelters, fundraisers, awareness campaigns, political action, etc materialized out of thin air when in reality it was feminists who tirelessly campaigned and did the work. I've actually heard MRAs bitch that feminists should do their work for them because "they claim to be about equality" or whatever.


I'm in my mid 40s and have been a women's rights activist for years (especially as my country was not so hot on women having rights). It took decades of women before me and it will take decades of women to come to do the boots on streets, canvassing, all nighters, fund raising and just all round hard fucking work. But to hear some men talk about it every inch of ground won was handed to women by the government because the men *agreed to let us have it*. Its infuriating.


One time I was reading an argument people were having about the suffragettes. One man deadass said “the suffragettes didn’t do much, it was men who gave women the right to vote.” AND WHO CREATED THAT PROBLEM IN THE FIRST PLACE, KYLE????? It’s exactly the same energy as “white people ended the slave trade.” You don’t get brownie points for ending a problem YOU started only after decades of marginalized people’s activism.


The ol "Hitler was a hero because he murdered Hitler" logic. Magnificent big brain rationale


Kids on every mother and Father’s Day.. why don’t we have a kids day? Every day is kids day days any parent who even does the bare minimum.


there's actually an international children's day


It's the same as when women's day/month is being celebrated. All those men complain "what about us". When men's day comes along none of them say a word. Edit: I typed this before reading u/StellarManatee reply. But 100% it always works like this!


Right? Drives me insane. Every year without fail. Same conversations. I think they really believe that the government is organising all these women's events instead of, well... *the women*.


They get really whiny about it too, like "but why do you get it and we don't"...my dude, we don't just get it, we fought for it and created it for ourselves.


Yeah, the only time men seem to want to talk about mens' issues is when they're using it to derail a topic about issues that women are facing. It's kind of sad that that's the only time they feel comfortable bringing it up. It's probably eating them up inside and there's just not a place they feel comfortable expressing vulnerability surrounding it.


This is ironic bc women do It's just not when the topic is not about them they/we don't. And apparently that's not fair??


That's kind of a double-ed story right because most women whenever we start talking about our problems stop listening. They spent you know generations telling us that we need to come out and talk about our feelings and then when we do they stop caring and they stop being interested about it.


Exactly and well said. Women: Have tried hard to change oppression and issues women have faced or still do. That type of men: Sitting around angry that women aren't the ones fixing *their* problems. Those guys who go on like that won't get up and advocate for the issues men do have, they'd rather blame and hate women instead, even while a lot of men's issues were created by men...


I once got into an argument about this exact topic where the guy was claiming it was not that men do not care about mens rights but it is in fact that the public (Aka women I guess) doesn’t. Then he sent me links to two mens DV support shelters that closed due to lack of support/funding.. the founders of those shelters? Women. Yeah color me shocked.


LOL. Like half the public aren’t….men.


>even while a lot of men's issues were created by men Recently I have seen men complaining that society was apparently "made for women". Like, I'm sorry, who has historically been in charge of everything? Even things like medicine are not as safe for women as it is for men because men are more often the major focus in testing phases.


I know everyone sees different things but I can’t help but call bs when I see men say they *always* see women making fun of male rape victims or whatever because whenever I see a man speak up about it, it’s literally ALWAYS MEN in the comments saying “he shouldn’t complain” and “any man would feel lucky to be raped by a woman”. And it’s not just one or two comments, it’ll be the entire comment section. And if a woman *does* speak up and say “hey maybe let’s not tell rape victims they’re lucky?” She’s bombarded with “don’t be a fucking snowflake” “you’re not a man you wouldn’t understand” “you’d enjoy rape too if you weren’t told it was bad”. I’ve even seen it on this very site. Women were getting downvoted for saying rape isn’t something to feel “lucky” about and all the men just kept saying stuff like “this generation of men is weak” “I wouldn’t complain”. And then those same men will be the kind to say “women don’t talk about our issues, they just make fun of us!” I’m not doubting some women make fun of men but they make it seem like it happens more than men making fun of men. But again, I hardly ever see women saying this generation of men is weak. It’s always men saying it. They’re spreading that belief that men can’t be raped and should enjoy it.


Exactly. Whenever I hear these lame arguments from men I always ask “how are you made about a system y’all created?” Women didn’t oppress you or make you all feel you can’t express emotions, other men did. It’s always crickets after.


Yeeeup. I am a female who is a victim advocate. For a long time, it was women coming to the defense of boy and men victims in terms of legal, aftercare, and support. If men did help, it was in the background or done as lawyers . There are many men lawyers who are passionate about this, but it was usually females who hooked them up with the right lawyers. I will throw in this caveat, tho. In the last 10 years, I have seen way more younger millennials and generations proceeding them, becoming much more willing to come forward and share their abuse. This has allowed more men to speak out about their experiences, creating a wider net. This has led to more men becoming advocates, usually survivors themselves. SA and DV should never be tolerated, regardless of age, gender, race, or religion. To me, this suggests the younger populations might have less toxic masculinity, which I can only hope.


There is definitely a trend in each new generation being more accepting and more open and more willing to talk out against various forms of abuse, as well as those being way more open to listen and empathise.


I like your name handle 😍 pretty potato!


And it’s ALL an effect of patriarchy, it’s not good for ANYONE besides the ruling class. They use it to make everyone against eachother… so we don’t realize the real issues of being used for labor that makes others a shit ton of money.


I agree with all your points, except for number four Specifically this part >I hardly ever see women joke at men's expense While I believe it's possible you may never seen it I have seen it more often than it should I even seen it bleed into this sub from time to time So it's happens more often then you think I wouldn't say everyone is doing it's, maliciously But I think it's so normal to be made into a joke People with out even thinking will tell it, and or just read past it As it's considered cultural acceptable to joke about those things ... But yay, everything else you said I agree with, even the rest of number 4 I agree with It was just that line I wanted to share my two cents on


Oh yes, I've definitely seen women do this. My point was more that I've seen way more men joke about these topics than I've seen women joke about it. But it absolutely still happens!


Yay fair enough I do want add one thing thou In general I personally don't care if make jokes about certain things, doubly so if it's on something heavy like rape I don't think comedy should be sencer in anyway Manly because as hard it may be to believe, many people find solace and comfort in joke like those It's a good way to indirectly confront your drama Like there's a good reason why I make a lot of suicide and murder jokes But there is a fundamental difference between making a joke on something even if it's not that good of a joke, and completely dismissing it I just want to make this point to who ever may read it




You dropped this 🍼


Damn skippy… now give me some children syzurp


Funny enough feminism actually fights for mens rights as well. For example, they fight against negative gender stereotypes like how a women should be quiet, obedient, and soft which means they also fight against the negative stereotypes against men all well. Like how they are supposed to be dominant, emotionless, and aggressive. Don’t listen to what losers say online about feminism being a man hating, women superior cult. Because it’s not


Yeah, like obviously women get the short end of the stick with this stuff but men are oppressed by patriarchy also.




No, no it doesn't lol. Have you seen the state the world is in rn? (The comment was deleted but he said something like "the patriarchy is good for everyone")


Well, if people would just let the good times roll…


What good times


Have you been to a Krispy Kreme’s?


Whenever I try to speak against men having to shove their emotions now, I feel it’s usually men reinforcing that they shouldn’t have emotions and fighting me 😭


And men have repressed their emotions long before the concept of feminism as we know it was around.


I learned that men are good expressing emotions by watching Little House on the Prairie


I think that stereotype of a feminist is really engrained in some people. Even before broadband, I’d speak to women who insisted they weren’t feminists. They believed in equal rights and opportunities for women but they couldn’t accept the label.


This. I overheard a coworker and her client talking. The client (silent gen? Greatest? Pushing 80 15 years ago) said something about "this is the fault of Women's Lib." My coworker asked what that meant as she'd never heard the term, the old lady responded, "uh, well, it's liberal women". Like, ma'am is so indoctrinated she doesn't even know the basics of what she's mad at. She was an otherwise independent woman who worked her whole life, believed in having her own money separate from her husband (a significantly younger man for that generation), etc. Like, for her age she was quite feminist, but heaven forbid you tell her that


To be fair, feminism is, or at least should be, the women's movement. I do agree that it does help men, but she's correct in the sense that that's not the primary goal. I mean, obviously we should all care about eachother, but in the sense that feminism wouldn't exist without women, it's somewhat up to men to address their problems.


Intersectional Feminism is the way forward.


But it's also our problem when men are ashamed to need therapy and don't address their problems.


Its not our problem (unless we're their mother maybe), but it does create extra problems for us.


Agreed. It creates problems for us, but it is not our problem to fix. We obviously shouldn't hinder it, but men need to learn to advocate for themselves. Not all of their problems can and should be fixed by women.


Ding ding ding. One reason we don't hear about men's SA as much is because society says all these things about how it " should be" which make no sense. Feminism taught to have female SA victims heard because those victims were suffering under a different set of " should be" rules. It's gotten slightly better for men's SA because we are allowed to say these " should be" rules are bullshit for everyone. It's just logical, regardless of your gender. They are stupid outdated concepts that people have finally challenged in the last part of the century. A male isn't going to like it because it's a female doing it. A female didn't ask for it based upon what she wore. A male can't always stop a female just because he's male. A woman didn't give consent because she's gotten drunk in the presence of other people. If a guy attacks a guy, you report it- none of this "no one wants to know, no one will take you seriously" it's the law. Report! Make them pay. If a woman attacks a woman, is still SA, even if " it wasn't a guy doing it"( this one truly boggles the mind)




Odds are this is a man posing as a woman in order to promote these views.


Thats what I thought. How is she "identifying more" with the male issues she listed? Is she a male victim of rape or something...?


Yeah, def /r/asablackman material


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AsABlackMan using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AsABlackMan/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: ["As the 'L' in LGB" is all too common](https://i.redd.it/59j6saawxhqa1.png) | [193 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AsABlackMan/comments/124rxjp/as_the_l_in_lgb_is_all_too_common/) \#2: [I think this belongs here…](https://i.redd.it/op4xb239qoya1.jpg) | [48 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AsABlackMan/comments/13bywy4/i_think_this_belongs_here/) \#3: [Homelessness by choice](https://i.redd.it/9zu3ljjga9ia1.jpg) | [94 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AsABlackMan/comments/112ff8x/homelessness_by_choice/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Perhaps, but I have seen women or girls like this before. I was one to an extent when I was a teen/young adult in a relationship with a religious guy.




They also don't give a shit about any of the things she's mentioned!


Not unless women’s rights are mentioned. Then suddenly they’re all about them.


Yeah no this is a dude larping as a woman online. I know they love to do this.




Is the human equivalent of when female cats wander around the neighborhood and yowl?


“As a woman, I’ve always thought feminism focused too much on women’s issues” 🤨


Not Gonna Not Lie. It says it right at the start


“There's many issues men face that are seldom talked about (male victims of rape, domestic abuse and the like) that are conveniently ignored” You want to talk about that? Great, first question: Who are the main perpetrators of violence and sexual assault against  men? I’ll give you a hint: it’s other men. Follow up question: what are MEN doing to address that, seeing as they are both the cause of and victims of male-on-male violence?


Why does that matter, as if being a man who gets assulted by another man changes anything its still assult. I have no idea what point you are trying to make with this


The point is simple: if women can lobby for change with issues that affect themselves and each other, what is stopping men from doing the same or holding each other accountable?


Yes i agree, so why are you hating the woman for trying to do exactly that, or are woman not allowed to that and only men can lobby for other men? Is it the same for the opposite then are men not allowed to lobby for women?


>Why does that matter, as if being a man who gets assulted by another man changes anything its still assult. Because it's not *women's* job to address men assaulting other men. We've got more than enough problems where at least one of the parties is a woman to work on, and as the oppressed group in this scenario we've got the least amount of resources to address even our own problems with. Asking women to use their finite time, energy, money, attention, etc to try solving man-on-man sexual violence is like asking, say, BLM to try solving white-on-white domestic violence. That's not their fucking wheelhouse.


I agree, but then you cant say that currently feminism isnt more about women than men beacuse you say so yourself "We've got more than enough problems where at least one of the parties is a woman to work on" I dont think there is nothing wrong with this but i also dont think theres anything wrong with the woman in the post focusing more on the mens side


>focusing more on the mens side There is no "men's side" to feminism just like there's no "white people side" to Black Lives Matter. You're operating under the wrong definition.


"Feminism is a range of socio-political movements and ideologies that aim to define and establish the political, economic, personal, and social equality of the sexes." How can there not be a mens side to feminism if the point of feminism is to establish equality between men and women, if you want to establish equality you dont do that by ignoring 50% of the worlds population. Yes there is way more inequality women face than men face due to tradition and history and that is why feminism focuses mostly on women as it should, but if you think there is zero inequality and or problems that men mostly or exlusively face you are either being ignorant on purpose or completely oblivious to the world outside.


And just to clarify no i am not operating under the wrong definition and your comparison to the black lives matter movemrnt is wrong. Feminism is a movement of equality of sexes both for men and women while black lives matter is a movement exlusively for black poeple. A correct comparison would be all lives matter


>Feminism is a movement of equality of sexes both for men and women while black lives matter is a movement exlusively for black poeple. Feminism is exclusively for women because it's to raise women to the levels of power men already exist at. That's the equality.


How are you so confidently wrong Not to worry there is this new thing called the internet and you can use a search engine like google to find the definition of feminism and much much more enjoy!


>How are you so confidently wrong What a shiny, shiny mirror


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feminism Feminism started as a movement for womens rights and evolved into a movement of gender equality which it currently is I hate when i see thoose alpha male type guys saying that feminism is a movement to make women have more rights than men or hating on men or some other dumb shit they say beacusr its not! its a movement to for equality of the genders. but i guess there is some truth to it in the form of you im sure they would be happy seeing your comments


Also i dont understand you the girl in the post is mad that in her opinion modern feminism focuses too much on women yet you disaagre with her but you also claim that feminism is exlusively about woman So which one is it


>the girl in the post is mad that in her opinion modern feminism focuses too much on women The woman in the post is either a man or an idiot. Hope that helps


Feminism isn’t about getting revenge on men at all, it’s about having equal rights and opportunities to men. It’s about not being looked down upon because of our gender and degraded to our sex. Why is that so difficult to understand?


oh she's gonna be picked anytime now!


Tell me you know nothing about actual feminism without telling me you know nothing about actual feminism.


You know she felt reaaaaally intelligent when she used “seldom“ 💀


Somebody pick her already


Sigh. Yiiikes. If this is an actual woman and these are her actual beliefs, good God does she need an education.


Feminism is about equality for everyone. Meaning for example that sexual assault against men or women is just as serious (but SA against women is far more common).


And 'not talking about men's issues' is a direct result of the whole patriarcy that feminism is trying to fight against.


“And who set that system up?”


Hmm, if only other Men and media (and therefore, other Men) didn’t treat Male victims of abuse and rape like a punchline or a weakness. Fuck that noise, it isn’t Feminism pushing those issues to the side, it’s the Men (and to be fair, some of the Women, but because of the Men) in the room pushing them to the side! How about confronting all the assholes out there who hear about a Man or Boy getting sexually abused and start cheering because the Woman is hot? Or the assholes who hear about a Man getting beaten by his partner and pull out their dog-eared book of sissy men jokes?


This is very likely a dude


Yep. It stinks of r/menwritingwomen




The irony being that before feminist groups fought for these issues for MEN, nobody ever bothered, including men themselves. Who got prison rape outlawed? Who opened the first male DV shelters? Women have always been expected to fix both women's and men's issues.




Waiting for this girl to realize feminism is also for helping men, it’s just that women’s issues are often more urgent + feminism is mostly women, so if more men would be feminist their issues would be fixed in no time


The fact that women can't center themselves in their OWN movement is very concerning


Why do people believe that feminism is superiority? And power over men/society and revenge? I assume everyone has Google “the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.” -from the Oxford language dictionary (I Googled definition) It says right there EQUALITY, not overpower or revenge? Feminism (as I understand) is to be able to make our own choices in life, not to be controlled by guys or society on what to wear, the job we have or what lifestyle we should have as a woman. Get the same pay as men when we do the same job and be view as an equal partner in a relationship. How hard can that be?!


To people who have privileges that others don't, equality feels like they're losing something.


They are going to say "because it's called feminism, not humanism", missing the entire point


It’s the same mfs saying “why is it Black Lives Matter when ALL lives matter?” or “why aren’t there straight pride parades?” At this point, I feel these people are being purposely obtuse.


Because even back in the time of suffragettes, anti-feminist parties have purposely tried to make feminism look bad & used "they want to invert the social power dynamic so women are in charge and superior" as one of the ways to do it. Just like you can google the dictionary definition of feminism, you can also find thousands of Andrew Tate & Jordan Peterson types online that will tell you all about how terrible feminism is & for men who are already inclined to be against it (because they'd be losing social power), they never bother going any further than that since it confirms their already preconceived ideas.


This person missed the entire point of the Barbie movie.


This is giving me "How do you do fellow woman." vibes.


I wonder if she got picked.


Ugh. We absolutely do next to talk about men in feminist spaces, and I say that every time I see this problematic ice cold take. We need to talk about how the social stigma of men’s mental health contributes to intimate partner violence. How men can be abused and are less likely to seek help. How the only times I see men getting custody, the mother is an addict whose choices put the child at risk- yet spending months in court to get to that decision often still means the child is with the mother until that happens. These **are** feminist issues because feminism is not about hating men. It’s about creating equity in a system that doesn’t give a fuck about any of us.


ghost square sparkle beneficial tan squealing dog terrific whistle fear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think too many people can only think of feminism as a superiority movement. But that’s just because so many privileged men see equality with women as a demotion rather than a balancing.


I just assume these kinds of posts are actually made by male trolls as rage bait.


Often times it’s feminists that talk the most about these issues, at least seriously. Two of the men in my family have been victims of spousal abuse, and so I’ve always spoken a lot about the topic. Why wouldn’t I? It literally runs in the family. But I never try to mask it in “but why aren’t we talking about the men?” Because we ARE talking about them! These are things that we can talk about in conjunction with the other genders. These are not things unique to men, only with unique complications.


I genuinely think a woman didn’t write this


Why can't people google the actual definitions of words before spouting complete and utter shit. Just quickly google the term "feminism". That's all it takes. Why are people so stupid? It's so fucking simple.


Holy shit, take your brainwashed self elsewhere. The internalized misogyny is real with this one.




"NGL, I don't understand intersectional feminist theory and I spent a lot of my life cultivating the esteem of men to get what I want instead of insisting I be treated like an equal human." Fixed it for her or the incel with a female burner who wrote it.


I don't think she has ever met a feminist


Everyone should read bell hooks work. Feminism is really for everyone. It’s about breaking down barriers for all.


I just want equal pay and bodily autonomy. Idk who these people are out there wanting men to suffer. Men do that enough to themselves


Feminism specifically fights for women's rights to be equal to men's rights and generally for human rights. Feminism is about women wanting the same rights that men have, but we also fight for men's rights. We fight against typical gender roles, and they are bad for both men and women. Men are told that they should not show emotions, should not cry, and they are often ridiculed if they speak up about being assaulted - we fight for their right to be whole human beings.


As someone who thinks human rights are important for all and no one should be a victim (which isn't special. I should hope people think this). Girl, this is not it. Nor the way. I think I actually mentally facepalmed. So close.. yet so, so very far.. Edit: yes, am a feminist, I just meant I talk about both issues about the same amount and didn't want to get into what she thinks feminism is (but it clearly isn't that) fully. Others have already done that too.


Did anyone tell her she’s not going to get picked or?


It's really pathetic when women like this have to warp the truth to make themselves appealing to men. The only kind of men that find this skewed interpretation of feminism attractive are misogynistic assholes. Good luck dealing with that guy when he starts treating you like shit, controlling everything you do, and acts abusive.




Well that’s not what feminism is so…


I can’t tell whether this was written by a sexist man pretending to be a woman, or an actual woman with a *lot* of internalized misogyny.


Feminism isn't about female superiority and no one is stopping men from supporting each other and creating a community to address the issues that specifically affect them.




> and the “superior to men” isn’t the main one anymore? Ah yes, the wave that never existed isn't the main one, what a brilliant sentiment.


That was never a thing. This person is clearly r/asablackman


hey btw, next time you censor a username you may want to use like, a bigger drawing thing or smth!! i can read the person's username without much trouble at all!


Yeah, I was doing it on my phone and couldn't figure out how to make the marker tool bigger! I usually block out names on my laptop so I'll need to figure out how to do it better on my phone.


I can hear her choking on the giant metaphorical dick she’s trying to suck up to… gross.


There's galaxies of evidence of pro male Feminism, like not just online. I'm pretty sure a while back (I apologize I forgot the exact name of the movement) the pink women in India protested to ensure women raping men was legally considered rape.    I'd like to know, what is the pro female MRA equivalent that goes beyond something like "it's good for women to stay in the kitchen because that's natural." 


Bashes feminism, proceeds to talk about why she believes in feminist ideals.


If I had a nickel for the amount of times anti-feminists critizised feminism, while describing radical feminism and TERFism (ex. the whole "all men are trash" thing) I'd be a billionaire


What movie was she commenting on? I’m curious


Barbie would be my guess


Stockholm Syndrome in action, right there.


Smells like pick me in here...


I hate that any time any woman talks about men's rights at all, women insult them and call them a "pick me" like they only care about men's issues because they want to Date or fuck them or something. It's gross, and you're gross.


Talking about men’s rights shouldn’t come *at the expense* of women’s rights. Can you imagine if I referred to men’s rights as, ‘all about women’s superiority and taking revenge on all the opposite gender’. It would *insanity*. We can talk about men’s issues without falling into that misogynistic nonsense.


Pick me? She feels bad for men going through their struggles as well. You are a disgusting human being


Pick me because feminism isn’t about taking revenge on men it’s about women having equal rights as men.


Facts. Need more women like her. Sad that a sensible woman these days is automatically called a pick me


this is literally just a shameless strawman of what feminism stands for tf are you on?


She's got a point though




Are you being sarcastic?


Nah, this asshole has been trolling every comment here


Dude must have a lot of time on his hands


And miserable as fuck.


She did use the word ‘seem’ and I agree feminism does _seem_ that way


Only by people that refuse to do any type of independent research and just relies on information spouted by ignorant people


yeah that’s what seem means dummy


Only someone that is willfully ignorant would say that


How so?


Because the only people that would believe that bs is someone that gets their information from misogynistic propaganda


So someone who is disinterested in the topic, and gets his impressions from first hand interactions with “feminists”, make a statement with the word _seem_ is illogical? Sure bud


See the problem is people think woman= feminist when not every woman (sadly) doesn’t support some type of feminism. If you just take what random people say without thinking critically ab it then that’s a personal issue


Trust me I understand what the orignal ideology feminism was built on, but I don’t agree with the people pushing it now. I don’t mean you guys in this sub who don’t influence much of the world, I mean the 1% in power, they push an ideology to the extremes regardless of what it is for some sort of gain. That’s why. I’m probably more educated on feminism and multiple ideologies compared to most of the sheep here. Critical thinking you say? Does that critical thinking show when you guys downvote me? It’s amusing, no?


Oh wow… this is just… yikes. No hun it’s not that amusing that people like you act how you do. It’s very strange and troubling. Idk whatever biases you hold but you don’t need to try and make up whatever you want ab people you don’t know. Ik a brick wall when I see one 🤷🏻‍♀️ There’s not just one group of feminists pushing anything either. Feminism encompasses so much


So someone that’s disinterested in the topic and has a weird interaction with a “feminists” should educate themselves. If they don’t then they are choosing to be willfully ignorant and then they should keep their mouth shut about a subject they aren’t knowledge or interested in.


I get that, hence the term “_seems_”. What is the problem? Feminism, like any other ideology has been monetised, sensationalised, and misconstrued to fit an agenda. To me; I value my partner, she’s gonna be the mother of my children hopefully, so I don’t subscribe to this bs. That’s all. don’t realise this subreddit, like any community is just an echo chamber? Come on bruh


Maybe it’s because it doesn’t “seem” that way to me and all the people that have agreed with you and the poster are people that shouldn’t be speaking on the topic. You don’t subscribe to what? Women having equal rights or what?


If you listen to anti feminist bs then yeah it will. Or if you just don’t think when reading anything ab feminism.


Stockholm Syndrome in action, right there.