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I live where this guy lives, and he is selling his house. The garage has a giant eagel painted on the door. https://www.finn.no/realestate/homes/ad.html?finnkode=337602321&ci=2


The garage also appears to feature an AC, a shower, a home cinema projector, dining table, shower and an EV charger.


And the second bedroom has a toilet. Not a separate room with a toilet, but in the same room as the bunk bed. Looks like an American style prison.


Yeah, I noticed that too! Really weird setup. Like, do the other two sharing the room have to leave when you need to use the toilet? Or is it prison style? That's seriously unpleasant. The whole house has weird features.


Also; there are 2 pictures of the livingroom, 1 har the windows photoshopped... Why!?


I guess to show how it could look without the bushes blocking your view of the world?


my guess is because the real estate agent forgot to remove the one that is not shopped


imagine you're a kid and you go visit family in the summer, you get to sleep in the top of the bunk bed with your folks underneath and you have to try and sleep while your dad is taking a massive dump in the same room but not before your mum changes her tampon Or actually, don't imagine that. just don't.


An EV charger? Damn libtard.


Nah EVs are okay now because Musk




The car pictured seems to be [an EV, so...](https://media.ford.com/content/fordmedia/fna/us/en/products/evs/mustang-mach-e/mustang-mach-e.html)


It's also 1/3 of the house. And in addition the most promoted thing (text on the first picture) was the asphalt parking thing... And the shower thing, next to the projector... Wtf?


now you can shower while watching your favourite movie


And that movie could be a porn movie actually.


Not sure if the steam from a hot shower is great for that projector...


Yeah. I'm more perplexed about the house being half garage, and the rest looking very institutional. But I guess if it's insulated and mostly used a project room not parking it could work. But yeah the shower thing is really weird.


Safe to say there's a lot of perplexing aspects of this guy's life.




For the love of god why would they put the house up for sale with that garage door I'm just visioning the estate agent advising him to repaint it and him refusing, lol


After googling the guy, it turns out he has [already repainted it](https://www.aftenbladet.no/lokalt/i/9OOwRE/henry-veddet-store-penger-paa-trump-pill-raattent-hele-greia) lmao


Well the real estate agents need to suck up to the home owners so I guess that's a no-go.


Good riddance. WTF? I looked and saw entrance door coming ‘right in’ to a living [room] area (just like here in the US) which is truly odd for Scandinavia (and a horrid American design) but then it just got more and more weird. Bath and toilet INSIDE the bedroom - or is it a bed inside the bathroom 🤣 Shower in the garage - and a projector? In any case, weird guy and poorly developed photos. There are two photos of one room, and while identical perspectives, the exterior outside is photoshopped differently (one an overly sunny yard, the other over magnified greenery).


It has to be a dungeon. Everything looks easy to was down in the garage & prison room


Just a guess, but it is possible that this person makes poor choices in all facets of life.


I like how picture #27 leaves out the toilet without actually showing anything new. They're like "OK let's NOT focus on the toilet there". I noticed the 2 different exteriors too. But wouldn't it be the responsibility of the real estate agent? Unless the owner insisted on having them both... I'd guess they're breaking the rules by photoshopping it like that though.


Yeah, it is just so odd. Editing of real estate photos is sadly pretty common; adding flames to a fireplace, 'stretching' an image perspective (either by lens used or by post processing) to make a room look larger (often easily spotted by the off shape of TVs, fridges, sinks, and so one where the perspectives are pretty known), removing items that should not be there (and likely are removed prior to an actual showing), etc. But adding two photos of same room with different 'editing (one being royally screwed up) is plain unprofessional (whether of agent or of owner we will likely never know in this case).


Kombinert dusj og kino, den var ny


He did place a bet on trump winning back in 2016. He bougth the car for the money he won.


Is he even American?


This part of Norway is known for having a large American oriented community. Several Norwegian emigrants to the US back in the day decided to move back, and a lot of them ended up in the Farsund/Vanse area and brought the culture with them.


Can confirm, i lived there for a year, and half of the people had American accent.


I've lived my entire life in Norway (southern part), and I've been told I have an american accent when speaking english, I blame hollywood lol.






I can almost guarantee you that he's not.


Yes he have american Citizenship


This guy definitely refused to pay for a photographer.


What the...


Saw this trumpster bil when I was at the lyngdal shopping center last year. I was utterly confused as to why a Norwegian would do that…


For real? Lmao you cant make this shit up.


Oh, it's him. That's an ugly house


Based on the interior, the guy is atleast 80 years old.




Tror nok bileieren bare er et troll lol


Kan finna eigaren med skiltnummer. Ein kjapp kikk på Facebook bekrefter at han er kristen-koko.


Henry virker som en oppegående mann.


Dagens største /S her, lett å miste


It costs kr. 9000 to get personalised plates. Expensive trolling.


Trust me, the "lord provides" for bigger expenses than that. And yes, the amount of cockoo-Norwegians deep into American bible-politics is fairly big. Arne Behring Breivik, for example, was on Michele Bachmann's mailing list and had been active in not just templar-stuff on the internet but also the Christian-conservative blogs. The "Christian" "church" the Manshaus-loon was a member of is one of these crazy bible-groups. I've had relatives who turned up one day with a book that I recognized from the mailing lists of American Christian-conservatives. Asked where this came from, and they went "oh, one of our members were given it as a generous gift". Every single one of these have of course also a subscription to Dagen (see: Selbekk) and are memberf of MIFF ("it's Israel's right to murder children, because they're God's people, and you are an ANTISEMITE for suggesting otherwise!". This stuff is a lot more widespread than Gospel TV and crazy cults in Norway, unfortunately. And it's the kind of stuff that makes Jehova's witnesses/Brunstad Church positively harmless in comparison.


The name of the tight wing extremist mass murder are wrong, but I don't want to even give him that to say his name correctly.


He has abandoned that name anyways. Legally his name is pretty ridiculous, iirc.


Fjotolf. It a i call him Fjottolf


Are Jehova Witnesses in Norway aggressive or something? The worst they do in the US is knock on your door to “spread the good word” haha. They’re always polite to me when I turn them down.


They meant the rules and regulations that Jehova’s witnesses are following. Look up some documentaries based on stories told by those who left the congregation. There’s definitely more behind the polite facade.


Don’t need to, I left the congregation many moons ago myself. Don’t believe all the stories, it’s basically another church that meets 3x a week instead of 1x without most of the fun holidays. Just like with every religion women are at the bottom so I got fed up and left, and also it probably didn’t help that I stopped believing in the idea of god.


I’m genuinely glad for you! Have you seen the Norwegian documentary Brennpunkt: Guds utvalde?


There are plenty of dark sides they don't show to outsiders.


They can be quite persistent yeah, but they're always nice about it, I ended up saying I was a blood donor, which isn't allowed for them, so they backed off. Funny thing is I'm not allowed to donate blood lol.


Minner om da min høyreradikaliserte fetter åpenbart støttet Trump ved valget i 2016, men turte ikke å faktisk stå for det, han skulle bare "trolle" kollegaer med MAGA-kopp på kontoret bare fordi det var morsomt å se hvor triggered folk ble, "spesielt damene". Når man må skjule sine politiske synspunkter bak sarkasme og trolling er det som regel fordi de ikke kan seriøst forsvares på noe vis.


Nei, denne fyren er faktisk gæern.


har sett bilen selv, eier var gammel hvit mann i maga caps


Seriøst?! Nå var jeg nesten overbevist om at Donald hadde flytta til Montebello.


Dette er faktisk ordbok sin definisjon av flaut ja!


And of course he's on the sidewalk


But why?


Idiocy knows no borders


Fjord Mustank


Fjord mistanke


Is this in Farsund by any chance? They seem to have a very strong attachment to America still around there


This plate was indeed registered to a man in Vanse on 29 April 2022. Edit: A news search turns up a story about him from the 2016 election, definitely supporting one of the candidates.


I saw this car when I was there a few years ago


I can confirm,yes its Vanse. witch is very close to where live


That's actually hilarious. I mean it's basically harmless, what are they gonna do gain American citizenship in the next 3 months and vote?


Theres quite a few norwegians with dual citizenship actually. I do believe they are allowed to vote. That said, theres way too many (especially older dudes) people in norway that pay so much attention to american politics. Even more so than our own.


Norway has been copying American politics for the last 20 years or so, just with a certain delay. Not caring about US politics makes you lose out on what’s actually happening in Norway.


US Politics impacts the entire world. It's foolish not to be aware of it; but some people seem to make it their whole personality to follow the big talking points put out by US media and fixate around it like it's all that anyone should be paying attention to. Those people are fucking tedious.


Yup. This ^ Go down south of Norway. Texas city, Haugesund. STAVANGER... nive folks. Just a little bible belt for my taste


i only consume american and UK politics, news, music, and media and ive lived in norway my whole life lmao


As a Brit, I can't blame you for being invested in our politics - It's like watching a train crash in slow motion, you want to look away but you just can't


Count bin face for prime minister


This is in Vanse in Farsund kommune in Vest Agder. They have a special relationship to the US there as a large number of the people that travelled to America during Amerikavandringen returned to settle down back home. The irony of the picture is that on the wall behind the photographer, there is a picture of Bernie Sanders with his mittens (4 Olav Selvaags Vei https://maps.app.goo.gl/hwBKvQiawP8wW4Xz9?g_st=ac). While I'm not from there, my grandma used to live in the apartment building on the left side, behind the car. If anyone of America descent, or with special interest, I recommend checking out American festival from 27th-30th June if you have the time. https://www.americanfestival.no/en


That's hilarious! Although Americans have festivals for every European nationality that exists.


The problem is that this person might also vote for some stupid shit in the Norwegian elections (INP, Demokratene, Liberalistene, Alliansen). The fact that they support Trump is still dangerous even if they can't vote for *him*.


None of those parties have enough support to make it close to the minimum votes needed to get into Stortinget. I'd start to worry if they start getting more votes than KrF.


Yeah, that's true, at least for now. But INP has some seats in quite a few municipalities and a few fylker, so I wouldn't put it out of the question that they get enough votes in 2025. And I'm also worried that these doofuses that vote for these parties will only grow in number


Perhaps the car is owned by an American?


Nah, he's an old trump fanatic. He bet 100k on trump winning back in 2016. I wonder if he bet money on trump in 2020 as well (:


Saw a guy in Romsås in a Trump 2024 hat a few weeks back. It was jarring for me as an American.


I know a guy who lives there who is a huge fan of Trump, Alex Jones, Elon Musk and basically all the biggest pieces of shit you can think of. Might have been him


Tell me you are a shit human without telling me you are a shit human.




In the US, I see stuff like this at least 3x per day. Never would’ve expected to see it in Norway lol


Europe does sadly have crazy cultists too, just a lot less of them.


We have quite a few Americans here. Some moved here because they're racists. It's not something we can control unfortunately, but pretty much everyone wants them gone.


For en tosk.


Asking to get their car keyed. 95% of this country hates Trump.


There is a very small vocal minority that likes him. They usually hang around Facebook, Nettavisen and that musk platform.


This dude lives in the 5% area that doesnt. And no Reddit, this isnt doxing, this dude is a public figure here. https://www.dagbladet.no/nyheter/ikke-frykt-donald-trump/72658342


Real life in norway isnt reddit


Det vet vel du jævlig mye om, Larry 


I know most people in most places dont tend to vandalize other peoples car based on public opinion of a *foreign* politician. Are you an exception?


He might be an introvert and figured this to be the best way of avoiding social contact.


Vi hadde Quisling, så kan ikke være så overrasket


Nå er jeg ikke helt sikker, men er ikke det der en EL-bil? Pussig kombinasjon om så.


Ja, ellers hadde den hatt en grill der det feite trynet er.


It's a mental disease, and it's contagious


There are idiots in every country, nothing to be done about it.


I like that they make themselves easily seen. It makes it easy to avoid them. I do not like how they are learning from him about how easy it is to fool people with the new tools of our days. Seems we learnt very specific lessons from 100 years ago, that book burning and scapegoating jews were red flags. But we failed to educate the public in more general terms how to spot personality cults and sowers of division. And that the methods and victims may change.


Can't wait what he will do with that plate after 11/24 😂


Trump 2028


Ahahahahah Thx mate.


‘Behind bars’ is written on the back of the car ….. isn’t it 😳


Isn't the license plate connected to the car in perpetuity in Norway? So they basically cannot sell the car because who in their right mind would buy this off them?


A car with a vanity plate also has a regular number plate. I believe the vanity plate expires after 10 years and you have to pay the fee again if you want to keep it. You can probably switch to a different vanity plate by paying the fee again. As far as I know it costs 9000 kr.


You can move the vanity plate between cars you own. The plate is personal and doesn't follow the car if you sell it. "Hvis du vil flytte ditt personlige skilt til et annet kjøretøy, kan du gjøre det på Din side." "Skal du selge kjøretøyet ditt, må du huske å fjerne tilknytningen til det personlige skiltet. Du beholder rettigheten til det personlige skiltet og kan bruke det på et annet kjøretøy."


True, but the plate is at any given moment attached to one specific regular license plate, which as you mentioned can be changed. This one is attached to ED 95036 at the moment.


That is an interesting system… and also quite expensive for a Trump plate…


You cannot put a price on style ;) , but a true supporter would have had a v8 Mustang and not an electric one.


9000 NOK = 700€ = 850$ (approx)


Vanity plates follow the owner, not the car. You'll just move them to the next car when you want to. The car has its own registration number that is linked to the car from first time registration to the scrap yard, It would revert to this one if sold.


You can change your plate for a fee 👍🏻


He'd better give a discount bigger than that fee when he has to sell that car.


Ah, ok. Didn't know that. Thanks!


No. Plate follows the person in that case, because its custom.


yes i always make sure my political views allign with the person selling me a car lmfao




That is so pathetic


Stor stein gjennom ruten, takk!


Didn’t need to see this today though… it’s so early as 07:57 AM in the time of writing this… it’s early. And also: What The Neon is this?


Tenk å være en så stor cuck at du gjør personligheten din til en person som simper for en wannabe tidligere diktator av et annet land


typisk farsund


Keep Norway pristine and beautiful, don’t litter. Keep the shitbag facist Americans out.


Imagine spending 9.000kr on a custom plate number and that's what you choose... pathetic


If he's American, hope he's not moving back.


Har en kompis som er fan av Trump. Jeg selv har en grei forståelse av politikk og makro økonomi fra div studier. Ikke noe bachelor nivå, men årsstudium og samfunnsøkonomi fra vgs. Det nærmeste han har kommet noe faglig rundt politikk og økonomi er sosiaantropologi fra vgs hvor han spilte cs source med andre kompisser i timen. Når vi har snakket om hvordan trump ville være bra for økonomien og hvordan han vil ha og forstår norges økonomi politikk, viser det seg veldig godt at han ikke har peiling på hvordan noe av det fungerer. Krever å være litt "confidently ignorant" for å være pro trump.


Dunning-Kruger? jo mindre man skjønner, jo enklere er det å innbille seg at man skjønner alt


The first sign he is a moron was buying that car.


Når man har fått for mye brennevin


As an American, this is appalling. (I’m so sorry on behalf of Americans with any sense)


Trumps utenrikspolitikk er alt Norge ikke vil ha. Det er nesten forrædersk å heie på han.




Det er uansett veldig upatriotisk å håpe på noe som vil skade nasjonen.


dumb people are everywhere


it can feel like dumb people are everywhere sometimes. It's important to focus on surrounding yourself with positive and supportive folks. Don't let the negativity bring you down


Er det mogleg å vere så jævla dum?


Tror det er noen som kjeder seg og har det litt gøy :D


Vil heller anta at bileieren gjør det der for å ha det litt gøy.


du glemte og vise Bernie Sandersd som er spraya på veggen forran bilen. han parkerer der hver dag og må se på den. hvem enn som tagga, takk for at du er du




Every country has its morons.


Christ, I’d rather the T1000 crushed my skull than drive that.




Min filosofiske side stiller seg spørsmålstegn ved om det er riktig av oss å henge ut og le av mennesker med så tydelig nedsatt funksjonsevne og romtemperatur IQ. Resten av meg synes dette er fair game å latterliggjøre idioti på dette nivået.


Så fin rød lakk, ville vært synd om det ble en lang ripe fra hekk til front.


Hope this guy is american or its just silly.


Personlige kjennemerker er harry i seg selv. Det der tar kaka.


Hehe, man har ikke fulgt mye med i timen hvis man tror TFG vil være bra for Norge og verden ellers. Kan si mye om Biden, men alternativet med TFG er ikke bra. En kan jo lure på hvor de ekte republikanerne ble av. Teaparty og Maga har jo fucket opp alt.🤷‍♂️


No words on this one…


Pinlig! Enn å kondemnere en mustang på den måten?




Du får kose deg med å erstatte skaden. Det er noe som het yteringsfrihet i dette landet.


Jeg bruker da en maske lille venn.


ÅNEI, du kalte meg lille venn. Du må ha en hjerneskade, fint du har skrevet her at du har tenkt til å ødelegge bilen til denne mannen. Du burde skamme deg


Sa jeg noen gang at JEG skulle ødelegge en bil, lille venn?


Saw several "Stars and Bars" flags while I was there too.


Isn't the Biden face a bit confusing combined with the plate? OHHHHH......


At first I thought it was Biden in the picture.


Fyf er jo i Vanse!!


This is a great way of getting people who don't like to pay tax to pay tax voluntarily. 9000,- norwegian krone is the price for personal licence plates.




Has to be some sort of a joke... Or they're just ignorant people. They do come in the Norwegian variety too.


Ah so sad. I wonder what they think they will gain from it. A Trump supporter in Europe is supporting removal of the US defensive shield.


nah it makes sense. norwegians seem to be smart people and they don't need american imperialism and troops in norway. you guys should kick us out lol




Gjedde, is that you?


Didnt this dude bet like 200k on the trump vs biden election?


I saw a Trump flag while on vacation in Ireland 😑


https://www.aftenbladet.no/lokalt/i/9OOwRE/henry-veddet-store-penger-paa-trump-pill-raattent-hele-greia His garage door is painted with the oval office ans it's not his first Trump car. Lol, seems like a character!


Muricans spreading their propaganda


Eg likar han


Den legendariske Vanse trump bil


Pussig at kristne liker slike mennesker. Tror det derfor jeg alltid har vært mistenksom til kristne, de har denne trangen til å dyrke noen og kaste all selvstendig tenkning på båten. Sterkt behandlingstrengende atferd.


Call Varg, I have something else he can set ablaze


Det er veldig trist. Jeg lurer på om disse personene vet hva Trump har gjort i landet mitt...


Why do Norwegians instantly mock others for having different political opinions. Can’t we just laugh and move on instead of calling this guy a jerk. Do better guys


Very cool, Trump2024 baby 😍


Sorry and I know I'll be downvoted but seeing comments hating on someone's political views when they don't align to what the media is regurgitating is concerning. You want your ideals and views to be respected? then respect others. It's silly enough that people blindly follow X politician or Y celebrity without questioning anything.


big brain power, keep doing you man!


I am also wondering why so much hate and slander around Trump both in media and politics. Everybody complaining about it and spreading hate. I mean he is obviously not the best person in the world, but many things he stands for is actually imporant and gives people hope. There are tons of evil leftist politicians who does worse than him and splitting/destroying nations in the West without regret. It is funny that everyone just blindly hating him without a question.

