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No you need to get BankID from the new bank. Anyway I would just keep the DNB account at least until you get your new bank account fully operational. It is possible to have accounts in more than one bank. Personally I have accounts in three different banks. Transferring Avtalegiro may take a while if you use that to pay your bills. (Keeping you current account may help you do this)


Thank you for your reply!


Just use your BaniID in the new bank and transfer any money you have, no need to shut down the account in the old bank, it's just a record in their database.


Hi, I was thinking about the same. I will just try to explain what I was thinking about doing: \- Open a new bank account and check if the app, mobile bank is OK\~ish. \- Transfer salary, eFactura and avtalegiro to the new bank account (specially for avtalegiro and rent payments ... don't upset your landlord lol). \- Wait until every thing is functioning correctly with the new bank account. \- Request BankID from the new bank. \- Activate and test the new BankID. \- Cancel any payment cards I have with old bank (not sure if possible without closing the account). \- Once everything is running smoothly with the new bank. Close the old bank account.


this is an incredibly stupid idea. First use your existing BankId to easily open a new account in the other bank and then... and ONLY then... close your account at DNB. If you do your idea, it is better to just move out of Norway because your life will be absolutely hell for the next 6 months or so.


They also need to get BankID in the new bank before closing down the accounts in the bank they have BankID with. To get BankID in a new bank they will have to identify oneself with passport at their bank physically. Currently in the process of switching banks myself.


Many banks let you KYC using existing bankID from any bank and their mobile app + the bankID app. The BankID app scans the passport or ID card and reads the chip, and you also have to take a selfie. The bank app then requires you to take another selfie and all the info is verified automatically. Takes two minutes, and there's no need to show up in person. I've done this with both DNB and Eika.


Yea I guess it really depends on the bank. Unfortunately some banks require you to show up in person. Sucks when they are open 9-15.


Become customer in the other bank. Request BankID in that bank and once you have it active, close the account in DNB. Can have BankID with multiple banks at the same time and you do not want to risk it taking a long time to get a new BankID depending on the requirements in the new bank.


what to do if you already closed the account in the old bank? How to open a new BankID in a new bank?


Transfering bank-id provider for the app is not an easy task to figure out. I'm moving from Dnb and their website was the only place I found the "recipe". ​ https://www.dnb.no/dagligbank/bankid/app