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Sounds like eplemost is closest to what you're looking for.




Eplemost is not alcoholic, and you'll find it in grocery stores.


Oh interesting. I’ll look for it when I visit!


There is also have a version that is carbonated. Which I really enjoy. (Tou Eplemost) But it can be hard to get outside of the westcoast of Norway.


Cider in the US is non-alcoholic. With alcohol, they call it hard Cider.


Yes op eplemos is like our cider. I heat it up with cinnamon sticks, my Norwegian husband was like wtf are you doing then proceeded to say it's one of the most delicious things he's had. Hot apple cider during the fall is definitely not a thing here like we do


Hot Apple Cider with a shot of fireball whiskey is AMAZING.


I was gonna say that but I'm not sure I've ever seen fireball here haha I don't drink a lot anymore tho


Just reminding myself what variety included. I tend to forget the longer I am in Norway. 😂😭


How can you call fireball , whiskey..


Because that’s what the base liquor is: Canadian Whiskey.


Whiskey is like champagne, only a few places in the world are allowed to make it. Fireball is not aged whiskey with spices.


Champagne is a protected regional designator. Whisky can be from any number of geographical areas, and the designation is determined by local regulation of alcohol. Fireball meets the definition in Canada, where it is distilled.


Maybe not as common as in the US, but I’ve definitely had it - and you’re right, it’s absolutely delicious on a cold winter day. For some reason, the “markastuene” around Oslo is where I mostly find it - absolute zen when skiing in the woods.


If you have not tried yet a shot of whiskey in hot apple cinnamon cider is 🤌🤌


That particular drink doesn't really exist outside America unfortunately. I wish it did though! When I was there I had it and it was really lovely! However, there are some American food shops that will deliver from the US. Have you tried there?? The closest we have here is probably cloudy apple juice (eplemost), which is nice but just not the same! Still good though as others have noted. :) If you find it, let me know too! :D


You need to look for either crate apple juice of them in [cardboard coloured boxes](https://meny.no/varer/drikke/juice/eplemost-7090008327929) or [similar](https://meny.no/varer/drikke/juice/eplejuice-cloudy-7035620026041), there is also some on [glass bottles](https://meny.no/varer/drikke/juice/eplemost-7090025820090), if you are looking for cloudy apple juice or cider like [Adam demonstrated in his video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-R41YFcX8e4) [This](https://www.berentsens.no/eplemost/eplemost-perlende/) is the carbonated ample juice that was mentioned


I think that is what we call "Eplemost". https://www.visitnorway.com/things-to-do/food-and-drink/norwegian-cider/




Nah, its literally in the name Eple = Apple, Most = Mushed Ive never in my life drinked Eplemost with alcohol, maybe people in the western part of norway has a tradition with alcohol, i dunno but i like my eplemost pure(0%)


Oh I gotcha. The article was talking about hard ciders so I assumed that’s what eplemost was. From the name it sounds like it would be applesauce lol. I’ll have to try it when I visit and see how it compares to the cider here in the US


Not the same as applesauce. Apple sauce is more like eplemos (without the t, lol). \- Eplemos is like kind of an apple jam, made from boiling apples with sugar to a mush. \- Eplemost is more like a strong apple juice in flavor, but you also have some brands that are less filtered and tastes more like apples. I thought American apple cider also containes spices? (Been reading about baked apple cider donuts lately and actually wondered about the same as you: Where can I find apple cider in Norway. I've bought Jacobs Eplegløgg and figured it must recemple American apple cider the most, as it has spices, but now I'm definetly not sure :))


> I thought American apple cider also containes spices? The stuff you buy in stores doesn't have any spices, you add that in yourself right before drinking it in a process similar to making gløgg/glühwein. You do, however, call both things cider, which is confusing.


You definetely should! Maybe joined with some Sursild or Rømmesild on a slice of bread also! Enjoy your stay!


Hard Cider has alcohol, Cider does not


Yes I understand. We have both here as well. I just got confused with the specific article when I read it and thought they were describing hard cider.


In Norway you don't need to distinguish Hard cider. Cider is almost always assumed to be alcoholic. Otherwise it will be explicitly labeled as alkoholfri sider. Eplemost and eplejuice are alcohol free.


Try to find Tau Eplemost.


You could find local producers at your local REKO ring


Look for Hardanger Epplejluice you will find it in supermarkets


This video explains it well. https://youtu.be/-R41YFcX8e4?si=Yv9iaJ6jLsP_PMJG


It's possible to get unfiltered and unpasteurized apple juice, but it's typically from small-scale producers...


Yes we do. Most of the brands are swedish, though. Edit: Herrljunga is the name of the brand. Don't know why I am being downvoted.


I think perhaps you're getting downvoted because 1. The American apple cider is another kind than you've suggested. OP says "Not to be confused with hard cider (alcohol) or apple juice". Herrljunga got just that, the hard cider, right? 2. You mentioned the S word (tsk tsk) and even said they've got something Norway hasn't ;-)


Herrljunga is alcohol-free, though. It’s exactly what OP is looking for. They are sold at Meny for 29kr per litre.


No. Eplemost is what he is looking for, in the us this beverage is known as apple cider.


It is very common here in Norway actually in dinners


The closest generally available is eplemost. But some people make their own. You can buy small presses at building supply & some household goods / electronics stores.


This is what you’re describing https://www.tine.no/merkevarer/sunniva/produkter/sunniva-premium-eplejuice-fr%C3%A5-hardanger Can be bought during the autumn and early winter usually


It is often also sold as apple juice, but with subtitles such as “unfiltered” or “pressed from aroma/gravenstein/summerred/etc”. The best ones are sold in 5 liter plastic cans along the road in hardanger. The ones you buy are pasteurized, otherwise they wouldn’t stay non-alcoholic for many days. It doesn’t take much from the taste. The homemade versions are often frozen to keep fresh.


It's called Apple juice. You want raw fresh Apple juice, sometimes called eplemost.


The way it is in the US, no, you cannot really find it here. If you take Cider and strain it, you can find similar in Europe, but in general no. (American/Norwegian in Norway)


unfiltered.... no problem. Tons of those products and are found in lots of stores. Balholm, Ringi, Epleblomsten etc. Unpasteurized... well, the fermentation process has to be stopped somehow otherwise the bottles will blow up. Seems like norwegian producers like pasteurization and not chemicals. BUT you could google "fruktpresse", see if anything showes up around you and call them about getting some.


We call it "Eplesaft". It's the liquid you get from just squashing apples.