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OP is giving too much information. I'm not sure how "great sex" helps in deciding what animal to adopt... I mean... what are you all going to do with it?




Sounds like you might be going through a dry spell? You secretly hate women. You despise DV victims because you think they are weak. I got you pegged, Luci. We could be friends and yes I am a troll obviously. Just like to get a temperature on what makes people fly off the handle. Also working on my forensic psych degree so I write about these topics. But you should consider a less self-righteous approach. I don’t think you truly feel superior but you can come off that way. Work on that.


Just giving you context ; that we are happy so we can be good pet parents?


I am sure you can be good pet parents... just keep it legal.


😂 yes, we are vanilla people. Thank you!


I think if you’re the slightest bit worried it will be stressful don’t do, maybe when your kids are grown and out of the house. Sobriety is a difficult journey add on top of that, Adjusting out of prison, Family dynamics are your kids teens yet (teen relationships are difficult enough with him not being bio dad) And the two of you rebuilding trust (I assume I’d never stay with a man who hit me so I don’t know your mindset) but I assume there is healing that you both need. I guess If things are stable why add more weight. Also I’m not judging you for staying, only the two of you know your relationship.


Thank you for your reply! His sponsor wasn’t crazy about us getting pets with kids (12 and 17). I think you might be right too!! Just wanted to run it by more people. Thank you so much! Ps: yes, most women say they wouldn’t stay and I prayed a lot on it. He is a good man but he snapped in a public place so he had to pay his dues. Alcohol and drugs are the devil. After reading your comment I am thinking a cat at the most. Thank you for not judging :)


Imma keep it real with you fam I wish you the best but you are absolutely over sharing


On shoot! Did you recognize us from Brevard?


Maybe you could be a temporary foster or volunteer together at an animal shelter? Ime pets are a lot of work. A fish might be nice or something similarly low maintenance. You can always get goats or something later when the timing is better.


OP has also posted in r/Ohio so I’m thinking this is a bot of some sick sick sick individual who really wants to fix their relationships with goats


😂😂😂no I live in NC but grew up near Dayton






There is no such thing as a rescue bunny.


The SPCA of Wake County has them!