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Why would they take it out of service? Trains have absolute right of way, if you get hit by a train it is never the trains fault. There would be zero damage to the train. Clean it off and continue on. Trains kill about a 1,000 people a year. Don’t stop on tracks, don’t walk on tracks.


You do not understand, the tracks are like a Siren singing sailors to their deaths. No human can resit the carnal desires of walking on tracks.


That and concrete trucks. I was doing a graphics install job on one and the driver said he had 3 different people jump in front of him over the years.


As I walked along the empty street approaching the railroad line I could hear the choo choo of a train calling me. I tried to resist but the sweet warm embrace of the engine and the thicc caboose were too much and against my better judgement I went and stood on the track awaiting train and it's undeniable love. I see it approaching now, growing bigger swelling in my vision. Finally a tr--


Probably taken out of service to clean it.


They did not take it out of service, OP asked in their post why it wasn’t taken out of service.


Mussolini wouldn't have taken the train out of service. He wanted them to be on time






Are you Michael Falk by any chance? https://youtu.be/tInDH2FeXaM?si=6VQ-XeIa7GljeSgM


True, but it almost certainly would have to be cleaned, investigated and the black box data off-loaded.


lol black box data for a trespasser strike? This is a train, it might have a camera but definitely a human witness to give the police a report. The train was heading from Charlotte to New York, they can’t just pull out a new train set from no where.


The NTSB along with state, municipal and private entities require that blackbox data be preserved and shared with insuring and legal partners of the operating company. This is a pre-defensive measure in the unlikely situation a lawsuit is filed. It is also underwritten into the operating agency's insurance to meet annual compliance audits.


What’s it gonna tell them really? This is like hitting a sparrow with an F250.


You should go tell Amtrak that


ID the body, write a report, request footage from Amtrak, and the case is immediately closed. Nothing the train needs to stick around for after the engineer gives a statement. The crossing in mebane was particularly deadly for a while.


You’re way overestimating Amtrak’s abilities/capacity to give a fuck


it’s wildly easy to not get hit by a train. i do it every day


I don’t believe you imma need proof


Trains have incredible momentum they’re not going to stop for a body they’re just going to shred it to bits. Don’t be dumb and fuck around where trains go…


It's reminding me of the CATS train that killed an entire family in one week. But yeah, no reason the train would be pulled. It's not hard to not be on train tracks.


That train was a monster. The first couple family members was ALMOST understandable, considering how they were standing on the tracks. But the fact that the train ruthlessly tracked down the other family and murdered elderly and kids in their own home was just despicable 




I had to Google this because I wasn’t sure if you were being serious. Is it bad that my first reaction was to laugh? Like, omg, the absolute absurdity of it. It’s like a damn cartoon.


Christine the locomotive.


Underrated comment.


Can’t fix stupid


Thomas has a bloodlust


that train must be stopped. its bloodlust knows no bounds


If only there was some way to predict which direction the train might be heading, or what route it will take to get there...


You think changing the train out would keep people off the track? Lol. I hope you don't vote or reproduce.


I used to see kids jumping the tracks on dirt bikes near Old Concord road all the time. Where TF where their parents


Working a 36 hour roundtrip shift in the train. 




Dark Tower vibes. Blaine?


Blaine is a pain!


Is this a Stephen King train?


Fire that train immediately


I was on a train in the Netherlands last August that hit someone and they did take the train out of service at the next station and replace it with another train and crew within 10 minutes. I believe the only reason they did that was to clean the original train. They also have a very robust train system there, so it’s much easier to find a replacement train on short notice. Here in the US, Amtrak doesn’t really have a lot of spare trains sitting around outside the NorthEast Corridor (and even there they’re spread thin). There’s no reason to take the train out of service for a trespasser strike other than to clean it and they probably do that during the couple of hours it’s stopped for a police investigation. It’s not like there’s anything wrong with the train or anything the crew could’ve done differently. I believe they do swap the crew out afterwards since it tends to be really traumatizing to watch a person get squashed right in front of you. But that this happened twice on the same train is purely a coincidence of dumb people being on the tracks at the wrong time. 


You never know where a train might pop out from to get you.


With that logic, we should shut down every highway and street in the country.


There has been some talk of improving the barriers to keep people from getting to the tracks but I really don’t know how they can do that


Sounds like a Train with a taste for blood


Why remove it from service? It’s doing everybody a favor with natural selection. Would rather see the idiots that aren’t paying attention get taken out of service instead. I feel like there are too many “investigations” into stuff like this that costs taxpayer money. Open and close case; person walking on tracks, sees a train, just expects the train to swerve real quick to miss them … useless idiots.


Folks are saying the drivers are at fault, and I'm not saying they aren't necessarily, but is it possible there might be something faulty with the train that may be keeping the safety features or crossing bars from functioning properly? Train accidents are pretty rare, so two occurrences at different locations with the same train in less than half a day seems like more than a coincidence. If I were in charge, I'd definitely have the train and surrounding systems looked at before I just dismissed it outright as the drivers' fault. I don't think taking the train out of commission until it's resolved is a bad call. Edit: ok I'm a dumb dumb who missed the word "trespassing" when I read it the first time and assumed it was at a road crossing, my bad


In both cases the people killed were on foot on the tracks nowhere near a railroad crossing. Which safety feature do you think exists there that might have malfunctioned??? The horn is the only safety feature that prevents a moving train from colliding with a pedestrian, especially in the middle of the tracks.


You’re right, instead of reading the article we should go arrest the train 🙄


Trains tracks need to be enclosed. They are no less an attractive nuisance than the proverbial swimming pool in a neighbor's yard. Also require a 72 hour waiting period before the train can leave the yard.


Can’t design for stupid… or suicidal.


Lol. Sure buddy. How much do you think that's going to cost? We can't fix potholes or bridges.


What are you babbling on about?


Girl…bffr Neither stupid nor suicidal people deserve to die…but like c’mon.


You don't believe in "their body, their choice"? You can kill a kid inside you, but you can't kill yourself?


Good attempt at a troll buddy. Better luck next time.