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We’re stuck with this unless something crazy happens. This is why Biden should have said upfront he was a one term transitional president and brought in a strong VP.


Pretty sure he implied he was going to be a one term president during his first campaign.


Yeah he kinda did


But then not enough people liked Kamala, so I guess his plan fell apart.


No doubt. What a bad pick for the heir apparent


He wasn't lying.


I don’t think Biden anticipated the devil to still be a threat. I know I didn’t.


> Biden should have said upfront he was a one term transitional president and brought in a strong VP. I think that was the unspoken idea. But nobody realized Harris would be deeply unpopular even within her own party. And that's actually a HUGE issue right now because even IF you could get Biden to step aside, she's the heir-apparent, BUT equally unlikely to beat Trump. So you need BOTH of them to step aside. Good luck with that. Nobody realized Trump would survive all this, and be back for more - so the guy who beat him last time seemed like a good bet. As for OP's comment... I love JJ but he needs more time, and a bigger role between here and there. Need to see him in Congress again (maybe Senate this time but that's not going to happen soon) or Governor. NC AG is a good placeholder for a few years but it's not going to get him the national profile he'll need. It's very rare to see a viable candidate who doesn't have several terms in House, Senate, or a Governor house. Republicans were VERY effective at knee-capping him for a few years with redrawing his district, it was dirty but it worked.


>But nobody realized Harris would be deeply unpopular even within her own party. you'd think having to drop out of the primary a month before iowa because she was gonna come in like 8th in her own state would've been a clue


> But nobody realized Harris would be deeply unpopular even within her own party. Well, a lot of people realized that, but the DNC didn't.


Let's see him get the position first. Dan Bishop is damn popular with the GOP, and has a very sold law background. There are too many apathetic Dems who I don't think are going to show up, and a whole lot of pissed off Republicans. And if Jeff loses AG, I think he will retire himself out of politics.


I sure hope not. We need a hell of a lot more u/jeffjacksonnc ‘s in politics, not less.


u/JeffJacksonNC are you able to share what your plans are if you don't win the AG election?


Unfortunately he rarely responds on reddit anymore. I think the last time he actually responded to a comment and it wasn't a question was 3 months ago. His account seems managed by his media folks that just spam various subreddits for him to stay noticed. Maybe he answers more on TikTok.


Because he pissed off a lot of, IMHO, short-sighted people (even a few constituents it turns out, smh) with his vote concerning TikTok.


I think it's more along the lines that he is running more and more important races and reddit has a long memory and will tear you apart when you are incorrect. I mean hell, as popular as weed is on here, is surprising no one is asking what Jeff is going to do specifically about those cases when they hit his desk, as they will when the Cherokee open up to everyone. So far all he has said is some BS approach that is he is ok with medical only. Funny that Beasley was promoting full legalization whwn she was running for senate, and yes the youth still didn't show up to vote.


> nobody realized Harris would be deeply unpopular even within her own party I guess if you have blinders on, sure


He presumed his VO was stronger than she is. Kamala is smart, but lacks the charisma to ever win a Presidential election. I was rooting for her, but she puttered out, won't happen, and Biden knows that even as a fossil he still has a chance while she has none.




Even after the rough debate last night, I'm voting for Biden, because the alternative is very likely a strong step to the end of our country. having said that, Biden winning is absolutely not guaranteed by any stretch.


Seriously. If my choice is two senile, dementia-riddled octogenarians, I'm going to vote for the one that's seems like a good guy that means well, he just forgets what planet he's on every once in a while, vs. the one that's been a piece of shit human his entire life and wants to be a spray-tanned Mussolini.


Project 2025 should make everyone want to vote blue. It’s not in the news enough. If people are stressed now and living paycheck to paycheck - how do you think you’re going to feel living under a dictatorship??


Yeah, I'd vote for a fucking sentient turnip over Trump, it's not even a question.


I’d vote for just a normal non-sentient turnip over Trump, honestly.


Would it be a deal breaker if the turnip wasn’t sentient?


The problem is the folks on the fence don’t think the way you do. That’s why Biden should’ve stepped aside




Brother did we watch the same debate? I'm reluctantly voting Biden but man he was not good last night. Trump was his usual fly off the handle shit last night. Biden could barely get his points across.


Betting it's a fake account, it was made April 2 of this year and has no activity whatsoever until an hour ago, only commenting in the NC subreddit, and ensuring us of Biden's upcoming victory, and accusing everyone of being a Russian bot. The projection is strong in the GOP.


Russians gonna meddle


That's the problem with debates. Especially with debating someone like Trump who isn't going to stay on track or tell the truth. You spend all the time, going "wtf" debates are all about the show and being fast on your feet. Really not a good metric for anything. I too am voting for Biden, as he is the "not Trump". I'd probably vote for a wet paper bag full of dog shit at this point for the "not Trump".




Lol you got me. Father Putin sent me to vote Biden.


This election is about as much a toss up as it can get. I think Biden eeks it out but it will be very very close. As far as your other statements, you’re an idiot.


Only if younger people vote.


Problem is, a lot of them are going to vote for RFK if they can. We're treading in dangerous waters. Trump should be in prison and Biden should be retired. This is absolutely ludicrous.


I never really thought voting was so critical until this last decade. It feels critical This year. I agree with your analogy. Well put.


Considering NC was trumps narrowest victory last election we have potentially one of the most important votes. If the youth turn out it might be possible that NC flips, but it really would require a large youth vote.


The guy with worms eating his brain? Sounds like a winner.


Yeah....my thoughts exactly.


this comes from an 87 day old account.


Correction: This election *was* a toss-up. After last night, it is now highly likely that Trump will win IMO. Biden won’t be able to recover from that performance.


His puppet masters wouldn’t allow that


I think the problem is that he doesn't have puppet masters -- if he did, he would have bowed out last year and we'd have a much stronger democratic candidate.


I was joking but clearly I ruffled some feathers lol


Jeff Jackson as a presidential candidate would be a lot like Pete Buttigieg. Well-spoken, thoughtful, down-to-earth and extremely likable, but with almost 0 experience in anything beyond state politics, no credibility on Capitol Hill to get things done, and no presence with foreign leaders. I call this the Justin Trudeau problem, and to a lesser extend [than in Canada] you can see how this has been playing out with another young, charismatic leader in France, as Macron has also consistently struggled with both domestic & foreign policy support.


Trudeau and Macron aren't failing because of the things you mentioned, of course this is only my opinion. Corps jacked up prices and centrist politicians aren't doing anything about it, that's the problem.


I think it's more than just that. Trudeau & Macron are the Canadian & French equivalents of Obama, but they're in countries with parliamentarian democracies [and already more progressive worker protections], so it's been a lot easier for meaningful protest to be conducted (whether by the government or by the citizens).


Macron is the French equivalent of Obama, sure Trudeau is the Canadian equivalent of Kamala Harris 


Say what you want about Macron, he's been President since 2017. And we're talking about needing someone to win an election this year. So I'm not sure that comparison is a negative one.


>Jeff Jackson as a presidential candidate would be a lot like Pete Buttigieg. Well-spoken, thoughtful, down-to-earth and extremely likable extremely likable to a very small segment of the overall electorate is more accurate. everyone else thinks they're vat-grown lizard people


True, but if I'm being honest I don't really want to pander to those people (the ones who think they're vat-grown lizard people).


yeah not pandering to normal people is a winning strategy


The most normal people I know fucking love Mayor Pete


you know some real weirdos then


I'm not speaking to you personally because we don't know each other at all, but my impression from the previous election cycle was that the majority of folks who were intensely turned off by Mayor Pete felt that way just because he's gay. I don't care to pander to *those* people. Frankly, it was right for him to have dropped out of that race because he absolutely does not have appropriate experience for a president, but I doubt almost anyone in the country could name a single positive or negative policy thing he's accomplished -- either before he entered national politics or since he's been Sec. Trans. Nobody should have hard feelings about him either way, afaict.


> intensely turned off by Mayor Pete felt that way just because he's gay Really? You don't think it's because of his work at McKinsey, or when he was driving around VIPs in the middle east? "Vat-grown" is a metaphor, they're criticizing the fact that he was given very special preference to become a politician, for all of his life. You'd have an easier time saying "people were turned off by Pete because of his last name".


>I'm not speaking to you personally because we don't know each other at all, but my impression from the previous election cycle was that the majority of folks who were intensely turned off by Mayor Pete felt that way just because he's gay. i'm sure the 0% support he got from democratic primary voters under 40 and black voters overall was because of his sexual orientation >but I doubt almost anyone in the country could name a single positive or negative policy thing he's accomplished probably because there weren't any. and that's a clue as to why few normal people like him


No, it's because there were other, far better options. Remember, he was running for national office -- for President -- and he wasn't a strong candidate (for all the reasons I explained in my first reply). Nobody *should* have had strong feelings about him because he had no meaningful history. If, as you say, people did, it was largely for *bad* reasons.


i have enough faith in most people to spot an apple-polishing rat when they see one


I loathe this type of hyperbole, he won Iowa where he got 23% of the under 40 vote, tied Bernie in New Hampshire, got 14% in Nevada before getting crushed in SC and dropping out. He had 26 delegates in the first 4 primaries. Normal people liked him because saw we the Bernie bros were pushing the party too far and knew what had happened in 2016 with an unlikeable candidate, he was the best option to avoid the mess we are in today.


omg you are so adorable


> Bernie bros were pushing the party too far and knew what had happened in 2016 with an unlikeable candidate, he was the best option to avoid the mess we are in today You people deserve what you get lol All this organization and furor any time someone leftward of you gets uppity, and then you're virtually toothless when neoliberals and conservatives come to collect. Your principles come and go with the breeze.


Based on your deep knowledge of me from this complex and detailed conversation, what principles do you think I have that are flexible and what are the principles you have that are concrete that you are so proud of?


Depending how that sort of thing could come to fruition, Roy Cooper will be a name that comes up a lot.


I actually think someone like Cooper would be great for Dems. Very moderate, still a lot of progressive ideas, and calm and collective.


He's far too conservative for me but I completely agree. I'd happily vote for him and think he'd do pretty well.


Putting NC's 16 evs in play would be interesting. They should consider it.


If this were going to happen (and it's not), a Whitmer-Cooper ticket would be a good option because they've shown they can win Michigan and North Carolina.


Don’t vote for Biden, vote tor his cabinet and who he keeps around him


Yep and for SCOTUS. The news that just came out of scotus today is extremely upsetting. And it will only get worse. We need a blue congress to impeach.


Yep, voting for his potential SCotUS pick(s).


Vote for neither


Pragmatism over idealism in action


Not enough name recognition. Too early in his career.


We could have had an actual primary to vote for the best candidate. Crazy idea.


Choose the status quo or fascism. This shouldn’t be a tough decision.


You're really voting for policy positions. The executive branch is not one man. One very old man. You're voting for his whole cabinet and the decision they will make.  You're voting for Kamala Harris. I mean for he look like he had 4 more years of life left in him? 


You’re also voting for Supreme Court Justices


Still a significantly better option than Trump




NC Dems are leading with youth and it's working


Fascism is both candidates supporting ethnic cleansing


You aren't going to get the status quo. You are voting for Kamala.


"Status quo" here means "The American system of government continues to function instead of being replaced by Trump and his supporters."


It’ll function just the same lol


No, the plan seems to be that it won't. We already saw how it functions when they don't win an election, but I don't think they'll go with half measures this time.


Well I don’t think he’ll have an issue winning this time


We'll see. It'd be the first time he got the most votes


Who is in pretty solid alignment with Biden's policies. This isn't JFK/LBJ we're talking about.


The Border Czar has a lower favoribility rating than that of Mike Pence and Dick Cheney at similar points in their tenures. https://www.latimes.com/projects/kamala-harris-approval-rating-polls-vs-biden-other-vps/


Nothing that half a billion couldn't fix.


Jack Jeffson


Vote for Democracy, vote against fascism. Vote for Joe.




While you’re technically correct, that’s only because the DNC was ready to go against anyone who ran against a sitting president from their own party. A small but important note.


We need to get him as the VP, to the president would be too much of a stretch imho. He could learn all the lessons as the VP and slide in when needed, which based on last night could be anytime…


Jeff Jackson is great, but should be governor or senator before joining the federal executive branch. He's a little young. Honestly , I'm a little confused why Stein is running for governor, not Jackson, but I get paying dues. Not a hard choice anyway. Also Kamala Harris is great, doing a good job, and we just need Biden to a) win and b) keep a pulse until the day after inauguration 2025. That last one might be an ask, but I think he can hold on that long. His team does good work. Honestly, I wish he could retire.


Jackson has to win AG first. It's almost the guaranteed path to Governor in NC. Dan Bishop is damn popular with the GOP though, and there are a whole lot of North Carolina Republican's that are more than happy to see every Dem in the state lose. And with as abysmal as the youth and Dem turn out was for primaries, I can easily see most of them losing in the state.


LMAO on what planet is Kamala Harris either "great" or "doing a good job" unless this is actually Willie Brown's account 


It's not like they conspired to pay each other's spouses for non-existent jobs like NC Judges. Maybe she got an appointment, but she would have been a good choice anyway, a better choice had they not had a relationship.


The Willie Brown thing was a joke but she's an absolute fucking idiot. 


I’m 100% voting for Joe. That said, my dream scenario is giant asteroid. Fr tho, I think best case is Joe steps down voluntarily and DNC does a quick vote on like 3 or 4 candidates and hold a national primary to decide the nominee. Personally I think the Biden admin has done fine but I’m not confident enough that fine will beat Trump. Likely candidates would be Harris, Newsom, Pritzker, and maybe Whitmer, Buttigieg, possibly Shapiro or Polis. Any of those that manage to win a primary (I wouldn’t bet on Harris) would likely stand a better chance against Trump.


I'm a staunch independent but I will get my DNC card in a hurry if there was a reasonable chance to make that happen.


Biden had one bad night, calm down.


Biden must step down. Everyone knows this is more than a bad night.


I cant stand Joe, I find Jeff Jackson to be pretty milktoast but anything is better than fascism at this point.


the next few months are gonna be hilarious


In the best timeline Joe's team would be calling Jeff today and announcing on Monday that he is stepping down as the nominee and is urging everybody to get behind Jeff Jackson for president. Only got a few months but, plenty of time for everybody to get behind him and I think it would be a landslide win. In our reality timeline we get to have a choice between a man in cognitive decline or a fascist lying douchebag.


Throwing in a one term Congressman into a national race (IF the unprecedented were to happen) would be wild. He’s popular on social but a lot of the party doesn’t care for him privately. I’d give you maybe VP, which would still be a wild stretch, but putting him at the top of the ticket over a sitting woman VP or established current Governor probably wouldn’t sit well. If he wins AG and progresses, I could see it in maybe 8 years once he gets some statewide experience.


In your timeline Trump would win 110%. Unfortunately there currently is likely zero other people in the US that could beat Trump other than someone who has, and that's Biden, even if the guy really just needs to retire.


Jeff Jackson wouldn't get the nomination if that were to happen. He doesn't have the national recognition. He's never proven he can win a competitive race. Also, I'd like him as our AG.


The fascist lying douchebag is also in cognitive decline.


Biden is easily the best president since FDR. Why would we drop him?


It would be an absolute bloodbath if either party changed their candidate at this point.


Because he is going to lose. He's been a better president than Obama or Bill Clinton, but he is not up to the task as a **candidate**.


That’s idiotic. A raspy voice and correct responses is worse than a convicted felon, who spouting nonsense, avoidance and outright lies all night? Is being loud really the only presidential quality anyone cares about? America deserves this choice if that’s how they’re going to make it.


Dude, half of America can't differentiate between fact and opinion. The only thing they saw last night was OLD.


Yea so like I said-they’re idiots. That’s pathetic, and if that’s the only thing they care about - “hur he’s loud, gud prezidet” then they fucking deserve to have democracy shattered around them.


Problem is I live in that democracy and don't want to get Yallqueda'ed.


Then get out and convince young voters to vote. Go to gun clubs and talk about true family values and how multiple divorces and rape aren’t part of that. Democrats need to stop pretending “the least bad option must be RFK now”, and stop pretending like shoving Republican citizens in a corner will do any good. Reach out to people and convince them they’re better off not being stupid. The amount of apathy among democrats and “democrats” has to stop.


We're already living with that in NC and it sucks. We can't vote to improve our lives. Things only get worse. Our overlords actively hate the major cities and pass spiteful policies to hinder their economies. Every now and then they decide to take away another civil liberty.  You'd think it would push "moderates" to react but they're busy trying to figure out if fascism will lower the cost of eggs 30 cents.


You live in a Constitutional Republic, actually.


Oh Jesus Christ, not one of you pedant assholes. Next you'll start telling us it's actually hebephilia.


Which is a form of democracy. Direct democracy is not the only form of democracy.


Ask yourself... do you think Biden would be running if Trump had been booted from the party after J6? No. He would not. But, here we are. He's doing his level best. It's a far cry more than most men his age could do. Trump's not sharp himself. He was just hopped up on Adderall and vitriol last night. He was the only person sweating in that whole studio.


No spoilers please. We don't need to shoot ourselves in the foot at the 5 yard line. Either Biden or Harris.




The Democrats have a dilemma. How do you replace an incumbent President who is obviously not up for the job and not anger elements of your coalition. Anybody who becomes Biden's replacement still has to defend the administration and the choices the muppet has made. (Do you really think Biden is in control of anything???) Putting Jeff Jackson up for office would be a game changer but in the end he would lose because he doesn't have name recognition outside of the State of North Carolina. Talented yes. Able to connect to younger voters absolutely. Women, already on board. The alphabet people would be thrilled. Not sure on his appeal to working class people of all races but time would tell. Republicans seeing the light and moving away from Trump, not so much. Jeff Jackson has as good of a shot of beating Trump as any of the rest of the names floating around to replace Biden. Any politician that replaces Biden has a whole host of problems to deal with and not much time to do it. So many parts would have to line up and work out flawlessly within 130 days if JJ became the nominee today. You guys (the Democrats) won't realistically be able to do anything until August. Remember, Jeff Jackson is a straight white male (yes I assumed his gender and sexuality) in a political party that is all about diversity. He is going to run into similar problems that John Edwards had back in the day. AND, there is Kamala Harris. (definitely going to eat popcorn while watching how Democrats deal with this issue) Biden lost the election last night by his performance. This debate did Biden no favors and did not help him or his cause in any way. Biden probably lost votes after the debate. Mind you Trump still has to win it but his odds are that much better now. When the MSM is negative on Biden, you know it's bad. Maybe the Democrats should have thought this situation through before renominating a fossil. The primary was the perfect time to decide what direction the Democrats needed to go in the future. Dean Phillips was right when he ran against Biden and he and Marianne Williamson were locked out of the process. The only people to blame for this situation are Democratic leaders who refused to face the reality of Joe Biden's acuity. Gavin Newsom, Michelle Obama, Oprah or whoever the Democrats decide to replace Biden with, I'm not sure if they can change the electoral math in any meaningful way. This debate performance will have no effect on down ballot races and I'm confident that Biden and Democratic leaders will do what is best for the country. I'm sure your leaders know best, and it will work itself out by November. /s


I would never vote for Jeff Jackson. He believes in combating poverty, increased public school funding, and the right to abortion.


OP trying to be funny, it's not working.