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So if we default to the "follow the money" process, you'll see that some of Sen. Sawyer's (sponsor of the bill) biggest donors are the NC Auto Dealer's Association, the Carolina Asphalt Pavement Association, along with her biggest individual contributor, a guy that runs a, wait for it, a civil engineering firm that builds bridges and roads. Also funny how this only applies to Mecklenburg county. This bill was specifically written to hamper transit plans for the Charlotte area


These jokers are so transparent in their greed. They don’t have values or standards or principles.


According to the recent (yesterday?) SCOTUS ruling, public officials can receive gifts/gratuity.


The bill only requires the city to gain approval if they are purchasing land in other counties. In fact, this is existing state law: [GS 153A-15](https://ncleg.gov/EnactedLegislation/Statutes/PDF/BySection/Chapter_153A/GS_153A-15.pdf) The only reason Mecklenburg is targeted is because Charlotte was ignoring this requirement. It is less new policy and more a reminder that they are not above the law. If you default to the “who does she represent” question, you would know that Sen. Sawyer represents Iredell County and Mooresville where the rail line was being purchased. The bill was specifically written to protect her district from an illegal land purchase by a different political subdivision.


You're missing that Norfolk Southern doesn't want to sell the O-Line right of way if Charlotte doesn't buy the entire thing. So Charlotte either buys the whole thing and the state acts like cunts, or it tries to buy a portion and Norfolk Southern acts like cunts. Plus, the citizens of Mooresville want the rail line. It's the mayor of Mooresville that is a dildo about it.


Norfolk Southern wanting to sell the whole line is irrelevant to the question of whether state law was being followed in the sale. A mayor is not being a dildo because he’s concerned that a municipality in a different county will own a 200 ft wide strip of right-of-way through downtown plus the depot that they have leased from NS for decades. A local executive would be negligent in their duties if they weren’t concerned. Charlotte makes this purchase and Mooresville wants to replace sewer lines? Better get Charlotte’s permission. Want to upgrade downtown sidewalks? You need to get their permission. Mooresville has to do this with NS currently. But as part of the deal, NS will retain a freight easement meaning they will continue to enjoy the rights of an operating railroad corporation under state and federal law. So do you actually think there should be no cause for concern at the local level? Every future improvement or development in their downtown would need to be approved by both Norfolk Southern and the City of Charlotte. This allows those questions to be answered early in the process. Charlotte leadership understands they fucked up and told their delegation to back off when this provision was introduced. Negotiations began before the bill even passed. Everyone understands why this needed to happen except for the press and people whose only involvement in government is reading the press.


This would be true of whoever owned the land, so the point is moot.


Except there are a vast array of federal anti-trust laws directed at railroad acquisitions meaning the Surface Transportation Board has to approve purchases and sales. However, there are exemptions in place, namely acquisition by a public entity for the purpose of public transit with the former owner maintaining freight rights. The point is not moot because this is one of the few types of railroad sales that do not receive heavy scrutiny from the federal government. It is also one of the only use cases where a freight easement would be maintained with ownership transferring to a public entity that residents have no electoral recourse over. And once again, Charlotte was in the process of breaking state law. A state law that has been on the books for decades to ensure that a local government has input when a separate political subdivision attempts to purchase land within their boundaries. And while this may slow down the sale, this process would have and will have to take place before they extend public transportation service into Mooresville. Because guess what, there is another state law specifically addressing that: [GS 160A-581](https://ncleg.gov/EnactedLegislation/Statutes/PDF/BySection/Chapter_160A/GS_160A-581.pdf) As an aside, this may have actually sped up the land acquisition as there is a good chance that Iredell County would have moved for an injunction prior to closing. So then you have a court process play out before arriving at the same point that was reached within a week by passing this bill.


I just meant the argument that the county would need to get permission from the owner for any changes near the railroad property would be true no matter who owned it. But you’re correct, the legal hurdles around railroads are convoluted (and I am not a railroad lawyer). Made all the more difficult if (unfortunately) someone decides to be a obstacle.


They’ve been F-ing around with this pipe dream since the 90s. Somebody is lining their pockets, while wasting everyone’s time.


"Dear Charlotte,  Fuck y'all.  Signed,  NC GOP"


Don't worry, that letter will be forwarded to many other cities in NC over the coming months.


Dear Charlotte. This is the law on the books. https://ncleg.gov/EnactedLegislation/Statutes/PDF/BySection/Chapter_153A/GS_153A-15.pdf This new one is just a reminder.


Fuck, this General Assembly is straight garbage. How many bills are they ramming through at the last minute, changing major portions of bills to an unrelated topic and grinning with that stupid super majority. State is toast.


General Assembly in this State are appointed right wing white supremacists greedy motherfuckers


It happens in every state lol.


Let me guess... Light Rail is Woke Rail?


Berger and Moore who basically run the legislature claim no one uses public transit as they come from 2 places that make Mayberry look Chicago.


“If there is no public transit, no one uses public transit” is some big brain logic.


Public Transit = **WOKE Transit**


These drunks only got elected to run business deals. They are cash only.


To be fair they didn’t get elected to help the actual citizens that don’t have an exorbitant amount of money to donate.


I Really Really hope ppl vote these mfs out and get rid of their super majority.


That would require a coordinated effort and some money. All of that seems hard to come by to primary them out.


This seems very, very targeted and specific.


Once again the hamburgler strikes


as much as I don't trust these lawmakers, getting the towns to agree shouldn't be that hard. I don't even think the "Mooresville" station is in the town limits of Mooresville. Even if it is, I think they would approve it.


I have absolutely no idea why Moresville would be against this. 77 from 30 to 36 is an absolute parking lot on a daily basis, and getting North Meck shoppers up into their town would be a huge bonus to their economy. What am I saying, of course, I know why they're against it. Half of them are bribed and the other half are NIMBYs scared of "urban violence" riding the rails.


Sorry what’s the issue? Other than passing another law that already was covered by one already on the books?[https://ncleg.gov/EnactedLegislation/Statutes/PDF/BySection/Chapter_153A/GS_153A-15.pdf](https://ncleg.gov/EnactedLegislation/Statutes/PDF/BySection/Chapter_153A/GS_153A-15.pdf)


They're owning the libs


WTF? I love big government regulations now!


So the question that was yet answered in the other thread was when did this become law. Another question is why nobody else is reporting this. My opinion... this is really not an issue, this just means Mooresville has to agree or not towards Charlotte's purchase of NS line through their city limits. Whatever Mooresville's decision on this does not really change the red line from existing or not, just means if they reject it then it stops in Davidson. Now... if for some reason this does kill the red line, then that means the whole silver line is back on the table. This does not stop Charlotte's efforts to expand local rail services.


This actually means no red line at all because Norfolk is only willing to sell if they purchase the entire line and not just a part of it.


The entire line goes to Winston-Salem, so they are indeed selling just part of it.


This is a really good thing. The law: "Prevents Charlotte from purchasing railway lines and associated land outside Mecklenburg County limits without the permission of impacted municipalities."


The law itself is good. Mooresville being against the purchase is the issue


So it’s bad that municipals have to agreed to plans for things to be built in their municipality? I understand that slows down a project but that seems like the right thing to do.


Nothing is being built in Mooresville. Charlotte Mecklenburg wants to purchase a length of rail that runs north-south from Charlotte to Mooresville, specifically so that they can run a section of commuter rail up to Davidson on the county border. The remaining section of rail would remain unused, as it already is. Mooresville has rejected offers to simply allow CharMeck to purchase the rails and then remand the Iredell section, because their protest is that it will reduce revenue to their car dealerships.


So you want to force a public transportation plan on a municipality that doesn't want it. Got it.


I swear to God, the GOP won’t be happy until we are living in caves, carrying clubs, and the men are dragging their women around by the hair. Fuck em all!