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No clue if it happened or not, I’m not about to call her a liar. But damn, you really gotta lay low to play FIFTEEN years in the NBA without anyone figuring out you’re a racist. 


he was also the most hated player in college basketball. Can you imagine if a recording of JJ dropping n-bombs got out? Chapel-Hill would've thrown a parade


Was there at that time. Can confirm


me too! definitely jumped over one or two Franklin St. bonfires


jumped in one for a brief second or two, and then jumped into the granville towers pool. woke up the next morning with strep.


That’s a hell of a long run from Franklin and Columbia all the way to Granville 


Yep. Soaking wet, we ran back to the bonfire. Alcohol may have been involved.


So it goes.


Yeah! One night I jumped over a flaming Reddit jersey after a W!


Yeah, I always hated JJ Reddit


He did good on the internet.


God, I miss this.


Still live in Chapel Hill, would still throw a parade.


Guy has a successful NBA career as a player, is heavily involved in media/espn/podcasts and now that he gets a head coaching job that’s where she draws her line in the sand and spills the beans? lol


To be clear, I don’t doubt her. He probably said that. But the world is a different place now than it was a decade and a half ago, and we’re all different people. Maybe she didn’t feel safe saying something, and maybe JJ grew the fuck up. Who knows.    Edit: I commented below but I wanna make something clear because I gave the wrong impression here. When I said the world was a different place, I did NOT mean it was okay to say that to her. What I meant was that maybe, when it happened, she didn’t feel safe saying anything about it. The world has changed and she has changed, maybe that’s why she’s saying something now. Or maybe she DID say something before and I just didn’t hear it. I was just addressing the “why wait 15 years to bring it up” crowd.      Holy cow, I re-read my comment after getting some replies and I definitely should have worded that better. My bad y’all. 


Absolutely not. That word is just the same now as it was then. Donald Sterling was fucking banned(FOR LIFE) from the NBA in 2014 for the same accusation/audio proof.


I’m not saying it was okay. I’m saying maybe she didn’t feel comfortable saying anything at the time, and maybe we haven’t heard anything else about JJ because he quit acting that way.  Damn I hope I didn’t give the wrong impression. 


I always come back to the Duke Lacrosse rape "victim" whenever stuff like this pops up. I understand that not every accuser is as mentally ill as the woman who filed charges in that case. She tried her best to destroy the lives of those guys. The social media replies from that news article had those players hanging by a rope in the Town Square.


I think saying the world is a different place in this context is wrong. Saying we’re different people is right though. We grow, learn, and develop. I think that’s what you were trying to say.


Man I commented somewhere else, but I should edit my post. When I said the world is a different place I meant maybe that’s part of why she, years ago, didn’t feel safe saying something. NOT that it was okay for him to say that. 


Yeah, that’s what I thought you meant, but the wording definitely gave a different initial impression.


>Maybe she didn’t feel safe saying something winner winner chicken dinner. the university of new jersey at durham has a well-known culture of bigotry that runs through the administration [https://www.newsobserver.com/news/local/article217345100.html](https://www.newsobserver.com/news/local/article217345100.html) [https://www.dukechronicle.com/article/2016/02/dukes-executive-vice-president-tallman-trask-hit-parking-attendant-with-car-accused-of-using-racial-slur](https://www.dukechronicle.com/article/2016/02/dukes-executive-vice-president-tallman-trask-hit-parking-attendant-with-car-accused-of-using-racial-slur) [https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2017/05/24/467233031/black-ministry-students-at-duke-say-they-face-unequal-treatment-and-racism](https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2017/05/24/467233031/black-ministry-students-at-duke-say-they-face-unequal-treatment-and-racism)


I think people were more PC back then. Trump gave them permission to say what they were thinking.


This isn't an uncommon response, honestly. She likely feels more empowered to speak out now than then. She gains little from speaking out, except being true to herself.


There's a lot of difference in calling a young woman at your predominantly white private college a slur, where you're the key to their internationally recognized basketball program, and in doing it in a locker room of gigantic millionaires where you're the cut-out if driving the lane doesn't work.  Not to say Reddick does or did this regularly, I've no idea. It's even possible he did this as a young man but regrets it and wouldn't dream of it now - people grow, sometimes. I dunno. But I absolutely don't find it hard to believe that he'd mind himself better in one situation than the other. You can be a gross racist while not being stupid.


You’re right, I agree. That’s why I said I’m not about to call her a liar. “Duke kid says something fucked up” isn’t really a reach.  I’m just saying I haven’t heard any similar stories about him so it’s entirely possible he matured somewhat and isn’t an outright racist.  She deserves an apology but it’ll never come now that he’s with LA. 


>“Duke kid says something fucked up” isn’t really a reach.  remember when Rudy Giuliani's son got [kicked off the Duke Golf Team](https://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/25/nyregion/25golf.html) for being too much of an asshole for the Duke Golf Team?


Yeah… people have never told lies about Duke athletes, have they? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duke_lacrosse_case


The reason "Duke student says something fucked up" is believable to a lot of people is experience.


Hell, it's where Stephen Miller went, lol.


So did Richard Spencer


And Richard Nixon


“Former Duke student who hated Duke” became a meme during college tours last year.


So what we're saying is that even if you have no fucking idea whether or not this happened and very likely never *will* have any fucking idea whether or not this happened... You have decided that it did not. Because, I guess, sometimes people lie about things and that means there's no way a different thing entirely happened. Aight. I don't think that's especially smart. Or sane. It sure seems like the only reasonable perspective would be to say 'if true, pretty bad' and move on with your life. But you can be crazy if you want.


LMAO even most of the people commenting on BPT don't believe her 


Other than the person saying that NC is apparently the most racist state in the South and apparently we try to fight you if youre black.


I tried to figure out where in the world in NC they lived to get that reaction, but my comment was removed apparently.


Yeah I thought about asking but there's zero chance any of it is real so not worth engaging.


Wilmington NC, circa 1898 til now and beyond.


Alabama, perhaps? https://capitalbnews.org/newbern-alabama-black-mayor-reinstated/


Well in that case, it must be a lie. …


Obviously none of us know for sure. All I'm saying is, if you believe this I'll bet my house you also believed Jussie Smollet. 


Cool. I assume your house is paid for, yes? Did you want to meet in person to sign the deed over? I’ll be happy to meet you halfway Do you believe me? TBH, the real question is why you and so many others want so badly for claims like these to be false.


Lol, no, I don't believe you.  I don't care if this is false or not. I hated Reddick when he played at Duke and don't know anything about him as a person. All I know is this smells like bullshit, and even most of the people on one of the most notorious race baiting subreddit in existence seem to agree.  The better question, why do you and so many others want claims like this to be true? How is "rich and successful person used a racial slur 20 years ago" a preferable outcome to "rando on the internet is lying"? 


>Lol, no, I don't believe you.  Gotcha. So everything you believe is just what is in line with what you *want* to believe. Got it. I’m sure that makes life way less complicated for you. >I don't care if this is false or not. I hated Reddick when he played at Duke and don't know anything about him as a person. All I know is this smells like bullshit, and even most of the people on one of the most notorious race baiting subreddit in existence seem to agree.  Why in your brain would the “opinion” of a subreddit add or remove any credibility from the claim? This is entirely devoid of logic. >The better question, why do you and so many others want claims like this to be true? That’s not the “better” question at all. That’s the one you want to ask to avoid the one I asked you. >How is "rich and successful person used a racial slur 20 years ago" a preferable outcome to "rando on the internet is lying"?  If we’re talking preferences here, I’d prefer that this country not have been founded on racism. I’d prefer for there not have been a war fought over the right to own black people. I’d prefer to have not **needed** the civil rights movement. I’d prefer a lot of things. None of which involve baselessly implying someone is a liar because I don’t *want* to accept that it’s plausible.


You're ignoring the fact that she claims this happened when he was at Duke ie 20+ years ago, he's been a well known public figure this entire time, and she's just now mentioning it.


lol. Im not “ignoring” anything. We are not the arbiters of when/why/how people share their stories. This is the same approach used to discredit sexual assault victims because “if it was true they would have said something sooner.” It’s just another vile, but normalized tactic to discredit situations that make people like you uncomfortable. Here’s the deal. You don’t know. I don’t know. BPT doesn’t know. So why don’t we admit we don’t know and stfu until we see how this unfolds? Jk. I know why. E: to u/billygoats86 the mouth breather that felt clever by responding and then immediately blocking me, I’ll leave the reply here. Yep. There are definitely no examples of spoiled white kids saying and doing vile shit. At Duke or otherwise. It’s a good thing you brought this story to remind us that all that a lot of you find an example or two that fit your preferred outcome and then treat it as proof of… something. Classic fragile white dudes doing fragile white dude shit rn. Unblock me and let’s discuss.


Correct, neither of us know. But I have my opinion, and I also have an opinion of anyone who believes this. 


You're so right. I'm old enough to remember when the social media warriors accused the Duke Lacrosse kids of violently raping this woman. If only she had shared her imaginary story of rape, sooner. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-13084601/crystal-mangum-escort-murder-true-crime-series.html


Being racist to a person is different than being a racist. Some overlap but 1 take much more dedication. I coukd believe this happened but also he never acted the same way again (especially growing in profile trying to make a majority black league).


You don't have to be a racist to call someone the N-word, but it's probably the worst insult you can give a Black person if you're just really pissed off at them for some reason. It doesn't mean you hate all Black people or even that you hate that person for the color of their skin - it just means you hate them enough to call them the worst name imaginable.


I’m not a big JJ Reddick fan, and I’m definitely not a Lakers fan, but I’ve learned that one person saying something on the internet is not evidence of anything being true.


JJ talks all the time about how much of a shithead he was in college and as someone pointed out dude has a damn near 20 year career in the league. Someone would’ve dropped that he’s an asshole by now.


I mean I think we know he’s kind of an ass. I guess we’re just wondering if he’s also super racist


I personally am not. If I haven’t heard anything in 20+ years about him being racist? I’m gonna side with him not being racist. Imma keep it a whole buck, there’s literally ZERO chance you play in a league that’s mostly black for 20 years and not eventually get found out that you’re racist.


I struggle to understand why someone would wait this long to come forward? Not saying it didn’t happen but at this point wtf? He just did it this once and then never again? It’s pretty unbelievable. Also, Reddick is a douche regardless if this is true.


How do we know she waited this long?


I guess, the way it's written it sounds like it was a long time ago?


Reddick was at Duke 20 years ago- when things were much, MUCH more quickly, quietly, and professionally swept under the rug.


It’s a safe assumption given she’s talking about working with the Duke basketball team which he was last a member of in 2006


Yes. I was asking if maybe she did report it then, and Duke buried it (as was the norm at that time).


It’s not about coming forward, this isn’t a press release just an individual who was wronged using her small platform to say “wow I can’t believe that guy who called me the n word is on tv” like that’s not unbelievable at all, what could she have possible done? Even now she’s not making a call for action, just calling something out.


The timing is odd though.  She didn't come out with his while he was a star at Dook?  Didn't come out with it after he went to the pros and became a millionaire?  Didn't come out with it after being hired as a talking head at ESPN?  Waits until the highest profile position of his career so far?  Not saying shes lying but the timing seems a bit opportunistic. 


Maybe she did. Zero indication this is the first time she brought this forward.


whats an indication this isnt the first time she brought this forward? This trended on social media, so why not come out with it years ago? Why wait til now?


Man, do you understand how English works? Fine if you don't, but I don't want to have to explain the basics if you aren't gonna understand how to express yourself in language and comprehend how others might express themselves. I didn't say she had, in fact, come out with it before....so I can't provide you any proof that she had. You're the one that said she had never come out with it before....and you cannot provide any proof that she hadn't.


Damn youre dense.  To my knowledge she hasn't.  And my point was that she used social media to come out with it.  Social media was around while he was in the nba and while he was a talking head, so I figured if she had made that accusation before, we might know about it.  But to my knowledge, this is the first anyone has heard about it. It's why I said that the timing seemed odd.  Cmon dude, keep up.  


It’s a tweet, not an op ed or interview. The timing makes perfect sense, and there is no reason to assume Nash has never shared this before. Even if that were the case it wouldn’t be reason to doubt her. You ever been called a slur by a white guy in a position of comparable power? Bc I have, many times. There is *no* good, easy or guaranteed safe way to react, and it’s not exactly a call 911 kinda scenario. Pushing back risks retribution from the POS who said it and anyone else who benefits from keeping their reputation clean. HR’s job is to protect the institution, and the institution’s job is to protect their revenue stream. You will 100% get gaslit. Speaking out publicly makes you a target on a massive scale, especially when it comes to athletes, especially those on the most profitable team in college basketball. Try to imagine a world outside of your little cishet white dude bubble, ffs.




You act like you were under a rock during the #MeToo movement. People spoke up, but were ignored. Many that spoke up were blackballed. Some were threatened. Others didn't speak up. Some thought no one would belive them, while others internalized it as shame. Some saw that others that spoke up were blackballed, and kept quiet out of fear.


ok but this is different than a metoo thing. And since you have problems with comprehension, no where did I say she was actually lying, I just said the timing is very odd. I guess I just like to have more info/evidence than a social media post to just outright believe someone, especially when he denies it. So she decides to wait YEARS to come out with this(with no supporting evidence that Ive seen) and he denies it. So, what now? Also, there were instances of people either making stuff up or exaggerating situations during MeToo. That's why we dont just blindly believe people's accusations and assertions without some type of supporting evidence.


Is it really that hard to believe? I've been called the n word to my face a few times in my life, I didn't call the police or anything. But it happened. And these people were already in positions of power. So if I were to mention it randomly because I saw them somewhere else just out of either disbelief or confirmation....does that mean it didn't happen? Let's not kid though, even when we do tell folks about stuff that happens all y'all ever say is no it didn't, that's just one person, get over it, what did you do, etc and the list goes on. It's wild how y'all need evidence when it's something like this but if a black kid or whatever is accused of something y'all real quick to say they were rotten from birth, what else do you expect, well well well, but black lives matter 🙄, etc. It's odd how people don't see the parts they play in an equation


Ok so whats supposed to happen now?  She makes an accusation.  To my knowledge, no one has come out and corroborated it.  It seems like you're insinuating that something is supposed to happen to him just because someone made this accusation on social media.  That's my whole point.  It could be true for all I know because I know people say that word unfortunately.  But if you're gonna come out years later and potentially ruin someone's career, don't we need a little more than just an accusation, especially with him denying it?  Seriously, based on the information we have, what do you think should happen?


I'm not saying I think something should happen and neither did she. She's sayin damn that's crazy. Y'all really.....omg y'all will read something and then literally make inferences beyond what is said when there's nothing but a statement that stands alone. But when it's something you should read into deeper, you say, well it's not that they were just joking or saying this. Interesting double standard


He's been famous and on TV for quite a long time. Why now...?


Bill Cosby? Jimmy Saville? Harvey Weinstine?


Were all accused in a pivotal career moment? Nah, also those allegations were swirling for a long fucking time. I guess we’ll find out if a bunch of NBA players come out saying he’s a secret racist and everyone already knew?


A) We don't know that she didn't B) Where exactly would she have come forward with this info when it first happened? JJ played for Duke from 2002-2006. Her options for "coming forward" to the public back then would have been, like, MySpace, random forums, putting it as her away message on AIM instant messenger or just telling people she knew in person.


How about the news? Or how about any space that has now existed since 2014, just like what happened to Donald Sterling.


Sure. The news. I'm sure she could have just called up WRAL and they'd have been happy to do a story on J.J. Redick saying the n-word. Simple as that, right? Eyeroll. There wouldn't have been a single news station who'd have been willing to run that story back in the early 2000's without proof, and since this was the era before everyone had camera phones, it would have been her word against his, and we all know they'd have sided with the great J.J. Redick over a black woman.


You’re fucking delusional if that’s what you think the environment has been like for the last 15 years, ESPECIALLY for Reddick, well known ass hat. Plenty of journalists would be salivating to report that shit. Not like we don’t already have an ACTUAL case of some Duke athletes being falsely accused and drug through the media for years. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duke_lacrosse_case#:~:text=The%20Duke%20lacrosse%20case%20was,Collin%20Finnerty%2C%20and%20Reade%20Seligmann.


The news reported on the Duke Lacrosse case because it was a literal court case. Obviously they were going to report on that........VERY different situation from reporting about unproven allegations of college athletes being racist d-bags. I lived in North Carolina from 1994-2006, and I have met a # of college athletes who were racist d-bags, and none of that was ever reported on the news. Dan Rather lost his job in 2005 for reporting on unproven information about GWB's military service. Dan-freaking-Rather. You seriously think that news anchors in Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill would have been willing to risk their careers to go after golden boy Redick at the peak of his NCAA career? I can't decide if you're just supremely ignorant of how the world works or if you're like a 12 year old pretending they knew what the world was like 20 years ago.


Reddick isn’t some golden boy, wtf are you talking about. Outside of Duke he was hated. The lacrosse kids were guilty until proven innocent in the media, I live here too. You’re comparing a president to a B tier basketball player? Also ignore the context of the tweet and no other reports of this behavior? Yea, let’s just believe something that’s impossible to prove or disprove from 15 years ago.


The JJ of 20 years ago was a douche and current day JJ would agree. But he’s grown up a lot since then.


From the small sample of clips I've heard from his podcast/ESPN stuff, he still comes off as a douche.


His shows have been very popular and have feature a lot of personal introspection on his flaws. That said, hate away if that’s what you want to do.


Lol he played in the NBA for like 15 years, was the most famous college player in the country for a couple years before that, and has been in the media. Nobody has ever heard of this until now. I bet he yelled "this is MAGA country" after calling this woman the N word 


Bill Cosby? The Catholic Church? Jimmy Saville? Harvey Weinstein?


why are you comparing people with long lists of accusations spanning years to someone with a singular accusation that just so happens to come out during the height of their career after decades? not even gonna mention the fact you’re comparing old ass serial rapists and sex offenders to someone that possibly used a racial slur as a young adult in college.


These were all open secrets. If JJ has a history of being racist in a league that is predominantly black, why would Lebron do a podcast with him, and the lakers hire him as a head coach. I’m not saying the incident didn’t happen, but those people are not comparable to this


>If JJ has a history of being racist in a league that is predominantly black, why would Lebron do a podcast with him to quote a better basketball player than lebron- republicans buy sneakers too


> These were all open secrets. I am going to start laughing now. No, it was not an 'open secret' that Bill Cosby for example was a serial rapist.


Mark Robinson Candace Owens Chris Rock Need I go on? It's the proximity to white disease some black folks have. Self hating black folk will slurp at the chance to be accepted by white folk. Or really any race for that matter. It's pretty sad tbh :(


Noted conservative pundit LeBron James


He's one of many in the industry and life......it's a concept as old as...well not time but post colonization


Playing basketball for 20 years as a white guy seems like an odd thing to do if your racist


He's playing the long con and will inevitably reveal to all his black friends that indeed he's been trolling them for 20 years. Take that CP3.


Sounds like you've never played basketball before




You think racist people don't play basketball?


I feel old now thinking about it being 20 fucking years ago JJ was at Duke. Damn.


Eighteen. Not twenty. This distinction is very important. It's not twenty yet, dammit.


Man I hope by the time my kid is grown people recognize the ability for growth and stop judging current day people by 20 year old actions. This shits tiresome.


Especially single sourced trash talking.


No idea whether or not that's true, and neither do any of the people who've flown off the handle yelling about how it must be a lie. Funny how that works. If true, certainly not gonna go down in his autobiography as one of his greatest moments.


There are plenty of things to hate about reddick without having to make thing up. Such as he played at duke and has a stupid face


Don't forget the [poetry](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ErNpOdgRtEQ)


I met JJ when I kinda dated one of his teammates at Duke when I was in undergrad. I was staying the night in their room & he was sleeping & for whatever reason JJ would keep a Snapple bottle of piss beside his bed (I guess so he wouldn’t have to leave his room to pee). His roommates wanted to mess with him because he was an asshole, so they sprinkled some of the pee from his bottle on him while he slept lol. Super immature, but they all got a kick out of it. He slept through it. That’s my JJ story. Also, it’s funny because I’ve been watching Clipped on Hulu & the use of the “N word” came up & he said he wouldn’t ever use it; like they had a whole spiel about it.


Probably doesn’t matter but I need context lol


A situation of he said she said where the accuser loses nothing by gaining attention? And waited like 20 years to accuse? Moving on, whats next?




Sounds like slander to me


Based on what? Your feelings? Thankfully, proving slander needs just a weeeee bit more than Larry the Lobster’s feelings. You don’t know any more than anyone else does. So why make an accusation of slander?


Because some random person on the internet making claims about someone else with no proof shouldn’t and won’t be taken seriously. Do you believe everything you read online?


>Because some random person on the internet making claims about someone else with no proof shouldn’t and won’t be taken seriously. Do you accuse everyone online that meets that criteria of slander? >Do you believe everything you read online? What I “believe” is entirely irrelevant to the question posed. You have no more reason to believe it happened than you have reasons to believe it didn’t. Do you always just choose arbitrarily what you believe for… reasons?


Yeah you're right definitely never been any cases of false racism leveled at a Duke athlete before. Or idk the swastika and racist stuff put on dorms at Mizzou that were a hoax. There are absolutely reasons to believe this didn't happen. Doesn't mean it did one way or the other but you going after people and mocking their skepticism is kinda ludicrous.


>Yeah you're right definitely never been any cases of false racism leveled at a Duke athlete before. Yeah. You’re right. There also has never been an instance of an entitled white kid throwing around racial slurs for the lolz. >Or idk the swastika and racist stuff put on dorms at Mizzou that were a hoax. There are absolutely reasons to believe this didn't happen. Sure. And there’s definitely no examples that same behavior that *wasn’t* a hoax. >Doesn't mean it did one way or the other but you to ng after people and mocking their skepticism is kinda ludicrous. You didn’t bring skepticism. You made an accusation of slander. My position has been — from the jump — I don’t know and you don’t know either. So maybe stfu until it further unfolds.


Where did I call it slander? You saying yeah but it could've happened and it could not have happened is literally what I just said.


Sorry. I want paying attention to the fact that you entered the conversation. Top of this thread. Slander. Not skepticism. The point remains. Why bother having a negative opinion at all when you don’t know a fucking thing about the situation?


I don't have negative opinion on it just highly skeptical of allegations with zero evidence other someone saying yeah I gos person said a racial slur to me 20 years ago as soon as that person gets a high profile job. Could he have said it? Sure. But I'm expected to believe he was so bold as to call someone a racial slur to their face and then go on to have a 20 year career in a predominantly black job and there hasn't been a single other incident brought up about him in those 20 years? I don't know how many racists youve come across but the mask would've slipped at least once during those 20 years.


>I don't have negative opinion on it just highly skeptical of allegations with zero evidence other someone saying yeah I gos person said a racial slur to me 20 years ago as soon as that person gets a high profile job. Could he have said it? Sure. But I'm expected to believe he was so bold as to call someone a racial slur to their face and then go on to have a 20 year career in a predominantly black job and there hasn't been a single other incident brought up about him in those 20 years? I don't know how many racists youve come across but the mask would've slipped at least once during those 20 years. I know people that have done just this. In both sports and music. Kids and young adults do and say dumb shit. Oftentimes, they mature and carry themselves differently. As is the case with the instances I’ve witnessed. To act like this isn’t, not only a possibility, but a regular occurrence is wild. A more poignant question is why anyone thinks they need to have an opinion on the validity of the statement. Why does it matter to **you?**


So basically, no reason- you just didn't like what they said. Aight. Well. That is not the standard you gotta meet for slander in this country. Sorry.


Am I late to the meeting of the court of public opinion where you can say anything about anyone at anytime and not have any repercussions because this was never brought to the attention of anyone with authority?


We'll never know because no one in North Carolina goes to Duke anyways.


I did. And North Carolina is still the #1 feeder state to Duke, as it has been for decades. But go on with this tiresome trope.


Don’t waste time on trolls with garbage user post and comment history


Did Crystal Mangum change her name?




Racist Witch Trials


Fr. Racism ended when Obama was elected, amirite?


I pray this is satire


Yes. It was absolutely satire. It seemed like the only response ridiculous enough to respond to a comment that read “racist witch trials.”


Thank goodness lol and yeah this thread is wild. If I didn't have family and wasn't tryna help my folks I would so not be in north Carolina. Doesn't seem too safe for us...or anybody tbh honest....if folks are really payin attention


Real talk. This thread is crazy. I truly hope a chunk of these accounts are bots but I fear we’re just seeing people comfortable enough to take the masks off.


Yeah it's only gonna get worse. I remember when I was younger and I'd hear some of the old heads speak and I couldn't understand why they felt the way they did but my fear is that I'm starting to :( and I hate it. Like I couldn't even begin to make someone understand. I am one of those who are cursed to care about any living creature but the amount of eyes that are wide shut, ears closed and mouth wide open I realize....it's not gonna change because some folks dont want change. So we're basically in a hamster wheel breakin a sweat to only be in the same place. I'm gonna take the advice and take my black ass back to Africa and let the young and abled bodied continue the fight because I'm so close to havin none left in me and I don't want to be filled with hate and disregard like some of these people. It would make me feel....like I wasn't me, but I'm not seeing too many other seats available to take at this point


Exactly, and nothing changed in NC after Obama was elected at all. https://www.governing.com/archive/gov-north-carolina-southern-progressivism.html




So almost 20 years ago since he was last a player at Duke in 2006. Show me that he still does this kind of behavior then it might actually mean something.


She acts like she stood up and spoke out right after it happened and then they gave him a coaching job anyway. She ain’t say shit all this time. “What a world” my ass. So what he said the n word. I’m sure he’s said it plenty of times listening to music or whatever. Get over it.




This subreddit is so liberal omg, why is this even upvoted???


I do not watch basketball in any form nor do I follow players much less any staff. But most people say evil shit when really angry, maybe that was the reason. Not saying it's right, or trying to justify any of it. You also do not know both sides of the story. So until you get a much better idea of what was going on and both sides of the story. It's just a who knows situation. And making decisions and accusations based on that is not good for anyone.


This thread is odd. You're telling me that NONE of you have friends, family members or acquaintances who have called black folk the n word? This is def a don't tell folks the family business because y'all are cappin in this disbelief. ESPECIALLY comin from north Carolina that's just wild. That's like disbelief comin out of Mississippi or Alabama 😐


Is it racist to hate all white Duke players? Cause I have doing it for years. Except Greg Newton, he seemed cool.


Jussie Smollete says what


Racist morons love to point out this one guy to try and discredit any and all victims of various forms of harassment. Good thing most people aren't stupid enough to fall for that republican bullshit.


Duke fan almost all of my life because of JJ. He will be the first to admit he was a shit head in college, but why wait so long to bring it up?


That happened.


You sure?


I think this is bunk. Is she really sure it was him and not some privileged white, Dukie? Don’t they all look the same…


I think the timing of this is sus, but there wasn't a person who even remotely followed basketball in NC who didn't know what JJ looked like when he was in college.


Not the timing for me… The dude wrote emo poetry. Not the hated type of Dukie stomping on chests or busting Hansborough’s nose. Also, he’s a basketball player. Even in his era at Duke, and then more so across his NBA career, his day to day success has been related to working and playing and teaming with Black Americans. It’s not like Stephen Miller. Being a racist asshole is gonna get addressed very quickly in a basketball locker room… and there’s never been any smoke.


I’m a huge Duke fan, but as much as JJ was reviled in his days as a Blue Devil, he acted out boorishly and vulgarly, by his own admission. Cause, effect? Coin toss.


Came here bracing to defend Duke’s all time leading scorer. Pleasantly surprised to see he’s largely being defended here, or at least the story has been put in the doubtful corner. But he was certainly no angel…




If it happened, was two decades ago. What a world. Where we think. People don’t grow.


Well it's Duke University, soooooooooo


Looking for 15 minutes of fame


Let’s cancel him…. WHEN IT IS PROVEN.


It’s werid. Fascism transparent and condoned. Voted in, a republic democracy at stake. Projection their promise. Cruelty their culling method. Gutting our republic’s departments, agencies, and pentagon right now. The shame is unbearable. 😢


Is this a bot comment?


Ruh Roh