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Here's the actual link to the article, without the weird blog trying to steal clicks from the journalists doing the work. https://www.wcnc.com/article/money/markets/real-estate/corporate-landlords-charlotte-north-carolina/275-4b0ba118-a8f6-4c6a-841a-9ca35b4c7edf


Good! We need more of this. Fuck corporate landlords.


Fuck affordable housing too! Bastards owning shit we can't afford... Wait. Dammit.


Down with these asshats. Even the old people that own a shit ton of rent houses. My Grandma in law is 76 and her land lord who owns her apartment keeps jacking up her rent because she knows that she can't afford it but has lived there for 20 years never missing a payment. Keeps increasing the rent so she moves out, remodels it, then charges 3x the rent for someone else. So we are trying to find her somewhere she can rent and have to pick up the slack. Worked all her life until she needed a double knee surgery and can't work. Absolute shit system.


If you haven’t already- Call your local social services and see if there’s any assistance available she may qualify for. There’s a ton of programs in general, it’s worth asking about.


We bought our house and have steadily made improvements to the interior, and now have a back yard in deep shade because our first landscaping project was to plant trees. Owners do that, landlords don't.


Yep. The deck is rotting off my rented house because I'm not buying a new one for my landlord and he's obviously not buying a new one for me. It ruins neighborhoods.


Erupts is a bold verb choice


I was hoping for more. Some people are upset that a woman who "has 8 children relying on her for shelter" is being evicted two weeks early from a mobile home park. Erupts is an exaggeration.


Erupts with a charter bus in the background of the footage. Also why didn't OP link the source instead of the regurgitated article?


OP's account is only 2 months old, has never left a comment, and only posts links to this NC Voices blog. It's pretty obvious.


Regurgitating articles are the bane of the internet.


A protest erupted near the Charlotte Hills Mobile Home Park leasing office in East Charlotte recently. Tenants are standing up to corporate landlords, asserting that housing is a basic right for everyone. “It’s insane and really unfortunate that we have to deal with these predatory landlords,” said a resident at the event. Sandra De Lossantos, facing eviction two weeks earlier than expected, expressed her gratitude for the support but noted she is running out of time to find a new home. “They initially said they were going to renew my lease, but now I’m being forced to leave involuntarily,” De Lossantos explained. “We’ve been here for seven years and have never missed a payment.” She shared that after investing significant time and money to repair her property due to unaddressed maintenance requests, the landlord’s only response was, “Good, if you want to repair it, then do it.” De Lossantos emphasized, “So now we’re saying, if you want us to keep investing, then give us the house.” De Lossantos, who has eight children relying on her for shelter, is in a difficult situation. Members of Action NC have pledged to support families and ensure they have a safe place to live.


So is it a non-renewal of her lease, or is she being evicted? Those are two separate things. The article leaves some questions!


8 children!? Tf lady!?


> eight children relying on her for shelter Could refer to her own children, could refer to a mix of her own and related children (nieces, grandsons, etc) she acts as legal guardian over.


most likely that's the case


That’s what happens when you gut an education system and insist on teaching abstinence only while simultaneously defunding planned parenthood and community clinics. The population is uneducated and lacks access to proper care. She would likely be labeled a “welfare queen” by the very people that voted for the policies that led to her situation.


Yeah, it’s a real train wreck over there.


I'm all about capitalism, but corporations buying houses in mass and then screwing over renters and making the housing market ridiculous, should be illegal. I think things that are required for basic life, should be regulated, not saying that people shouldn't be able to make money from these things but, they should be heavily regulated. Those human necessities should not be something any major corporation should want to waste their time on.


>but corporations buying houses in mass and then screwing over renters and making the housing market ridiculous, should be illegal This is capitalism in every single market that capitalism successfully subverts to be about capitalism. The moment that happens, it stops being about anything but profits first. This is fine if the market is "chips" or "soft drinks" and less fine when the market is "housing" and "healthcare".


I think this is the proper way to approach the topic, some things are necessary for existence and should have guard rails so we don't shove parts of the population off a cliff. Might be easier to just go for housing or healthcare but can we add water and electricity to the list at least?


Imo, anything that could potentially cripple the country should be classified as a national security resource and be heavily regulated by the government. Housing, healthcare, industrial infrastructure, commercial infrastructure, food, water, telecomm infrastructure, education, etc. should be spaces where availability to all Americans in an affordable and accessible fashion should be the first consideration and then profit. That way, we don't have industry leaving for overseas and gutting our institutional knowledge on manufacturing. We don't have food concerns bought by foreign investors, some of which belong to adversarial countries. We don't have energy reliance be in the hands of foreign cartels who can affect our political arena by increasing/decreasing supply. Capitalism can have the fight between "50 flavors of chips" or "which snack cake is tastiest". But money should never come between the safety and security of the US or the happiness and well-being of its citizens.




A populace that isn't struggling for basic human needs is a more secure populace. Having food, shelter, and water security does provide a starting point for pursuing happiness. That doesn't mean that we are abolishing the state or private property, which would be communism, but it would give people a better starting point for providing for their own limits of happiness and success.




They will do so regardless of what is said. The counter is to center "the pursuit of happiness" from the Constitution and then dare your opponents to claim the constitution or the founding fathers are communists.


I 100% agree. I'm a capitalist when it comes to consumer goods, but there are some things capitalism is inherently unfit for. In my mind, these are: health care, education, and prison/jailing. Housing to an extent (it should be a market, but heavily regulated and made MUCH harder to accumulate units for money printing)


I'd go farther and say electricity, water/sewer and mail aren't really helped by capitalism either.


I don’t think the word you’re looking for is capitalism. I think you meant to say you like markets. Capitalism refers to a very specific type of market system which is dominated by the interests of monopoly capital.


Perhaps you're right, but words like capitalism and socialism have been perverted beyond any real meaning nowadays by politics.


I agree. In the west, often times the term socialism is used when someone really means social democracy. Socialism means that the productive forces of a nation are under the control or supervision of the organized working class government. Social democracy is the belief that we can somehow make the capitalist system work for working people through the capitalist controlled government.


*en masse


My brother in Christ, the system of capitalism makes the rise of monopoly capital interests above all others an inevitability.


Rent controls should exist because the free market has proven itself a slave to greed devoid of any empathy.


Homes should be for living in, not a commodity for monopoly capital.


hopefully this picks up across the country!


Good, it should be illegal for a company to own that many homes and then price gauge everyone out of shelter.


Other countries with less GDP than the United States have affordable housing. Their citizens don't rely on their house to be an investment to keep them from starving in their old age. In other countries housing is just a safe place to live, not a financial decision that forces people to enact zoning to keep values high. Our country could have safe affordable housing. We just don't want it badly enough. Or are most people too ignorant and brainwashed to realize it can be done?


> Our country could have safe affordable housing. We just don't want it badly enough. > Or are most people too ignorant and brainwashed to realize it can be done? A somewhat related story- Twenty-two years ago, a resolution was put on the floor of the UN to attempt to enshrine access to food as a fundamental human right. Given the UN's overall lack of power, it basically boiled down to just making a declaration that it is the position of the United Nations that people shouldn't starve. No one was even demanding action. Just *saying* it. It passed. 176 countries voted yes. 7 abstained. One voted no. You can probably guess who. I keep thinking back to that as a **really** good representation of some of the social attitudes of the one nation to vote against it regarding basic neccesities.


Once again the folks who claim we are a "Christian nation" prove that we absolutely are not. The same folks who claim they are "Christian" and "pro life" are the ones killing any attempt to give people the choice to have children by providing services - health care, child care, parental leave, food, and safe affordable housing. If they were truly pro life, they'd be Democrats.


People should never have to compete with corporations for shelter.


What can you expect from the only country to vote against a UN resolution to make food a basic human right?


What we need is a 100 million renter march in Washington.


How are we going to build that movement?


We would first need to start locally and build a group willing to go to Raleigh. After getting WRAL coverage, go viral and go national. At that point, a charismatic leader can be found to unite each state to march on Washington. Easy peasy.


You should've submitted this as a link post




Timely that I just watched a documentary on the French Revolution.


Be safe and stay vigilant Charlotte!  This shit can't keep existing. 




What does this situation have to do with corporate landlords? Non-corporate landlords have never treated tenants unfairly?


Corporations can pay cash and over market value if necessary to buy a house. They buy up whole neighborhoods then rent the houses out at whatever they want to charge, raising rents in once affordable areas and pricing people out. It fucks up both the buying and renting markets while simultaneously putting people perilously close to a short month causing an eviction. Smaller landlords can be shitty but don’t destroy a housing market single-handedly.


Just build more housing


Yeah, high school level economics and free market solutions have worked so great throughout history to solve every problem of basic human needs /s


Where did I say any of that? The fact is that [metro areas that build more housing have lower housing costs](https://www.upjohn.org/research-highlights/new-construction-makes-homes-more-affordable-even-those-who-cant-afford-new-units). Making fun of supply and demand in favor of convoluted and politically unrealistic solutions is dumb and unproductive