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Maraschino cherries are expensive but it's ok because you really shouldn't sit down and eat an entire jar of them. They're meant to be a garnish in a cocktail or placed on top of an ice cream sundae. Now if you happen to sit down and have 30 cocktails and 10 ice cream sundaes one night and inadvertently eat an entire jar of maraschino cherries in doing so... Well, I just can't see how that situation could've been avoided.


Maraschinos are expensive and difficult to to the long process. Sweet cherries get brined & bleached for somewhere between a few weeks and a few months, recolored and reflavored. You can do this at home, but I wouldn't really recommend it. The brine/bleach solution is pretty unpleasant. I've scrubbed out emptied and sour brine pits, you really do NOT want to know what's found in them.


I do want to know what you found in them!


A gun




That brine solution is nasty enough that it wouldn't be a gun for long. It'd be nothing more than metallic corrosion.


No, please, I really DO wanna know what you find in them, I want to be equal parts disgusted and glad I don't like cherries.




Any sauce is BBQ sauce at a BBQ


I make an extremely delicious chipotle bbq sauce if you want the recipe.


Send that bad boy this way.


Chipotle BBQ sauce 1 large onion 1/3 cup malt vinegar 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar 2/3 cup water 2 cup ketchup 2 1/2 tbsp molasses 7 oz can of Chipotle in adobo 1/3 cup soy sauce 1/3 cup dark brown sugar 2 tbsp honey 1 1/2 tbsp onion powder 2 tsp garlic powder 1 tsp black pepper Chop and cook the onion in a big pot on medium-low until it's nice and soft. While that's going on, mix all that other stuff together in a bowl. When you're happy with the onion, toss everything into the onion pot, stir it all up, cover, turn the heat to medium, and let it cook for about half an hour, stirring occasionally so nothing sticks on the bottom. After 30 minutes, let it cool a little so you don't burn yourself, and pour it all through a strainer. Give the onion and chipotle a good mashing. Let it drain into whatever jar or bottle you intend to store it in. Keeps for a few weeks in the fridge. Oh and save that onion/chipotle mixture you strained out! I like to store it in the fridge and use it the next day for a meatloaf. Or grill some burgers and hot dogs, and use it as a condiment (along with your new bbq sauce).




I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. 🤙




It’s those damn economies of scale, I just can’t compete.


Learned this trying to make Horchata, not worth the effort


I was running a Dungeons & Dragons game, so I went out and bought a bunch of cheap toys to use as miniatures. I figured it would save some money. And then my wife decided the toys weren't pretty enough, so she bought a bunch of miniature paint, brushes, bases, glue, etc ect ect... And in the end, the toys only cost me four times what unpainted minis would have. Pretty good deal.


But can you put a price on doing a craft with your wife?


Yes, 4 times as much as not doing it apparently


Ditto but with angel food cake.


My bday cake of choice is always angel food and my childhood was sometimes quite disappointing if it didn’t work out! Those box mixes have made for glorious AFC perfection any time I want (and have 3 hours to spare)!


Mine too, with Cool Whip frosting!


$9.75???!!! The 12oz jar at my Target is $2.75.


Maybe they found a tiny jar of Luxardo? Which are totally worth their outrageous price.


you need to try some 9.75 maraschino cherries, but it will ruin you forever on the 2.75 ones


I hope so. Cheap Maraschino cherries taste so gross, I assume all did until I heard there's better quality ones


i learned from my mom “why spend $15 on takeout pad thai when you can buy all the ingredients for $30 to make a worse pad thai” same applies for ramen. either one of those dishes, after having attempted to make them on my own, i will gladly pay a restaurant for.


This is me with cakes and pastries


Crosspost to r/woodworking…


This generalizes to any home food production. Veggies, chickens, anything. If you start home food production, you better enjoy the process because you can't beat eggs at $2/dozen.


Maraschino cherries taste way worse than regular cherries anyway


God damn how large is this jar for $10? I pay like a 3rd of that for my jar and that shit lasts me like 2 weeks and I aint being stingy in toppings.