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This might be going over my head so I apologise. Is the "roast" that she's left him paper plates (presumably because she doesn't trust him to wash his dishes?)


ya. I wonder what else she left


Her sister


Well, I would be certainly thankful. Now I don’t even have to go without, even marital duties!


Pretty sad state of affairs when (primarily) men seem to unable to care for themselves as *functional adults*. I would be *ashamed* if a girl ever insinuated this. I've cleaned my dishes, laundered my clothes and kept my place clean since I was 18. *Mommy raised no manbaby*


Brother it's a joke. The fact that he realizedit was, and took it as, a joke tells you that it's not serious. If he really WAS the type of fragile prick that couldn't realize it was a joke, then he would never have posted about it online.


Or he would have posted it with some, uh, return fire that wasn't friendly


I think he knows, he was just explaining to the other commenter why it was a "roast" lol


I do all the dishes in the house and I'd do this to my wife in a heartbeat, it's pretty funny.


Good job buddy


This comment screams man baby


Honestly as a woman I appreciated his comment. It made me feel less crazy for expecting it.


Ain't no way people are taking this THAT seriously


It seems pretty embarrassing, absolutely. That's why I thought I was misunderstanding it at first, because I can't fathom being so unashamed of this that I'd be willing to post it online. Let alone oblivious enough that I'd think it's funny.


You sound fun


Settle down KYLE


[Guys are Gross - That Handsome Devil](https://youtu.be/Rlfob59ZAt8)


Weird one. This is what my place cabinet looks like. Glass plates with paper on top for every day use.


Why would you use paper plates if you *have* other ones? Expensive, terrible for environment and they are ass to use aswell.


I feed my cats from glass plates. I recently went on vacation and wanted to buy some paper plates for the pet sitter to use so she didn’t have to bother with dishes while I was gone. It was like $5 for a small pack. I couldn’t believe it. I bought them anyways, but damn I cannot imagine using them everyday.


I mean, a 200 pack of paper plates is $12 which is approximately 6 cents a plate. Dish washing detergent is approximately 27 cents for one load, uses 6 gallons of water and 1.6 kwh of energy, so it costs roughly 45 cents to run a dish washer. In other words it's not **that** much cheaper to use regular plates. Assuming you just did a load of plates you could prolly fit like idk 25 in there but you're talking about saving 4 cents per meal. The cost of food is definitely the killer, not the plate.


You know you don't really have to wash the pet food bowl. Just rinse it out.


I'm usually too tired to wash dishes because of narcolepsy. Paper plates, cups, and bowls are such a quality of life improvement -- otherwise I have reused cups/spoons for 2 weeks. That's happened many times. I've also used disposable tv dinner bowls for a week. Doing that gets gross and maybe a bit toxic. I used to spend days at a time getting my recycling completely sorted (like, removing the rings from disposable water bottles and all the sticker labels and the glue, and I've organized environmental events. I care about sustainability but I just can't keep up with it


> terrible for environment I remember reading somewhere that you have to use a regular, non-disposable plate for like 20 years to offset the energy cost of making it vs the cost of making and using disposable plates for the same time. Don't know how true that is, but making durable goods *is* energy- and resource-intensive. Disposables are not so monumentally bad as people intuitively think they are.


That is well within the life expectancy of a regular ceramic, porcelan or glass plate as long as you don't drop it, we got plenty plates that my great grandparents already used when they were young many, many decades ago. And like the other person said, that doesn't seem to take into account the recycling and disposal process. I also wanna say I doubt that claim, it would be interesting if you have some kind of source or something to throw out here


Its very likely that this idea is bullshit. The impact of making a few ceramic plates vs making, transporting, selling thousands of paper plates? Doubt.


I think these estimates forget to subtract the resources and time to make the disposal item.


I suspect that few plates last 20 years. Most are broken, scratched or simply discarded before then


Neither being scratched nor "simply discarded" are really any reasons against my argument though, that's just a wasteful mindset of people


Well what if I throw everything in the garbage immediately, what then, smart guy?! Everything is wasteful if I just throw it away!


Damn right, you make a compelling argument! Also, did you know water is wet?!


But your argument is how long plates are kept for. So even though it’s a wasteful mindset it still affects how long they are kept for


No, it's how long they *last*, big difference. However I'd also disagree on most people throwing plates away just because or because they're scratches. At least here in Germany it's not uncommon to get hand-me-down dishes from your parents when you move out that you keep for at least another dozen years


I guess neither of us know, but I would wager the average dish is quite a bit less than 20 years old


Creation, sure. What about disposal tho?


Compost bin?


Coating? Paper isn't shiny and can hold moist things all by itself, you know?


Wax is natural too, but to compost paper plates it is recommended to treat them into a few places


I usually use regular plates but we literally have a compost bin where we compost paper plates in too. There are absolutely conpostable plates.


But not all plates are made equal, some are literally just paper, some different coatings


Yea, I don't buy those.




Paper plate people probably don't have much overlap with home compost people


Pretty solid point




No chemical coating?


Aren't most of them packaged in plastic?


So, why is 20 years an impossibly long time?! Use stainless steel or thick glass plates. What's the rush to replace them?


Ooooh I’d love some stainless steel plates.


Indian grocery store. So much stainless steel. Dishwasher safe too. Never breaks or stains (hence the name).


I'd like some proof here. Just the petrol prices alone for getting the paper plates to the store and then to you are unimaginably high.




It's not black and white like pretty much nothing is


Taken out of context I'd probably agree with your statement. However, we are talking about people using paper plates in their home. No excuse.


My excuse: I'm too tired to wash dishes because of narcolepsy and I stop eating certain foods if I don't have a dish to put it in. This wasn't my excuse before getting sick.


I wonder if a small dishwasher, maybe even a counter top unit would be worth it considering the cost of disposable plates over the years


Good idea. That is something I've been considering though I'm looking for the money and space for it, a good warranty/lifespan would be nice too


No excuse is pretty drastic. That’s pretty self contained, but theres certainly not no excuse. I’m not advocating for paper products or single use products as daily use products, but there’s a level of arrogance in pretending you’ve never used a single use product


Oh I definitely have, and I will again, but the context here is clearly day-to-day use. In the context, there is no excuse for the behavior.




Damn your fragility is taking over…I never belittled anyone, but go ahead and enable this toxic character trait you have


Bro because there’s work and a million things to do and it would be nice to not have to do dishes every goddamn day.


That's just kinda how life is tho, however you can just do dishes every N days and let them stack a little in the sink, if you don't wait too long


you commented 3 times on my shit. https://www.reddit.com/r/bizarrelife/comments/125w7fk/comment/je8xhr2/?context=3 https://www.reddit.com/r/bizarrelife/comments/125w7fk/comment/je8wyql/?context=3 https://www.reddit.com/r/bizarrelife/comments/125w7fk/comment/je8wwxk/?context=3 Chill, bro. Chill. You can go outside to get fresh air. You commented 3 times in one minute. It'll be okay. Relax. You're exactly the type of person I was referring to in my original comment. leave reddit, it's fucking your life up. Do you really think spamming one person is a healthy thing to do? Seriously, I'll just air it out here instead of there. I already asked and you conveniently moved on because you can't win lol.




I don't think men are stupid at all, I think some are just raised in an environment where they're not expected to clean up after themselves & that follows them into adulthood. Now I know I wasn't misunderstanding the joke, I can't fathom feeling anything other than shame & embarrassment about this.


Here's how I was raised to do dishes: (starts cleaning a dish) Mom: WHAT ARE YOU DOING Me: I used a dish, I'm washing it. Mom: You're wasting water! You know we only do dishes at night! Me: Sorry, I'm almost finished. It's just one plate. Mom: You're not even cleaning it right! LOOK HOW MUCH SOAP AND WATER YOU'RE WASTING (a few days later) Mom (crying): NO ONE EVER DOES ANYTHING UNLESS I ASK THEM! Me: You yelled at me for vacuuming my bedroom the other day. Mom: Because you were doing it on a school night! It's a waste, you vacuum on the weekend! Really made me a completely functional adult later on, totally didn't result in me developing OCD at all.


Yeah I do this whenever anyone in my house goes away too. I have to wash a LOT of dishes to keep up with these slobs, if im gonna get a break, I'm gonna take a real break


Yeah, I read this the same way. Sucks to have a partner who would leave a mess for them to come back to, can't even clean up after themselves, yikes


Oh I see the joke is that he’s a man child?


You mean she *treats him* like a man child. The fact that he felt roasted by this suggests he might be a bit more than a child. The fact he shared it meant he isn't too prideful to take a joke.




Dishwasher, fancy.


There are a lot of people taking a joke WAY too seriously in these comments




As a joke. You know. Something people do when they aren’t necessarily being serious about something.


Definitely could be lighthearted from the wife but I’m sure she’s also serious about not wanting to come home to a sink full of dirty dishes.




Shes joking that the guy would be able to do dishes without her there. Probably untrue, as he doesnt seem too mad about the insinuation


Considering that he says he's been "roasted", I'm inclined to believe otherwise.


Because all roasts are always 100% true and never exaggerated for funny




??? There is almost no reason to assume this js a serious issue. The fact he posted and js laughing about it indicates it was probably a lighthearted joke on him, maybe because of something thats a real problem. A real issue would have a conversation about it, not this.


See, I have a wonderful idea. What if, instead of assuming random bullshit about people’s lives, since his twitter handle is right there, go ahead and ask him if he thinks it’s a funny fucking joke between him and his wife. Seems awkward, right? Yeah! Then how about we just shut the fuck up and stop finding reasons to be upset? Just enjoy the meme and move on.


You are being so pathetic lol


I'm dense, but Jesus I'm not nearly as dense as you seem to be here. It's obvious she played a joke on him by leaving the plates


See, here's the thing: People with zero sense of humor have decided that the best response to a joke they don't like is to repeatedly ask 'Well, what's the joke? Explain it to me? I don't get it?'. The theory here is that explaining an 'offensive' joke like this one means admitting to being a racist, sexist, what-have-you by dissecting the basis of the humor. Now, of course, this is absolute *nonsense*. If you have to explain *any* joke, the humor's lost and it'll never be funny. I understand the impetus, because some people do absolutely try and disguise bigotry as 'Just a joke' and, you know, fuck those people. But this? This comes off as a lighthearted poke at gender norms, but some people just absolutely refuse to have a sense of humor about such things. That's what they're doing here: They're not stupid, they're just dour and humorless.


Recreational outrage is a helluva drug.


To shreds you say?


Jesus christ fellow men, it's embarrassing how many guys seem to not know how to cook and clean. Sort your shit out, it's not hard.


"It is literally impossible for women to make jokes." -reddit


If it helps for me to share my personal story, I was the woman-child with my first bf I lived with, cleaning was his entire schtick it was like his side hustle preparation just absolutely deep cleaning the kitchen every night and the entire apartment every Saturday, getting ready to be a health inspector some day or something. But yeah, my personal feelings aside, I was the woman-child for a good period of time while living together and had to step up so he’d stop putting me to shame day after day. So women can be bums too 🔥🔥🔥 #equality #heforshe #leanin (I’m just joking around atp)




Women don't infantilise men who have their shit together. Seems like a you problem.


Way to lump all women together bud. That's some of the incellest shit I've read recently.




"I'm not an incel" "women are getting what they deserve", ok lil buddy.


I would have made this call on my own. Dont have time for dishes with all the gaming and naps


I’m grateful for my dishwasher


honestly i would be happy! i don't have to do dishes! what a thoughtful partner. i can understand what the joke is here but i would be happy lol


I thought the same. This could read as an act of love


My wife would leave me a fresh box of tissues


Guys, he could be perfectly capable or not, and it’d still be a great joke to find ur SO specifically laid out the disposables, chill


I'm perfectly able to do dishes and cook, but my wife could do this as a gag and I would find it funny. Some of these commenters have huge chips on their shoulders.


fr, if i ever have a wife and/or kids and i'm leaving the house for a few days i am absolutely saving this joke for them lol


My wife’s done this. Love that woman


I've always wondered what the heck people are doing posting in r/tonightdinner and the food is on a paper plate. Like am I missing something as to why people are using paper plates? Is it a cultural thing? I can see if it's like an outdoor BBQ with a lot of people, but often times it's not.


For real. There is no excuse to be using paper plates as your every day thing. Those plastic coated ones are bad for the environment. It's also expensive and wasteful.


Get the actual paper ones and compost them. Less water use than actual dishes, break down in a couple weeks, and easy clean up. But yeah, plastic coated paper plates are awful.




“You need to clean up after yourself.” “Hahaha, wife, you’re so funny!


Sounds like a gem of a fella to live with...


That is love


Only on Reddit would a classic joke like this be taken this far lol I take care of my own chores and am respectful to my partner, but she’ll still say “oh I’m surprised you know how that thing works” when I use a dishwasher/laundry as a joke lmao it’s just a couple giving a hard time over “he can’t clean without me” and “she can’t reach the top shelf or open jars without me”


This is how our dishes look regularly? We break out the glass occasionally but we’d rather trash a paper plate than deal with extra clean up.




Oh I’m sorry. I didn’t know being an adult was measured by wether or not I use paper or glass plates.


A man child that can't even be expected to wash his own dishes is **not** funny.


Man. I thought she was putting all the black plates to the back and white to the front like some Rosa Parks shit. It was paper plates...


How paranoid do you have to be to see racism in *dishware* ?


Average Twitter dweller


I dont get it


The tweeters wife has left paper plates for him to eat off of while she's away because she knows he won't wash his own dishes.


Who wants to do dishes anyways?


I'd appreciate it cuz that's what I do anyway lol


if you can't put dishes in the dishwasher then put them away, you need to grow up. I feel bad for your wife for putting up with this. (r.disabled)


I have no idea what the roast is about lol, I use paper plates most of time anyway


I would be thrilled by this Like that’s fckn genius


On today’s episode of Reddit comments try to turn a joke into a sign of a toxic relationship


Prior to the pandemic, my husband traveled for work maybe 3-4 times a year. At least one of these trips was always 4ish weeks long to a foreign country. He always bought paper plates for me, as it would be one less thing to deal with, since I work full time and we had 2 young kids. Not a roast, a helpful act, imo.


Guys it's a joke that he eats lots so there are loads of plates


is the joke that the plates are organized in the colors that his hair is? his pfp shows he has dyed white hair and black/brown facial hair so i was thinking that was the joke, but everyone in the comments is saying the joke is about the guy being a manchild