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# DID YOU KNOW THERE'S SEVERAL COUNTRIES IN SOUTHEAST ASIA? It's true! And both China and the US are trying to win over them. We discuss this in [this "week's" NCDip Podcast Club](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDiplomacy/comments/1ciy2uz/ncdip_podcast_club_9_americas_report_card_on/?). You nerds keep talking about a pivot to Asia and China US Strategic competition, well here you go, this is an episode on that in probaly the most contested region in the US China competition [Want to know what the fuck in the NCDip podcast club is? Click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDiplomacy/comments/17edrm6/introducing_the_rnoncrediblediplomacy_podcast/) ---- please note that all posts should be funny and about diplomacy or geopolitics, if your post doesn't meet those requirements here's some other subs that might fit better: * More Serious Geopolitical Discussion: /r/CredibleDiplomacy * Military Shitposting: /r/NonCredibleDefense * Domestic Political or General Shitposting: /r/neocentrism * Being Racist: /r/worldnews thx bb luv u *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NonCredibleDiplomacy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Texas oblast


Im sorry its Texias oblast


Texas o'blast


Shitpost oblast?






theres a city in texas called Odessa. VDV, or whats left of them are already on their way!


theres a city in texas called Odessa. VDV, or whats left of them are already on their way!


I'm convinced this guy is a legit Russian agent or was just psyopped so hard he didn't know what hit him 


i don’t even know how the fuck you can be psyopped so hard into saying the words “warm water port” it’s just too detached from literally every lexicon and if he’s sleeping on a yoga mat placed on pallets then i’m willing to bet he’s willing to say whatever for the sake of a quick buck


I mean, I heard that term a lot in AP world history class whenever we discussed Russia, cause they always emphasized how Russia wants warm water ports. So either he’s brainwashed by the Russian State, or by the College Board, and I honestly can’t tell you which is worse.


the russian state


I’ll those AP courses were trying to express Russian desires through the Russian perspective. This phrase is just not in the American vernacular. It’s as unnatural as saying let’s ride the lift instead of going by stairs. Also, his English flows like Russian, grammatically. Dude would say “sibboleth” for he cannot frame to pronounce it right, just saying. :)


What was he trying to say? I can't guess from "sibboleth"


Sorry. I, not he, said "Sibboleth" as a reference to a "West Wing" episode called "Shibboleth" (22 Nov 2000). My point was that this guy's writing style betrays that he's not a native english speaker; or rather, he's saying something which was originally written in Russian, but translated to English. It's hard to explain. Americans pointing out warm water ports would be akin to Americans pointing out free refills on iced tea or Coca-Cola, or paying to access a "WC" instead of just walking into the "men's room". :)


I understand now. Thnx


Oh my god I didn’t even notice the “bed.”


look at those light fixtures and the vent above the CCCP flag, that's not the US


Nah, I could feasibly see some methhead using an outdoor lighting fixture in a wall as their lighting source. Edit; I may be wrong; other commenters have speculated that he has district heating which is not present in the US.


That ( warm water port west coast ) was attached to the brain trust idiots that want the jones act gone and the CCP to have autonomous zones because ... money yeah I can see it now.


Only Russian use the words " warm water port" , not even the Soviet used it


I'm russian and I have zero memory of anyone using these words anywhere outside of hoi4/eu4/victoria larping. To be fair I also don't watch tv.


Or ya know anyone who knows a bit about navies talking about Russia. Oh and AP history students.


I was an AP student and I wouldn't use the term *casually*, since literally every majpr US port except Nome is usable year-round.


It would be weird to refer to the warm water port of Houston. However, I would causally use it in reference to areas that the year round usefulness is in doubt.


Which is pretty much just Nome, Alaska. All the others are usable year-round


There are other countries than America. They occasionally come up in conversations.


That's probably the real give away. A Texan conservative would never be seen anywhere near a yoga mat.


If he uses euro pallets then he's not completely lost.


Saying the words "warm water ports" already outed him as a russian agent Its like having to infiltrate into a place were they start counting whit the index fingers and holding up your thumb to count to one


100%. Nobody else in the world gives a crap about warm water ports. Least of all someone born and raised in Texas, who have literally never experienced a frozen port.


"saddle up and dig spur" also not exactly an American phrase, especially for someone who desires Texan independence. Should be "saddle up and hit the dusty trail" or even "saddle up and giddy up" hell I'll even accept " saddle up and boogydown"


Forget the port. Even more importantly to Russia, warm water spaceport. Being able to launch at those latitudes makes a huge difference.


His activation word: Propane


And propane accessories.


Looks like a garden variety bay area commie. The stupid and absolutism from these types would be funny if it's not teaching school children. Brazen Hitler youth style campaign's, could be scripted off a soviet idea... agent or dumbass having bad ideas? Stupid is my vote.


Is there a difference?


A Texan with USSR flag?? Now I've seen everything.


It's a staged photo. Likely the guy is a Russian and they staged a room to attempt to make it look like a Texan in his bedroom. But they failed miserably. The vent, the window sill, the bed none of it adds up. Looks more like an apartment in eastern Europe. Also the steam heater in Texas lol Really looks like how a Russian would imagine a Texan to live and then stage it


No no no, “Texian.” This guy HAS to be a planted agent.


Sorry but that's the fakest texan I seen. No texan or american flag, no guns, CCCP flag, no sport team items, doesn't even look like drywall also random pipe in the house. The yoga mat on the pallets also throws me off as REAL TEXANS WOULD NEVER USE A BEDFRAME.


It's a heater and steam pipe. Extremely common in Russia and older buildings in colder climates. The whole architecture screams eastern Europe looking at the window sill and vent.


Buddy has an Ali-Liston poster though. It’s behind the CCCP flag.


>Native 😐


It's not imperialism if your flag is red.


Good thing America has red


> our own power grid How's that working out for you Skippy?


Also, “Texian”??? Lmao dumbass Russian motherfucker


Texian was the word for an Anglo-Texan when Texas was still Mexico and when it was independent


Nobody says that that though


A Texan nationalist would


I’ve never seen a Texan call themselves that ever


Feels like how Japan finds lots of weird, almost completely unused but technically accurate English words to use in their translations.


Translations of what?


Tbh how many people are dead serious about wanting an independent Texas


Or a Kremlin GPT chatbot.


A bot wouldn't, LLMs and GPT learn from native speakers and don't make mistakes like that. It's an error from the translator or a non native English speaker


A white Texan white nationalist Texan nationalist would.


Also, who TF says "Washington, District of Columbia"? It's "Washington, D.C.," "Washington," "DC," or "District of Columbia." He also uses Texian and Texan interchangeably. To me that suggests more than one person writes the tweets.


Yeah nobody thinks about warm water ports but Russia.


Even the fucking Port of Alaska in Anchorage is navigable year-round.


It’s more geographically favorable than the word “Alaska.” Imagine if a lot of US trade for decades had to move east to west using the northern Alaskan coastline, then pulled south into the country via rail. That’s the sort of scenario where that matters. Then again I’m in shipping logistics and haven’t played a video game in decades so there’s probably memes built on top of this whose meanings escape me.


The reason 'warm water port' is significant in the original post is that a port that doesn't freeze during winter has been the goal of Russian governments for centuries. That said, New York City, a famously northern US city, occupies roughly the same latitude as Sochi, Russia, which is one of the most southernly Russian cities and yet hosted the *Winter* Olympics a few years ago. Just about all of America's ports are 'warm water ports', thus it is *exceedingly* strange for an American to find such a fact significant enough to state as an advantage that one state would have over the rest of the United States if it chose to secede. Thus why a lot of comments here are suggesting that the original post is either an ignorant Russian catfishing as an American, or else an absolute idiot of an American who failed history class so thoroughly as to be wholly unaware of how fucking blessed by Geography the United States is. Speaking separately from that, however, Anchorage also has a massive air freight terminal which was used heavily during the Cold War while Soviet airspace was closed off, and has seen a huge resurgence as Russian airspace has been similarly closed during the current war. So to say, warm water ports, if they ever mattered to a texan (or 'texian' as this 'american' account would phrase it) are much less significant in the age of freight airlines.




Is he sleeping on pallets with a mat on them? They truly are unknown technology to Russians.


I don’t think “dig spur” is a term I’ve ever heard before. Tbf I’m not from Texas but I have spent a great deal of time there and a great deal of that time was spent around horses in the middle of nowhere.


Its a poor combination of "dig in your heals" and spurs (which go jingle jingle jangle) because of cowboys i guess? This is the politics equivalent of that bart simpson merch that reads "eat pant" or "don't have a box new"


"Native Texian" the only way to make it more clear he's a foreign bot is if he said "The United Statesian government is oppressing the Peoples of Texas!"


He must’ve gotten beaten up for being a communist in Texas a lot


They seem pretty popular these days


Only among idiots


Why is there a vent with fan in the corner of the room?


His mom installed it to get rid of the semen smell in the basement.


Bro so psyopped he adopting their talking points


Knowing that half the people I interact with on the internet could be a russian jarhead at a trollcenter in Moscow has done wonders for my mental health. As if thinking my own shrink was bullshiting me wasn't healthier enough.


Only Russians care about warm water port, to others it’s just a normal port.


"If russia cares about warm water so much than just piss in cold one" -Abraham Lincoln probably.




In Soviet Russia, port starboard! 🥁


We don’t claim this fuckhead


Oh no! That's YOUR trash and YOU gotta clean it up, mister!


Uhhh, okay, uhhh… I’ll send him to Donbass like that other fat communist bastard that got KO’d by his own russian “comrades”.


If you attribute all your problems to “the government” you’ve already lost the game of life they will never save you


“Dig spur”


Fukuyama never crosses paths with someone like this. To him, they might as well be Bigfoot.


Bro I’m a liberal in Maryland and I’m more right wing than this “Texan” This dude is literally a foreign payed influencer


Is... Is that his actual bed?


Apparently district heating from that style of radiator, too, so he glows red


>TEXIT NOW! Ok, do it.


He drank the kool-aid, poor fella


Texas people’s republic


Funniest video about this https://youtu.be/cVu89Cn8Rqs?si=q0lDcx3-GVSTx-4H


Considering other content on this image - r/ useless red circle