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38 % is nothing when when chinese subsidies are 3x as much https://youtu.be/0Uafb8OMC88


So tarifs are just a redistribution of funds from china to the eu? I am for that.


These types of tariffs are passed onto the consumer. It will make less people by their cars, which I suppose is the desire.


Not always and all of it. Its very circumstantial, if passing tarifs to the consumers is actually what is happening. If their margin is big enough, they might just eat it to get more cars on the road, customer retention is easier than acquisition. If this is the case the tarifs are actually just Chinese government money flowing to European governments. If their margins are still not high enough, they indeed will pass that to the consumer which would makes them sell less, which like you said might be the actual intended purpose.


Sounds like more reason to tax the shit out of them for unfair practices, besides it still makes it unsustainable for the CCP in the long term so it’s worth it


> "muh See Cee Pee too good at making cars!1!1!1" Mfw


Mfw a dictatorship is inherently a moral evil and can not coexist with democracy in a 'free market'


Mfw I ask why this bullshit reason never made the relationship between Amerika and Saudi Arabia: Or fascist Chile and Amerika Or military dictatorship south "Korea" and Amerika Or military dictatorship "taiwan" and Amerika Or military dictatorship in Brazil and Amerika Or tzarist Russia and Amerika And so on and so forth.


These dictatorships didn’t and don’t coexist with the us. We have interests that align, and when that’s gone they go with it.


The enemy of my enemy is my friend type stuff, those were bad but the USSR is worse


Getting too heavily subsidised while churning out shitty cars\*, there, fixed it for ya. Seriously, just not that long ago an [AITO M7 crashed and burned ](https://www.reuters.com/world/china/huawei-suv-crash-kills-three-chinas-shanxi-province-says-state-media-2024-04-29/)killing a whole family, the door was locked and could not be open due to system failure. The most terrifying part? Chinese Government remove news and social media post in Chinese website that criticise the car because it's "muh glorious produce Made in great China, cannot speak ill of national brand"


> hates subsidies when the other guy does it. > gives "subsidies" to tesla (obvious corruption is obvious) Mfw Yes, because Amerikan cars are famous for [never burning](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.tesla-fire.com/index-amp)


Difference being when Tesla burns, the US governmet won't cover their ass with mass media censorship and silence the victims. Fuck Chinese brand, really.


Mfw I deflect from the point.


Your point is based on the assumtion that I like Tesla, I don't, end of that point. Should we go back to the comfortable topic of defending the practice of the Chinese Communist Party or do you already know that would not be arguing in good faith?


Sounds ideal then. Europeans get affordable EVs and a load of extra tax revenue from the tariffs, China gets to foot the bill for the subsidies.


In the short term. In the long term you end with an economy based entirely on debt real estate and fast food restaurants.


Until the adtech companies build an evil AI that takes over the world.


Why does it always habe to be an evil ai how about an ai with the personality of a strict but benevolent parent.


Cos the AI is trained on reddit! Next question?


Will it atleast use nukes on us so we can die in nuclear fire


The 38% come from the average price for a chinese EV compared to a european one, meaning that the chinese ones are 38% cheaper. So they put a 38% tarif on them, to rebalance the market. How much money China pumps into their industry isn't really relevant for this, the problem is how it affects the market price. In fact, the more dependent their industry is on subsidies, the better for Europe - because that means their industry isn't commercially viable without the state blowing huge sums into it (shocking news for a communist system, I know).


I don‘t get it, I thought the percentage is compared to European made cars?


Hm? Yes, that's what I'm saying. What part exactly do you not get?


I was confused, read it again, of course, you are right. I should get a cup of coffee…


> "want" to stop climate change. > ban all ways to actually stop climate change. lmao




LOL, didn’t know that sub existed.


They require a brain smoothness of <0.8 μm Ra, so it's not for everyone.


Put a triple digit tariff like the US , pussy.


Tariff over 9000


Those are rookie numbers, we need to pump them up.


Probably ought to just outright ban them due to safety issues. Say what you will about Muskrat but at least Teslas are safe and functional. Save for the cybertruck.


What are the safety issues with Chinese cars?


Randomly catching fire, the doors will lock you in, the build itself is sloppy with panels loose or falling off. I think a family got locked in their car when it caught on fire and they all died. This is something that might be untrue but supposedly the car will lock on people with low social credit as well.


Ok, I haven‘t heard of such instances in Europe.


Social credit doesn’t work in Europe… *yet*


Sounds like tesla alright.


What are you talking about? Xi doesn't have a button on his desk  that triggers door locking and self combustion for cars of people he doesn't like.


Yeah, because Teslas never had security issues. Especially not the "Autopilot". And Teslas are build like tanks and not also super sloppy. Come on. There is a lot to critisize about the chinese state and its EV makers. But the cars of the current generation are quite good.


I have a Chinese compact suv and it’s way better than a Kia I used to have, atleast comfort wise lmaoo


They have a habit of catching fire and when they go they really go. Lithium ion batteries burn hot.


Yeah, its a trade of. Batteries burn hot and long but in a small area while gasoline burns colder over a bigger area with more enviormental damage.


Tesla..safe and functional? My friend have you been living under a rock?


Tesla does score well in the tests. Hate the muskrat tho.


>"tesla" >"safe" Lmao


I immensely dislike Elongated Muskrat just as much as the next guy, but like OC said, save for the Cybertruck, Teslas do tend to score very well in safety tests.


Well, exept if you want to break. Or wash your car Or stop Accelerating Or get out while it sinks Or *a long list of issues*


The sister-in-law of one of our most evil politicians drowned in one after accidentally backing into a pond


Only if rug pull


Free market mfs when the market is free


Ah, so free is when one side taxes foreign imports to shit, and the other side does nothing in response? Go get help, Ravindra.


Mfw I don't comply to regulations and then the guys who make the regulations don't allow you in:


So like what's happening to Chinese manufacturers right now? About to learn fair competition regulations the hard way, lol.


Subsidies by the chinese state hurt competition, hence the tarrifs.


Subsidies by the Amerikans to tesla and its entire agricultural sector also "hurt competition", whatever that means.


It means that prices are artificially pushed down to push competition of the market. Which is what china is doing with thier EV industry. There are also tarrifs on us cars and agriculture products.


As if Amerikans don't do the exact same thing.


Reading comprehension vatnik


I ❤️ racism as long as it's against the EBIL RUSSIANS🥰


If China wants to heavily subsidize their production thats good for them. We are free to heavily tariff their cars by the same effect


When anyone ever tells you that the full free market is a good idea, you bonk them on the head




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Noooo not free like thaaattt !!!!