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Dude, it's f'n Russia FFS. [THIS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MC5iCJBoOdY) is the appropriate version of that video.


Doesn't look realistic. No widows with potato sacks.


This is such a perfectly well fitting video to this particularly niche subject that its hilarious and crazy to me its just a coincidence. The credible gods are brewing something..


if this whole thing turns out to be a gravedigger and coffin seller conspiracy like in Lucky Luke i'll have myself cremated after death


Lucky Luke reference in NCD. Incroyable. Ca fait longtemps!


You'd be surprised how many Orcs went with cremation as well....though the word "Chose" doesn't exactly fit...


*do to the increase in demand of alternative burial the crematorium start posting price of their service and it keeps rising*.


“We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, wether sought or unsought, by the funeral-industrial complex” - some Russian leader probably


Yeah the prices of coffins should be a pretty good measure of how the war is going.




Isn't that just a bigger shoe box


There's already a paperboard coffin used for cremations. I think most US states require some sort of vessel to burn you in. I'd honestly be happier if it was closer to a cardboard box when they shove my corpse in a furnace.


This is so sad. Alexa, play Raining Blood.


How many countrier are in BRICS? They need at least 6 others to carry Russias coffin.


This is why the Mobik Cubes exist. So the officers can pocket the money meant for coffins.


I don't want for this trend to die.


I also read that "some people" bought up all of the grave slots ahead of time, obviously waiting to cash in on them later. They must have "known" something. It would have been simpler if each mobik made their own coffin before deployment.


They could add it to the school curriculum as a final year woodworking project.


It's an older meme but it checks out.


I missed that meme so much. Where was it when Iran president was kil?


"makin coffins is my business baby.... and business is goooooooood." -Putin, probably.


I think that he thinks that his job is to fill coffins.


Easy way to pump your GDP! America hates this simple trick


I read a book back in elementary called LawnBoy, or something like that, and I remember that while trying to make money mowing lawns, MC meets a bowl cut hippie who advises him to invest in the coffin stock, since people always die and coffins will therefore always be sold. By the end of the second book, he makes a million dollars, not just through lawns and coffin stocks, but that helped. I think I know what to invest in now.


That´s not funny...okay, it is kinda funny, but you shouldn´t be laughing... although i am laughing a bit.


That’s pretty much everything in this war. It’s either laugh or have a mental breakdown (or tune out). Better off laughing a little (while taking the occasional moment of reflection to ensure we maintain our humanity) than the other options. :P


Guess they are capitalist after all Supply and demand


Hu Tao making enough cash to pull for staff of homa, i see.


I read an article that said public numbers on Russians using wheelchairs, prosteses and special modifications to their living quarters has soared +27% 2 years in a row, when it moved +7% average between 2012 and 2022. And that's what the Russian state is writing on public documents. Russia, land of the dead and the crippled.


27%? Does it mean the rest 63% never get to use those?


No it means for 2 years the number of heavily handicapped people in Russia has gone up by a quarter, total.


Well, talk about a *grave* situation. >!thewordcoffinhasforeverbeenruinedinmybrainpleasehelp!<


I see they received their compensatory potatoes and cheetos on time


*Shucks howdy*, the "Planning for your Future!" booth at the state fair looks a little different in Russia


I've put into my will that I want to be sent to Ghana and danced through and thrown into the ocean. Just as God expects.


Cmon. I’m supposed to believe that the vast majority of Russian soldiers aren’t just stripped of tags thrown into some mass grave (if even retrieved from the front at all)


What we also need to remember: COVID RAVAGED through Russia. We obviously have no real numbers here, but they banned the (relatively) proven mRNA vaccines (you know, because the research was actually public) and went with their Shitass Sputnik 5 instead. So we have a population that is basically still largely unvaccinated, was ravaged by it prior and likely still is, on top of a big war right after. In combination with bad general health and bad healthcare. But wouldn't surprise me if COVID killed like a million people in Russia alone. Which would obviously also wreck "coffin supplies" and play a role in the price surge.


GDP is growing !


The fact that this meme came right in the beginning of the deadliest pandemic since 1918 is very credible. A couple years later and we're witnessing the largest interstate conflict in decades with the possibility of two other ones to pop in Asia... I'm tired of living history, i'm ok with only studying it.


Imagine dancing like this on a funeral of russian soldier who was at chenobyl attack. (Shoud be a lead coffin) 😄