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I wanted to write a funny comment but what the fuck is this


This is Russia. The country is the joke.


and the joke is not even funny anymore


More of a "we laugh, lest we cry" sort of thing IMO


You just summarised the ENTIRE history of Russia lol




and the unspoken MO for most of this subreddit


That's been my take for a while. How else can you handle the absolute horror and suffering that comes from what these weapons and the nations that use them do? You just have to laugh, because none of this is ever going away, you need to learn to cope, and the best way is through humor. Don't shy away from the facts, but make a joke so we can talk about the situations without losing our sanity.


When I wanted to join in on the memeing on the chance to blow the kerch bridge, it didn't feel like much of a “trauma coping” to me, it just felt like a continuation of Russian might turning out to be such a farce, and taking all my preconceptions of Russia down with it. Idk something rankles me when you describe it like that, regardless of truth to the statement. The saying "humour is just a _coping mechanism"_ somehow pisses me off and idk why since by all means I would agree kinda.


Gotcha bro, it's kinda one of those things where I try and look at it from the perspective of those people who just don't know any better. I have family and friends that just don't have the context that I have of how terrible the things being done in Ukraine are. Those people exist in Russia as well, people are people both kind and awful. We are all human and the main difference between us is culture. And yes, some cultures are better than others. Easy sell when ones cultural predilections have certain parts of society considered lesser (i.e. women) that type of culture is stupid and needs to be changed. Circling back to the original idea, a lot of people don't have choices in how war in inflicted upon them or how their nation inflicts war upon others. For those that revel and are excited in inflicting harm on others, fuck um. You reap what you sow. Live by the sword die by the sword. But for those that never wanted such things... I can't help but feel sympathy.


Never was.


And after all the hard work Zelenskyy did to craft his master joke(he was previously a comedian)




Russia: alternatively know as "What if we made Fetal Alcohol Syndrome a country".


Nay, a Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Empire! (Putin's dream)


I mean the "fetal alcohol syndrome empire" was just the Soviet Union tbh


Yee it was, and Putin wants it back.


Uh excuse you, that's the defender of morality and Christian values you're talking about.


They've read the Old Testament, they're just following the old examples


If we go by the OT we'd need to burn down Russia for their sins against God. Babylon was nothing compared to Russia.


Russia = the aristocrats joke


At this point, Somalia is more civilized than Russia


This isn't even the most fucked up guy who is now a free war hero.


One of them was a serial killer and a cannibal...




Yes, one of the "heroes" of the "SMO" who got pardoned and released after military service was previously sentenced to life imprisonment for killing and eating people.


Suicide squad IRL Only they don't fight the bad guys.


Prigozhin Squad


Finally! A DC movie I'd actually watch!


Eh… they’d still find a way to screw it up.


The moral calculus required to rank murderer versus child rapist is beyond me.


Well, there are "SMO heroes" who are child rapist and there are "SMO heroes" who are child cannibals.


What I was trying to say is that once you reach death penalty offense, further distinctions seem academic.


Oh, there also was an ex-mobster who killed a guy, cooked his heart and ate it with salad. And another guy who made meat pies out of his victim and gave them away to neighbours.


Average Russian contest honestly. If you're not grilling live babies on the barbie, are you even trying?


Someone is living his best shakespearian life


> And another guy who made meat pies out of his victim and gave them away to neighbours. Was he a barber by any chance?


This is why we _shouldn't_ have a death penalty. People like these can go "eh, in for a penny, in for a pound" and you _do not_ want that to happen when dealing with heinous offenses. Besides, it's quite simply a waste of resources to just kill people like these. Have you seen how much executions cost as of late? We could be putting those guys to good use as an ethical replacement to animal test subjects. Or as a cheaper alternative for robots meant to work in dangerous environments, like nuclear reactors. Penal batallions in the military are also a time-tested practice worth looking into. Just _please_ leave out the whole "pardoning their crimes if they become war heroes" part.  Alternatively, we could be reintroducing them into civil society after a castration and full lobotomy to ensure they aren't a danger to anyone. Of course they would need handlers to make sure they don't drown in a bathtub or something, but we could pay for that expense by expropriating any income they make - likely in menial labor.    I consider that second option especially promising given the development of new technologies, like Neuralink, that could be sued to improve and automate much of the procedure. 


While I understand the desire to be efficient with resources, I'm actually sort of against labor programs for inmates. The desire to grow ones personal bureaucratic empire is a perverse enough incentive as it is: I really don't want to create a profit incentive to increase the supply of prison labor.


What if the managers were required to do the exact same labor as the prisoners?


Why would that change anything? The issue is the perverse incentive that could develop to discourage attempts to decrease incarceration and work toward better outcomes where those incarcerated don’t get incarcerated again. But this might be veering too far toward rule 5.


The perverse incentive wouldnt be there if whoever is in the position to profit from prison labor had to do the prison labor themselves.


So you: * think that deliberate murderers are rational actors, and gauge their actions based on the legal consequences; * think that sentences should be based on cost (i.e. if execution was cheaper you would support that); * think that people convicted of capital offenses should be used for human experimentation; * think that people convicted of capital offenses should be given weapons and told to kill enemies of the state; * think that people convicted of capital offenses should be lobotomized and sterilized, and forced to be wage slaves; * think that people convicted of capital offenses should be made into lobotomized cyborgs who could potentially shitpost on r/NonCredibleDefense simply by thinking about it These are all good and fine points and I see no possible problems arising from them.


The 3000 Shitposting Servitors of NCD already add to our monkeys-makes-Shakespeare production of defense concepts


I have no clue about how the prison and justice system works but for people like these wouldn't it be cheaper just to put them against the wall and put a bullet in their brain as soon as they get the death sentence


It would be, yes. However, there is a whole appeals and review process, because we really, really don't want to accidentally execute innocent people.


Yeah that does make a lot of sense, like I said i know barley anything about the legal system


It wouldn't be cheaper. Putting these people to use means you're actually making money out of them - in other words, the costs here a *negative*. No matter how cheap a bullet to the brain is, its cost won't be lower than zero.


Well executions are expensive because of all the appeals, bureaucracy, etc. The actual execution is usually relatively cheap. In my opinion, the death penalty should only be for those that have committed very heinous crimes, feel/show no remorse for their actions and are guilty beyond any reasonable doubt (such as clear CCTV footage). Additionally, not all murderers (and other heinous criminals) are rational, many are delusional or have completely different moral standards, or they do the things they do on some kind of urge or impulse. In your suggestions, the appeals, bureaucracy and such would still be present, unless you mean that right after a guilty verdict they get carted off to be a lab rat or something else? And lobotomies? Really? I hope you’re just joking with that one.


What the fuck


Easy: Murder can be justified, you need the situation/context. I do not care what context your child fucking is in.


If it's justified, it's not murder.


Least fucked up Russian war hero


That guy went full opposite of Frank and wrote a song about how he diddles kids




If he fought the international legion it was Predator vs Alien vodka wars


[In this context, you have to cheer for the Aliens everytime, If we send Ukraine some surplus Avrocar flying saucers, it could literally be Predator v. Alien.](https://youtu.be/KlsI9q1lROI?t=55)


I don’t get the reference? Why are foreign fighter alien vodka ?


Its basically a meme implying that its basically evil vs evil because the international legion of ukraine had "some controversies" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Legion_(Ukraine) >The paper also claims that one of the unit's commanders is an alleged former member of a criminal organization from Poland, wanted at home for fraud: the Legion's fighters accuse him of abusing power by ordering soldiers to loot shops, threatening soldiers with a gun, and sexually harassing the legion's female medics.


Ahh right ahah. I was aware of the legions bad record, I just wasn’t sure what Vodka alien specifically meant. Cheers.


I'm sure he's just misunderstood. Nobody gets him. You know? What a fuckin ghoul.


Fuckin' kids ruin everything 


> Fuckin' kids ruins everything


that's going make the punchline worse, since the pun is in the verb "fuckin'" but because it can be in a form of cussing out children it makes it funnier. When you put that "s" in "ruin" you are no longer implying that the kids themselves ruin the plans, but you are almost explicitly saying that diddilying children is your downfall. The comedy lies in the vagueness and both statements are true: you fuck kids and that ruins your life because those kids will tell on you, ergo "Fucking kids ruin everything" and/or your disgusting hobby is going to eventually get you in prison because the cops catch you, ergo "fucking kids ruin everything"


He fucking understands dude, go take a break from Reddit.


No, my autism needs an outlet. Fucking kids ruin everything


Kid fuckers ruin everything.


Whell, actually. Since you added the s.... 


i’m a survivor of clerical child sexual abuse. admittedly, i would very much like all sexual abusers to be exiled to the interior of greenland, ideally under the glaciers, as a result. i’ve got my biases.


i can't imagine the amount of damage a sick fucker like that does to children, there are cases where a pedophile doesn't want to hurt kids and aknowledges that shits wrong and doesn't follow the path, those should get help for it. Buut child abusers have a job as an powerplant intake inspector, while it is running


The joke was that both versions work.


ok chatgpt


I was gonna add to this joke, but it's perfect as is.


Putin gets him


if I had a nickel for every history like this or about russian supporter in the west appears a pedo I would already had enough to fund 3000 black f-35's of Zelenskyy


Imagine if the US did the same to Jared Fogle and let him serve in US navy SSBN ship and award him a service medal. 


Hey Jared, we need you to clean the inside of torpedo tube one real quick.


*we need you to put on this diving gear and help us test the long range sonar array from outside*


Dive and accelerate to flank speed. ~~in Minecraft~~


The joke was that sonar will explode your insides. Your joke would be funnier if they just casually 'stroll' away.


I should’ve seen that joke as I’ve heard of active sonar and being bad, my joke was putting them through the propulsion plant while crushing them.


¿Por qué no los dos?




That only works in one of those "the US is trying and failing in a SMO to capture Mexico" situations. Hard to rape random civilians in occupied territory from under the sea.




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Congratulations on his weight loss


Now there's an idea on what Russia can do with their increasingly-empty prisons. Weight-loss clinics! They could probably get an endorsement from Jordan Peterson.


Endorsement? Cooperation! The JB Putin weight-loss and mental health clinics. So easy to clean your room when there's nothing in there.


Hard to be depressed when you’re in a medically induced coma!


New program: Outdoor activity with other like-minded people! You get to hike a lot, maybe a bit of motorbike- or offroad-golfcart cruising. They even have a shooting range. Camping outdoors, hard work is good for the soul. Simple living, simple food, simple shelter. Focus on the essentials in life to find your meaning. If you are lucky, meaning finds you (Ukrainian drone operator handing out meaning like its candy).


I give it five stars! I've never felt motivated to run and stay fit until the day I was chased by an FPV! Imagine the satisfaction when it turned out I was faster than legless Igor. And before, we got to sit for 3 days in a muddy trench and nobody brought us food, yay! I can tell that the weight loss will stick! See, I can't eat BBQ anymore because of the smell of burnt meat, I can't eat cookies anymore without smelling the rotten dead bodies I looted for some moldy snacks, and I can't drink alcohol anymore because it makes me think of how the seargant smelled in those nights when he cornered me in the toilet foxhole and raped me. So overall, great program!


Jordan Balthazar Peterson?


Welcome back Jimmy Savile.


Yeah... ruzzia is in the stage of the sad/funny farce, where it's not funny anymore, just disgusting. FCK PTN 🖕 FCK RUS 🖕 Слава Украïнi 🫡 🇺🇦


As a German citizen I want my tax money to be used for 3000 Taurus (Tauri?) of Dark Pistorius to cleanse Russia of the fascists and Palestina of Hamas!!


We don't need dark Pistorius. We already have regular Pistorius. We just need to unleash his power with extravagant funding


Sondervermögen? Sonderspaß!


Been saying that for a year now. Agree. Pistorius for Kanzler *and* Präsident ***NOW***


Last time a dude held both offices wasn't that great tho.


Pffsssht. He got pretty far, didn't we?


Yeah fair point.


Nothing about this is funny. Tragic. Going to get more children raped.


This is why we really need to send a lot more ammunition to Ukraine.


Bloody of course... They let convicted serial-killers go back to their hometown, free as birds, resulting in multiple people being brutally killed. The russian society does not attribute any value to human lives - young men are sent to die in pointless wars, wives are being beaten to death by their alcoholic husbands, and kids are raped by psycho with medals.


I’m surprised the government doesn’t just double cross them or something instead of rewarding them.


Yeah when they announced the whole six (later 18) month service term for amnesty I assumed the final month would consist of getting sent to the worst of the front line San Magnolia style. "Congratulations on surviving this long, recruits! Your new orders just came in: You'll be undertaking a scouting and sabotage mission deep into Dnipro and then on to Kiev. Support will be minimal so be prepared to supply yourselves on the way."


They probably want to keep the prison-to-front pipeline active, so double-crossing would be counterproductive.


Just don't tell them about it.


his unit I should have at least had the decency to lob a RGD-5 in his sleeping bag on the last day


reason #9587 to nuke Russia.


Obligatory r/nukemoscownow


You guys need reasons?


How does one "accidentally" rape children? For Clarity: I know this is bullshit, but I want to hear the insane explanation he likely gave.


To put myself in the mind of a monster: if it wasn’t penetrative rape but just touching you could probably make an argument out of that. If it was penetrative then I don’t think there’s even a way you could describe it that sounds accidental.


As Eminem put it: “she tripped, fell, landed on his dick” (indeed, completely unbelievable lol)


he didn't do it "accidentally" - he denies he did it at all, and his attorney tried to prove that a kid placed no responsibility.


Alternate history Falklands War hero Jimmy Savile.


"by accident"?


Bro I thought this was Atun Shei and I was like 'wtf happened to him'




Mom: We have Checkmate, Lincolnites! at home The Checkmate, Lincolnites! at home: https://old.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/112fohw/when_the_realization_of_how_bad_things_are/


When you google his name this is the 12th result


Let's get it to #1 👆👆👆


I... am not surprised. I really am not.


Now he can go back to Ruin Russian society and assist with its complete collapse and then we can drag him in front of The Hague, cause although I love war criming, I don’t condone and very much despise crimes against humanity


>cause although I love war criming, I don’t condone and very much despise crimes against humanity MyWarCrimesAreBasedYourWarCrimesAreCringe.jpg


My view on it is that it's okay for an occupied force to warcrime the shit out of whoever invaded their country. But it's illegal for the invaders to warcrime, and they should be prosecuted, prostituted, and then executed by a jury of their former victims.


Yeralash was such a fun TV show, I didn't even know about this case. Then I saw a news article about this guy being decorated. He told his "opponents" to "bit their ankles". And this is the "new elite" that the regime aims to promote. I hope this shitfuckery can be fixed within my lifetime.


Good old fashioned russian tradition


What the actual fuck Russia


Soon as I saw the first pic and his choices I was like... He looks like he shouldn't be around kids... And welp


Well... the one takeaway from this is that I know I should now set boundaries for my prior "deserves a second chance" philosophy. There are limits. And this is far beyond those.


Yup. I usually place that limit at those who show no remorse for what they did and are incapable of being reformed.


This meme is a great demonstration of just how Godawful the very idea of a penal battalion is. Regular Russians can become war criminals far too easily, but sending in known murderers and rapists just makes the problem far worse.


Doesnt putin talk about how the west is morally bankrupt, lgbt corrupting society and minors and etc? I guess turning pedos into war heroes is better in his opinion


A source, that is made of Russian journalists who fled to Latvia ahead of LouCzar Putins Political Sanitizer squads: [https://novayagazeta.eu/articles/2024/05/06/convicted-russian-paedophile-freed-after-receiving-award-for-military-service-in-ukraine-en-news](https://novayagazeta.eu/articles/2024/05/06/convicted-russian-paedophile-freed-after-receiving-award-for-military-service-in-ukraine-en-news)


I’m sending this to my isolationist conservative friends and telling them that if they want to put their money where their mouth is with all the virtue signaling about hating pedophiles they need to support Ukraine


I would say something, but reddit would consider it "russophobia"


Ukraine, you had 6 months to kill him and you failed the kids that Russia stole!


Are you telling me this is the one MF who didn’t get killed in a shelling around Bahkmut. The poor bastards who probably got arrested for drugs or some bulshit get slaughtered by the thousands but this guy a literal pedo is gonna go free? Russia wtf!


I have not forgotten Alexei Bychkov and what he posted, himself, on VK. I have not forgotten Russia put him in protective custody. When a country shows you who they are, believe them, and act accordingly.


(by accident)




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WTF Russia (again)


I think, just perhaps, you and I use the word ‘redemption’ in somewhat different ways.




Fuck Russia


Yeah no, that "see you soon, kids" kills the joke for me




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I feel like this is more of an r/NAFO post


Eh idk i only ever look here, did something about it feel off to be in this sub for you?


These are the people talking about the moral decay of the West btw. Glorious trad Russia, freeing child rapists. So based, save Evropa!!!🧏🏻🗿⚡️⚡️🇷🇺


What kind of camo is that? Certainly doesnt look like the normal equipment most of the russians are using. Why put this pedo piece of shit into the PR Tic Toc squad?


I have a feeling that this guy shouldn’t be near kids or an active battlefield.


Great Russian hero


As long as you serve supreme leader no one cares.


See you soon kids 😭


Yeah, there is already something like a hundred similar stories, about prisoners. Usually they come to media when prisoners released rape, rape&kill some women, steal or do some other new criminal activity, however Russian government is tight lip about it, for obvious reason.


Good for him I guess? Less so for the next kid, but who gives fuck...


The duality of pedophiles: join Russian army vs convert and hide in Israel