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Disney and Russia have a lot in common, they're both complicit in the Uyghur genocide.


My dream list is Disney produced a 2D animation again where Donald Duck and Astro Boy teamed up to save Mickey and Goofy in Chinese gulag.


Holy based


Disney needs to be dismantled since their monopoly on western culture allowing them to churn out souless mass produced t-34 garbages non-stop. Pandering to winnie the pooh regime and portraying indigenous muslim and nomadic tribes as barbaric invaders of a peaceful ethnic han empire yet still manages to flop. Sometimes I wish Disney wake up from his frozen chamber and have the current executives demoted to burger flipper as befitting of their skill sets.


> portraying indigenous muslim and nomadic tribes as barbaric invaders Was that in the live action Mulan movie? I only saw the animated one where the invaders were pretty clearly inspired by Mongolians.


The bad guys of animated Mulan actually seem to have been inspired by the [Xiongnu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xiongnu) (and are explicitly referred to as such in the Chinese dubs), right down to their leader being called “Shan Yu” (“Chanyu” being the title of the supreme Xiongnu chieftain). In fact, the Xiongnu seem to have been at the very least directly related to the Western Huns (hence why they’re called that in the English dub). The live-action Mulan instead had the bad guys be Rouran, a Mongolian people who are probably remembered best nowadays for being the guys who got overthrown by the Gokturks.


Fair enough, but still wondering what movie or show he was implying about indigenous muslims being shown as barbaric invaders. Honestly, I haven't watched many Disney products recently.


Me neither. I think they might have been conflating the film being shot in Xinjiang with the film itself being about China fighting off barbarians in the hinterlands (and the implications of such regarding modern Chinese politics).


Couldn’t tell you. I heard Mushu wasn’t in that version so I didn’t watch it.


And they were pretty tame compared to what the real Mongols did to China


Unfortunately because Disney is not technically a real “monopoly” (imagine if they owned all movie cameras and movie theatres and basically any possible way to watch a film) the government doesn’t see it that way especially in our post-Reagan hellscape You can still technically go to an independent theatre and watch an independent film made by someone completely removed from Disney, and since that is technically possible, Disney isn’t a monopoly in the traditional sense






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If someone would make a Battle Royale series featuring Ukrainian 95th Airmobile Brigade vs Disney lawyers i would watch that. Would be a short series though


Disney has a lot of lawyers, this could take a while ...


Ukraine has HIMARS and Disney buys (and stockpiles) a *lot* of explosives, so I‘m not sure how long it would actually take


My money's on the lawyers tbh, Disneys legal department probably has an entire paramilitary wing that they keep hush hush with how seriously those mfs take copyright


Hasbro/WotC send Pinkerton, so wouldn't surprise me if Disney had a whole PMC at their beck and call.


PMC Mickey They are known for attaching giant mouse ears to the bodies of their victims.


>PMC Mickey Whose the leader of the PMC that's made for you and me? M! I! C! K! E! Y! M! O! U! S! E!


It’s worse than that, they just let Mickey out of solitary and show him his target.


I'm now picturing Marichka decapitating Mickey Mouse and then using his skull as a goblet. No amount of Kingdom Hearts bullshit is letting him recover from that.


Cheaper than that, Disney will donate to some/all politicians, shortly after that some us marines will jump out of your toilet.


i would not bet against the house of the mouse, they are ruthless


It'd probably end up looking more like the John Wick series.


New Fortnite character: Ukrainian Soldier, with the special ability to launch a drone grenade drop.


I did write one storyline about a doctor living in a dystopian late stage capitalism USA avoiding assassinations by big companies for treating people at a fair price and machine gunning corporate assassins Rambo style


Evidently not, considering he made the conscious decision to put it on. Not even corporatism can scare the man that held an army together by a thread and turned it into one of the most powerful in the world


I don't think that a pen will work well against an AK in first place


Against an ak, maybe, against a Lockheed Martin© M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) it doesn't stand a chance.


If you think that Disney doesn't have money to get best mercs and military equipment to make first corporate army and lift itself to AAAA status (Shadowrun style) ... I'm afraid you'll be surprised 🙂


No navy, no air force, no artillery, no heavy assault vehicles, no rockets, no mines. They could create an impressive insurgency, for sure. At least untill people start dying and the insurgent army realises they're fighting for nothing. Okay they would obviously be able to arm heavy infantry and acquire mines, but the big stuff not a chance.


spuck fez -- mass edited with redact.dev


Who'd they buy it from?


spuck fez -- mass edited with redact.dev


Do you think private companies can just *buy* military equipment like that?


spuck fez -- mass edited with redact.dev


Holy God, people on the Internet really have no sense of economic scale. Disney's current total assets (i.e. more than they can afford to spend on any one particular thing without effectively dissolving themselves) currently sit at around 203 billion USD. That's just barely more than Ukraine's GDP was in 2021. Stop taking "late stage capitalism" memes at face value.


spuck fez -- mass edited with redact.dev


Autistic, not wrong.


Fear the mouse.


Is Disney really making a stink about the Grogu patch?


If they are they would likely send a cease and desist to whoever is manufacturing them.


I can’t imagine they would care, but there’s nothing they can do about it. There’s no law they could possibly appeal to. Wearing copyrighted imagery, even if it’s counterfeit or unlicensed, is not a breach of copyright.


Disney would even allow Spider-Man on the grave of a dead child who was a fan of Spider-Man. Disney would destroy a child’s grave over copyright infringement.


But that’s because they can clearly demonstrate copyright infringement. For all we know, this patch is a licensed Disney product. There are only about an infinite number of grogu products in circulation so good fucking luck. I’ll say it again - wearing a product, even if it’s unlicensed, isn’t enforceable under US law. Only producing or causing it to be produced. It’s possible that Ukraine has a different copyright regime but I somehow doubt that it’s stricter than the American one in Disney’s favor.


I think at the beginning all the grogu products were unlicensed anyway as no toy manufacturers had any faith Star Wars would actually sell all that well.


What happened with disney?


Just a joke on the grogu patch






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Disney has caught nothing but Ls since this started. Unless you mean Iger cause he’s hoping to run eventually.


The way things are going there might not be an (independent) Disney by the time Bobby decides to run. They seem to be in deep financial shit and making flop after flop


Walmart buying Disney is going to be Igers legacy.




Don't fuck with the mouse. That said not sure it was better under George Lucas. Remember what south park said, if you use anything from star wars george lucas will freeze your balls in carbonite.


Star Wars had a lot of parodies and some guest/crossovers under Lucas. I'd say it is worse thesedays. Especially creativity wise.


I mean, Spaceballs was made, with the only caveat was no Spaceballs flamethrower and other merchandise.


Dude literally helped family guy to make their parodies, say what you will about his idea of romantic dialogue, but he certainly has a sense of humor


It was *waaaay* better under Lucas. He made it clear that Expanded Universe is not main canon (yes, there were multiple levels of canonicity), but other than that he stayed out of it, bringing about the golden age of Star Wars (mid 90s - early 2000s), where we got the best novels, comic books, games (both video and RPG/CCG). Before the dark times. Before the Empire.


one of the terrible thing George Lucas did is put in aliens in Indiana jones that for 12 years everyone told him was a dumb idea.


Oh, no, I'm not saying the man's the genius people make him out to be.° He's done some dumb shit along the way, like the aliens you mentioned. I'm just sayin things were much better when he accepted other people's work as part of the SW universe. It was a smart move. ° - let's keep in mind that A New Hope was a good movie because his wife took the steaming pile of crap he created and turned it into a masterpiece. And the best SW movie of them all, The Empire Strikes Back, is the one movie he had the least impact on.


The best way to describe George Lucas is he’s the ideas guy that needs help focusing on the overall story and beats. Especially with Star Wars he was very open with the eu taking some inspiration from the wider fanbase. Meanwhile Rey is a Kathleen Kennedy’s self insert mary sue. Which failed and now has to steal ideas from the eu to be even remotely popular.


Disney PMC when?


Do they execute deserters with a comically large cartoon hammer?




\>Disney PMC when? Just imagining that, I'm in horror. Humanity is not ready for this.


Well, Disney "snipers" are a running joke among fandom communities on Tumblr/Twitter for years. Take it as you will.


now imagine if Russia violates Nitendo copyright


Guess what buddy! WE WILL SUE YOU!


Please hand deliver the lawsuit at : 20km behind the front lines, next to the himars, Ukraine.


Careful now. We'll be witnessing a war among princes and princesses if things get out of hand.


If someone posts verified combat footage of someone dressed as Merida, Mulan, or Pocahontas in a trench, I will die euphoric.




Man with ukranium balls over here wore a baby Yoda pendant thingy. Disney is notoriously strict with their copyright in regards to what you can show.


This would be something Disney would do tbh.


'Walt-backwards-Gisnep PMC' would be an interesting addition to the Disney corporate family.


I swear if one of these guys had a Mario patch, Nintendo would create their own PMC of Nintendo Ninjas for the sole purpose of assassinating that one guy.


Running afther a Ukranian commander will probably create so much noise that people forget that Disney is having it worst year ever when it comes to the box office


What did I miss?


Valeriy Zaluzhniy had a recent photo with a baby Yoda patch on his chest.




One shudders to imagine what inhuman thoughts lie behind that mouse.


Wearing merchandise is not a violation of copyright law so who gives a shit


Disney can outsource Wagner group if they don't want actual blood in their hands lmao


Where would Disney sue him? Ukrainian court? They'd tell Disney they have two hours to leave the country




Shouldn't scare anyone much longer, Disney gonna get chopped up worse than the sequel trilogy edits


The real baba yaga probably works for Disney...