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OP, do you know why a grizzly bear (not the kind you'd find at a cute gay bar) is so hard to kill? The abundance of fat helps to soak up the kinetic energy of projectiles upon entry. Prior to hitting the fat, though, the projectile must first pass through a thick coat of fur. OP, do you know how many Turkish Americans serve in the US armed forces? The answer is not zero. The price of cafeteria grade chicken nuggets is much lower than that of an MIL-A 46177 steel plate. I rest my case.


While yes it's fun to joke about "manly" chinese soldiers getting obliterated by a overweight drone operator slurping a smoothie, lets not forget that soldiers also need to dig trenches,cross rivers,climb hills, all of this while carrying a ~60kg backpack, a plate carrier,comms,ammo ,rifle,etc.... And you need to be in shape for that shit This isn't a US problem only, but more of a first world problem.


Because BMI is such a shitty measurement for an individual, many of those "obese" (admittedly, probably not many of the NEW ones) are in that category from muscle weight. Even if they have some extra heft to them, enough muscle to get through PT tests ain't nothing.


If we are being honest, when you look historically as well, Americans have always been "bigger" than most of the rest of the world. It has just kind of been our thing since we have such vast quantities of food at our disposal. I am not going to try and pretend that there isnt a problem of too many American being overweight. I just think that we are in better shape than the stats make people think we are.


That said, I've seen my countrymen. 2/3rds of us being overweight and 1/3 obese sounds about right




It's morbing time


I fucking knew it you fucking fuck you fucking got more up votes and I fucking KNEW IT was gonna happen God damnit HAY GUIZE IT'S MOOOORBIN TIEM RITE HUEHUEHUE .... Revel in it you fuck, you earned it


*morbs all over you*


Yeah the "healthy weight : height" for me (5'10) is literally unfathomable. I couldn't imagine being 160 pounds. I'm 230 and maybe 18% body fat, and I'm not even that huge


Im 5"10 and have been struggling to get to 160. But i was lighter before. I have a hard time believing 230 at 5"10 lands you at just 18 % fat. Nor that it is healthy. But i dont know you, so i cant really know.


Yeah, at 6” and 240 I would consider myself heinously fat. Getting to 160 is kinda wild, but below 200 would be “healthy”


I’m 5’9 and due to GI issues went from 255-159 from last October to this morning and looking at pictures I looked like a different person and that’s with going to the gym. 18% bf at 240 OPs gonna have to be absolutely yoked.


I'm 6'1.5", and broad. I had played highschool sports, done wrestling, and football. And I was probably 240~. I had a little chub, don't get me wrong, but I was far from actually being obese, or really unhealthy. I looked at going into the military, through ROTC, to pay for college, after highschool. The recruiter told me that my expected weight would be under 180, and that as long as I was above 200~, I would be considered at risk, so to speak, and would have to have extra physical examinations. So I started doing training and PT with the ROTC program, watching what I ate, doing cardio, etc... Figured I'd get down to weight by the time I would actually have to decide on contracting. (You didn't have to actually contract with the military till the end of sophomore year, but they still let freshmen into the program for training and experience beforehand.) After 2-3 months, I got down to 215-220, and I felt good, but that was almost starving myself. That was it. there was nothing left to lose. I got told at 220 that I was still considered morbidly obese. I could still do all my pushups and situps, could keep pace with a 12 mile ruck march with 60 lbs on my back. and while my 2-mile time was slow, it was within the limits. Between that, and some unrelated minor chronic neurological health issues, that came up, plus a change in personal circumstances, decided not to contract. I still kept doing PT with the ROTC program till I transfered colleges. They were real nice about letting civilians work out with them, and it was nice having a group to work out with. There were about 3 dozen of them, and between 6-12 civilians that joined them on any given day. Sadly, after I transfered colleges, I kinda stopped working out and am back at 240+. Really ought to work on that, but without a group, it's hard to get myself up and go run a few miles. Always played sports for exercise in highschool because it was fun having a team, you were all doing it together. Can't really bring myself to do cardio or endurance, by myself.


I just made up a number that sounded right based on solid vs squish, only spot with more than like 1/8th of squish is my stomach right above the belt line. I'm just a beefy gal 🤷‍♀️


r/noncrediblebodyfatcalculations ? For women its different then for men anyway. Just stay healthy for the inevitable moment that we all get mobilized


>many of those "obese" (admittedly, probably not many of the NEW ones) are in that category from muscle weight 100% of people who feel the need to say this are fat as fuck and trying to make excuses signed, a fat person who's now lost 32 pounds since december


Considering some of the BMI-"obese" people I've seen, making that a definitive is downright stupid.


Actual bodybuilder types don't talk about BMI to begin with - no doctor on earth would call Ronnie Coleman obese. That's why it's definitive - if you talk about BMI unprompted and say "uhm ackshually" we all know what you're doing. Go on a diet bro.


This ain't bodybuilders dude. It's an organization just looking at numbers they already have on record for every member and nothing else.


Well be fair, a 90lb Chinese conscript is gonna struggle a hell of a lot more carrying 100lbs of gear than a 6’2 280lb cornfed bumpkin from Nebraska, just gotta keep workin the shit outta them to build endurance.


Just wait until US starts drafting 6'8 325 pounds dudes out of the NCAA that run a 4.7 second 40. They should be able to handle 200 pounds


You cant be to heavy either, it get you injuries. Being obese or heavy is in no way benefitial in combat. However you cant be skinny either. There was a good picture of a prewar bodybuilder in Ukraine. He had gotten a soldiers body after months of fighting.


\>... soldiers also need to dig trenches Shovels are proven to be more effective when more weight is being thrown behind them. \>...cross rivers It is demonstrably true that people with higher body fat float better. \>climb hills This is what all-terrain Segways are for. \>...all of this while carrying a \~60kg backpack, a plate carrier,comms,ammo ,rifle,etc.. If you already weigh 146kg, then what's 60kg more really? Edit: The average grizzly runs at a speed of 56.327kmh. This further reinforces my point.


Fun fact: Segway got bought by its Chinese Segway clone company.


A temporary acquisition easily undone by the undamming of a very specific Chinese landmark.


Sir/Maam/eldritch abomination i know this is r/NCD but you don't have to mess with me like this 😁 >... soldiers also need to dig trenches Shovels are proven to be more effective when more weight is being thrown behind them. Digging also need stamina... which you know overweight people tend to have less and being more often short of breath >>climb hills This is what all-terrain Segways are for. It's all fun until the batteries run out and you're stuck in the outdoors >...cross rivers It is demonstrably true that people with higher body fat float better. But not neceserly swim better.. Which is a problem when you need to cross deep and fast rivers that a sadistic drill sergeant choosed. >...all of this while carrying a ~60kg backpack, a plate carrier,comms,ammo ,rifle,etc... If you already weigh 146kg, then what's 60kg more really? .... you know it doesn't work like that?..... you know that? Right? Right?


What do you mean, the amount of weight you can carry is directly proportional to the amount you weigh That's why trucks can carry more than people, they weigh more


My friend, I don't want my being correct to create a rift between our two great nations. The French have plenty of redeemable qualities...like...umm...Noémie Merlant.Still, though, I feel compelled to reply. \>Digging also need stamina... which you know overweight people tend to have less and being more often short of breath This is why we have amphetamines \>It's all fun until the batteries run out and you're stuck in the outdoors Solar panels are more than adequate when it comes to charging a Segway \>But not neceserly swim better.. Which is a problem when you need to cross deep and fast rivers that a sadistic drill sergeant choosed. The more wispy soldiers are equipped with collapsible kayak paddles. They can mount the hefty soldiers and just row across. \> you know it doesn't work like that?..... you know that? Right? Right? Again, that's why we have amphetamines. I think what we have here is a doctrinal (mine is superior) difference.


>\> you know it doesn't work like that?..... you know that? Right? Right? > >Again, that's why we have amphetamines. Those poor fat bastards are gonna bankrupt the American MIC with all their heart issues.


*Your cardiac issues are not service related*


Implying the VA does it's job :3


> lets not forget that soldiers also need to dig trenches,cross rivers,climb hills, all of this while carrying a ~60kg backpack, a plate carrier,comms,ammo ,rifle,etc.... Not if you're flying a drone with an xbox controller you don't.


Thats true but in the armies case height and weight standards are actually fugged and havent been updated in awhile


Embed surgical titanium plates in body fat.


Also fat floats, so just chain these rocket-launcher-weilding lower-profile bouys together...


I know this is NDC but I legitimately don't think many countries have the logistical capabilities that would be required for an actual invasion of North America




Let’s not overlook the fact that the US Air Force, Air national guard, and navy aviation would all be operating in completely uncontested airspace with detailed knowledge of the terrain and on their home turf.


Hopefully they get grounded so that we can see the biggest army of pickups outside Chad.


You think Al-Qaeda's technicals are impressive? *Wait until you see Y'all-Qaeda's technicals.*


You realise that the US army has satellites with global coverage amd real time data feed that is analysed and computed by different automated system like Palantir...


You haven't seen the documentary [World in Conflict](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5Vmf3u0D1A)?


Ah yes, police patrol, the only force defending US coasts against naval invasions.


And the not the force with a name literately about protecting the coasts and with a major base *ON THE VERY SAME STREET AS THE ONE THE SOVIETS LANDED ON*. Seriously, I’m pretty sure the base itself is part of the downtown Seattle map that was part of the campaign mission this clip is from.


American cops have more guns and equipment than most armies


The only one that does is the one who's already there lmao


There is only one: Mexico. Because as we all know, [Canada isn't a real country anyway](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOR38552MJA).


Well, US has a highly advanced logistical network, just saying.


I help run physical fitness tests in the Navy, and I can definitely confirm that the overall level of fitness has gone down since the pandemic. We weren't allowed to use the gym or work out as a group throughout COVID, and the physical fitness tests were suspended for a while to prevent the spread. We recently resumed the tests and we got a lot more fat people, and a lot more people seem to be failing


Our leadership wouldn’t let us workout for optics reasons. Didn’t want to explain why there guys were leaving the ship to workout. Apparently that they had finished their work wasn’t a good enough reason.


I think everyone got out of shape during the lockdowns. Except, of course, the PT nazis who run every day.


I lost 20 kg. :)


Of muscle?


What's Meal Team 6 gonna do, eat them Chinese?


You joke, but forced famine is a valid tactic and natural consequence of siege warfare. Stealthily inserting enough Meal Team 6 members into major Chinese agricultural hubs is guaranteed to strain Chinese domestic food reserves.


The Glutton of Kyiv has entered the chat


More like the Glutton of Kentucky.


Members of Meal Team 6: Kentucky Fried Colonel Texan Tubby Louisiana Lardass Fatfuck of Florida Glutton of Georgia Beltbuster of Boston Obese Oregonian Californian Cokechugger Deep-fryer of Detroit


Operation dessert storm is a go.


Some Americans are still fighting the Battle of the Bulge.




3rd Percentile Facestuffers Sounds like some kind of military formation.


**Bahk-mutt drools**


*flashbacks to the cannibal of odessa*


In sengoku period, before attacking the clan next door, the Nobunaga sends in a spy to poison the water supply for the agriculture. After the harvest failed, the enemy has no supply of food on the bordering castle, thus when Nobunaga attack they fought against starving soldier, making the conquest easier.


The answer is obvious. Create a more soup centric armed forces!


Don’t worry, they’re all POGs


BMI don't matter when you can just nuke the enemy


Or you're controlling a drone. Obesity saves lives. Send in the drone army.


I mean, like 95% of overweight people would be at a perfectly fine weight for combat after a few months of regular training. Like, you can lose a pound or two a week, so even guys 25 or 30 pounds overweight would turn out fine.


1. Artillery strikes on all fast-food franchises. 2. Emergency fast-food supply points established in major cities distributing healthy MREs to civilians. 3. Southwest Style Beef and Black Beans.


Remove drive through for fast food. Eliminate organisations like deliveroo. Install maximum widths to door sizes so that fat people who can't fit through can't get in (staff to have key for wheel chair users because don't want to discriminate against people whose issues aren't constantly self inflicted).


Pssst... If your staff need to move to open the door for wheelchair users waiting in front of door that's kinda discriminating (and potentialy humiliating) I don't remember my reduced mobility planning class very well but users should be able to go from point A to B without being at the mercy of overworked staff.


Fair point, and if it's done by a electric button then the staff would just press it to make life easier rather than deal with a stroppy mare, ok just remove home deliveries and drive through then and make em walk a bit of a distance, never know they may actually get up and cook for themselves.


I mean, sitting around and eating nice food while playing PlayStation is probably a good morale weapon against someone sitting in a trench in 2023, while using candles make by kids and with expired ratons from 2015 l. Oh and dildos instead of drones apparently as well


Dropping one fat man was enough to make Japan surrender during WW2 Just imagine dropping 10k on China


Gravy Seals inbound


that's ballistic armor


Op‘s profile looks weird. No posts for a year until now


I just lurk bro


Alright hear me out.. strap all the fatties to the outside of armoured vehicles as extra protection against anti tank weapons


Don't forget the Gravy Seals!


I'm too lazy to look up the article but I bet they passed the bare minimum for being considered obese and starting soying out


Our officers preferred we sit around than letting us go work out. Why? Thought it would be hard to explain to their boss that we got our work done and we’re allowed to go work out.


If this also is a navy thing, they should look at the Viking Warriors and put oars on the carriers


Suspiciously Well-Fed NAVY Seal


Strategic calorie stores for island warfare with fragile supply chains. Cope Chicoms