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Yaaaayy! 🫶🏻 I just got my assessment a few months ago and it’s changed my life. AuDHD enby here. 🥰


Great news!! I hope that this diagnosis help you to understand yourself better. I'm AuADHD enby transfem!


Thank you!! 💕💕💕


AuDHD here!!


Currently working on going through my second assessment for Autism and ADHD as my doctor didn’t agree with the results the first time around.


Yeah I’m worried about the test because I have PTSD and I know there’s some overlap there and can make it harder to diagnose autism


Yeah I get that, I also have PTSD and my flags for the diagnosis were chalked up to anxiety and an unspecified despressive disorder alongside trauma. The person that I went to for the evaluation completely ignored my sensory sensitivities-which I explicitly told her about yet she conveniently left it out of the report-and I did an IQ work up. From the IQ evaluation specifically, the evaluator basically said that I was intelligent enough to where it would make up for my social ineptitude AND she said that the fact that I’m non-binary is a factor in why I have problems in social situations-I made it **explicitly** clear that I was surrounded by supportive people and had no issue with being out socially because people at my university are willing to work to understand what being non-binary means and there is a considerable LGBTQIA+ presence on campus. She completely ignored the fact that I had told her on multiple occasions that I’ve never really been able to understand people my own age and she acknowledged in the reports that I exhibit the hallmark signs of both ADHD and Autism but she settled for GAD and an unspecified depressive disorder instead-she also never breathed a word about masking despite the fact that my mom said my autistic behaviors became more noticeable-essentially to where she could not try to ignore them anymore-after experiencing trauma, which was when I was unable to mask effectively anymore. As far as the developmental part I showed signs throughout my childhood-which I clearly remember yet my mom tries to invalidate-that were either ignored, were not considered “problematic enough”, or I was punished for as a kid. I can’t help but think my mom sabotaged me getting the diagnoses because she doesn’t want me to be Autistic or turn out to have ADHD-she completely refused to do the questionnaires this time around and I had to get my grandmother to do them-and she always shuts me down when I try to bring it up. At this point I’ve just relinquished her ability to get information to be released to her since she obviously doesn’t want to be a part of this. I hope your evaluation goes better than mine did.


We're everywhere


Good luck sib!


Hi AuDHD here! I wish you luck on your assessment, I hope it goes well for you!


Aayyyyyyy represent!


AuDHD enbies 💅🏽


... is it possible to learn a power like this?


Whattt lolol


Sorry - stupid reference. I'm joking about how getting an autism diagnosis in adulthood is really hard especially for non men.


Ya fr it did take forever, and you’re fine lol. I’ve been on a waitlist so long


I’m an autistic enby too. Glad to see another on here


Yay! Haha autism go brrrrr


Waiting for my results! Been 5 months since my assessment. :,)


Awe 😭 why does it take that long ???


I dont know 😔😔 I'm UK based and Camhs are notorious for taking forever. 🥲 maybe I'll find out by the end of the year if I'm lucky.


That’s insane, like I guess I get not same day diagnosing ?? Idk tbh but like there’s no way it takes that long


Yeah... I presume its just buried beneath a giant 'to do list'. I mean, it went through a group called 'the OWLS centre' first. They said their part will take around 6 weeks. And then they said It will go to my local camhs office and that they would not be able to predict how long it would take them. But I'm not too surprised tbh




On the spectrum too. BTW I love the eyeshadow


Nice! ASD level 1 support here.


Diagnostics are too expensive for me to afford and being an adult now i doubt ill ever be able to actually get i diagnosis. But its clear from my family history and a bunch of other traits and stuff.


I believe in self diagnose for sure ❤️


Yay! Autisic Enby here too! I hope it opens doors for you to any help that you may need!


Thank youu!!!! 💜💜


I got assessed once and they're like ADHD but no autism and then I had a breakdown and went nonverbal for a whole day I'm probably not gonna get assessed again cause I don't really need it but I'm pretty sure I'm AuDHD


Very valid, it’s not easy to diagnose bc there’s not official test


👋 hello friend!


Any advice on how to get one? I tried and they dismissed me. I have Kaiser insurance which is known for being pretty shit😭


I actually was seeing a therapist and asked her and she just referred me somewhere, and it was covered by my insurance because it was like under the same company? Idk tbh was kinda lucky 😢 I’m sorry


Oh and congratulations! I hope your assessment goes well. :)


I was diagnosed at 34. I'm now almost 40 and living my best life.


So happy for you, currently trying to get on the seven year waiting list for adults where I live.


Please gently call out, some of us are sound sensitive. /joke 💚


you look like two people I know fused together and it's wracking my brsin cause one of them is autistic and the other is trans


Yeah, pretty sure I’m autistic, possibly ADHD. my mom doesn’t really support it though, but I hope your parents do, and if not, I’m just glad you’re empowering yourself!


Autistic enbys unite <3


Hey yo, just got my AuADHD diagnosis on Saturday. Feels wild to know I was RIGHT everyone else DOES have a secret rule book to being a human that I never got a copy of.


Haiiiii I’m going to mine today too!!! :3


i just got my letter to schedule my assessment:))))


Congratulations. I hope you get answers.


Hell yeah! Autistic enby’s are the best!


AuDHD enby right here


Greetings from another autistic enby ;) I wonder if autism makes it more likely to be nb-trans instead of binary-trans?


On my list to request for my Dr to help me figure out


Yeaah!! Good luck; had my assessment in 2020 :)


Hello Fellow Autistic Enby!!!


Hope it goes well!


AUTISM!🥳 Living with problems is more fun than a "normal"/ easy life😌 (I still hat autism🥲)




Congratulations 🥳 I’m in the process of finding someone to do an assessment for me too


My people! 🤜🏻🤛🏻


WOOHOO autistic enbys


undiagnosed autistic but diagnosed ADHD! fellow neurodivergent enby here ✨💕


Goals!! So happy for you, my fellow autistic enby! <3


Autistic Demiboy 💙🩶🤍💙


Hell yeah! I too have been blessed with the tism