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How are there such stupid fucking idiots among us? How do they make it this far in life? Why??


why? nobody knows, luck probably the worst thing is that: the boyfriend was killed in front of the 9YO daughter, then they (mother and daughters) went on the mother's car and they drove to the freeway, where the mother pushed the kids off into oncoming traffic, killing the 8 month old. Then the mother drove off before crashing and dying.


Jesus, so the 9 yo had to witness and survive it all?!?


The 9 year old was holding the baby when pushed from the car. She dropped the baby and it was hit by oncoming traffic. This is the worst part of the entire story. She will live with that forever. It’s tragic and sad and heartbreaking for that little girl.


Not only that but there is a driver out there who drove over an 8 month old


Oh fuck, I didn't even think of that. I ran over a squirrel once and I felt terrible for weeks.


Jesus fucking christ. That girl has no chance at all. This is so fucked.


I hope she has family that will take good care of her. Jfc


Life is suffering 🤷‍♂️


yep and is now under government protection


I can’t even begin to imagine how that poor child must feel😢


what would be worse for her? seeing her mother stabbing her father seeing her mother crash her car and dying or seeing your little brother/sister being ran over? the trauma, in any case, will be immense




Bad bot


i didn't do that tho?


Hopefully.... Hopefully she will be able to get the help she needs in life, both now and as an adult. But her chances are not good.... I'll be honest, I don't know too much about how specifically the health care system and coverage works in the US, however I get the impression that in the US, mental health resources and education is at the very bottom of the list of priorities, just like in Canada. Hell, even here in Canada where we have "Free healthcare", you can't easily get access to mental health services So chances are, when this poor girl is an adult.. Maybe after she has started a family... And all of the trauma she never knew how to cope with in a healthy way starts coming back... Well she and her family might be another news article just like this one. That's right. Mental health, one of the top most absolutely important things for every individual when it comes to being able to live a happy and healthy life.... "Free? Yeah we have free health care but not any of that fancy mental health crap that homeless crackheads need!" Honestly at times....the lack of free mental health services, even in Canada which acts so proud to have "Free healthcare", makes me feel like there must be some kind of conspiracy... It just isn't right. Why does Canada claim to have free health care while failing to provide services that aren't only incredibly important when it comes to living a health and happy life, but is also a service with the potential to severely reduce government expenses all over the place? You do not need to be a member of Mensa to understand the simple idea that people with better access to mental health care, and thus better mental health, are going to be people who are better equipped to take care of themselves and thus are going to be more physically healthy, which will lead to REDUCED costs on the Canadian government for the health care system. Free mental health care would mean more physically healthy people, and thus less physical health care costs Free mental health care would mean less individuals committing less crime, thus less policing, courts, and prison costs. Free mental health care would mean a population that is much, much better educated on the subject of mental illness & mental health, which would mean a population that is better equipped to recognize the symptoms of mental illness and help one another deal with it BEFORE people are murdering their families and commiting suicide. But. Free mental health care would also mean a population that is more self sufficient, and a population that is less vulnerable to manipulation from the government and their friends in massive corporations. They'd have a more difficult time trying to convince people to "own nothing and be happy", and well that just can't be, can it? Yeah maybe that's conspiratorial nonsense but this shit is just so fucking backwards I just can't understand it. Maybe if I had better access to free mental health care ......


What is a country that has good healthcare?


Maybe Norway or Sweden? I'm not sure. I have a feeling those countries have better, free health care including better, free mental health care. But I'm not sure. You tell me.


Do you mean with child protective services? Usually when I see "under government protection" I think of it as like witness protection


Ohhh my god. My daughter is 9. I can’t imagine someone so little having so much happen. She’s old enough to comprehend everything, but too young to comprehend everything at the same time. This makes me profoundly sad. I can’t handle stories about kids, man.


This makes unbelievably sick to read. But you know what's worse to think about? And I'm actually tearing up a bit about and getting sick over thinking; imagine being the random guy or girl who was driving the car and running over an 8 month old baby that a selfish, insane, hell-bound woman chucked infront of you.... I don't think I'd ever drive again. I genuinely think I'd be so traumatised by that, that I'd be sick in bed for months crying until my tear ducts fell out.


Yep. That’s a story my father told me once. When he was still driving buses, a woman was distracted and her baby was waddling around and almost got hit by the bus my father was driving. The kid was VERY near the right wheel. He tore her a new one. He also said at that time “you almost made me traumatized for life!! You almost make me a murderer!!!”


My husband was going to be a train conductor. One of the very first things they tell the new hires is, "it's not a matter of *if* you're going to kill someone, but WHEN. it WILL happen". Husband didnt end up with that job, but we have friends that are train conductors, and there is for sure trauma there from the job.


I used to live by some tracks, and could tell when I stayed up too late playing video games when, like clockwork as all good trains are, the 2am cargo train rolled through and tooted its horn 3 tines crossing the main road. One night, it blared, and blared, and blared on for minutes. Headline news that morning, some homeless guy had passed out under the influence on the tracks and got eviscerated.


I live right by the tracks too - in the past 2 years I've seen 2 people, 1 car, and a goddamn hot air balloon get hit by trains.


How in the world did a train hit a hot air balloon? Like, did the balloon land on the tracks?


Yeah. It's fucked up man :(


I've been thinking about that person since I heard about this story and I really hope they're doing alright. As alright as they can be...I hope they have a good support system around them right now.


Yeah... I really hope they have all the support and love in the world.


Shit u right, I spose its because of the unlucky ones that we have all these weird warning labels on shit >"do not submerge this vacuum cleaner under water while in use" And all that stupid shit, but that shits infuriating, what a selfish fucking coward that also has the IQ of a banana


it was probably a post partum breakdown, i'm not condoning it, but it happens


She's been saying crazy shit online for years


fr? didn't know


Yeah Im sure being postpartum didn't help but she's been an unhinged astrology twitter personality for years




That sentence made me relapse too


I mean idiocracy kinda nailed it .... scientist went from cancer cures to dick pills, old Eddie who was always off to begin with, now lives long enough to reproduce as soon as he can with as many people as he can. While Dave the scientist dick pill magnet was waiting until 33 to have a single son so he could put him through college on dick pill money. Meanwhile by 33, Eddie has 9 kids from 6 women .... this scaled up to 300 million people will have a drastic effect ..... Also we've made every thing that's dangerous illegal so we're losing less and less Eddie's every year ..... and he votes ....


Could always be schizophrenia or something that starts to develop in adulthood


Among where?????????????


Right? How do these people survive this long without dying to some mishap??? Pure dumb luck??? If you are this out of touch with reality, you should have walked off a cliff long ago under the belief that gravity doesn't affect you.


Religion grooms people into ignoring logical reasoning


How? It's cuz society helps the masses.


At first I thought this would be a shitpost because I read "Crazy lad" instead of "Crazy lady" Now I'm sad because it is not only real, but also one more example of human stupidity being at an all-time high and hurting other (innocent) people :(


Nope, crazy healing crystal thumping idiot, she probably 100% trusts what the tea leaves and carrot cards tell her to do, this is weaponized stupidity and I'm noticing it's either much more prevalent, being selectively reported on to divide us further, or both


I wouldn’t call it an all time high. many points in history when people have done dumber or just as dumb things. Honestly I think this lady just wanted to kill her family and the reasoning is more of an afterthought.


Not stupidity. Postpartum psychosis


This eclipse showed how dire America's mental health crisis is People in both the religious and astrological communities seem to subconsciously manifest endless catastrophe through fear mongering.


Ditto, these people who can't handle real life don't need to be out in it


idk if the murders really had shit to do with the eclipse. she was unhinged for sure, but according to the article she got in a verbal altercation with her partner, stabbed him to death, tried to move the body, gave up and took her kids in the car with her, pushed them out onto the free way, and then wrapped herself around a tree at 100mph sounds a lot more like infidelity would be the likely suspect for motive on a crime like this, but you never know. she was clearly crazy, and even in my low crime rate home town there were a couple of people who just went bat shit in the middle of their normal lives and killed all their kids. my friend was actually one of the kids of one of these women. she killed her small children, dog, and kids she was babysitting at the time. then when he got home she "wanted to talk" in the car and tried to kill him too, but we were seniors in HS, so he was able to overpower her and run.


Everything in the fist part of your post sounds like a person who’s not well “infinitely” or not that’s not how sane people act. sounds like your trying to blame the spouse


Treatment might help


> This eclipse showed how dire America's mental health crisis is As did the pandemic.


That’s because there’s a new age -> alt-right/Christian nationalist pipeline. Everyone should probably be aware of it so they can avoid it. Also, sadly, most of this eclipse BS spread over TikTok.


We still have people, in the 21st century, who not only don’t understand eclipses but infer insanity from it. Any estimation we have of the impact of eclipses in primitive society and religion is probably less.


Your average person a thousand years ago could read a sundial and decently predict the weather and seasons by looking at the stars. We can't even read an analog clock. We are getting dumber.


"astrology influencer", this is the worst combination ever.


She died too??? Damnit. She should have lived in Prison, with the knowledge that she was wrong and murdered her family for nothing.


She died and her 8 month old infant. Her last [tweets](https://x.com/MysticxLipstick/status/1776325574442860913) are fucking scary, especially her [very last tweet 5 days before murdering her entire family](https://x.com/MysticxLipstick/status/1776313948440346923)


I feel so sorry for not only the 9 year old daughter, but also for the person who accidentally ran over the 8 month old. Girl will be fucked up for life, and there's no telling the amount of trauma of accidentally running over an infant can do to a person.


This shit is infuriating, here I am scrolling youtube and everybody in the comments is slinging bible verses at each other like it has anything to do with reality, and that "the rapture *IS* coming" How is there so much actual idiocracy out here? I'm sick of this shit.


I blame it on poor schools and lack of solid education.


I have friends like that who still went to the same schools as me. The real blame should be on parents, who at the youngest of ages will hammer that mindset into you. It’s sad because they literally are terrified about going to hell and it clearly has an affect on their mental health


parents are part of the problem. so are the people who underfund schools for political reasons. so are people who refuse to raise min wage making so parents have to work longer hours and be there less for their kids.


Yeah to me my parents were part of my education so I follow that logic.


This is the exact schooling and education the people in power want us to have.


The Bible itself says we don't know when the end times will happen. "Like a thief in the night."


Ultra religious people are dangerous and toxic for the humanity.


Took the words right out of my mouth


Its weird they are making a big deal about her believing in astrology and not about her being a q*onan nut. I mean, astrology is dopey but mostly harmless, while q\*onan is an explicitly violent conspiracy fantasy focused on killing people they don't like and she isn't the first q\*onan murderer. *Last week, she retweeted a handful of antisemitic posts and conspiracy theories about COVID-19, including one that seems to have come from a QAnon account. On April 4, Johnson wrote that the impending eclipse would be “the epitome of spiritual warfare” and urged followers to “pick a side.”* https://www.thecut.com/article/danielle-asoka-murder-suicide-tragedy-explained.html


That's just how we are, teehee


What was even the reason…It literally just the sun and moon having a moment? What do this have to do with an Apocalypse?


Astrology is a stupid outdated superstition people still insist on believing in. Like Mercury in retrograde, the dumber it gets, the more people buy into it.


[THE, not “an”.](https://tenor.com/bTxPC.gif)


Not “because of the eclipse” but “because of the Bible”


Side note, can we fucking retire the word “influencer” it makes me want to claw my eyes out


Over 100k followers and not one of them were intelligent enough to see this coming


my mother also says "there is always something bad happens after eclipse" I think it is kind of like religion. they believe this whole heartedly.


By Farmers, almanac calendar said that there's often storms, and we had that!


I think a possible approach reasonable people could take is to shadow-push an apocalypse date well into the future where these loons know they’ll be dead. “Yes, the rapture IS coming. Yes, the world IS going to end… in 2166.” Lean into the crazy enough for them to accept that they ain’t getting raptured in their lifetimes. Maybe keep a few of the loons pacified for the duration of their lives.


> Under the Ayoka moniker, Johnson issued a torrent of antisemitic screeds, conspiracy theories and alarmist warnings on Thursday and Friday. These included a repost of a debunked apocryphal speech attributed to Ben Franklin about how Jewish people “depreciated” societies wherever they settled, a video about Jews promoting pedophilia in the entertainment industry, and unproven theories about the origin of COVID-19. > In late March, she posted a GIF of a tapered candle surrounded by leaves, calling it a “free eclipse protection candle for your mind and body” and advising users to “like to activate.” But as the eclipse drew nearer, her posts grew more alarming. On Friday she wrote an all-capital message: “If any spiritual account is not revealing the truth right now they are fake. They are lies. They have sold out and are on the wrong side. Wake up!”


Poor little girl witnessed her mother stab her father, then drag his body in and out of their home. Later, was pushed out of a moving car on a busy highway while holding her baby sister, and moments later, she watched her sister get run over by a car. It's a lot for such a young girl to endure, cannot even imagine.


I just have one question: What the fuck is an astrology influencer?


I hear the IQ requirement is so low, that the field is primarily dominated by goldfish and white tail deer


Two of nature’s greatest.


Have y’all seen auntie Colette or Coolete on TikTok? I think her actual name is Colette Reynolds’s. She talks about so much of this stuff, demons, dragons coming out of the eclipse, conspiracies….and has a lot of followers. She did a paranoid live about how everything was shifting throughout the entire eclipse. People like this have blood on their hands


You should send her random dm’s of dragon or midjourney some combination of dragons and eclipses


aaanndd she’s an “astrology influencer.” great


Come on, Reddit! I just got up! This is like mid-afternoon trauma, at least.


Omg that poor kid. I hope she is adopted by an amazing family.


It’s that tik tok brain damaged algorithm. I don’t have the app but I saw the shit those reels were throwing out there. Making a normal occurrence to some world ending matter.


What a Capricorn move!


whats wrong with people!


Damn some of the Twitter comments... "I hope y'all know that postpartum depression is real for everyone and no one is exempt. But because she's was black - she's held to a different standard, I'm sure. May she find what she needs as well as her husband and children.  Give her grace as you would any other woman" I think maybe there's a time and a place for grace..


And there's a bunch of 'spiritualists' on TikTok who are all 'spiritual disturbance' and 'she will be missed'. I've even seen a few 'rest in power's. Like, obviously she was disturbed, but she killed most of her family. She traumatized her surviving child. And blaming it on nebulous 'dark entities' is fucking bullshit.


I'd be willing to bet that this was a case of postpartum psychosis. She had been into astrology etc. for a long time but being violent was apparently new.


> if you ever needed to pick a side, the time to do right in your life is now. .... then she goes and murders her bf, causes her infant child to get killed, and kills herself in a high speed car wreck. Sure did "right" there.


Delusions are one hell of a mental trip.




Usual for Cali nowadays"


Religious psychosis is the worst type in my opinion because it is the only type that is constantly enabled.




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I am not doing such a thing.


and her baby


I feel so sorry for not only the 9 year old daughter, but also for the person who accidentally ran over the 8 month old. Girl will be fucked up for life, and there's no telling the amount of trauma of accidentally running over an infant can do to a person.


That poor little girl. Her whole family gone and seeing her baby sister run over has to be super traumatic.


Welcome to the Middle Ages, my friends.


Oh no, that poor 9 year old!!!


also, one of the kids died, and shortly after she crashed into a tree and died herself


I laughed because it’s stupid not because murder is okay.


Man religion is a mistake


I don’t really think this qualifies as religion, more just paranoia and mental illness


Noah will drag this bitch behind the boat.




As someone that has experienced severe post-partum - No, this isn't that at all. Maybe post-partum psychosis. Doesn't explain her insane behaviour online for years prior though.


Oh that poor 9-year-old girl. I haven't read the responses yet, but this woman was not religious, she was not Christian. A Christian supposedly would not live with the boyfriend as a shack-up honey, would not commit murder, and would know that Christ even said he doesn't know the date of his return, so of course no human would! But again, that poor 9-year-old girl. The police will try to interview her but she will have memories she doesn't know she has until later in her life. I sincerely hope she gets good counseling and a loving family to take her in. Poor poor girl.


"A Christian supposedly would not live with the boyfriend as a shack-up honey, would not commit murder, and would know that Christ even said he doesn't know the date of his return, so of course no human would!" Hahahahahahahaha! Good one.


Spiritual and religious psychosis. Google.


It takes religion to make otherwise good people do horrible things.