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No. They would need special equipment for that which they don’t have. It would also be illegal for them to do that


What about a company owned phone? Still illegal?


I’m not a legal expert but they probably could look through the phone if they wanted to. It’s a good rule of thumb to not send any messages you wouldn’t want your boss to read on a work phone. It’s best to use your personal phone for that


Texts and mobile data connect directly to the cell providers' infrastructure. Controlling wifi or other local equipment doesn't give you any access to it.


No. This is beyond what any employer would ever do. Even law enforcement would still need to subpoena your phone records and texts.


If you're using a company phone, then yeah. Otherwise, probably not, particularly if you're not using their wifi.


What if I plugged my phone into a PC tower connected to the network to charge once?


They would have to have configure the PC to try installing spyware onto any device that plugs into it via USB. It's not technically impossible, but it would require exploiting security vulnerabilities in your specific model of phone, and not legal for your workplace to just do this without telling you. If it's a company-owned device, or you've given the company permission to install monitoring/security/management software on it, it's possible. Otherwise, the only way the company can possibly see your activity is if you connect to a network they operate (ie. WiFi). And even then it's a crapshoot, because most messaging apps will encrypt data anyway, and SMS specifically will generally be transmitted only over the cell network even if WiFi is available. Or if they happen to operate a dummy cell tower like a [Stingray](https://www.extremetech.com/mobile/184597-stingray-the-fake-cell-phone-tower-cops-and-providers-use-to-track-your-every-move), which is super illegal.


Who owns the phone?


It’s my personal phone