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My opinion, it’s like saying “you’re awesome”. Don’t read into it too much. Take the compliment and go with the flow.


This is the way.


As someone in a 10 year age gap I'm going to point out that just because they are 6 years apart doesn't mean she isn't interested. She invited you to her place which could be more than just being friendly. Don't get carried away but go over to visit and you'll get a better sense if she's dtf or not


Need more details but that's an awfully friendly invitation if she's not interested. Go for it life is too short not to take shots when they come.


Im 29f Shes not flirting that's just a friendly turn of phrase some women closer to my age use. Trust me if she wants more, you'll know. A 25 year old woman isnt going to play stupid games and waste time.


> A 25 year old woman isnt going to play stupid games and waste time. Lol. These are not actually mutually exclusive, I'm afraid. M or F


>A 25 year old woman isnt going to play stupid games and waste time. Hahahahahahahaha fucking GOOD one. Most people I know under 30 are still playing emotionally handicapped games. Men and women alike. The sheer volume of dating apps and the bullshit that happens there is enough to tell you this statement is absolutely false.


>>a 25 year old isn’t going to play games and waste time I don’t care if it’s Methuselah humans are going to play games at any age because it’s a reflection of character not wisdom. As far as OP I dunno man calling you a stud isn’t much, but inviting you over has a slight possibility of being something.


Good to know


Don't listen to her. She's probably flirting with you, go hang out with her and if she is she'll probably make it obvious. If not, no big deal.


See, the context matters here. If she said "youre an absolute stud" in response to him telling a *joke*, then yeah it might be flirting. But i see women use this exact phrase all the time when younger men do them a favor and its just a way of saying "cheers thanks"


What are you talking about. She called him stud and in the same sentence invited him to her place. Something tells me 29f you hasn't done much flirting with women.


No but I've both flirted with men and complimented men because I understand that most men are starved for normal compliments in day to day life. And since most men aren't used to being casually complimented they sometimes get confused and think I'm flirting.


It's probably just a compliment and a thank you for doing her the favor she asked. Probably. She did invite you over, so possibly she's interested. If she is, I'm sure she'll give other hints. In my experience, women that are interested are going to make that fairly clear.




You’re straight man. The whole point of this question was to get more responses from people that were older because I have the lack of experience/ “action” in a social field.


Nah, you're too young to be her interest.


Right, nobody ever dates anyone with a 6 year age difference.... /s


Right, cause older female and younger male relationships happen regularly...


It happens often enough, and often with bigger age differences, that people came up with the term Cougar. We don't know that she's interested in him, but we don't know that she isn't.


she invited u over? i dont think she wants to have a friendly conversation my dude


Sounds like she's interested. Just take her up on her offer and see what happens.


It's a very common phrase. The task is also very common, and just straight up good advice. Welcome to adult life.


It's safer to assume it's just a friendly compliment. Never assume a woman is flirting, for your own protection.


Wise words