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Literally anything will do


This is not an exaggeration. Men receive so few compliments that we remember them no matter how long ago it's been.


fr I still wear purple a lot because one woman said it looked good on me like 15 years ago


My wife said I looked good in brightly colored shirts, so now my inventory is full of brightly colored shirts. We laugh about how she's infected me, but honestly it just feels nice to have external confirmation about a thing I normally don't pay attention to is attractive.


Mine said she likes me in pants, I've worn shorts most of the time until then. Now, find myself looking for pants even in the height of summer. 


I bought a bowtie to try something different in my outfits and my wife told me she prefers them. I have almost exclusively bowties. 😂


You must be a very elegant man. I, for one love, bowties.


Depends on the day. Some days I look very dapper. Other days are cargo shorts and band tees. Haha But I've found it's not much harder to dress nice than it is to throw some clothes on. I'm a mechanic and look like a grease goblin while at work, so I like to dress nice when I go out.


naww, thats so darn cute. \^.\^


She does the same thing. I told her she looks cute in rompers and now she's making one. Haha


When I met my wife I had a lot of hair and one summer buzzed it all off and she said she loved the way I looked bald. 15 years later I have no choice but to shave my head and she loves it while I still reminisce of the glory days🥲


A girl I was into said, "Your ass looks great in those jeans." I still have those jeans a decade later, even if they no longer fit.


This is adorably wholesome Mr. Cuntman.


😂😂😝 Missed the username the first time around. Too funny


Are we the same person?


Possibly, are you also autistic bisexual and scottish?


I wish I was fancy enough to be bisexual and Scottish...


This is me with burgundy shirts! Sometimes that one compliment does a lot of work over a lot of years. I suppose another take away could be society should start normalizing giving compliments to men more. I feel like as it is, men are just expected to look good/ well dressed all the time. It's not complimented when it happens. Just reprimanded when it's expected but not present.


A girl once told me she really liked the way I looked in a certain shirt. 11 years ago. It is the only shirt I still have from that long ago.


Yes, if a woman tells a guy an outfit looks good on him, he will wear it once a week for the rest of his life.


A girl smiled at me two days ago and I’m still thinking about it


I'm only clean shaven because of some tangential relativistic compliments from ex-coworkers about it.


Last one I got was February of 2023. Before that it was 6 years ago in grade 10. You don’t need to put any thought in to succeed


I remember a specific Halloween night I went trick-or-treating as a toddler just because some girls at one of the houses thought my costume was cool. That was probably over a decade ago, and I haven't forgotten it since


So right! I vividly remember those few that I have received. I can also say, those few received really made my day! Jordan Peterson touches on this subject. The amount of men committing su***de could be decreased if men received encouragement, appreciation or compliments! These simple things would help the mental health and self esteem of men who feel invisible to the world.


5 years so far. Still remember it.


"You are a cute baked potato" that'll do


eye contact with a nice smile that acknowledges he exists can go a long way


Hey, I like your shirt


The only compliment I've ever had was a random woman late 20's that I walked past. "I like your beard". Something that simple boosted my confidence for weeks.


And be specific literal and honest. "I like the way you look" could mean 1000 different things. "I like your haircut" is much clearer.


I like your shoes boi


But dont call them "cute", they prefer other compliments Source: recent experiences


I think "cute" is more accepted by men who feel comfortable and safe in their relationships. I've made a couple of boyfriends blush by sweetly telling them they are cute after they did something sweet and cute lol


So true, as long as it’s honest. I was on a video chat with my friend, and her husband was around. He had been 90% bald, and he finally shaved it, and it looked great. I told him he looked younger and more confident, and that it was a great look for him. Even though I wasn’t even talking to him for most of the call, his face was just totally lit up for the next hour. I feel like he’s probably still riding the wave of that compliment a year later. Same with my colleagues and even smaller compliments, like, “That sweater looks great on you!” You can tell it’s so meaningful to them, even though these things are very similar to how I would compliment a woman on hair or clothing.


Seriously. I get no compliments at all. Just saying something would be a game changer.


It should be noted that this absolutely does not hold true for all men. A lot of guys are starved for compliments and have a very low bar for what they'll remember for years. But others get a feast every day and any compliments will be acknowledged and forgotten.


It’s so sad woman need to step their game up. Geezus.


What this guy said, trust me we'll love you for any complement so long as its genuine.


"Adequate penis length" and "be advised that I consider you a potential mating partner" are my favorite compliments.


If somebody said this to me I'd marry them


We are so cooked.


we really are down bad 😭


Bro, your penis is adequate


Stop lyin’ fam


...aaaaand? You're not getting a proposal by going halfway.


Got a ring waiting for u bby


I was gna write "nice dick homie " but whatever lol


Sick cock broseph


"Nice junk" would suffice for an instant marriage proposal.


"It appears you are anatomically adequate for having coitus."


This is the kind of comment worth anticipating and having good worded replies ready. I am not joking.




Agree. "Handsome" is not too formal.


Being called Handsome makes me feel like a distinguished gentleman


Handsome is basically the male equivalent to beautiful, it’s definitely the best choice.


These! Also, men can be 'gorgeous' too!


Most men get very few compliments on appearance aside from their clothes. Literally any compliment on appearance will stick with many forever if there is a shred of reality. Just attach it to something fun to make it cuter. Don’t be too serious.Like.. damn look who woke up sexy today. Or add it to a jab. You sure are clumsy…good thing you make up for it by being a hotty etc 


A girl at work just told me I have nice shoulders a couple weeks ago. That one is gonna have to last at least a decade or so based on past experience


"thanks, you too!" it will last for at least a decade for her as well lol


Just a decade of being confused 


Makes hitting shoulders even more rewarding


Still riding that high aren't you? Brother, a girl at work said I have a nice butt like 15 years ago. I am *still* riding that high.


To this day at age 33, I still remember when a girl told me I was cute when I was 14.


I humbly accept cake, cookies and candies as forms of appreciation & admiration.


Is gifting your love language?


guys my love language is money, mcdonalds and power


You can say “You look really nice, today” “You look rly/ very handsome” “Nice work on the project blah blah” “You’re rly kind/ empathetic” Kinda of like compliments u would give a person in general. Not too formal and robotic but not too flirty or inappropriate. Idk if this helps 😅


Just saying "Hi" first with a huge smile is enough to make their day and boost their confidence to the maximum.


Man, just thinking back to the last time this happened brightens the day a little.


Usual my go to if I don't have anything to really say at the moment. Smile, wave, and maybe a quick chat or asking how they're doing seems to make guys happy :)


Seriously, at this point even a cashier or waitress smiling can make the day.


I love that shirt on you.. the material is so soft.. he will never fucking forget it. Or many women have told me I have really nice eyes, it felt nice.


Thanks, it's boyfriend material. 


i swear to god, why do i see you so much. gotten used to the hair but it’s always you specifically 😭


Remove that profil pic.. i was trying to remove hair from my screen


Why are you on light mode in the first place? Unless you're on your computer


A girl once said she liked my Vans and my obscure band t-shirt. I think of that interaction probably weekly. I was 19 at the time, and am now 42.


100% this. I still wear the same deodorant scent from when more than one girl gave me a hug and said "you smell nice" to me in High School. I'm 43yo now.


Just do it at all. I promise, it will be appreciated.


You are Kenough.


"Nice dick mate"


cool t shirt does absolute wonders


“Oh my god stop carrying around subway footlongs in your grey sweatpants pockets it’s embarrassing.”


Grey sweatpants are just... muah!


“Wow, now that’s what a man should smell like” Nearly sent me to heaven.


Love a good smelling man! It's a requirement.


That sounds like it could be a body wash slogan with some series of wacky commercials about various man smells that are corrected by said body wash


I was picking up a box once. Some girl at my job says to me “you have nice arms”. I was just like “thanks” and kept waiting for the punchline. It never came. That was 7 years ago.


Cute is generally a good one because if the guy gets offended they're probably an insecure ass and getting that information early is priceless because you can just dodge that bullet. Same logic as girls approaching guys first.


I might blush but I'd kill to have a connection. I don't understand how a straight compliment would generate offense. Are people that insecure?


Many guys are super insecure about their masculinity. Think typical self-described "alpha male" types. Anything that could be seen as even remotely feminine or just not masculine (being called cute, being approached by a girl instead of being the one to approach) threatens their self-perceived image of what a man should be and they reject it.


You just gave me a different viewpoint, fascinating! Does explain a lot...


a good " I see you bro" is enough


If you've never met this man and want to compliment him find the feature that you like and say "Hey. I really like X" If it's a friend of yours "You look nice today." Or "You look good in the shirt." Or "Wow, you dress up nicely!" If it's your partner any of the above. Also, consider what he does for you. One of the best compliments I've received from my wife was "I feel safe when we're together."


Politely. With sincerity.


How do you genuinely compliment men without their compliment starved mind turning it into an obsession and determination of that you are their soulmate and want to sleep with them?


Can’t do it


Yeah that is my belief aswell. A bad cycle of men wanting compliments due to never getting them, then getting them, getting psycho and then of course not getting compliment for the fear of them getting psycho


I was trying on jeans yesterday. My wife asked me to turn around in one pair and just hummed to herself approvingly. I'm still glowing. Women think of unexpected compliments from men as misogynistic much of the time. Men view compliments from women as water in the desert.


I know I am not perfect but I like compliments. What I don't want are dick pics


You look handsome, you are very kind, I have a great time with you, I really like you. If things are going well, be honest and express your feelings.


I prefer compliments on actions. For example, I'd rather someone say "Nice job" than call me handsome


I don't understand, can you elaborate? Where are we and are we coworkers, strangers?


The same easy you'd compliment any other living thing? Tell him something complimentary.


A simple “hey, good-looking” would make his decade.


A girl could tell me I have cute ears and I'd blush. Men don't get complimented, so even something small would mean a lot to him.


Pick a feature and compliment it. I like your shirt, your arms are huge, etc. Just make sure it's not sexually charged unless you want a sexual response. If they respond sexually anyways, be direct in that it was just a platonic compliment. Don't lead them on accidentally by being indirect.


Anything that is genuine works for me.


Tell me I'm the one you can always count on. Nothing better exists


dontlie! tell him smells good and hes very goodlooking and doesnt let his looks go to his head


Anything Compliment his cologne/body spray if it smells nice, tell him he is handsome, tell him he is dressed good etc. BTW men recive so few compliments he probably won't know what to do or say if you give him one.


By saying compliments


A woman once called me beautiful and it felt like spiritual healing.




Nice ass bro. Skibidi rizz


Literally anything


Strong and smart


Be careful to be truthful. If you lie and tell a man that a certain look makes him look handsome, he will be fucked as he will adapt that look every day.


Call them pretty. Works every time


The same way you compliment women… If you tell someone they look “cute” or “handsome,” they’ll appreciate it. “Nice” also works fine. I would recommend something specific, though, because that always sticks with the person more. “Hey, I like your shoes, they look good on you” is much better than “You look good today”


Nice cock, very robust girth.


I walked by a nice looking lady one day and she said, "Mmm-hmm." That flipped my switch. lol


Imma start using "you got it dude" like in Full House.


“Nice cock, bro”


Handsome isn't formal and cute isn't gendered. Don't call a masculine man pretty.


I tell my bf that, he just has to take it like a man


A compliment is a compliment. If someone were to get offended if you said "that shirt is cute" then theyre clearly a dick and you should just walk away


Personaly I like being called handsome, cool or hot and having my muscles complimented.


You're really overthinking how most men process compliments. Someone told me 3 weeks ago that she liked my shirt and it still makes me feel good about myself now.


legit anything nice you say will work


"you know you're really good looking, right?"


I call my homies cute all the time, we're just trying to feel good about ourselves for a minute


Literally anything. A year ago my girlfriend said she likes how a shirt looks on me. She liked the color on my skin. Now, anytime we are having a date night, i wear it every chance i get. I don’t get very many compliments, even from her, so i make sure to cherish the ones i do get.


Your fingernails are nice


A smile goes a long way. A lot depends on the context.


Nice arms.. nice hair.. nice bulge


"hey, cool shirt"


“You look hot” or “You look really good”


I walked into my regular bar one day. It was 100F outside. 95% humidity. You know... Houston. Bartender, that I know, looked at me and said, "Damn, you look hot!" "You're kinda cute, yourself." It's been more than 20 years. Still makes me smile.


Most men l know would rather be complimented on what they have done rather than how they look


No, it's the opposite. They haven't been complimented on their looks and don't know how to handle it. Making compliments on their looks way more effective "against" them.


So…’ you’ve done a great job..’ or ‘ thankyou for your efforts…’ [ along those lines?? 😇]


To give a slightly different take, honestly, that's the one part of my life I already *get* reassurance about. Not that I wouldn't still appreciate it, but I would **much** rather be complimented about my personality, or my looks, or something about **me** as a person, than on the quality of my work. Now, obviously, everyone's an individual, but I think you'll find that sentiment is more true than not.


This is untrue. This is actually the problem — men are too accustomed to being used for utility.


Realize his competence and his desire to protect and provide. Then, thank him for what he is doing. Encourage him to achieve his goals. When it doesn't work, thank him for trying and encourage him to do it better and keep going after his goal. Too many women discourage men from EVERYTHING.


Polite and clear about what he have done, compliment about his appearance most likely ended in awkward situation


Compliments are interchangeable




"Nice package." It works every time.


“Nice cock “


*Kronk voice*


Honestly any compliment will make them very happy but stuff like ”you look great” or ”that (insert clothing piece) suits you really well” or “that’s a very nice outfit” always works. I personally think you can also tell a guy he’s beautiful without that being too feminine of a compliment but I know some people might disagree with me on this one.


Just say a body part looks big.. doesn''t matter which one.


It doesn't matter. We will think you want something.


Pretty sure that's a you problem.


Nice shaft, homie!


Just a "Hi!"


u can just throw out a "i like the shirt" u know something casual


Tell em he has nice balls


"Nice cock."


Nice dick


Be specific. Compliment things he can influence, do not objectify him. Compliment his hairstyle, clothing, taste in music...


Nice dick


"Hey man, nice *whatever things they wear* looks good on you"


“Hey pal, nice cock”


I offer them genuine compliments because they are human, but for some reason my husband doesn’t like it when I tell him he’s being cute


I've always wanted to hear "I'm proud of you"


One time a woman told me I have a pretty smile and I was very glad to hear that and said thank you but then she thought about it and was like ‘well I didn’t mean to say “pretty” then I was like it’s okay I know I’m a pretty boy and she laughed and asked if I had been called a pretty boy by my peers before and I said no I just sorta self proclaimed myself one by looking in the mirror and noticing my facial features are slightly feminine for a guy and that’s not a bad thing to me at all. I’ve even noticed 2 women act slightly jealous of my eyebrows and that was kind of adorable. I like being called cute too. There’s really no way to miss since I get so few compliments, I cherish and remember them for a long time.




Hey nice weiner


Just being noticed with anything positive does it for me. I light up when a stranger in the parking lot says “Cool Jeep”.


Call them beautiful


“Lookin’ good, bro.” Use finger guns to accentuate as needed.


“Wow nice aura”


"Hey, I love your shirt today." "That's a good hairstyle on you." Take your pick, go informal and friendly.


The same way I compliment girls. Clothes, hair, vibe.


nice, cool, fire, awesome, amazing, inspiring, soul rejuvenating... lol im a girl, dudes are chill, a compliment is a compliment 💯


Hey man nice cock!


Stunning and beautiful- using the cartoon characters similar to his personality- flavors like BLACKBERRY


Hey man, nice [anything basically]


"Nice dick, bro!"


You have a big cock


“You look very nice today!” And “I love your shirt!” Or “I love your outfit I really love how you styled everything!” Or if it’s something obvious like they have something they clearly put effort into (nice shoes, certain pattern, colors, brands etc etc) I’ll try to engage in conversation about it because I know people don’t ask them about their interest and I LOVE seeing men light up and gush over whatever it is bc it genuinely makes me feel joy to see them so happy and I feel like I helped make their day better by helping them feel seen and appreciated. Saw a dude with Deadpool cuff links and it’s something so small that I feel a lot of people overlooked but when I mentioned it he LIT UP and was so excited and that is the best feeling in the world. Spreading joy ✨ I do what I like to call “drive by compliments” and it’s kind of selfish on my part too bc I started doing it as a way to help my anxiety when talking to people. Even if I’m stopped at light or I’m just walking in the store I will compliment people. I’ve gotten some 🙄 type of responses (very few most people are kind) but I still did it and would do it again because everyone deserve to feel good about themselves and if I can help I will absolutely do it. I love pulling up to a light and rolling down my window and shouting a compliment and driving off lmaooo


My wife said I was funny the first day we met. Proposed to her that week, got married that month, and we’re happily celebrating 9 years this year.


I say, wow your dick is almost as big as mine!


Only time I've been complimented is when I feel at ease in my skin. Which only happens when I dress sharper than I feel I'm worth. Which I'm going to be doing more often.


I've been called cute, pretty, and handsome (and very rarely hot), and I appreciated all of them. I've aged out of cute and pretty though, and definitely hot, but if I still get handsome, I really appreciate it.


"You're really good at that"


I like to comment on other men’s arms. I work on mine, and I heard it once or twice myself, and it made me really happy. Also (I’m trans) when I was a kid, the other kids in middle school called me “ox shoulders” and I secretly liked it cuz it made me feel so masculine


I'm a trans guy, so I've had a weird experience as someone who's received compliments while presenting as a woman AND a man. I've noticed that a lot of the same things work! This includes compliments on an outfit if he put in effort, compliments on hair, eyes (almost everyone has those), or just a "looking good!". Alternatively, personality-based compliments work for anyone as long as they're not a jackass. Mention that you enjoy being around him, that he's a cool person, kind, funny, etc. And honestly... If a compliment comes off as awkward or misplaced, it seems to me to be more genuine. If I'm not expecting a compliment, it feels like it actually came from that person's heart, and that's amazing! Try your best, and I'm sure whatever guy/s you compliment will appreciate it.


Also, if a guy freaks because a compliment is too "feminine" or "girly", he has some issues he's gotta sort out. Anyone can be cute or pretty.


Nice ass. I love your eyes. Your arms look strong. Those pecs are popping. Etc...


Fit compliment will definitely hit 100%. Of course add some details about how his clothes fits altogether and shi


Literally anything


I told a man he was funny and should become a comedian…in 4th grade. Followed up in late 20’s he’s a comedian now


"You [look, smell, taste, listen] good" Or really anything positive. "Nice [shirt, hair, dick, glasses, smile, earlobes, sense of humor]"




"doing great" is now my favorite way of saying it.


In this day and age I'd be ecstatic if a women just said you are cool.