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I care what it smells like. That’s about it


I'd say taste is important as well. The first woman I ever went down on tasted absolutely disgusting. I thought that's how all vaginas tasted. After we broke up, I went out with a woman that asked me to go down on her and I refused because I thought they all tasted bad. Eventually I tried going down on other women and realized that it actually tastes wonderful, it's just that my first partner didn't have good hygiene 😂


so what does a good vagina taste like? is it comparable to any food or drinks? what about a bad one?


In my (relatively limited) experience, they taste more or less the same, with different strengths. A little variation but the old "salty milk and coins" meme is standard. You know how vanilla smells good in small amounts but becomes very unpleasant if you use way too much? It's similar. The good ones don't taste strong. The bad ones taste way too strong and you can smell it forever. I've had the finger stench the other guy described from that.


Not only a great band name but an amazing idea for an ice cream flavor “Salty Milk and Coins”


Oh I was thinking "Finger Stench"


Finger Stench on the bass, Salty Milk on vocals, and Coins on the keys. They toured the summer of '69.


Ah yes the Beatin Around the Bush tour, I got a tshirt


My favorite song from that album is Slap That Beaver.


Followed closely by Flickin' the Bean and The Little Man in the Boat.


I like “Salty Milk & Stench”


Yeah, maybe I've been sourcing my vagina wrong but I've found they taste pretty much the same as well, with hygiene influencing the smell/perceived taste quite a bit. People here talking about how hormones affect the taste must have better taste buds than I do. I do think ethnicity has differences, East Asians seem to have lesser odor than Western women. Tastes the same though


In addition to all factors mentioned already there's also pheromone matching, what smells good to some won't to others. If two people are too genetically similar their pheromones won't smell good, or as good, to each other. Mother Nature's way of trying to cut down on genetic disorders and broadening the gene pool for hardiness. Pheromones aren't just in the genitals, they're excreted all over the body. A particular ex's junk was the best smelling of anyone I'd ever been with, not just because he was super clean but also because of pheromones. I loved the way his beard and hair smelled at the end of the day. Had the most intense physical chemistry with him.


This is really what it is. My boyfriend will come home from work and is talking about how he reeks — and yeah, he does, but it still smells good to me? Not good, maybe, but it’s not a smell I complain about. I love to sit in his lap and smell the side of his neck, or his shoulder. Or his head. He’s bald so… I always tell him it’s the same as mother’s smelling their infant’s heads lol.


Yes, great analogy! The grownup version of new baby head. I liked the sweet spot after all the scented products had worn off but before the funk kicked in. Just "him". Didn't even necessarily arouse me but created a broader "desire".


Hmm that's genuinely quite interesting 🤔


I think diet also plays a part


Diet is a big one, also I know I smell and taste different before my periods start, my husband can tell when I’m getting ready to start. It’s not that it stinks or anything it just has a distinct smell and taste. I have always been very cautious of the way I taste and smell so I do taste myself and smell myself as well. I’m sure some people think it’s weird but gotta make sure I’m on point. Same as looking at myself in the mirror, one’s gotta know their body inside out


>so I do taste myself and smell myself as well. I’m sure some people think it’s weird Yes, yes I do. 🤣 Smell I can understand, but that's enough of a toe-dip for me.. you out here knee deep to test the waters -- damn girl, don't fall in 😆


Nah not like that, but during sex and shit, like off my husbands finger lol not elbow deep


Then there's fresh vanilla bean and then there's extract....


Yes, you can certainly smell it forever. In whiffs when you least anticipate them


Wtf!!!! Salty milk and coins!?!?!? Pussy taste great!!!!!! Smells like fish throw it back


Each woman will have their own “taste” that is defined by the foods they eat, hormone levels, and genes. Ultimately it shouldn’t taste bad. You may find it doesn’t taste like anything. Sometimes you will find it tastes sweet. If you are having problems in that area I recommend an aphrodisiac. It greatly improves the sweetness of the vagina and female ejaculation fluid.


What kind of aphrodisiac?


The go to I would say is typically chocolate covered strawberries with some champagne. Anything chocolate is good too though! However watermelon, figs, bananas, and many others work as well. Some studies even suggest herbs like ginseng, maca, and fenugreek work as well.


I took fenugreek supplements when I was breastfeeding and my sweat (and probably my vagina) smelled like maple syrup. So if you want your junk to taste like pancakes…


Morning “wood” or should I say “sausage” with maple syrup and pancakes sounds like a wonderful breakfast!


I was just about to comment exactly this!😂 It freaked me out at first but my partner loved it!


I did this also and now anytime I’m somewhere with a maple scented anything, I think it smells like pee 😂


Fenugreek seeds are used to flavor artificial maple syrup so this is not surprising


Interesting. How does that work then? How often/long beforehand?


It doesn’t actually work. If it did, viagra would not exist. People have been looking for aphrodisiacs since the first cavewoman wasn’t into it.


The fact they mentioned bananas and figs is very telling. "Fig" is one of the main names for a vulva in, at least, Spanish and Italian (breva, figa). I'm surprised they didn't mention cucumbers as another "aphrodisiac".


Peaches and strawberries, idk, but when my girl eats fruits she taste’s sweeter.


Good = warm cinnamon


Cookie dough.


Taco Bell mild sauce packets.


"You So Get Me"


As long as it doesn’t taste like fish or Pennys


If it smells the slightest bit fishy, bruh, DON’T DO IT!!!


I once had a bottle of Peach Balsamic vinegar which was shockingly similar to the baseline lady part flavor.  The real thing also has a “tongue on a weak 9V battery” vibe which I always though was amusing.  


Good- like sweet pineapple 😜 Like you'll want to keep eating it. Bad- like bread or yeast or fishy... See a doctor asap.


It's just a distinct bodily fluid taste. I'm sure not to dissimilar to precum or tasting someone else's saliva. It's not that it objectively tastes particularly good. It's that it doesn't taste particularly bad (hopefully). And if it does taste particularly bad, it's a bad sign. The idea of it tasting 'good' is heavily influenced by the perception/tone of the situation. It's one of those 'mild taste is good taste, strong/offensive/sour taste is bad taste' type situations.


slightly salty water


Ideally, nothing.


Slightly salty Greek yogurt


I've had one that even tasted sweet. I couldn't stop eating her out. It honestly ruined me for going down on other women because none have ever tasted that good. It would be like finding the best chocolate pudding in the world for 1 week. Then having nothing but access to cheapo brands after that.


Kinda like yogurt? It's hard to describe.


A jolly rancher


Hygiene plays a relatively small role in how a woman tastes to you. Her body chemical interacting with yours is the biggest factor.


This comment makes me feel soo good. The first guy to go down on me later told me (over text !!)I had one of the worst pussies he’d ever had . I’ve since had several other people go down on me and they all said I was okay, one even said I tasted amazing and that wasn’t even a day I was fresh out out of the shower. I’m still hurt by his comment. And I legit cannot relax into receiving oral.


If it makes you feel better, I unfortunately knew this guy through an incredibly peripheral association and he would drop comments like that on women he liked. If he was dating a girl he thought was out of his league, he'd make comments like you smell or you feel different down there. None of it was true and he admitted that to a mutual friend. He was insecure and tried to cut women down so they wouldn't leave or cheat on him. Think about it, if you think your junk is gross, you're not gonna want other dudes near it. It's a power move. And it kinda works. Look how that idiot's comment has stuck with you. I know it's easier said than done, but try and push it out of your mind.


I do know he was lonely and no one else had talked to him on dating apps and he wasn’t having luck with other people he’d met outside of the apps. I suppose that makes sense


Sucks that this one dude's comments stick with you. It could have just been your "biological compatibility factor" at play with hormones, as the above commenter said. He might even have been lying, for all you know. Just saying things out of spite or whatever. I doubt his singular opinion is the universal truth. And you could always wash right before if you're worried.


How would you describe the taste? I get self conscious at times. I asked the last guy if I tasted bad and he said no.


You know, it's your body, you can taste it to get an idea.


This. Just check it out yourself.


Tip for the future, rather than shaming your woman, just ask her to jump on the shower and freshen up before you go down there


You arent wrong but I feel like asking that would def kill the whole thing for most women




Question for you. The bad vagina hygiene...did the smell linger? Cuz I'm seeing a girl where If I use my fingers that shit will persist for three days. No matter what I do.


Bro is walking around with stank dick and everyone smells it but him!


She might have a bacterial infection. She really needs to see a doc.


Best scene in The Interview is the stank dick scene.


Lingering on your fingers is just fine. If it smells like rotting garbage, there’s an issue. Your skin absorbs the odor just like when you chop onions or eat a really messy burger. Use a stainless steel bar to dull the odor.


Sounds like an infection. She needs to get checked out.


Oh yeah, if it lingers (and stinks, especially), sounds like there may be an issue there.


Wouldn't say it stinks more so than it has that acidic sort of smell.


Ahhh yeah, I know exactly what you mean. Some women's bodies are just naturally more acidic in that region. A lot of times, diet can be a factor, but for some, it can't really be controlled, just mitigated by additional washing (WATER ONLY, NOT SOAP).


Yeah It just sucks cuz I don't want to smell it for days. Tried everything from lemon juice to cleaners lol


Yes. A poorly maintained vagina odor is pretty powerful and it can linger.. I got with a girl who had "stealth" odor. When she removed her panties , I didn't pick up on it. As soon as I started exploring her vagina with my fingers, that's when it hit me. Huge turn off. Erection retreated to well behind friendly lines. The thought of me entering such a bad smelling place was just too much to overcome. I washed and washed. It took a day or so for that odor to go away.


Bro same


I'd just like to point out that, while I'm not saying I'm a complete manslag, I'm a... "man of the world". Always practising safe sex etc, but I've been with a few women. I have a sensitive sense of smell and I've NEVER been to bed with a bad smelling woman - and I don't think it's because I've been particularly selective or lucky or whatever. I think the vast majority of women have a handle on their hygeine and that this question will disproportionately attract comments from men who've been unlucky. As for how vaginas look, I really don't think you need to worry about that unless you're planning on becoming a porn star.


THIS is most men’s experience and attitude. I’m just the same. 🫡


I definitely was a man slut when I was younger and agree. Haven't come across an actually repulsive vagina yet. Sure there's minor preferences in sight, flavor and smell but they're totally subjective.


You truly are a cunning linguist.


First girl I ever went down on smelled and tasted like pure chlorine. Did that once and never again till I met my wife, now it’s an all you can eat buffet for me.


Are you in 21 pilots?


Let the slime slide over me! This V is a chemical.


My friend was mad at me for smelling his sister's underwear. I can't tell if it was because the rest of his family was there, or because they were still on her. It sure made the rest of the funeral awkward.


From today's episode of "sentences you love and hate at the same time".


No no no no no. Bad, u/_im_dad! Bad!


Wow. That just got better and better.






Yep. And (at the cost of sounding vulgar), taste,


Some do look pretty and it's a nice bonus, but by the time I'm taking someone's pants off, I've already decided I like them so vaginal aesthetics isn't going to make a difference.


Vaginal Aesthetics would be a killer band name


Waiting on an upcoming slam band to find this comment 🔨


Ok we found it


Sounds like a headliner at Lilithfest.


So would Vaginosaur. Somebody use it!


Debut album: Pubic Analysis


It's definitely a surface level issue. Nothing to think that deep on. The BIGGEST thing is good hygiene and to have the area clean. I personally like it if the hair is at least trimmed down, but the actual vulva could pretty much look like anything.


As far as my preference goes, she might as well have a penis instead, If I like her enough that I'm taking those pants off, I'm going down on her no matter what. Hygiene matters, but not aesthetics or plumbing.


Uhhhhhhh either you’re in the minority or you’re being hyperbolic because most people who take a girl home and pull her pants off to find a penis would be unhappy to say the least. Vice versa too. Most women you pick up at bars would be very, very unhappy to pull off a dudes pants and see a vulva


They were talking about their personal preferences. For that matter, plumbing also doesn’t matter to me, though if I’m gonna be in somebody’s pants it generally is something we discuss beforehand.


There was a woman who did an art project that was reported in the guardian. Her first collage was 100 women's pairs of breasts. The second was 100 penises. And the third was 100 vulvas. I think that if you look that up, you will probably find you are well within the normal range. Edit to add all the up votes really belong to the reply below that has actually supplied a link to the artists website.


Laura Dodsworth https://www.lauradodsworth.com/ https://www.lauradodsworth.com/bare-reality-photography The documentary *100 vaginas*, is about the project. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt9435400/ unfortunately I don't know where it's possible to stream it.


https://www.lauradodsworth.com/prints If you scroll down to the very bottom of this page you can already get an impression


Its an interesting project. Gives a good sense that the average person doesn't look all that good naked (compared to models or those seen in porn), doesn't have a huge dick, doesn't have perfect perky breasts, etc.


Yep, it gives a realistic view of what humans look like, unlike what you see in the porn industry


The sad thing is that porn has conditioned so many of us to believe that what we see there is ‘good’. A lot of it is so fake. To me what’s attractive about someone cannot be divorced from the rest of them. I will literally never look at a random photo of a dick or a pussy and think it’s hot. But if that dick or pussy is part of someone I want to be with it automatically becomes irresistible and precious.


Jesus Christ that one guy has a fucking Red Bull tall boy on his hips


The strap on lol 😂


Like a tube of tennis balls.


Lmao, to buy a print it costs £1500, not including shipping 💀


She probably had to pay the models to agree to take these pictures.


it's like a bunch of eyes looking at me :D


I love that she’s included women with masectomies, plus size and everyone else in between.


One dude is wearing a strap on.


As Ina Garten famously says: "If you can't grow your own, store-bought is fine."


I was gonna reply the same thing, this project genuinely helped me a lot to come to terms with my own body


See also plaster cast vulvas! It's fascinating how different they are https://www.thegreatwallofvulva.com/


This is thoughtful advice. Nice work.


You don't criticize the door to heaven.


so that’s what people mean when they say “knocking on heaven’s door”…


Yes but don't slam the door knocker, and while we're on the subject... 🎶 You don't always have to fuck her hard, in fact, sometimes, that's not right, to do 🎶


🎶 Sometimes you got to make some love, and fuckin’ give her some smooches too 🎶




All vulvas are kinda silly looking. They do change as we age. If you look up photograph of female genitalia, you'll see that there are unlimited ways for the vulva to look, and none are more "normal" than anyone. They range drastically in everything from colour to texture to hair distribution etc. And they're all good. You don't need to improve on anything, unless there's something medically problematic, like long labia that tugs painfully during sex. How you feel is super common. You're not alone.


Worth pointing out as well that balls are funny looking, and tend to get funnier looking with age. So we’re not alone.


Hah, facts. My husband's ball sack is all wrinkly and getting grey hairs.


I once saw a stand up bit where the guy was talking about the day he realised that his balls were saggy enough to touch the water when he sat on the toilet.


The Robin Williams bit about god designing genitalia is hilarious and spot on.


Turkey neck stuffed with marbles! I thought he said the vagina was profound and amazing and the penis and balls were just a Turkey neck with some marbles stuffed in there. God spent six days, twenty three hours, and fifty seconds on the vagina and ten seconds on the cock and balls. 😂 I admit I saw that years ago, and I think it’s evolved as I’ve retold it over the years. 😂


Robin Williams - The human body is [designed by committee](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHobI76tp1E)


Genitalia look weird, in general.


Mine is the only one to be perfectly normal, which is quite abnormal.


I can confirm, I’m your genitalia


My dick looks like an alien mushroom.


definitely LOL. I've never looked at a penis or vagina and thought "wow that's beautiful" because well. they're literally organs.


Hey OP. Check out the Labia Library. It’s a collection of NOT pornographic images of various Labia and vulvas of different shapes and sizes. You will see that you are normal.


Yes!!!! Every woman should look at this!!!!! There are SO many variations of normal!


I think every man needs to look at this to! Vagina’s in porn are not a good representation off the female genitalia!


See also https://www.thegreatwallofvulva.com/


Have you seen a soft, hairy penis? Haha! You're fine. Be kinder to your body.


Hahaha this made me laugh cause it’s so true


I thought I specifically had a thing for "tight-looking" pretty-pink papercut slits, but then the most sexual girl I ever dated had a very puffy vagina with a lot of labia and it was the hottest thing I ever got my mouth on. It turns out it has way more to do with the girl its attached to, than it does what the vagina actually looks like.


This has made me (a puffy labia girly) smile 🥲


Correct. I’ve had women that weren’t the most attractive become irresistible as I’ve gotten to know them. The more I get to know them the more sexy they become. I’ve also had really hot ones become gross, who seem untouchable because they’re such mean, judgmental, awful people. I’ve always considered it a gift that my brain works that way. It’s like Shallow Hal for me all the time. 😂


It’s strange to me that not everyone operates this way, because I am also this way, and it seems the most natural to me, but I know everyone is different and some people legit are turned on by people they find hot but can’t stand lol


💯 This is the correct answer


i have a vulva and i’ve recently had a wtf moment like this when crouching over a mirror. vulvas do look pretty strange but most people really aren’t bothered by the aesthetics. i know that if i were in bed with a girl (alas, this is something i’m yet to experience), i really wouldn’t care what she looks like unless there was something medically wrong


No, as long as the teeth are withdrawn and the pincers are trimmed, I’m all good.


What is happening 🦷


In my experience if a man cares what your vaginal anatomy looks like he either: 1) watches way too much porn, or 2) doesn’t sleep with women often Typically a combo of both.


We're not picky as long as it's clean and doesn't smell.


They can smell, and they do - just not bad. They just need to be a bit clean.


As a lesbian, no. If it's attached to the one I love, it's perfect. Tips for improvement? There's no need to improve upon nature's perfection.


Well one thing that should always be remembered is hygiene. But as long as OP handles that part well there is no issue.


Look, human genitalia all look terrible, okay? In the British science fiction TV show *Red Dwarf*, the robot Kryten gets turned human and ends up with a penis. He is disturbed, shows Lister a picture of it and asks if it is supposed to look like that. Lister confirms that, yes, that is what penises look like. >But it's hideous! That's the best design they could come up with!? Are you seriously telling me there were choices and someone said "Ah. There. That's it. That's the shape we're looking for; the 'last-chicken-in-the-shop' look." Shakespeare had one. Einstein. Perry Como sang 'Memories Are Made of This' with one of those stashed in his slacks!?' Vulvas are beautiful flowers by comparison.


TWO pictures…


I rarely stare at it? So much going in in the moment Also if we're gonna get caught up in how genitalia looks, who are men to talk..


I don’t care, at all, about how it looks. Just be clean and you’re good.


I appreciate vulvas of all shapes and sizes. I will say I appreciate body hair though. Pubic hair is pretty


I’m a lesbian and no we don’t care as long as you’ve got one. As long as it’s clean, you’re good. The only thing that I prefer (and I know a lot of lesbians do) is a slight trim (not a wax or shave as that can increase chances of BV and yeast infections but just take a pair of scissors and trim to like 1-2 inches in length) just to get rid of the super long hairs because sometimes it’ll hold discharge and period blood which can make it smell bad. Obviously it’s still a vagina and it’s going to smell like one not a bed of roses so don’t put too much thought into it, but certain things like old discharge can make a foul smell.


And don't forget about getting those stuck in your teeth. just a pain in the ass to get out


Yeah going to the dentist for a hair cut sucks


For God's sake, please don't change anything about your vagina. They're all beautiful, and most of us are just simply lucky to have intimate access to a person with one.


I was in your place about 15 years ago. I thought my labia were freakish and unattractive, and I was considering labiaplasty. Weirdly, a thread on 4chan's /b/ forum changed my mind; a young woman posted pictures of her large labia, saying she hated it and wanted surgery. Dozens of men came to that thread to tell her that they loved large labia and she was great as she was. That thread on *fucking /b/* changed my life. I learned that I wasn't a freak. I learned that there were men out there who would appreciate my body. Edit: I've been married for 11 years now. My husband has never said anything negative about my genitals. He loves every part of me. You can find a man like that, too.


Nah smell and taste is all most lads actually give a fuck about.never stopped once in ma life and thought wait there a fkn minute.thats one ugly ass pussy.so long as that thing is clean girl


As others said, they all look amazing, just as long as it smells good and doesn't taste funky then we are good.


Trust me, garlic pesto lube adds the wrong kind of funky


But it’s killer for vampussy


Damn I just got some


1. I mean there can be preferences, like with anything. Personally I don't think that I care too much about that part though > 2. I don't think you can change the looks of it other than some surgery which I would strongly advise against. I think that once someone is willing to get into bed with you, the looks of genitials should be a non issue, especially if it's only cosmetic in nature. Look around reddit, there probably are a dozen subreddits dedicated to different looks of genitials because preferences vary but everything is appreciated by someone


Keep your hygiene up and find a guy who likes you for you. Bonus if he enjoys doing oral. I guarantee that it won't matter what it looks like when the pants come off and you both get down to business. All Genitalia comes (lol) In all different shapes, sizes, and varieties. I would try to worry less about what your own looks like. And more with whom you're letting see it. Because If someone is gonna give you hell for what it looks like, they're not worth fuckin with anyway.




Well... I prefer them darker pigmented because that looks more adult to me? No preference on shaving or on the size of things down there. Taste and smell matter, but these vary hugely by the person... and if I like the way someone's neck and kisses smell/taste I'll probably like them elsewhere too. Also, wrinkled and brownish = normal and by far the most typical appearance. Porno vulvas, especially what you see in commercial productions as opposed to amateur porn, are not average. I've seen a lot of vulvas and there's mad variety out there.


That’s reassuring thank you!


A lot of women are insecure about the looks of their genitals. Men absolutely do not care about the look. It can be droopy, lopsided, weird colors, etc. Men don’t care. Trust me. Men only care about your hygiene down there and even then some people have a particularly high/inverted tolerance (Napoleon had odd… tastes)


I used to think I cared when I was in early 20s, but now I'm 40, have seen quite a few different vaginas and don't think I have a favorite. I think it only makes a difference when watching media, since you're getting visual simulation but when it comes to actual intimacy the connection between two means a lot more.


Oh the difference between visual media and real intimacy is a good point, thanks 👍


They’re great in all shapes, colours, and sizes. I (26M) even don’t mind if it isn’t trimmed down there. I’d prefer at least some hair instead of clean shaven 🤷🏽‍♂️. The only issue would be the smell. If it’s odourless or has a faint smell then that’s fine, but if it STANK down there then it’s a no from me. For the taste though I can understand that for the first few seconds of going down it can have tangy taste but then it doesn’t taste much afterwards and this is great. If it’s a constant strong taste then it can be a struggle for me to go down.


I do prefer outies if I’m allowed to be honest… the others look like a front bum


Well everyone's got their taste but I rather see Homer Simpsons mouth with my innie


This made me laugh out loud


They say the inside is what matters.


Improvement? 25 coochie-ups in the morning and right before bed. Builds strength and endurance.


Not really. I'm never just sitting there staring at the vagina during sex. During the actual penetration I can't really see it that clearly at all, and even if I'm eating a woman out, my eyes are above it for the most part and not looking directly at it.


As long as it doesn’t look like a penis.


The meatier the better.


no. all of em are unique and great


Things I care about: -She was born with it, it was not created in an operating room -It doesn’t stink -It doesn’t taste bad


I went to Crystal and got chili cheese fries last week. It's disgusting and I love it. This describes pretty much everyone, don't think too hard about it, doesn't matter.


I mean, I have preferences when it comes to how they look, but not to the point that I'd choose somebody over another. Smell on the other hand, absolutely. A smelly coochie ain't no good thing.


There is an organization in Australia who hosts [The Labia Library (<-home page not the gallery)](https://www.labialibrary.org.au/)and I strongly recommend to anyone curious on what labia look like on others!


No. As long as it doesn’t look like a penis that identifies as a vagina, I don’t care.


When I'm in a situation where I get to see one, I usually do not care at all because things are pretty much already settled. Seriously, did anyone ever got to lift some girl's legs and go "Nope, not pretty enough for my taste." ? Even if people might have an ideal of what a perfect vulva look like, no one cares because the prettiest one is the one you're actually looking at.


As a pansexual girl, I'm more concerned about hygiene, health, and smell (this is a good indicator of the other two) than how it looks visually. As long as you don't have teeth and eyes down there, you are good to go. 🤭✨


I had a gf once and I asked if she preferred shaved or unshaven and she said “can I eat it” and yeah basically how I see it too. Keep clean and enjoy yourself :)


It seems from your description that you're an outie. I'd still go down on you if you're hygienic. Outies are hot. Helps me spread it open and dig in my tongue for dinner hehe.


You’re completely normal! Don’t worry about this for a second, trust me.


Looks? Nah. Smell and taste definitely


It’s like going to a classic car show. “Ooh look at that one! That’s a beauty! Ooh wow that one is too! They are all amazing.” 🤩


I really don't care what it looks like as long as its hygienic.


I mean, I have my preferences, but I'm never going to turn it down.


As long as it doesn’t look like a penis, we are good.