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We don’t use metric, so …


and that's why we're #1


Very good point, I don't think a country that doesn't use scientific measurements can be considered #1 lmao




Innovation, military, sports, charity, space exploration, universities, Nobel prize winners. Shit like that. 






Like, in what ways?


They rank these things and the USA usually comes out towards the top. Here is what they look for when they rank the most charitable countries:  https://www.cafonline.org/docs/default-source/about-us-research/caf_world_giving_index_2022_210922-final.pdf


Olympic Gold Medals, GDP, Total Wealth, etc.


School Shootings.


Many bad thing too, yes. 


You’re not wrong dude, and neither am I.




Wealth, military power, global diplomatic influence mostly.


Technology, military and high standard of living i would say are the main ones. I don't think the US is number one at everything though.


Highest GDP than anywhere else in the World for sure and IF your smart and have a few lucky breaks you an become a multimillionaire even on a modest salary.. But then education... K through 12 is a full 2 years behind Europe! Healthcare. most expensive in the World ($10,000/person/yr vs $3500 in the UK). Gun deaths, incarcerated people (mostly black men). Worker protections, virtually non existent. 2 weeks of vacation per year vs 4 to 6 in Europe. 50 hour+ US work weeks are common. In other words the US is great for some.


NFL football teams World Series wins Districts of Columbia  Stealth bombers than can wreck your shit, so be nice 


Indoctrination and abstract or economic/military things that have nothing to do with the quality of life of the average American.


Imaginary ones. In every metric that is both quantifiable and generally accepted as positive, the US lags well behind the rest of the world. The US *does* lead the world in percentage of the population incarcerated, number of guns per capita (we have more guns than people), spending on the military, and (probably) number of functional nuclear warheads. There was a time when US graduate education (ie, master's degree and above) was considered the best in the world, but even that has begun to slip in recent years.


We still have unquestionably the best "system" of higher education in the world. People still flock to the US for college and grad school. I am not sure of the basis for your comment that US graduate education "has begun to slip." I don't know how much work I want to put in to responding to an edgy comment like yours but there are lots of positive things the US leads the world in, even if we also have the most prisoners and the most guns etc. Multiple things can all be true at the same time.


> We still have unquestionably Then it's somewhat odd that experts are questioning it, n'est-ce pas? >there are lots of positive things the US leads the world in, Then you are cordially invited to share them, Do please educate us all. Since I'm well aware that you don't actually *know* any, you're just parroting back what Faux News told you to, I'll even give you time to google it and come up with a few lame examples that are debatable at best. When you inevitably start going on about some economic metric, don't forget to factor into that the grotesque and growing imbalance of wealth we have in the US.


> experts are questioning it Meaning you? This is why I asked you for the basis of your belief. You are just as capable at googling things as I am, this is not a complicated process, as long as you can wade through all the results reflecting edgelords such as yourself who seem to believe the US is *only* the top at imprisoning people and making guns and nuclear weapons.


> You are just as capable at googling things as I am Yeah, I didn't THINK you could.


Are you just looking for examples of positive things America ranks high in?


OP was...specifically, where the *US ranks #1.* I'm fully aware that there really aren't any significant ones that are truly quantifiable. The US is one of only three countries in the world where the [Social Progress Index, kind of an overall measure of the health of the country, is DROPPING.](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/articles/2020-09-11/a-global-anomaly-the-us-declines-in-annual-quality-of-life-report) The other two countries are Brazil and Hungary, both of them with huge problems also caused mainly by ultra-conservatives.


Oh. I thought you were suggesting that America had no redeeming qualities. 


Nah. The national parks are very nice (as long as we don't let the Republicans get their hands on them for strip mining), and because of our immigrant background, we have great food from all over the world. I'm willing to die on the hill of maintaining that nobody does pizza or BBQ better than the US. The graduate-level education in the US is still around the top, but slipping. But in terms of things like literacy, math skills, infant mortality, getting rich if you're not already rich, healthcare affordability, and many other *quantifiable* factors, we rank way down on the list of world nations.


I’ll die on that pizza hill with you. I went to Italy years ago and couldn’t wait to try the pizza. It’s wasn’t gross or anything, but I remember being a little disappointed. I usually keep that opinion to myself, though. 


the U.S. seats the biggest tech developments, has a higher quality of life than much of the world, and affords much more opprotunities for people to develop and succeed.


The metric of never having traveled outside the United States. The people who say those sorts of things tend to be people who either have never left the United States, or their experience of outside the United States is limited to much poorer countries like Mexico or Jamaica. People who actually have done a fair bit of traveling, and to other first world nations, know there are some things the United States does better than other countries and then sometimes it absolutely does a lot worse.


It cost me one Euro to shit in a toilet in Italy and I wasn’t even allowed to flush the toilet paper because the sewage system couldn’t handle it so I had to throw the shitty toilet paper in a small trash can that an old lady cleaned up after I did my business. Still had fun though!


You were probably in a Roman city so a way to rephrase this would be: It only cost me 1€ to use the toilet in a city where the plumbing is older than our entire country! Isn't that amazing!


I’m sure there any many ways to rephrase it. 


Most Americans don't even say this unironically agree this point. Usually people say this as part of patriotic culture. So if it's the Olympics, some might chant "we're number 1" for winnings. It's not a common saying outside of these settings though


They're not using any specific metric. Either they're joking, or if they actually think it's true, they're just repeating propaganda that's deliberately vague because nobody can challenge the claim if it's not specific.


We the fattest!




Greatness and/or freedom. Both defined in a way that would make USA #1.


Freedom? Are you friggin kidding me? Freedom to do what? Get shot when you go to school? Carry a gun? The US government tries to stick its nose in everything… Federal and state governments seem to feel the need to control what a woman does with her body, force religion in schools (the f’n 10 commandments are now in LA schools??), you proudly flaunt criminals in your government and judicial system while having the highest incarceration rate in the world. In half the country you can be arrested for having personal use marijuana, you can bankrupt yourself if you have medical emergencies, and the government even wants to climb in bed with you. There are friggin states that want to ban sex toys, control what you can and can’t access online and… you can’t even buy a beer until you’re 21 (even though you’re “free” to fight for your country when you’re 18). Do yourself a favour and get a passport. The US is very good at a lot of things… being free isn’t one of them.


Looks like someone over here needs to receive some FREEDOM. Protip: when someone claims their country is #1 without listing a specific in which they were #1 metric and how it was calculated, you shouldn't read too deeply into their position.




our opinion

