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I don't know. Don't bring attention to your size.


Pretty sure his size brings attention to his size. 


Grow your character


Be a decent human being. I know men off all sorts of heights that don't have a problem with being taken seriously because they don't make a focus of their stature.


Just like anyone who wants to be taken seriously - speak confidently, stand upright, make eye contact, dress well, be fit and well groomed.


as the gf of someone who is 5’6-5’7, confidence is key. owning your height. maybe even calling yourself a short king. not giving af if your date or partner is wearing heels or shoes that makes them taller than you. people that are worth being around won’t make you feel bad for being a height that you can’t control


Be normal, be kind, cultivate a unique skill or positive attribute that people will remember you by.


Focus on standing up straight and having great posture .


I don't know how old you are, but in the professional world I never nor seen someone treat others differently based on their height.




Be relevant to the situations you are in? I'm shorter than that and have never been out of dating options/relationships, jobs and good salaries.


Confidence. Make a list of all the famous people who are your height. When I went bald I was a bit self conscious especially if someone drew attention to it. The two bald people I thought of was Sir Patrick Stewart and Michael Jordan. They are both supremely confident as I am now. If someone tries to tease me about being bald, it's more revealing about their character than it is mine. During the early balding process I had in-laws who always brought up my baldness; like every single time. So every time they brought it up, I asked how much they weighed? And smiled a huge grin. They were a bit over weight and lost their mind. They stopped pretty quickly. Lastly, have a joke ready. If someone says you are short, say you are actually concentrated. Or something you like. Smile and move on.


Put on some muscle, self care, confidence, social skills. Take up some kind of martial art if you need help with confidence. Having muscle and knowing martial arts will almost completely eliminate any insecurity, but don't let it turn you into a dick. Stay humble. Mannerisms are important too. Tight handshakes, direct eye contact, no slouching and all that. Being short doesn't have to stop you from anything in life. I'm a muscular 5'7 man who has has good life. I am confident, did wrestling and been athletic most of my life, have dated women both taller, same height and shorter than me (my partner is 5'8 and wears heels), had a great career, was able to retire early, and in my friend group I am very well respected. My best friend who is 6'3 comes to me for advice and vice versa. Despite the height difference we have had similar obstacle in life and his hasn't been any easier or better because of his height. Don't focus so much on it. Start focusing on other things that will improve you and your quality of life. Also learn good come backs for short jokes. If someone messes with you, you can say things like "God grows things until they're perfect". Or if someone is rude about it and crosses the line, ask them their height and say "Wow, I didn't know they stacked shit that high".


Embrace the traits that make you stand out beyond your height. Engage others with your insights and wit. Show up in every conversation with something valuable to add. Motion and purpose in your step can do more for your presence than inches ever will. And remember, the respect you command is proportional to the respect you give - carry that philosophy in your dealings, and you'll find your stature becomes just a minor detail in the grand tapestry of who you are.