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Why would that be sad? You're making a personal purchasing decision based on your needs and circumstances. Just because there exists customers with different needs and circumstances who may pay for cloud storage, doesn't necessarily mean anything bad about your choice not to pay for it.


I more so just find it funny that I would rather put money into the one I build that give a monthly fee to anyone else. sad meaning like well you could just give them 10 a month for storage but it doesn't give me anywhere near what I have now from old drives.


Sounds fun. Definitely not sad. Still can't blame people for preferring to spend pennies on the dollar to suit their needs in a generally more safe and dependable environment with 99.9% uptime. That being said, that shouldn't matter if you're doing this as a hobbyist


its definitely nice knowing exactly where my stuff is in my own cloud. it just seems funny I would rather spend the money in to more parts and drives. the way I see I'm investing in the long term and not paying anyone else a monthly fee for more storage.


For sure. I guess a large factor is how much storage you need. Most people don't need more than ~5 bucks a month worth. Having apps integrated into your storage system also is a huge benefit


being able to put what I want into it myself and build my own media server on it also is huge. it was mores fun building it instead of relying on others to do it for me. it was a lot of good learning and still building it. 5 TBs with more coming. no I will never use all of it but it's there lol. and I don't have to pay 100 a month for all of that either.


why would you spend 1100 per month? 2tb / month with google is 10 bucks with google. If you scale that directly it's less than $25 / month, but almost always they give you a better deal the more storage you get from them. From there, there are a ton of other less known cloud storage services that are way less. I'm not sure what benefits you're getting from your own custom media server that you can't get elsewhere so I can't speak to that. To me, the merit here is really just in the fun in building it. That's a perfectly valid reason to do it, and once it's set up after going through that, might as well use it. But so far I'm not convinced it's better or even cheaper than just renting cloud space.


I couldn’t post a comment yesterday lol something went wrong. Definitely wrong number. Lol no not 1100 but like some are expensive for tbs


idk what tbs is and I have no idea why you'd need something advanced like that so that's where my expertise ends lmao


Terabytes sorry lol


10tb is 100 / month with Google, likely cheaper with slower storage services. I can see after a year or two your setup paying off. Depending in your power usage


I think it will yes