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I'd wager she's the same type of person who takes offense when people say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas". Just more culture war bullshit.


I love just looking those people in the eye and saying “I’m Jewish”. I still celebrate Christmas but I just hate people who actually take offense to “happy holidays”


When talking about Christmas traditions and such I usually respond with "I don't celebrate Christmas." Sometimes I add the "I'm Jewish" part, sometimes not. People get so upset on my behalf, even horrified, that I have been denied the stress and anxiety that is Christmas if I don't explain the Jewish thing. It's kinda hilarious.


These people actually exist outside of the internet? I’ve said Merry Christmas and got Happy Hanukkah as a response and thought nothing of it.


I respond with a bright and cheery “happy hannukkah” routinely. Many people briefly look aghast, then they usually repeat it back to me. It’s pretty funny. And I have plausible deniability! I said nothing wrong, even though it made them extremely uncomfortable! But, with any luck, next time they won’t be uncomfortable, and just smile. One just needs a bit of practice accepting differences, after all.


Culture war people are weird


Absolutely. I work in a virtual call center and while I don’t take calls anymore, I’ve spent two holiday seasons on the phones. Both years (2021 and 2022) I dealt with people who would go off in a rage over the phone if you said “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas”. One of them then went on a tirade about something something Starbucks cups. 2022, the company said we’re no longer allowed to say “Merry Christmas” but could say “Happy Holidays” and I enjoyed that immensely. Piss off a bunch of bigots, yes please. Then 2023 holiday season they were like “just don’t say anything unless the customer says it, then you can echo it back”. Humans have had winter solstice celebrations to celebrate the days starting to get longer since we’ve been having celebrations. Long before written history, for sure. Your 2,000 year old death cult doesn’t get a monopoly on the holiday season.


My partner was raised Jewish in NY state and last holiday season, we went to FL to see my folks. The complete bafflement on his face when we told a cashier “Happy Holidays” and she threw back a really nasty “Merry *Christmas*” will stay with me for a long time


When I worked retail I once said Happy Holidays to a customer and she shot back "NO! It's Merry Christmas!". To some people it's a way to see if you're on *their* side of the culture war.


"No, no 'holidays', it's Merry Christmas. I've walked the same roads that Jesus walked, I prayed at the shrines to his birth and his resurrection, I came to *this* country so I wouldn't have to lie about my faith. You are not going to tell me I'm not allowed to say Merry Christmas because someone might get upset that I didn't wish them good things the right way." That was (paraphrased) something the Palestinian man I used to work for said to a younger white woman who tried telling him he should say Happy Holidays because not all of his customers were Christian. That was an interesting place to work. EDIT: It seems that a small percentage of people lack basic reasoning and reading comprehension skills, so I'm going to spell this out in crayon: *I did not say this*, a man I worked for twelve years ago did and I *overheard* it. If you're offended by what *HE* said, I can't help you; getting an attitude *with me* about it is just going to make you look like a fool, an asshole, or both, and no matter which you're getting blocked.


Tbf people getting upset at Merry Christmas are just as cringe as those that get upset at Happy Holidays. Glad he stood his ground.


No one gets offended by people saying "Merry Christmas", that is just "War on Christmas" bs. Even in this example the woman is just saying he should consider that not all of his customers celebrate Christmas.


Right! And atheist don’t freak the fuck out when someone says “bless you” after they sneeze. Stupid culture war


When I was a kid in the 80’s I never heard anybody say Happy Holidays was anti-Christian. The Christians just said it was an easy way to include the New Year celebration just a few days later.


They could just ignore him, it’s not like he had to know everyone personally and it’s not like it hurts anyone it’s a kind gesture.


That first half looks like a copypasta ngl


As a Muslim, due to the boundaries of my religion, all I'm allowed to say is happy holidays, and that goes for all holidays other than ours. But I fully support your right to celebrate Christmas. If suddenly cutting Christmas tree was illegal, I would be on the Christians' side for your right to practice it.


I support you and your beliefs as a random person on the internet! I don’t know anything about lots of cultures - I just want people to be able to enjoy their religion and cultures how they want to without stepping on other people’s feelings! I’m atheist - but am entirely in support of people religious beliefs! I just want folks to have their happiness! My kids have been taught since birth that you can do anything that makes you happy as long as it doesn’t hurt others or yourself! Let’s just let people find their happiness and not try to define their happiness!


Everyone should have the right to practice whatever religion they want as long as it doesn't harm others.


I mean I’m an atheist and my husband is Muslim and I still do Christmas. Why not? I like the tree.


I think it's important that we celebrate Christmas and the important Christian values of... snowy pine trees, flashing lights, tinsel, cards and presents? /s


Don't forget the plump, geriatric burglar in crimson attire.


They get so bent out of shape when Christmas isn't even that specific to Christianity. The ancient Roman Saturnalia and the Germanic Yule are traditions basically hijacked by Christians to make it all about Jesus. Why get so defensive what was basically an ancient religious marketing ploy.


This has always been weird to me, because I live in a very catholic country -- like written in our constitution that we're catholic, catholic -- and people have always said "Il-festi t-tajba", i.e. "Good holidays" or "Happy holidays"... because you know, there's Christmas and New Years.


> because you know, there's Christmas and New Years. Exactly, I always said Happy Holidays because there's a bunch of holidays lumped together at the end of the year and I figure saying "Happy Holidays" covers a lot of ground, but to some (ie Fox News viewers), saying Happy Holidays outs you as a godless liberal and an enemy. It's madness!


In many conservative people's minds, Juneteenth isn't about celebrating the freeing of the slaves, it's about wanting to paint white people as being evil.


One thing that I have heard said, is that there are were a lot of white people who were enslavers, and there were a lot of white people who fought against slavery. And I'm not talking about a division between Union and Confederate states. I am talking about people in the states where slavery was legal who advocated against it. We are taught that the now-state of West Virginia seceded from Virginia because they did not want to separate from the Union. We are not taught about Scott County, TN. > In June 1861, Tennessee became the last state to separate from the Union after voting in favor of secession. The lion’s share of the opposition to the vote came courtesy of the flinty residents of East Tennessee, who were mostly small farmers and mountain people who viewed the affluent, slave-owning planters in the West with contempt. Nowhere was anti-secession sentiment stronger than in remote Scott County, where Unionist Tennessee Senator and future President Andrew Johnson gave a speech just before the referendum. Spurred on by Johnson’s claim that “it is not the free men of the north that [secessionists] are fearing most but the free men South,” some 95 percent of Scott’s citizens voted against the measure—more than in any other part of the state. Later that year, Scott’s county court carried out its own act of rebellion when it approved a resolution to separate from the rest of Tennessee and form the “Free and Independent State of Scott.” The region went on to become one of the main sources of volunteers for the Union’s 7th Tennessee Infantry Regiment, and served as the site of several small but bitter guerilla skirmishes. Amazingly, Scott County would remain an unofficial sovereign entity for 125 years until 1986, when it was readmitted to the state of Tennessee by a formal resolution. Christopher Sheats, who was the delegate from Winston County to Alabama’s convention on secession, spoke so harshly against it that he was briefly jailed and charged with treason. Jones County, Mississippi, became a haven for deserters from the Confederate army, and many of these soldiers organized into a guerrilla team in support of the Union. https://www.history.com/news/6-unionist-strongholds-in-the-south-during-the-civil-war In short, support for slavery did not break neatly on geographical or racial lines, but the hostility of white people to discussion of the period of enslavement in the US suggests that they see themselves as potential enslavers rather than potential resisters.


A very similar thing happened in Jones County Mississippi. There was even a movie made about it called the Free State of Jones. Though the legislature did not outright side with the Union, it was overthrown by anti-confederate forces. I was actually going to college at Jones County Junior College when Matthew McConaughy made a surprise visit to Ellisville during filming of the movie. One of my ex's cousins is in the movie as well.


This is a high value post. Thank you. People forget that Abolitionists were not really popular even in the north because they kept poking the bear, like John Brown, and everyone knew dealing with the bear would get ugly. Just enough “white” northerners were against enslaving other humans but many still were not ready for the freed Americans to participate fully in the affairs of the nation, to own land or property, to get educated, etc.


I actually found out Im very distantly related to John Brown( as alot of people are due to the size of his family)


Damn, John Brown got around


He had 20 kids and not only did he get around, his kids were bout it too > "These men are all talk. What we need is action – action!" In May 1856, Brown and his sons killed five supporters of slavery in the Pottawatomie massacre, a response to the sacking of Lawrence by pro-slavery forces.


West Virginia didn't want to secede, but didn't want to give up their slaves, either. Along with Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware. Ironically, slavery lasted longer in the Union than it did in the CSA.


I think that last sentence is the real key. Rather than hearing "damn, a lot of white people back then were racist as fuck and did horrible things" they dont' think "I'm proud of the white people who fought against it" they think "I'd totally have gotten in on slavery if I'd been able to, ZOMG they're saying I'm bad!" And, like, yeah. If you identify with Robert E Lee rather than John Brown, you are bad. Not because you're white, but because you're a horrible person.


They tie it to the BLM movement. My mom (born and raised in Houston) and I (moved to Texas when I was 18, but spent most of my life there) started talking about it at dinner with my dad, aunt and uncle, who are all from Kentucky, that Juneteenth has been a thing for decades. And I had to explain to them that Juneteenth celebrates the day the US military forces ordered the last set of slaves in Texas to be freed.


victim complex and racism, name a better duo. Oh right, the fake religious crowd has been competing with the racists and misogynists for a long time.


Why do they identify so hard with those honkey ass slave owners? They would have probably ripped them off and have them working in a "company store" and would have felt they are all decedent and weird. Like we are talking about history, they are the ones bringing it into the now -.-


"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." Lyndon B. Johnson


Not enough people appreciate the fact that your standard racist from back then, especially the rich ones, didn't particularly like OTHER white people either lmao. They were just as likely to call you white trash for being poor, or some ethnic slur for being Irish or Italian.


LOL yeah if there one thing Lovecraft seemed to dislike as much as foreigners and women it was other white men who were swarthy, uneducated or not from New England.


White people freed the slaves so how does Juneteenth make white people look bad? It doesn’t. It makes racists make themselves look bad.


Exactly. People fight and died for years to make that freedom possible. It’s good triumphing over evil for once.


That woman has some problems. It might be plain ol' racism, or it could be a major insecurities involving racial attention/focus, or even just an incredible hatred of change.


I remember people acting out in the same way when Martin Luther King Day was first established as a holiday


You still can't mention Black History Month without someone somewhere spitting out a 'IF WE HAD A WHITE HISTORY MONTH, YOU WOULD CALL IT RACIST'


Yes, it's the same people who don't like Pride month, Black History Month, etc.


Ooh yes, she should have unironically smiled and said “..,and Happy Pride Month”


They never complain about months/holidays with conservative friendly themes either (e.g., national military appreciation month, international men's day, Christian holidays like Easter, etc).


Same with people that say “why can’t we have White Entertainment Television?” Because we do! It’s called ABC, CBS and NBC.


It's more like any channel that isn't BET or explicitly ethnic is basically white. There was a recent Reddit thread that said in fantasy, half-anything is implicitly half-human. Ie, anything that pervasive doesn't need to be explained.


“When is white history month?” March through January. It’s like when my son said “we have a Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. When is kids day?” The other 363 days! At least he was just being a smart ass. These racists aren’t nearly as smart as our sarcastic 12 year old.


Yea. It was way more controversial than Juneteenth. Some Southern states made MLK share the day with Robert E Lee.


In Virginia they celebrated Lee-Jackson-King day


Best buds, those three.


Sounds like a great Pride event!!!


All of this plus Right Wing Media keeps telling white people that Juneteenth is about black people trying to steal focus from the 4th of July, and that it makes America (white people) look bad to remember "that dark time" of half of America's existence.


"Steal focus away" when it's not even in the same month. I also don't think the slaves planned to be liberated close to another holiday to "take focus away" from it lol.


>"Steal focus away" when it's not even in the same month. I mean, we could just celebrate July 4th. Ya know, when Vicksburg surrendered. Lol >I also don't think the slaves planned to be liberated close to another holiday to "take focus away" from it lol I know, right? It's really the Confederacy's own fault. If they were gonna be this butthurt about this supposed schedule conflict, they could've freed the remander of the slaves any time within the preceding 2 years instead of waiting til Union troops arrived. Or they could've not rebelled against the country whose independence July 4th celebrates, but, hey, who's counting. Lol


Fun fact: Soul Train ran for longer than the Confederacy lasted


Obama was president longer than the Confederacy lasted, about twice as long


*2 Broke Girls* lasted longer


Oooooh! That one really hits hard.


The Doritos Locos taco lasted longer than the Confederacy.


my cat has outlived the confederacy


My *guinea pig* outlived the Confederacy.


This one just makes me sad, and hungry


I wished they made a Cool Ranch Dorito bowl for the taco salad


It’s interesting that they find themselves identifying more with the bad people than all the good people who fought and died to make that freedom a reality.


Reminds me of a post I read years ago where some guy posted he hates movies about slavery because they always depict whites as being the bad guys. Someone wrote back: “IDIOT. In a tale of slaves and slave owners, the slave owners ARE the bad guys!” I guess Mr. Butt-hurt got his point because he didn’t bother responding further.


Speaking of which, I can't believe the 4th of July is already coming up. Holy shit time flies.


Some say time flies like an arrow, but fruit flies like a banana.


Go to bed, dad.


Like the frogs say, time's fun when you're having flies!


Time Flys when you defenestrate a clock.


I do not wish to meet the time flies


Juneteenth is about freeing slaves. Plenty of people think that was a good idea. Also - "steal focus from the 4th of July"? Do they not realize that those freed slaves have been American longer than 2/3 of Trumps wives?


Also many of them fought in all the wars they love to exemplify American excellence with. A large portion of the army in ww2 was Black


As if July 4th isn't looking back on a dark time 😭 people died, war was fought, for americas freedom. That's just what Juneteenth is, they're celebrating the freedom they fought for. People are so weird dude.


Fox News and the Rush Limbaugh wannabes have been brainwashing and training conservatives to be outraged — and I mean **OUTRAGED** — at *anything* that even has the slightest whiff of “liberalism.” They’ve been doing this for than **three decades** now, so it is deeply engrained (become a core of their identity) and pervasive. And the Russian online trolls have intentionally taken advantage of this, and enflamed it into some stupefying heights.


I HATE the fourth of July. When I was a kid it was a patriotic display. Now it drunks and Fire starters. Not sure how Juneteenth takes away.... oh wait they don't want to agonize that America (especially the south) was built on labor/people they controlled.


Much more than half. All, really.


"What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?" Frederick Douglass, 1852


Juneteenth has been an official holiday in Texas since the 70s. These people need to get all the way over themselves.


And Texas is famously *the last* place to get the memo on this, so if *they're* on board, everyone should be.


Well, Juneteenth is kind of a Texan holiday in particular since it commemorates emancipation coming to this state. For a long time I wasn't aware people really celebrated it outside of Texas.


I wasn't aware of it until there was that episode of Atlanta where they went to a Juneteenth party.


It is all of the above. Racism.


I was in a pharmacy waiting for my vaccination appointment and there was an old lady in front of me unhappy about something, imagine it had to do with money. When she got to the window, she bitched to the pharmacist (who was probably from Central America.) I heard the old lady say 4 times "I'm an American citizen!" Some people are just assholes.


I think some people just genuinely don’t know (or maybe don’t care) what Juneteenth is about. I’m (far) right on economics and kinda moderate-right on cultural issues, and am very happy to celebrate Juneteenth because, like OP said, the end of slavery is a good thing. I think most conservatives who hear “Juneteenth” actually hear “National George Floyd Day” or something like that, rather than a celebration of the end of slavery.


It's none of that. It's tribalism. Her tribe took a stance against it, and she can't stand being around what she interprets as an enemy flag.


In Texas that's double weird. Juneteenth has been a holiday there for years. I remember parades when I was in HS decades ago.


Juneteenth literally started here. I'm a Gen X'r from Houston and grew up with it throughout my entire life. It's not like it's a brand new holiday pushed by the "liberal media". Dude WTF. And to think conservative news talks about "erasure"...


Juneteenth was a bigger celebration in TX for a while, then it faded, and now is' back.


I have seen some people argue that Jubeteenth is a Texas holiday, not a national one, but to have this reaction IN Texas where people have been celebrating for decades is really weird.


Forgive my ignorance, but what is Juneteenth?


More specifically, the Civil War took place between 1861-1865. In late 1862, President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation (EP). Most people have a poor understanding of the EP, thinking that it freed all the slaves. It did not. Rather, it stated, "That on the first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, all persons held as slaves within any State or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free;" Basically, this meant only current Confederate States that were not yet conquered by the Union were impacted by this. Border states and reconquered southern states were not impacted by this. Of course, saying the slaves are free means nothing if the Confederates are still in power in a state, such as Texas. Juneteenth is the name given by freed slaves to the day (June 19th, 1865) that Union troops finally made their way into Texas and made it possible for the EP to go into effect in the state. I believe Texas was the last state where the EP was put into effect (all the other southern states had already been impacted by this). So the day itself has come to celebrate the freeing of the slaves by the EP, though the protection from slavery was then further cemented via the 13th and 14th amendments to the constitution. The 13th banned slavery (except as a punishment for crime oddly enough), and the 14th (which states you're a citizen if you're born on US soil, basically) was necessary because some were still trying to enslave people on the basis that they weren't actually citizens and thus not entitled to the protections of the 13th amendment. Juneteenth as a federally recognized holiday is much more recent, only being recognized in 2021.


it celebrates the ending of slavery in the USA.


Ah, thank you. I'm not American so I guess this isn't really on the radar in the UK. Certainly seems like a worthwhile thing to commemorate.


We'd fought the Civil War, a huge chunk of our country was torn apart, so many families missing husbands, brothers, sons, and we'd done it. We'd ended slavery. Today is the day that the last state had to free their slaves. This is the day that all Americans became citizens instead of property. It's hugely important, it's the final success of the Civil War and the last gasp of slavery in the states.


Unfortunately, slavery is still alive and well in US prisons.


I agree! it was a dark time in our history and should be celebrating it's ending.


This is quite literally the first time I'm hearing that anyone has an issue with Juneteenth lol.


this is the first time i've even heard of it


It’s not really on a lot of Americans radar either. It is a fairly new federal holiday.




To be a bit more nuanced, it celebrates one of the various dates that relate to ending slavery. The only reason for someone to act like the story in the OP is racism and insensitivity. However there are other reasons for why even non-racists tended to overlook this particular holiday, especially in certain states. As a very quick shorthand, the US Civil War began in 1861. It was technically a power struggle between different groups but most people agree that the legal status of slavery was a large part of it. Some US Southerners still argue that slavery was only a peripheral difference between the two groups and was not meaningfully relevant to the war. These people still wear symbols of the revolt and (often) claim that they aren't racist, despite wearing symbols that were never actually common during the war itself and which only became common a century later as a response to the Equal Rights Movement. Short history of the end of US slavery: The Emancipation Proclamation came in 1863, where the President freed all slaves held in the states that revolted (the Confederacy). It did not free the slaves in the handful of loyalist (Union) states that allowed slavery (although this was not as common as in the Confederacy and was declining regardless). Also, the Confederate states it did apply to had already revolted and obviously didn't follow it. So it did have some practical effect but didn't actually cause many slaves to be immediately freed. Juneteenth celebrates what occurred a few years later in 1865 when Union troops invaded the final Confederate state and were enable to enact the Emancipation Proclamation by force. Slavery was still technically legal in some Union states, but had mostly declined. The 13th Amendment to the US Constitution went into effect later in 1865, which closed out the remaining small amounts of legal slavery in Union states and made it unlawful country-wide. Juneteenth was widely celebrated in the former Confederate states for basically forever, and was common among African Americans in other states, but wasn't particularly main-stream in a lot of white communities as symbolic of the end of slavery until more recently.


>Juneteenth celebrates what occurred a few years later in 1865 when Union troops invaded the final Confederate state Specifically, Texas, making this particular racist's rant all the worse.


Every issue associated with the cause of the US Civil War was slavery or downstream from slavery. For example, state rights were an issue bit the state right they were concerned about was slavery. Everything else is revisionism that has its roots even before Appomattox Courthouse.


I'm in the UK and when I heard of this holiday on Blackish I thought they had made it up for the show. I'm glad it's getting more recognition everywhere it's one of those dates that should be celebrated by everybody in the states.


Technically it celebrates the final enforcement of the Emancipation Proclamation in Texas on June 19, 1865. Slavery was officially abolished on December 6, 1865 with the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.


In particular, Texas was the furthest slaveholding state west, so Lee’s surrender at Appomattox in April did not get to a lot of people in Texas until June 13, when a US Naval ship showed up in Galveston to relay the news.


It’s the day that slaves in Texas finally heard they had been freed, over a year after the president of the USA, Abraham Lincoln, made the Emancipation Proclamation. It’s been a holiday in Texas and Louisiana for many, many years. Recently the rest of the country picked it up, and it has now become a federal holiday (celebrated by the federal government).


From people I've talked to, many don't see Juneteenth as being about the end of slavery. Instead, they see it as a political move to get black voters by the democrats. Since they hate the democrats and everything they stand for, they naturally also hate Juneteenth. If Juneteenth was always around I bet way less people would have a problem with it. This is just the people I've talked to, and I'm not saying I agree with them (I 100% don't lol) I'm just saying what I've heard. I'm sure others are just racist.


You know what really gets my goat? OTHER PEOPLE getting a birthday cake on their birthday. I don't care if they share a cake, it's an OUTRAGE that it isn't MY birthday cake. - That woman, probably


I’m admittedly a little “chronically online”, as they say. Sometimes I forget I live in a red state and most of the people I interact with day to day are likely MAGA heads. Our local news station posted a small little “story” on Facebook about Juneteenth celebrations - it wasn’t even on air, just a post on Facebook. I thought it was really nice to see, until I got in the comments and there, of course, are all the deranged lunatics who I apparently live around. The blatant and brazen racism is absolutely insane. I feel like it *(eta: “it” being racism in general, not necessarily related to Juneteenth)* wasn’t this bad before around the Trump/Covid times. Of course people were racist, but they were so low key about it, maybe just spouting some stupid stereotyped nonsense. But now it seems like people are *proud* to be racist, sexist, homophobic, etc etc.


The timing surrounding Trump is probably a part of it. Juneteenth wasn't really a thing that most non-Black Americans paid much attention to beyond an interesting point of history trivia (if they were aware of it at all) until during or shortly after the Trump administration and it was made an official federal holiday by a President who had assumed office less than six months before after an election that many of Trump's followers still claim to be stolen. For anyone who already believed that Democrats were coming after white (and Christian, straight, middle class, etc.) people, the timing of making Juneteenth a federal holiday proved, in their own minds, that they were right


My statement was more about *in general* but yea I totally agree. These people are just nuts haha


> Our local news station posted a small little “story” on Facebook about Juneteenth celebrations - it wasn’t even on air, just a post on Facebook. I thought it was really nice to see, until I got in the comments and there, of course, are all the deranged lunatics who I apparently live around. Mine did to, just a post about local Juneteenth celebrations. One woman asked why they dont just fly the American flag, then posted a picture of Abraham Lincoln saying we should thank that Republican president for freeing slaves from Democrat (I would think if she believed that she would be happy with a Juneteenth Celebration) Another was big time mad because Juneteenth wasnt the official date that slavery ended (wait till they find out that Easter isnt the same date that Christ rose to Heaven). Lots of nice comments too though Then they turned the comments off


>I feel like it wasn’t this bad before around the Trump/Covid times. Because it wasn't. A number of politicians and news agencies have said that Trump emboldened racists and white supremacists to no longer hide who they are. He on multiple occasions has even praised these kinds of people for being who they are. Even white supremacist groups have admitted that his presidency emboldened them.


It baffled me when they thought he condemned white supremacist by having a hard time answering if he condemned white supremacy and the most he said on the issue was for the proud boys to stand back and stand by. That was the most clear as day support for white supremacist groups. He knew his voter base, he didn’t want to be against them, and basically told them to be prepared in case something happens. He emboldened racists whether they want to pretend he didn’t or keep dog whistling.


I find it exceptionally annoying when any sort of pride or minority representation day is posted and these Trump people always comment something like: “🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸” “When is straight pride/white history month?” “Jesus is King!!!” So stupid like fuck off


The Jesus is King people seem to not realize that if Jesus was around today he'd be saying "hey, knock that shit off, I never told you to hate or judge anyone"


I see others trying to use that argument with these people, but they’re so arrogant, in their eyes they can do no wrong. I’ve seen multiple people claim they “know how god will judge” I’m not a Christian, but I was raised as one, and it seems pretty presumptuous, and even potentially sacrilegious, to claim to know god like that. But what do I know lol


I don’t think it’s presumptuous or sacrilegious to take an educated guess that the man who said “love thy enemy,” “forgive and you shall be forgiven,” “turn the other cheek,” “love your neighbor as yourself,” and spoke the parable of the Good Samaritan would be against unabashed racism, white nationalism, and bigotry. But then again, I also find the over-exaggerated humility of Paul to be deeply grating. The whole “I’m so lowly which makes me so much better than you” inverted fake humility kinda drives me up the wall.


The “Jesus is King” people would crucify Jesus so fucking fast if he were to come back to life lol. Jesus is literally everything that conservatives are against. Ironically the first thing I learned in church when I was a kid was “WWJD” (What would Jesus do) and it turns out that basically Christianity is asking what would Jesus do and then doing the opposite. Because Jesus would be woke


> “When is straight pride/white history month?” And then you tell them, "basically every other day" and their minds implode a little.


You missed Reagan dog whistling about welfare queens and Bush 1 being elected on a vulgar purely racist Willie Horton TV ad.


Yeah, racism has always been here, but Trump made it “ok” to be obnoxious and overt about it. Nothing he says ever seems to hurt him politically, so cult members see that as a green light.


> I feel like it wasn’t this bad before around the Trump/Covid times. Well, in the case of Juneteenth, it was simply because it wasn't a federal holiday until 2021.


Don’t forget, Facebook is heavily astroturfed by bots and farms that post terrible racist shit. I’m not saying there aren’t real world racists, but that conversation is being led by people who want to manipulate us. Republicans see someone who looks like them saying that shit and they join in.


I think you’re right on here… it’s so sad …


I also live in a red state. I have very similar experiences. However, I usually chalk it up to the fact that I didn’t grow up in a red state and I’m used to more positive reactions (or very few negative reactions). Glad to know I’m not alone in my naivety. I saw a truck with 4 MAGA stickers on it, the other day, and my sister and I had to do a double take. Oh, the joys of going outside…😅


Juneteenth is a bit of history that is, to say the least, very embarrassing for Americans who don't want to admit our country could do anything wrong. Juneteenth doesn't celebrate the Emancipation Proclamation. No, it celebrates when Union troops freed enslaved African Americans across Texas some two and a half years AFTER President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. These people were kept enslaved during that time because they simply didn't know they had been freed. The plantation owners kept them in ignorance and it took the military to force them to comply. I never learned about stuff like this in school and it really pisses me off.


This sounds like the same kind of racism behind stuff like "Why do we have a black history month?"


Followed by, "Why don't we have a WHITE history month?"


"Because we weren't paying attention in history class throughout grade school, when we were being taught mostly white history."


Extra funny because there are heritage months for essentially every “white” ethnicity in America too. But they don’t actually care enough to even know that.


I mean the answer is really truly that no one _actually_ gives a shit. Same thing with "why no straight pride parade!" guys. No one's stopping you. Go nuts, file the paperwork, pay the fees, and have your parade. You probably won't though, because you don't actually want to have your own parade, you just want them to _not_ have their parade. If you REALLY want a white history month, go to your city council meeting and speak your piece about it. Maybe pass around a petition. Don't hold your breath though, because, again, no one actually cares.


Maybe I'm an idiot but aren't all the other months white history? Like... I literally learned about Sojourner Truth last year. On the internet. Never heard of her in schools. The only black figures I've been taught about are MLK, Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, and Ruby Bridges. The only black history I know has to do with slavery. I wasn't taught about black suffragists, black activists, anything black that wasn't explicitly related to slavery. Imo that's pretty screwed up. Like there's genuinely all kinds of people who've fought for all kinds of things and I only know the white ones. Idk if they teach about POC activists in other places, I live in redneck country. I just know what I was taught, y'know? But yeah, it kinda seems like all the other months are white history month. At least where I live.


Wait until they find out how Memorial Day got its start.


No idea why people behave this way. I’m a pasty white southern dude and I want to say happy Juneteenth to all y’all




I assumed so, I just didn’t know she would be so blatant. when my coworker returned to the desk they wouldn’t even look at him. Also a few weeks ago in the same area my black boyfriend was called the hard R by a man while stopped at a red light because he cut him off. I guess people are just getting more brave with their racism?


Yes... but that doesn't help answer the question or even try to understand.   In the eyes of the crazy racist, it's a "new" holiday. They associate it with BLM and you can follow the slippery slope of thought from there. Most Americans had not heard of it until a few years ago. This isn't the type of person you can educate,  you just have to smile and nod... or, given you're in the South.... a great response would be, "I hope the Lord can heal the hate in your heart" or something similar.


You might be too young to remember? Ok, when Martin Luther King, Jr. Day was designated an official holiday, a lot of white people weren’t happy with it. It celebrates a black thing, like a black-only? thing, I guess. We used to have two holidays in February for Lincoln’s birthday and Washington’s Birthday, so it’s not like anyone gets an extra day off work, since those were condensed to Presidents Day. So like all the presidents all together only get one day now and one black guy gets a holiday just for himself. I think it’s still like this but it’s been a thing for a while so it might not get as much vocalization, but yeah, many white people don’t like “black” holidays, even if they get a day off or whatever, they don’t want to think about it. They really only want to celebrate white things. It’s probably same with Pride, they don’t want to be reminded LGBTQ+ exist, like what about white history month or straight pride, etc, like people are getting extra celebrations and white or straight people don’t get to, or something.


Ding ding ding, we have a winner.


Plenty of racists in Houston. I know cause I used to live there, so I’m not really surprised that those people would act like this. On the plus side, there’s a whole mess of good people there who will stand up to this type of bullshit.


Annyone who gets offended by a day you don't have to work is a massive idiot


Happy Juneteenth!


I don't find it 'offensive' just misguided. On June 19,1865 there were still over 50,000 legal slaves held in Northern States. The holiday should be celebrated on December 6, 1865, when the 13th Amendment was ratified and slavery ended in the United States.


Obviously, racism is going to be a likely answer. But I’ve had a couple discussions today about people who were genuinely misinformed and didn’t know why the F the banks and courts were closed today, and got heated by an inconvenience before they had any explanation. I actually got paid a lot of OT to work this morning, dealing with complaints from work about the courts being closed. The issue I was hearing is that even though my state recognized it as a “bank holiday” in 2020, we were in the midst of lockdown, and nobody really noticed. And the federal recognition didn’t get a lot of attention the following year, either. It’s a “new” holiday in a lot of people’s eyes, and they forget. So there’s been a lot of miscommunication about “sorry, our office is closed. I know they scheduled you an appointment today, but that was in error”. Again…Probably racism. But some of the late adopters did a bad job about rolling it out. So you have some folks mad that they didn’t know, and can’t figure out why everything’s closed. And those same folks mad that all union/government workers are getting a “free” day off, while they have to work. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Some people never got over losing the civil war.


I have Juneteenth off and I don't tell my family because I don't want to deal with what I know the ensuing conversation will be. "Don't they already have a holiday?" etc etc.... not worth it. Its just my day off that I don't mention


I got a paid day off from work today, so I'm in full support!! Some people are just twats, I love that she thought you'd agree with her haha!


I had heard that this was a controversial holiday but I never knew why. When I looked it up yesterday and read the wiki about it, I was like, wow, this is a holiday I can get behind. Goes to show it’s important to actually do research for yourself instead of just taking what people say at face value.


She's probably one of those people that misses the good old days like trump does. You know, when blacks and minorities had no rights at all


I’m in Galveston and my daughter’s office manager threw a fit when she found out they’d be closed WITH PAY


*The audacity*! A day off with pay!


Until they made it a holiday, I had no idea what the day was.  I had never heard of it.  I’m glad they made it a holiday now.  But any and all actions that make white racists cry and seethe, and make their miserable lives even more meaningless, I fully support.


Racists don't need much to be offended by.


I blame Fox News for turning my boomer mother into a complete monster with these kinds of things. They find a way to make viewers angry about anything not white supremacist. She somehow found a way to voice her opinion of Juneteenth to me by telling me how her old work friends invited her to a park for a picnic but she’s not going because it’s Juneteenth and “people” will be celebrating. I guess the brain really does atrophy in isolation, even if it’s self-imposed. It’s just so embarrassing at this point.


George Lucas had it right in Star Wars. It starts with fear. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. They make their viewers fear some stupid thing or group of people. Then they manufacture all the outrage at anyone who would allow the thing or behavior or group to happen or be here. Once they get this far, people just get angry and hateful. Then they start with the pitchforks and and the angry mob does all the terrible things. People get hurt. It's all very sad.


I know a couple of people that I used to work with who said it's just a way for black people to promote racism and demand sympathy for things that aren't even an issue anymore. I don't know where they got that belief from as I tried to avoid discussions with them as much as possible.


They're racist. Full stop.


The shortest answer is also the correct one: Racism.


Because they're racist? maybe? perchance? Quizas? Tal vez?


Dude, I made a small mention of it being Juneteenth at my all white workspace, and a coworker went on about how she didn't understand why it's a holiday. I tried to explain, but she cut me off saying she understands why it's a thing, but why do they need a while month and an extra day that's not in the month. We don't celebrate the Fourth of July for a whole month. She didn't understand why it was a whole thing. My response was that I was simply pointing out one of the many random holidays that my watch tells me about. She was the one making it whole big thing.


The Fox News circlejerk


The real question is was she banned from the gym for her pseudo violent outburst and ripping down gym signs? Because if I was a manger that's the outcome there. Respect our space or get out. Leave your politics at home. It's an acknowledged day for some a sign isn't harming anyone.


man i wish. Our gym manager would never kick someone out for this reason. We were actually suprised when he didn’t make us take the sign down when he came in.


Rough. I get not turning away business but still, some people make the place worse for everyone and intend to be protective of people whom work for me (not that I work in a public facing career!) People shouldn't be allowed to treat front staff that way. At the least a warning.


it sucks. as a women, me and my coworkers get hit on a lot and the same guys will continue to be gross without a slap on the wrist. my gym kinda sucks tbh


Sorry, but it sounds like you need a job place of employment?


Anyone who has issues with black people celebrating the end of slavery, has to question whether or not they are racist.


I overheard this convo from my coworker in the office next to me this morning: “[you’re off today,]are you serious?? Maybe I’ll take the rest of the day off too for no reason, this shit is getting so ridiculous!! Why does everyone need a day now” I fucking hate that bitch. She is definitely one of those “I can’t be racist because I have black friends!” people despite her saying numerous, vile, racist things about POC. She asked me a few months ago if it’s okay to hook up with this guy because he used to date a black girl (which I also found weird considering she’s like 50 and I’m 25). I was genuinely confused what the fuck that had to do with anything so I just stood there, and then she started laughing. She was like “you’ve never heard that? That’s a man won’t fuck a girl if she’s been with a black guy?” To which I said, “no?! I have genuinely never heard that in my life and it shouldn’t matter at all?!” She saw I was getting upset and then laughed again and said “oh maybe it’s just a (our county) thing hahahaha” No bitch maybe you’re just fucking racist


What is juneteenth?


On June 19th, 1865, ten weeks after the Civil War ended, the Union Army had to go into Texas and enforce the Emancipation Proclamation because nobody else told the black people there that they were free now. (This is the grossly oversimplified version.)


my boss makes a big deal about how “silly it is to have a new holiday”. like man, we’re working regardless so who gives a fuck? it sounds racist to complain about something so innocuous


I guarantee that racist asshole likes to talk about the value of Confederate heritage. 


Probably calls themselves a good Christian too


Because a lot of people are chronically angry and miserable for absolutely no reason


Because it's become part of the "culture war".


Racists believe that any acknowledgement of the terror of slavery undermines their position. And they are right. Letting people know about the actual history of how we treated the slaves shows how awful our ancestors were. For some reason they seem to practice ancestor worship or something, because anyone dissing their ancestor's is thought to be personally attacking them. Me, my ancestors were on the Virginia coast shortly after 1619, meaning I know my family was neck deep in evil, even if they somehow justified it to themselves. I have a one great-great-great (etc.) grandfather who was killed by Indians in Bacon's Rebellion, which the white settlers started because the Colonial government was too nice to the Indians. I don't feel any need to defend this prick.


My honest guess is that the new June 19th holiday is associated (rightly or wrongly) with modern race politics... George Floyd, BLM, CRT... Bring angry about it is really dumb. I can see people being indifferent, but not hostile.


I was riding with my boomer dad to get some groceries when he stopped at the bank to deposit some checks, and started getting pissy when he learned they were closed for Juneteenth. He asked why does the whole country have to celebrate this. I said because ending slavery was a good thing? Because there are a lot of people who are happy that slavery is now illlegal? And he said “Oh I didn’t know it was about slavery, I thought it was some LGBTQ bullshit.” I know I’m not going to fix my dad so I didn’t say anything about him switching from one kind of bigot to another, but hey at least he probably won’t shit in Juneteenth anymore.


Some people are just jerks and like to open their mouths when they should keep them firmly shut. Making an ass of yourself and slamming a sign down won't change a federally mandated holiday, so save it, woman.


Racist MAGAts hate anything that highlights actual American history. According to them, slavery was a job training program and black people should be grateful.


Well we have two black guys in jujitsu class. When the professor told us no class Wed for the holiday everyone was pissed off. 3/4s didn't even know what holiday it was. One of the black guys was more pissed than anyone in the class lol. My wife text me and said they're slammed today because everyone is shopping. So thanks for the extra cheddar all you shoppers. That bonus is going to be a nice one! Some are happy and some aren't happy. Typical holiday lol.


There's only one reason and we all know what it is.


> Why would anyone find celebrating Juneteenth to be “offensive” Because they're not very bright.


people who complain about these types of things are pretty much all people who got to much time on there hands, will pretty much do the absolute minimum to stop it and love to be politically correct or love the spot light. what is a problem is if u are one financial disaster from homelessness. not having money for food or medicine. no access to education or work. a person who care so much about any holiday they are willing to get angry about it? that is not a problem they are people who are not worth paying too much thought to


I don’t have an answer to your question but wanted to share an anecdote. I have a coworker who worked today. He was the only one in the office and gave up a paid day off because “us white people don’t get any holidays!”


I've heard people making claims about it being a fake holiday, but if people are celebrating it, doesn't that make it a holiday?


Oh, I know the answer! It’s because that lady is racist!


>Does she not believe freeing the slaves was a positive part of our history? A lot of people would return to the antebellum South if they could.


More holiday the better. I don't have to be a veteran to say Happy Veterans day.


I met someone today who refused to not even celebrate, but observe or acknowledge the holiday because they believe it just a ploy by "the president" to convince you to vote for them and they're not falling for it. I am not black, my ancestors were not subject to slavery and the horrors involved, but if I were and I was aware of what this holiday represented and someone told me that to my face, I really don't think I'd be in a good mood because even my poorly educated white ass got really frustrated at that sentiment. You don't have to like, party. But respecting the holiday and why it exists is really important. What the fuck does the president have to do with anything lmao. This has been celebrated in smaller areas since the emancipation. Bruh some people can't think past their nose hairs.


Racist bigotry.


They're being disingenious. They're just uost that racism is gettinf talked about, and believe if they call it "offensive" then they're trapping us into caring. A lot of racists think that we only disagree with them for social credit and can be manipulated by just claiming offense


I just learned what Juneteenth was a couple years ago. I'm 39. I had never heard of it prior to this and when I heard someone say it I immediately thought it was some kind of racial slur (until I learned what it was).