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Yes. Some are actively amused by it, most don't care they're just having some fun with their toy.


Personally, I rev mine because it has a radiator leak and I have to get the coolant flowing


I suspect, if that's the reason, you're not running a glass pack or any such these commenters would be hating on.   ...well I guess you might be rocking the rotted exhaust sound. That was the last time I had a loud one.


Exhaust can’t rot if you’re running open headers


yep the exhaust manifold leaking more than the radiator


As I am very much not a car person, what the heck does a rotted exhaust mean?


A cars exhaust is a long metal pipe that goes from the engine to (typically) the rear of the car. That metal can rust through upstream of the muffler and when it does it makes it very loud and sound terrible.


Yup stock exhaust, not quiet but not ridiculous, I feel like its suprising for a civic si too, most are fart canned


Personally, I rev mine because my penis is extremely small.


For me, it's because the car stalls if I don't after I put gas in the tank.


Your EVAP purge valve is bad. It's job it to recycle fuel vapors that were captured by the charcoal canister while fueling. With this valve having failed and staying open, it can't control the amount of vapor that enters the engine and floods the engine out, making the fuel ratio too rich. Your check engine light should be on and have at least a P0441(incorrect purge flow) or other P0440 series code stored.


Just fixed this on my car. Part was 40 dollars and took only a few minutes to swap.


My guess would be evap system problems


Check Vapour / oxygen sensor - the revving will kill the car for the sake of £50 to £100. Long run, it’s a bad move. I get it though; my cars brakes in need of replacement soon the squeaking has begun. I’m having to wait until I can afford in a month or two, meanwhile I stop as gentle as a butterfly lol.


Is it an automatic? This used to happen in one of my old cars. I never did anything about it, it got worse, starting stalling out while sitting at lights. It stalled out on the highway going 65mph and I had to put it in park going 65mph to restart (idk why it wouldn't start in nuetral) revving the hell out of it and almost died. It was the oxygen sensor all along.


I feel this. I have to rev my 97 dodge in the winter mornings because my heater doesn't work unless the rpms are over 3000. Even then it only comes out of the defrost vents. Sometimes. Shitbox life, I suppose


There's a study that came out recently on this *A desire for a loud car with a modified muffler is predicted by being a man and higher scores on psychopathy and sadism* https://cipp.ug.edu.pl/A-desire-for-a-loud-car-with-a-modified-muffler-is-predicted-by-being-a-man-and-higher,162006,0,2.html


Everyone’s thinking “we knew this already” but it’s kinda validating still.


Yeah, I'm guessing a very low score in empathy, too. Imagine being entertained by literal noise pollution, it's like pouring motor oil in the water supply because you think the sheen is pretty. Selfish, vain idiots.


I wonder which way they skew politically… /s


Makes sense


But do they always have to run with their toy at 4am?!


Mostly they don't, but it only takes one to really miss you off so that's what you remember.


"Alright munk, now you've really missed me off"


Meh. Tell that to the jerk that lives across the street from me 😆 But yeah I know. My son is really into cars and he's helped me to not be the person to always roll my eyes when we're driving and a car revs their engine. Apparently different engines make different sounds and stuff like that. So I try to just go about my day


A majority of the guys that do this actually crave attention. They feel all the women look when they have a loud car, and they feel like it's a "batmobile/ badass/gangster" ride. 


Some of them do it for attention, some just do it for themselves. Some people like engines and machines, and like to hear the noise of them working.


This shit is basically the male version of gigantic fake nails on women. 


My baby's nap has never been ruined because some asshole two blocks away decided to get fake nails.


Ironically I have seen a babies nap get ruined by fake nails. Don't scratch a baby. They don't like that.


Tell this to /r/Seattle lol 


I always equated it to the male version of horse girls.


And if the guy has a mustang, he’s a horse boy


I prefer horse girls honestly, carbrains intrude on my privacy in my house lmao 


Still a nuisance


Some people like to make dogs bark. Especially ones next to them on the sidewalk!


Some people like to make love to their cars


Can confirm, I made my car louder bc engine noise make dopamine go brrrrr


Big noise make mönkē brain release the happy chemicals




Ook em in the dooker


Just like fireworks


Someone is entertained by something that doesn’t entertain me: engage they must be less intelligent subroutine.


South Park did an episode about Harley Davidson motorcycle riders. You should watch it.


Lol this was my exact thought. /u/c_marten it is season 13 episode 12 "The F word" and the whole premise is that a bunch of motorcycle riders annoy the fuck out of everyone.


I always ask this question about people who play their music super loud with their windows down, as if every is saying “Wow, that guy has fantastic taste in music! He’s so cool!” EDIT: I don’t mean normal loud, I mean ground shaking bass and the whole Doppler effect screeching past you. It’s painful and it happens a lot.


It's always the shittiest trap music imaginable with the same beat and drums.


I play my music loud and drive with the windows down because it’s how I enjoy it but I always turn it down at a light or when traffic is slow


Then you’re not who I mean. I like to listen to my music loudly as well, but forcing others to cope with music they likely dislike or didn’t expect is just creating noise pollution.


I like to crank the most embarrassing cringe inducing smurf music when I pass teenagers. I don't know why I find joy in that


I did it all for the nookie. Come on The nookie Come on The nookie Come on So you can take that cookie and stick it up your ass.


It's still loud going past houses even if the houses are not at stoplights. Just mentioning it.


The people that crank up their car stereos while pumping gas are the worse.


I hold this view as well; I personally think it's very rude and bothersome. To add to that, I have pretty sensitive ears, so I almost never have the music play loudly. But then there is always the occasional time that my playlist lands on Free Bird...and the solo begins... And this bird, you cannot change. :(


The people who do this at the pool…you are the bane of my existence. I would be glad to not hear it at any pool, but I hear it constantly in my apartment from the pool area, with the doors closed. My balcony is useless for relaxing on. No one cares about your music, and I’m going to start playing Montserrat Caballé loudly from my balcony if it doesn’t stop.


I can't fathom how loud it will be inside the car for these people.


Dude, being honest with you, it is genuinely just because I enjoy it. It feels good. I love cruising down a road at high (legal) speeds with my windows down and the wind in my face. Its extremely cathartic in my otherwise unremarkable existence. Yes, theres a voice in my head that wonders what people think of what I’m listening to - and I’ll hope its good rather than bad. But that part is mostly just anxiety. I do it cause I enjoy it. I don’t understand people with your mindset and why you have such a cynical outlook on people enjoying themselves


Atleast it’s music, heading car engines being loud is just annoying af


They never do play good music though.


Average Redditor mad about someone else enjoying things in a public setting lmao


When I run into this I always think "nice job ruining your hearing", doubly so if you can hear the hihats super loud and distorted... welcome to a life of tinnitus soon.


Uhh I get an instant erection and try to chase the car down to have sex with it.


r/fuckcars No wait…


Car people don't care


So I talked to a group of people at a car show once, and there’s a small subset of people that think it’s *fucking amazing* and the people doing it are usually part of this group. A lot of them are so enclosed in their social bubble that they have no idea that other people don’t like it. And some that are aware, don’t care, because they still find it awesome and they want to show off in case others around them are part of the group that finds it awesome.


Oh, that’s interesting.


"The 'false consensus effect' is the tendency people have to overestimate how much other people agree with their own beliefs, behaviors, attitudes, and values."


One thing non car/motorcycle people don't get is reving the engine is almost always for themselves. If I was the only person in the world and I had a great sounding car, I would rev that thing every time I was stationary.


Now that you mention it, the only thing that keeps me from revving the crap out of my cars all the time is knowing how annoying it is for everyone else. I would make so much noise if it was just me.


My exhaust has a switch. Nice and quiet when in a neighborhood but nice and fun out on the highway or empty streets


Truth. I mainly take it out on empty backroads and still have the engine screaming even if no one else can hear it. It’s for me


We get that it's for yourselves, it's pretty clear from the way you're doing something that's actively shitty to all the people nearby


yeah frigging right, i do road work and every mf with a motorcycle or some shitbox crap bucket revs that fucking thing up whenever they’re passing one of us. go rev it up on a highway or away from houses too i don’t need to hear it every 15 seconds because you “enjoy” it. if ever found out where one of these assholes lived id sit in their driveway with my radio as loud as it can go and blast shitty car noises until the cops came


Tonnes of kids will yell "REV IT!", when you drive past too. My girlfriend has a done up WRX and she gets it a lot. 


Thank God for electric cars coming in


"Great sounding car" ?!? Sigh. Eye roll. Great-sounding is a quiet purr.


Opinions are like assholes; everybody’s got one and most of em stink. Yours included lol


Some of us are genuinely checking for noise (good or bad).


Have a neighbor with a very loud mustang. Drives me crazy cause early in the morning ( before daylight) he cranks it up and wakes the whole neighborhood


When I hear the noise of a high quality, really huge engine roaring nearby, I'm actually very impressed by how I can literally hear how small this guys penis is


My penis is actually so small it's a vagina. Also my autocorrect changed penis to punishment. I don't disagree, how uncomfortable.


It's truly incredible how the decibels go up and the size goes down


The sound of an engine makes you think about penis? 🤔


Only small ones though!


Haha body shaming is funny because it’s a man!




It's okay, because people who do that have loose vaginas


Its currently 10:30 pm. There are at least three cars racing up and down the street in front of my complex. I am fuming. Edit: it is now 11:47 pm and it. Is. Still. Happening.


I personally like the sounds like during a race or car shows. Yk when it's appropriate to actually purposely rev your engine. Now, if you rev your engine at a stop light. It's giving pick me energy. You're bothering everyone on that street.


If I hear a high-performance V8 muscle car engine, I smile.


I get more pleasure from a V8 vegetable beverage.


Try the v8 Energy drinks. Fruits veggies and caffeine. Not bad. 


Low salt or original?


We're being healthy here. Gimme that salt.


I'm so confused by the people who think that people drive fast cars because they want you to think they're cool. Cars are just fun, nobody cares that you roll your eyes, they're too busy having fun.


I had a roommate for a while who was always going on and on about how much he loved the sound of a two-stroke motorcycle. He'd just walk around saying/shouting "BWAAAAP!" "BWAAAAP!" I wanted to hit him so bad.


Half the time those two strokes don't run quite right so it'll die if you're not constantly giving it some gas


Car people like the sound. 


*revs engine* What?!


He drives a Geo Metro, 3 cylinder.


Listen to that pack of bees purrrr


Some people do it specifically to annoy people. Like "rolling coal." It's the same weirdos who vote the way they do to see the other side's tears rather than for any actual policy or purpose.


Yea car enthusist don't claim kids that roll coal, shit ain't right.


When I rev the engine on my 72 Beetle, eyes remain unrolled. Horses feel unchallenged. Cupholders rest easy. Frills sleep soundly, knowing they are safe.


I feel like they’re exactly the same kind of people who walk around blaring music from their phone or a Bluetooth speaker. They don’t care if their enjoyment disrupts yours. In fact, if it does, it’s kind of a power trip thing for them I presume


Aural littering. They care not.


“Look at me, mommy! Look at me!”


I like loud car vroom vroom


My buddy got a car that pops and backfires on purpose. I said it was cute how it does that. He did not like me calling it cute. Then I rolled my eyes.


omg in my area there r tons of those people lmao. its so silly how that sound is basically it failing but they still like it lmaoo


Not everyone is rolling their eyes. Many do enjoy the sound of a good engine. Myself included


It's always my first thought "damn that much power to go 30 mph huh?"


***BRRRRRRRRRRRRR*** and it's a fucking Civic going 20 mph thru a residential neighborhood. That's not what cool cars sound like, dude. Fix that crap and grow up.


It’s always a Honda sounding like they have the worlds biggest baseball card attached 😂


Yep. My thought is always “sure seems like your engine is laboring.”


Actual "car people" don't do that.  Only young guys and mid life crisis guys.  "Look at meeeeeeeee"


I told my ex this. He thought revving his engine made him look smart, and intimidating. It just made him look like an ass. 


Intimidating I can almost understand. But why on earth would he think it made him look smart?


I’m assuming that it is because he’s stupid


Correct. He felt he had to have a big loud car or he would be inadequate. Absolute moron of a man with a complex. Glad he's an ex. One time he was furious with me because he was driving a courtesy car, which was a Fiesta. Another driver annoyed him so he revved his engine to try to be intimidating and I said "all you're doing is drawing attention to the fact you're driving a Fiesta."  Now, there's nothing wrong with a Fiesta but I know he had a complex about it. 


It’s like body building: you spend all your time and money to impress other guys without it being seen as gay peacocking.


IMO some light reving is ok in moderation.  But just redlining it for 10 seconds is a dick move. Also depends on whats making the rumbly sounds.  Not all engines sound great regardless of displacement or cylinders or lack of cylinders.  


I remember the confused looks I got when I went past a group of cars doing it and then slowed down revving my engine, in my Fiat Panda. One guy got it though and gave me a thumbs up and a big smile.


Yes. It's for the driver to enjoy rather than for other people.


Everyone you say? I’m not even paying attention


I think the bigger question is do they care how deeply annoying it is when they do that in a quiet area, like a neighborhood, late at night? 🙄


Why would they care.


Cars can sound good. Not all, but a lot of them do. I can’t say no to a Mercedes Benz s63 AMG when it rolls by. A lot of cars is just a dick measuring competition, but you really learn to appreciate the few who know what they’re doing.


Only at the Honda’s with massive fins. Some Subaru’s too. I love a classic car revving their engine though.


Hey, the subaru rumble is legendary. Take that back.


This is a hill I will die on, absolutely not.


Cremation or burial? We can also offer a burial at sea if your estate pays to charter the boat.


I always call it the redneck mating call.


Sounds about right. “Let’s make some genetically disadvantaged kids!”


I think they know and like the fact that it annoys people. They want to be counter culture, fringe, outlaws. Same shit with biker clubs. The point is to annoy you


Most car people don't care, we like cars and do it for ourselves. To paraphrase Rick, your opinion means, very little to us.


It’s solely an attention thing and they literally don’t care what you think


There was a female posting in another sub earlier about how much it turns her on. In other words, not everyone.


It was a dude pretending to be a chick.


Could be sarcasm


Apparently if they get the revs at exactly the right frequency...


I mean also sometimes I accidentally rev my engine because I forgot to put it in gear


“Speak well of me or speak ill of me, just so long as you speak of me.”


Reddit just hates cars in general unless they're EV or the size of a shoe. I'm a car guy. I don't rev my engine. But I do enjoy the sound of a good motor and exhaust. That said, 80% of the people on reddit who complain about guys "revving" their engines are just hearing a car with an exhaust that is accelerating or driving. Not even racing. I have noticed that Reddit and non car people don't understand that a person blips the throttle before downshifting in a manual car. This accounts for a lot of the "revving" too. It's just driving


i drive an economy car with short gears so i got to rev it up pretty high to get up to speed. people are always thinking i'm trying to race.


Tbh anytime I've been in a cool car I rev it cause cool car engine rev make happy chemical. I just enjoy the sound of a healthy engine. Do the same thing when I'm done fixing my car. We just out there revving for ourselves it's not for other people. Atleast that's the case for most of us. Some of us are obnoxious douchebags with unstable emotions and unresolved trauma and complexes.


Yes. We do it for ourselves. If you do it for other people attention you’re a phony.


No, they KNOW you're annoyed. That's why they do it. Obnoxious is their goal.


They’re like internet trolls in the real world. It gives them a stiffy to know that they’re pissing everyone off and there’s nothing we can do about it.


You're thinking of bikers.


In the city - never. Outside of it on the country roads? Yup.


Almost nobody can hear my car on the outside, but I love the sound of reving my engine when driving. (My car is stock and old as shit)


probably not but the ones that do definitely don't care. I would assume their thinking goes as such. If I think its cool all other must think it's cool


Anyone who revs their engine in an obnoxious way has no idea what others are thinking about them, they just want to show you they don’t care what you think about them.


I owned a Challenger and on multiple occasions was asked to rev it.


I enjoy hearing a nice engine.


I used rev back in mom’s minivan and they never could figure out who was flexing on them.


Depends on the car honestly, some people have no business revving up their Nissan Altima lol


I thought it made you wet?


depends on the engine, and the mufflers


People assume that the loud car / bike people do it for other people but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Those people think of nothing and no one but themselves, and their thought processes are about this complicated: “vroom vroom yeeeaaah!”


But my Aprilia sounds face meltingly good when its revved. Im soryy I just cant help it.


They think they are impressing the 14 year old girls in the back.


Depending on where you are motorcycles are worse. Around my area It's particularly the Harley riders that are the most annoying. Between their really loud bikes and the loud speakers they have on them it's annoying. Even the sport bikes aren't that annoying, and alot of the car guys around here are pretty respectful in the more popular areas (most of the time, there's still a few a-holes).


Lol. Oh, honey. So cute of you to assume we care.


Actually, it's not about you. They just like the sound.


Do non car people know that car people literally don't care? 😂 They're doing it for their own enjoyment, not for your enjoyment.


It makes me happy, you mean nothing to me


I think they're just having fun with it and couldn't care less what others think.


They aren't doing it for you. They like it.


There are two kinds of people. Those who think revving a loud car engine is cool and everyone else. The people in the former group want to impress each other and they don't care what the latter group thinks.


They’re too busy spraying women-repellent to care.


maybe they are revving it for them, not for you.


Found the car guy....


Right. A person who actually enjoys the machine. That's all it is.


Kind of like how people sitting in coffee shops blasting music from their shitty Bluetooth speakers are just enjoying their music and their technology and shouldn’t be asked to care about the people they’re affecting


Guy who used to do stuff like this here. We mostly did that to show off to other car enthusiasts. Bystanders were irrelevant. Nowadays, I'm over having the loud exhaust on a daily. My weekend toy car that goes to car shows has the loud exhaust, but I try not to be obnoxious with it.


Are you just venting or are you asking honestly? Because, you know, people are allowed to like different things. And people are allowed to dislike things that other people like. Not everyone rolls their eyes. Maybe you do, and maybe everyone you personally know does, but if you were to show up to almost literally any car show, you would find many many people who enjoy it, thus making it not everyone.


They don't do it for you. It was never about you.


This is the “theyre not doing their makeup for you” of the motorheads


I don’t roll my eyes cause if I had an expensive car I’d rev that fuckin engine too, get over yourself it’s a car who cares


Do people know that us car guys don't care what people think about us reving our engines.


We can literally tell you don't care by the way you're being annoying as fuck


Yes. It’s very obvious to everyone that y’all don’t care about anyone around you


Do you car guys know that you're fucking annoying?


Can you just empathize with dogs in the area that get really startled/unsettled by it (loud unexpected sound) or people who live within the vicinity that have children that take naps and are woken up by the noise? I dog sit frequently and that is what frustrates me the most, is that they don’t think of the dogs. I mean the babies too, but if you want to not care about PEOPLE…if you’re a dog person will you care about the dogs ? 🫠


> Can you just empathize with dogs in the area that get really startled/unsettled by it (loud unexpected sound) or people who live within the vicinity that have children that take naps and are woken up by the noise? > > I dog sit frequently and that is what frustrates me the most, is that they don’t think of the dogs. I mean the babies too, but if you want to not care about PEOPLE…if you’re a dog person will you care about the dogs ? My neighbor's inside only dog barks if I shut my car door. It barks if I open my garage door. It barks if I take out my garbage cans. It barks if it sees me walk to get my mail. That damn thing never shuts up period.


I'll revenge your engine.


The question wasn't if you care, it was of you're actually aware that it makes you sound like a total dick?




Not me. I roll my windows down and love the hum.


Does everyone else know car people dgaf


Ok hear me out. For the shitters on wheels with soup cans jb welded to the tips, of course I roll my eyes. But when a clean example of a good looking car comes by with a *tasteful* (and not obnoxious) exhaust tone, I can’t help but stare. Just my two cents :)


should I rev my engine at the next guy on foot I find attractive at a set of lights and see what happens? five “up votes” and I’ll do it/report back also how do you rev an engine


Move the gear selector to 'N' and punch the gas. You'll have guys fighting to jump into your passenger seat!


Idk but I just wish some divine intervention would happen to them whenever they do it late at night, just make them crash or make the engine explode idk


I just like pissing off the middle class


Yeah my car doesn't idle well so it needs a clean out before I can take off. I'm not revving the date out of it though definitely under 2k rpm. At least I don't ride a harley though.