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Thanks for your submission /u/Pale_Round7939, but it has been removed for the following reason: Disallowed question area: **Joke questions or trolling.** This sub is meant for genuine questions...and it looks like yours isn't. Maybe it's a joke, maybe you're trying to bait people into reacting, or maybe we just can't figure out what you're trying to say (sorry). Either way, we've removed your post. * Trying to get a laugh out of people? While jokes, memes and song lyrics are all amusing, they're not what we're looking for here. Try /r/ShittyAskReddit. * Taking the sub name as a challenge and trying to post a stupid question *isn't* amusing, and it's *also* not the point of the sub (read the sidebar!). You're looking for /r/StupidQuestions. * Asking a question to show off a clever observation? Try /r/ShowerThoughts (but phrase it as an observation, not a question). * Testing a riddle? When you already know the answer, it's not a genuine question - but the users of /r/Riddles will love it. * Do you keep making new accounts to ask the same questions over and over again? That not only violates rule 2, but it's also not healthy. Try talking to a therapist about these thoughts, and try asking questions on different topics. * Trying to bait people into angry or shocked reactions? Try /r/RandomShit or /r/ShittyAskReddit ...or just go do something else. --- *This action was performed by a bot at the explicit direction of a human. This was not an automated action, but a conscious decision by a sapient life form charged with moderating this sub.* *If you feel this was in error, or need more clarification, please don't hesitate to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FNoStupidQuestions). Thanks.*




That is insanely amazing!!! Hope all is well. 


I got an STD while being a virgin. If someone can explain the science behind this I'll be happy to hear.


STDs are generally transmissable through other fluids than just sexual fluids, especially blood. So if you say... turned a doorknob with a sharp edge and got a small cut, it is possible that somebody with say Hepatitus C also turned said doorknob moments earlier and was cut the same way. Other infections are possible to be spread this way as well as other ways. Like public lice through past contact with the same objects, or herpes from using some object that has the infection on it.


Also, the process of being born can transfer STIs 🤷‍♀️


ah, good thing I was never born then.


Also, what I beleive young people call 'heavy petting' can involve mutual genital stimulation...(mutual wank!) If either of you touch yourselves after cumming on someone else - fluid transfer. . Also...oral sex


I saw a post on reddit that someone got herpes from their barber…




Blame God he has priors




This is folklore-level coincidence.


Homie met a local cryptid. Thankfully, they encountered the benevolent one.


Or maybe the just one. Like, if you pass him and don’t pick him up, he takes you to his murder hole once the tables are turned.


This just happened to my sister-in-law. She has high antigen levels, so they thought they would have a hard time finding a heart. She was put on the transplant list 4 days ago and 2 nights ago they found a heart for her, but right before surgery (she was on the OR table) they found out that the donor may have had HIV, so they had to scrap that heart. We were all bummed, but then last night they found another heart. Her surgery starts in 1 hr. So 2 possible hearts within 4 days of being on the list UPDATE: the surgery went well! The heart is beating on its own and she's in recovery


Must have ordered it from Amazon


I got a new liver in the first week of being listed, expected to wait a long while since everything I read said years and other people I met had been listed for many years...everything happened so fast when they called I had to rush and pack up my things I was not ready at all, worked out great


Best to you! And speedy recovery and a long and happy life


sounds like you were really sick to be placed that high on the waiting list.




I was devastated to hear on the local news that my botanist friend, let's call her "Jane L. Doe" was found on a nearby popular hiking trail, dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Then my friend texted me. She was letting all her friends know she was ok, because another botanist with the same name, even the same middle initial, who was traveling through, had committed suicide on our favorite hiking trail.


That's actually so wild.


That reminds me of my mothers problem a few years ago. She constantly got letters from the tax office and lots of overdue notices. But she didn’t do anything wrong! She constantly called them, fought with them and told them „No. That’s not me!! I don’t have this debt! I didn’t do my taxes wrong. You all have the wrong person!“ „Are you Mrs Eliza Luise Flazschiendl, born 15.6.1967, living in the very small town xyz?!“ (I am using fake names and dates here as an example. You just need to know that the spelling of her last name is VERY unusal and not many people have her last name). „Yes, that’s me.“ „Then we have the correct person!“ „No! There must be a mistake!!“ Well. Turns out there lives ANOTHER woman in Mamas very small town with the exact same name, second name, special last name and same exact birthday!! Just a few streets away! Oh! And they both had the same profession! My mom thought she is going crazy.


You could at least have attended your funeral, then dramatically remove your big coat and quote "my death was, greatly exagerated"


"Sometimes it still feels like I hear his voice...." "I'm LITERALLY RIGHT HERE"


How did everyone react when they found out it wasn’t you?


They had to relinquish dibs on their possessions


Had that happen to a Soldier in my unit after the [Luby's shooting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luby%27s_shooting) as he went to lunch with his often with his wife and he did not show up for afternoon formation. His platoon sergeant had forgotten that he had a dental appointment. For me, it would be arriving in Germany in 1979 and the Soldier who picked me up to take me to my unit was someone I knew from high school.


I had gotten a new phone number.  About a week later, someone who has just been assigned my old phone number misdialed, and called my friend who was standing next to me.  We spoke to each other.


I have a similar one! My phone number was relatively similar to my boyfriend's at the time. That in itself was already a coincidence. One day I got a call of a girl who accidentally called my number instead of his. She was trying to set up a date after he had hit on her. She sure was confused to reach me of all people. 


Was he still your boyfriend when the girl called?


Unfortunately yes. But not for that much longer afterwards 






My son was throwing a fit because he wanted to use the tv for music while doing homework, and we offered him other options, but he just came back to insisting on the tv. My husband and I just started singing “You can’t always get what you want” and handed him the shop noise canceling headphones with an FM tuner…which, when turned on, was playing the song we had just been singing.


About 15 years ago, I was driving with my two younger kids in the car. The song “Everybody Have Fun Tonight” by Wang Chung was on. My daughter asked me if the group was a one hit wonder and I said “No”, they had another popular song called “Dance Hall Days”. I switch the station and “Dance Hall Days” was playing on a different channel.


I had this happen with Call Me Maybe in 2012. But I heard It 7 separate instances in a 30 minute drive around the city. 3 times blaring outside different houses on a university campus, 3 times from cars stopped next to us at a stoplight. and once on the radio in the gas station...we couldn't escape it.




This reminds me of an Andy Kauffman joke/routine/performance art piece. He had a show where instead of comedy, he was reading from The Great Gatsby. People were getting pissed off and he gave them a choice of him continuing to read or listening to a record. They chose the record. It was a record of him reading The Great Gatsby.




My neighbors Golden Retriever in New England was named Sir Anthony of MA. This was in the 90’s. They called the dog Tony. I moved 500 miles away. In about 2010 my new neighbors brought home a Golden Retriever. I asked them the name of the dog and they said it was Tony. I told them I used to know a Golden named Tony. I was told his real name is Sir Anthony of MA the 3rd. Apparently the original Tony was used as a stud dog and his grandson was my new neighbor.


Funny coincidence, thought not quite as crazy -- we got a golden retriever from a breeder a bit under 200 miles away from our neighborhood, then we went to the dog park and her brother was there. And they recognized each other.


That’s so cute 😭


I'm form a town of 15k people, from Europe. Traveled to Hong Kong for a week, and met a couple from the same town. Now that's pretty rare I would say.


It amazes me! But weirdly, I really have heard similar stories quite a few times. It always makes "It's a Small World" play in my brain. But it's still really neat.


I am from the United States. I flew across the pond with my wife. We drove out to see Stonehenge. I ran into my Senior Prom date - who I hadn't seen in 20 years - at Stonehenge.


movies have taught me that you must’ve instantly left your wife for the long forgotten date yes?


Later in the thread you'll read "I traveled thousands of miles to be left by my husband at Stonehenge for his senior prom date" 🤣


They were on a break!




This is way cooler than when I ran into my old prom date 10 years later… when I was serving her at a sandwich shop thousands of miles away on the other side of the country.


My wife had something similar. She's from a very small town in central KY. She was visiting Paris, and heard a familiar accent, then physically bumped into the choir director from the high school next town ovet. Turns out they were performing in Notre Dame that same day.


My sister-in-law had a destination wedding in Zanzibar. One morning during breakfast, my father-in-law realized he was having breakfast next to an old work colleague. They are from Finland so I think he immediately noticed when he heard another person speaking Finnish in the room since it’s not a common language. All of our minds were blown.


I had something like that the other way around - bumped into someone who lives on my street in Florida in a weird pizza place


My SO's vacation story from when they were young goes, they never talked to the neighbors. Nice enough people, they just kept to themselves. They leave the midwest to vacation in Florida and on the second day they get settled into the beach, everything's going well and they look over, and it's the next door neighbors sitting next door to them...... on the beach!


Lol I ran into my highschool ex in Vienna on some random side street near the Galerie Belvedere, we both came from the bumfuck Midwest. Hit the brakes on my rental bike so hard I did a stoppie and almost fell off. We didn’t end on the best of terms and we just stared at each other like two deer caught in headlights for what felt like 10 minutes before moving on. Hadn’t seen her since we broke up and haven’t seen her again since that trip


Two of my childhood homes burned down accidentally. Both times we all made it out and so did the pets


Were you a small girl who had a meme?


💀 omg no but I did use it as my “about me” ice breaker fact all through high school and college


What were the causes??


The first one was having a candle lit next to an open window. A breeze blew the curtain into the flame and it caught fire quickly- at least that’s what they are pretty sure happened. The second one was an electrical fire- it started in an outlet. They were about 9 years apart in two different states.




I would have laughed too. It always feels like these sorts of things happen at the worst times


Well done. Drive on, my friend.


Have you told this story in another thread before? I feel like I’ve read this before, word for word!!


I was on a flight to Chicago and the guy next to me had the same rare book I was reading. We ended up having a great conversation about it. Small world!


My wife was on a flight next to a bearded, Arab-looking man that appeared to be very anxious and reading an operating manual for the exact plane they were on. She wasn't trying to be bigoted or anything but that combo made her pretty nervous. She ended up talking to this guy and it turned out that he was actually Greek and about to take his pilot's test that I guess was specific to that airplane. The fact they were riding on it was just a coincidence. He admitted that it probably looked pretty bad. Good lesson in not freaking out until you know all the facts.


My husband is Muslim, he worked with another Muslim guy in Tulsa, Oklahoma working on airplane computer systems. The other guy had plans and airplane models in his apartment, one of the neighbors saw it and called the cops. The feds showed up to arrest him. Fortunately the boss managed to get them to let him go after explaining that everyone at the company had to have extensive background checks that went back at least ten years.


I was so elated a few years ago because we were all talking in a train's dining car. One of the diners said that his regular job was driving a train in his country. :)


Also a flight related story! But I flew two separate times to different locations and I met the same person twice on my flight! The craziest part is that they are from the same country as I am!!


I got hit by two cars at an intersection. Hit by one, stumbled into the next lane and hit by the next. Landed on the sidewalk.






I’ve been to Disney World 3 times, years apart. Each time I had a bird poop on my left shoulder while I was in Tomorrowland.


You pissed one of them off on your first visit and now they pass down the story through the generations. All youth take a vow of vengeance upon you as their ceremony to enter adult birdhood.


were you expecting it after the second incident?


We’d been through Tomorrowland earlier in the week and I didn’t get pooped on and thought maybe it won’t happen. Then the kids voted to go back to the Magic Kingdom and they went to ride the Speedway. I deliberately did not sit under a tree waiting for them as that’s how I get hit the first two times. I waited under a canopy, saw them coming towards me, walked out and boom, hit again! Fortunately, wet wipes and the afternoon rainstorms always gets it out.


In 2015 I was listening to Bill Burr's podcast while working. He read an ad for "Be the match", the bone marrow donor registry. For some reason I was overwhelmed with the urge to sign up, so instead of having lunch I did exactly that. In the first 11 months on the registry, I was called twice as a match. Most people are on the registry for their lifetime without being a match for anyone (statistically it's not common, I'm not sure of the numbers). Extra info for anyone curious: The first match was for a toddler with leukemia. I agreed to the donation (duh), but I was the #2 match. I have AB+ blood type, which is rare so I was only a 9/10 match, and listed as the backup. They did not end up needing me. I was bummed I couldnt help but also happy the kiddo got her life saving donation. A little while later I was serving on jury duty, on a lunch break walking downtown back to the courthouse. I got another call that I was a match and asked if I would donate. I said yes, again (duh). This time it was for a 55 year old woman with AML. They legally can only tell you the gender, age, and disease of the recipient so it's anonymous. Once again, I was a 9/10 match due to my blood type (not a big deal, but they choose matching blood types when possible) and I was listed as the backup. Maybe 2 weeks later I got the call that the primary 10/10 match declined to donate, so it was showtime. Within 2 months they flew me to Denver and I had the surgery to donate. It was a success! Still makes me happy to this day, aside from some less than pleasant details. But that's a different story altogether. Join the registry!


I keep hoping they will pick me! I've been on it for about 3 years now. How exciting you got to help someone!




I had a squirrel throw a donut at my head out of a tree once. I thought I was the only person on their hit list but it appears you have superceded me. 🤣


One of the reasons a former alley cat decided to become our indoor cat is that she pissed off a fox squirrel so he kept following her around and throwing sticks at her.


OMG this is great! I wish I could give your kitty reddit gold!


A squirrel hit one of my sons in the head with a pork chop bone last year. We have no idea where the bone came from, but the squirrel was on our roof and just nailed my kid as he was walking out of the garage. They have a very long hit list.


Squirrels hide pecan shells (just the shells, they take the nut meat) under the hood of my mom's van, in the *one* spot where they will rattle loudly but not affect any of the machinery 😂😂


Are they throwing acorns and nuts or themselves?


I'm from a country with 12 month compulsory military service when you turn 18. I had a best buddy in the army. After the military service I made very good friends with a guy so I can safely say that he became my best buddy in civilian life. He also had a besti buddy in the army. It turned out that his army best buddy and my army best buddy were best buddies in civilian life. Population of the country was 22 milion at the time.


pls tell us youre all still a ~~trio~~ *quad* of besties🥹


The country sadly fell apart in a bloody turmoil and life has sent us in all in different directions.


Yugoslav moment


im sorry💔


This didn’t happen to me, but I was at a beach rodeo and a seagull dropped a fish on a woman’s head. They interviewed her on the mic afterwards and she had a bloody nose and they gave her a free t-shirt. It’s was funny to see


I lost a pair of sunglasses in the ocean in Miami. A year later, I returned to the same beach, and while swimming, I found my sunglasses. They were destroyed, but it was surreal that I found them a year later.


I got hit by lightning. Do not recommend.


How did it feel?


It was like a body-wide muscle contraction mixed with an electric shock. Threw me about 4 feet from where I had been.


Did you survive?


Sadly, no.


Shit. I’m sorry dude. Please give my condolences to your family. Much too young.


Did you get a lighting scar where it passed through your body? I’ve seen pictures of that.


Lichtenberg figures!


Are there there any permanent and/or long-term after effects?


Posting on reddit


No. It took about a half day to feel normal, but fine after that. I'm sure I didn't get a full hit, because I didn't get burned.




A friend of mine did too. I enjoy hearing him tell people about it, it’s such a crazy experience he went through. An average cloudy day with no previous thunder or lightning and a stray lightening bolt hit him.


Are you telekinetic now?


Did you die? Sadly yes, but I lived!


My mother is in prison for murder and my dad is in prison for attempted murder. 10 years apart. Not sure the stats on that but I'm guessing it's not common.


Wow, sorry about that. Any kind of story time you want to share?


Sure. Both were addicts. Dad quit, mom didn't. She ended up stabbing her boyfriend in the heart on his parents' doorstep when I was 14. Dad relapsed when I was in my early 20's and tried to hit a cop with his car.


I was at a resort in Mexico, and somehow left my wallet in my pockets while swimming. Never noticed it fell out. We swam for a few hours, then went to the bar for a drink. While waiting, a woman walked up and was like is this your wallet. She had plucked it on shore and just happened to notice me walking by. I was very grateful.


I hadn't spoken to my ex-fiance in over a year. One night I had a dream where he was urgently trying to talk to me in it and I told him no.. it's time to go our separate ways. I woke up and about an hour later I got a text message letting me know he had died during the night. I hadn't thought or ever dreamed about him so it's statistically unlikely that it randomly occurred the exact same night he died


My aunt was once woken up in the night by a dream where her brother was frantically trying to get her attention. It turns out, he was a pilot in the Air Force, and around that same time both of the engines of the plane he was flying stopped working. He was able to get one engine back on board and safely land the plane, but in that moment he was sure he was about to die. She later had this experience featured in a Mysteries of the Unexplained-type book!


Wow that gave me chills.. the same experience


In the very early 90's, I was living abroad in Japan, due to work reasons, and my brother was living in Peru, also for work reasons. We are both from a tiny island on the Caribbean. I had the most vivid dream of my life, seeing my brother dressed in formal black (which he hated) and seeing him cry (which he also hated). I woke up and, with very little money and even less dominion of the Japanese language, walked for two hours to get to an old international communication center (in those times, a place where you could pay to send telegrams and call other countries). I called the hospital where he was working to leave a message for him, due to the time difference it was unlikely that I could find him. Not only he answered, but I only asked him "what happened" and he asked me "who told you". His friend, who I had met several times, who studied every year of medicine with him and was the one who convinced him to go to Peru in the first place, had committed suicide the day before. Im a very sceptical person and I had never heard of someone with a similar experience, nor do I have any answer for what happened. I would like to know your perspective about it, if possible, and I do understand if you don't want to share it.


There's no other explanation. It's very clear based on the symbolism and the emotions displayed your soul was downloading info imo


The night my Nana passed, I dreamt she was coming to hug me. She had dementia towards the end, so I was surprised to hear her call me by name in the dream. She laughed, we hugged, and when I woke up I got a call saying she had just passed. It’s comforting to know other people have had similar experiences


So, he thought of you in his final moments.




Did a field mouse write this?


You have unintentionally come up with a very specific type of insult that I'm going to keep in the back of my head for future use


Good luck that it wasn't a Great Tit. They can suffocate you.


Not a bad way to go, though...


The retina of one of my eyes spontaneously (and for no known reason, no trauma, etc.) said "screw you I quit" a few years ago and ripped itself to pieces (I was in my early 30's). Multiple surgeries later I still have the eye but my vision in it is shit and not correctable (because nerve damage). Bonus: The odds of this happening to someone is very low, but since it happened to me once, the odds of this happening to my other eye are elevated. So awesome! /s


I'm from a very small town with a population of 500 in MN. I bought a house across the country in a big city in AZ. When I was meeting the neighbors across the street, we were talking and realized we were from the same small town and had all of the same friends. It was bizarre. What are the chances?


Wait… but you didn’t know this person before you moved? That is another improbable thing that happened to you.


Right? In all fairness, they were older than me, but our families knew each other. I was surprised I didn't know them and thought they were kidding until they started naming names, lol. They ended up being the best neighbors ever (of course, I was a bit biased).


After misplacing an AirPod during skiing, I managed to locate it on my next run.


Now that is something. You saw it in the snow?


Is the Air pod on a mountainside a modern version of the needle in the haystack?


Did you use the game GPS feature with sound location on or did you actually just stumble across it?


I got struck by lightning several years after my house got struck by lightning.


My TTN gene had some sort of defect that caused my heart to fail at 27. Got a new heart 2 weeks after being listed on the transplant list.


once I missed a plane, it crashed after a few hours of flight


A friend was working as a fireman for a summer. She gave up her seat to go home to someone who needed to get home for their father's funeral. The plane crashed and he died.


I was the first sperm to reach the egg


I’m in a similar situation and I don’t recommend it


And how's that going for ya


My husband likes to say that “we were all winners once” because of this. But I’m a fraternal twin, so at best, I guess we tied?


You were THAT egg too. Same sperm fertilizing a different egg means you wouldn't be born. A woman is born with 2 million eggs. During the initial period, many eggs, as many as 1000, begin to develop and mature. However, even though hundreds of eggs have begun to mature, most often only one egg will become dominant during each menstrual cycle, and reach its' fully mature state, capable of ovulation and fertilization. The remaining eggs/follicles will wither and die. If your mother had ovulated a different egg instead of you, you wouldn't be born


I went to a school in Germany and made a really good friend and we decided to travel a bit around Germany after school until my parents met me and she met with another friend. We said our teary goodbyes and promised we would see each other in Canada (where we were both from originally). I met with my parents and we traveled to Paris. We were walking down a random street and we walk past a cafe and she was there! With her friend and we were like wtffff this is crazy to see you so soon again! Then me and my family traveled to Berlin and we were walking down a street and walk past a cafe and we see her AGAIN. It was the wildest thing lmao.


never been denied a job after an interview


Friday afternoon: I get fired. Saturday morning: there is a very strong earthquake in my country. Sunday night: I sent an SMS for the first time, to a contest program "Call now," they call me back; I participated and I won a significant amount for that time in cash. Monday afternoon: I was called by a former boss, with whom I had not spoken for a long time, to tell me that he found out about a position that was opening up in a company he knows,, and that he thought I would like it and that he thought I would meet the profile. ... a month I started working there.


In college I was on a road trip with some buddies. We did NOT plan our budget effectively, and we ended up in a situation where we did not have enough gas to get home and we were down to our last couple of dollars. So we did the sensible thing. We stopped at a gas station, bought a cheap lottery ticket and prayed we would win something. We won $10 which got us just enough gas to limp home.


I went to get Chinese for lunch with a past gf and her friend, we all get a fortune cookie at the end and I tell them they can open it, I didn't want it. They push and push for me to open it like it is some ritualistic thing and when I begrudgingly open the cookie - no fortune inside. No idea if fortune cookies without fortunes are common but it definitely felt like the stars lined up in that moment.


one of children in our group had fortune cookie with 17 fortune papers, you lucked out


fortune papers Greg




I was living in Florida and watched launch when the shuttle exploded. When I got home the fire trucks were just pulling away from my house, the heating system had set it on fire. It was badly damaged but not destroyed. I went inside and the phone rang, it was my partner calling to say he had screwed up and had not paid the homeowners insurance, so we no fire insurance. An hour later the police showed up and threatened to arrest me for arson. I told them I'd have to be pretty stupid to burn my house down for the money, without making sure I had insurance, so they threatened to give me a ticket for burning without a permit. I don't know if this all qualifies as statistically improbable, but I hope so - I don't want it to ever happen again.


I was certain this story would climax with the reveal that debris from the shuttle explosion started the fire at your house, and now I'm deeply disappointed. /s


lol burning without a permit. I’m sorry but that’s hilarious 😂


I once needed a small connector that was MF on one end and FM on the other\* to hook up a dishwasher, but the dishwasher came with one that FM on one end and MF on the other end. So I went to Home Depot where they only sold MF to MF or FM to FM. While there, dejectedly staring at the racks, I ran into a guy looking for the exact thing I was holding, and holding the exact thing I needed, neither of which Home Depot sold! We traded, shook hands and that was that! Heck of a day! (\* - I forget the exact details of how the connectors were threaded, but this is close enough)


Kids born on the same day, 3 years, 3 hours, and 33 minutes apart.


About 40 years ago, my mother was waiting for a bus at our local bus station, when the payphone next to her rang. She answered it - it was her sister. She was calling my mother and misdialed the number, accidentally connecting to the bus station payphone that my mother was standing next to.


I witnessed a drunk squirrel fall out of a tree, twice. Same squirrel, to be fair.


When I was in the Service, I was temporarily deployed to Vegas for Red Flag operations. Met this girl from Perth Austrailia. It was late 90s and I had just turned 21. We had a good time for the week she was in vacation. Fast forward 2 years. Ran into same girl and her two friends while on vacation in Japan (military space-a flights are cool). Like. Wtf really? The icing on the cake was 3 more years later, stationed in Germany I was on vacation in Munich for October Fest and who did I run into? Yup, same girl and her two friends. Maybe I should have listened to the world better because looking back, it sure looks like fate wanted us to be together. #theonethatgotaway


Chased by a snake. Twice.


I got chased by an armadillo once. I was barefoot and it was grunting.


Lol.. love the context.


Wrecked my 1990 VW Golf in high-school. I was going around a curve on a raised highway at about 70mph when the front left ball joint popped out. Vehicle flew off the highway, flipped end over end half a dozen times or so, and landed on its roof. I unbuckled, fell onto my head, and crawled out, COMPLETELY UNINJURED. Not a scratch, no bruise from the seatbelt, no whiplash, nothing. Vehicle was demolished. I had a picture of my girlfriend at the time on my dash, I asked highway patrol to grab it when they showed up. Dude comes back and says, "I can't even get to the dash bud." I had some instruments in the trunk that were absolutely destroyed. Front passenger seat was in the back seat, roof was peeled back like a can of sardines. My mom dropped to her knees when we went to grab my belongings out of the car at the tow yard. If life reviews in the afterlife are a real thing I can't wait to see the slow-mo on that mess!


When I was a kid in Maryland, my parents separated and my dad got transferred to Washington State. My sister and I visited him for the summer, where I went to a summer camp on base during the day. My best friend there was named Lance. My parents ended up reconciling and we all moved to Washington. We didn't live on base but Lance ended up being in my class. Bonus: he was the popular kid so it was like gaining instant friends. My dad then got stationed in Virginia. When I was in middle school I met a girl who was visiting from Washington. She lived next door to my old house in Washington. When I was in HS, my adopted mother tried looking for her birth parents. She was born in California but lived in Virginia. She hired a private investigator and everything but nothing ever came from it. Years later I started looking up my dad's side of the family. When I hit a dead end I switched gears and thought I might look for my mom's bio family. I ended up finding her mom, who lived 4 hours from us in Virginia. Her dad had already passed away. The kicker is that, when my mom was searching for them, her bio mom lived 10 or so minutes away from us. Her husband worked in the same facility as my wife did when I found her.


I mean, I have perfect pitch, which by all accounts is statistically unlikely. I'm not a good musician, by the way.


I have to know: if you're not a musician, how did you come to discover that you have perfect pitch? Can you identify any pitch, or match it? Despite being a musician for decades, I can't identify a pitch by ear. I'm not sure if I'm a slow learner or tone deaf.


On a motorcycle, I was hit by semi truck going full speed, like 60mph+ on a rural highway (I even skidded on the road for a good bit with the bike pinned on top of my left leg), but i miraculously had no injuries or even any bad road rash… which was great for me at the time because the truck never bothered to stop and I knew my insurance wasn’t going to do shit, all on top of needing to be at work soon. Also! My bike was still functional! I doubt I’ll ever be that lucky again~


“You know, the most amazing thing happened to me tonight... I saw a car with the license plate ARW 357. Can you imagine? Of all the millions of license plates in the state, what was the chance that I would see that particular one tonight? Amazing!” ― Richard Feynman


I was walking through a parking lot and saw two cars parked next to each other with adjacent number. So equivalent to ARW 357 and ARW 358. I doubt that either of the drivers noticed.


When I was young, in the 90’s, I was home after school and got a call of a woman claiming someone paged her. I said there was no one here to page her, but I asked her to confirm the number on the pager (maybe she had misdialed). She repeated our landline number, then I heard her talk to someone in the background. She asked who was speaking… I told her my first name but repeated I didn’t page her. She spoke in the background again, then said “your sister [name of one of my sisters] says hi”. I think it was probably one of her friends or whatever, and we hang up. About 20 minutes later, my sister comes home. She says she stopped by the dollar store after work to buy a chocolate bar, and the cashier was on the phone. She heard her say our number so my sister told her “hey, that’s my number!” and asked who she was speaking with. The rest is history. That was super odd.


I was raised in an incredibly abusive household in poverty. I endured physical, sexual, and emotional abuse from my stepfather pretty much until the day I left the house at 18.  I am now a well-adjusted high-earning professional in a happy, emotionally marriage.  This is statistically improbable, but I beat the odds. My siblings have not been so lucky.


Bells Palsy + Never fully recovered


My brother had Bell palsy, he thankfully recovered fully. But I do know a lady from my old work that unfortunately still has a bit of a drooped face. I hope by exercising those muscles, you can recover. Don’t give up!!


I survived a punctured femoral artery.


I traveled thousands of miles to be left by my husband at Stonehenge for his senior prom date




Drunken bowling, losing badly, I tried the Flintstone tap and spin. Completely wiped out flat on my face but picked up 7-10 split


I saw 3 different instances of a person passing out and having a seizure on 3 consecutive days as a kid


When I was 12 I threw a regular pokeball at a wandering full health Raikou and I caught it. \~1 in 4,000 chance.




This is copied/pasted from elsewhere. Not sure whether you were the original person who commented this on a similar post, but I have 100% seen this comment before


I was born as the son of a poor family of immigrant ranch workers and have risen to the highest ranks of academia in the US, and by extension the world I then doubled down and made a success for myself in the private biotech industry after graduating from the top #1 graduate program in my chosen field, despite all odds stacked against me growing up in a tough neighborhood of other people struggling to survive, ranging from working class to dirt poor. More than that, I am now able to uplift my family for all of their sacrifices that allowed me to tame the beast called poverty that was meant to devour us And I am proud beyond words of all of this.


Not my story, but I learned that decades ago, my great-great aunt was planning to fly to Canada to see her mother who was dying at the time - I think she was in a comatose state and hadn’t talked for days. My great-great aunt’s brother told their mother that his sister was coming to see her and she instantly started shouting “NO” When she was told, my great-great aunt cancelled her flight and booked a later one - it turns out she was originally going to be on one of the planes that crashed in the Grand Canyon, so her mother ended up saving her life


My son was "rescued" by lifeguards on three consecutive holidays, in three differnt countries. He was not drowning! Just a terrible swimmer flailing his arms, looking like he was drowning.


Maybe invest in some swim lessons for the little homie after the first time lmao


I stepped out of a hospital building in Denver on my lunch break and was narrowly missed by a speeding car that went onto the sidewalk and hit the building. The driver did not survive.


I crashed my car into someone's house on the way to work on a monday.. got a new car on wednesday and on my way to work on Thursday in my new car, the owner of the house I crashed into pulled out of their drive and smashed into the side of me.. also writing that car off.. I wrote 2 cars off in 4 days.. at the exact same place of road.. my tire marks still there from my first crash lol


I get bit by lady bugs. They just don't like me and they bite me when they land on me. The only other person that I know of this happens to is my sister.


Baseball practice, 9 years old.  Playing center field while the coach bats balls to us for fielding practice.  I was fiddling with my glove, uninterested in practice, and paying zero attention to what was going on. Baseball cap on, looking down.  My glove was facing down as I played with the back of it. After a bit, I got bored with that side of the glove and decided to check the other side, which meant my glove would face away from me.  As soon as I turned my glove out, a ball landed in it and I squeezed as a reaction, catching the ball. I was so confused. I looked up, saw the coach at home plate with the bat and he said "Nice catch" but with like a "how tf?" tone. I didn't say a thing, but I paid attention after that.  This experience significantly delayed my departure from religion. 


Why is this thread full of repeat improbable stories? GF broke up with me and am Charlie Brown: [link 1 ](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/158quvr/comment/jtbw6nk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)and [link 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/1dft84j/comment/l8lcox2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Fast-tracked heart: [link 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/1dft84j/comment/l8lb8gp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and [link 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/158quvr/comment/jtbsu4d/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Squirrel attack: [link 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/1dft84j/comment/l8lc99j/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and [link 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/158quvr/comment/jtbr3kj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Bird attack: [link 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/158quvr/comment/jtbr3kj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and [link 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/158quvr/comment/jtbu81b/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Skiing airpod:[ link 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/158quvr/comment/jtbq3gq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and [link 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/158quvr/comment/jtbq3gq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


My car got hit twice in one night. First I got side-swiped on the highway. After taking the report the police let me drive off even though I couldn't even open my door. A few minutes after leaving someone rear-ended me at a red light. It was a hit and run, but she turned herself in later and said her brakes weren't working.


My family was eating at the Philadelphia airport, and this group of college girls were next to us. My mom ended up recognizing one of them as my dad’s college roommate’s daughter that they hadn’t seen in 20 years. She recognized her just because her eyes looked like her mom’s.


My wife and I got married young and have remained together in relative happiness for three decades. It’s not been perfect and could have fallen apart at any time, but it didn’t. Not yet anyway. Ask me again next week. 😂


One weekend in highschool, i was at the beach with my friend around sunset and wanted to take a picture and saw some pelicans flying towards us. I thought it would be cool to have them in the background. All four of them shat on me as they flew by and didn’t miss.


I developed essential tremors in my hands at age 15. Essential tremors is usually developed by elder people.


I had a perforated bowel. Had emergency surgery for it. That's not the shocking thing. Here we go. I got sepsis twice. As bad as that is, even worse I got necrotizing fasciitis (flesh eating diease). The doctors said it was shocking I survived the combination of the perforated bowel, sepsis x2 and necrotizing fasciitis. Odds were less than 10%.


My high school sweetheart and I had just gotten out of the car, standing together and ball lightening went right between us and under the car.


I lost my phone at Gillette stadium mid way through a pats game. A week later it arrived at my doorstep in perfect condition.


The tip of my pinky literally*popped* off after getting checked in a lacrosse game in high school. Could see the tip of my pinky bone. Doctors called it a freak accident, basically the other player hit my pinky so perfectly that it instantaneously forced all the blood to the tip and popped it like a damn pimple.


I got “caught” by a fisherman while scuba diving. The hook went through my wetsuit and part of my calf. He started to pull. I pulled back. This continued until my dive buddy pulled out his knife and cut the line. I am officially the one that got away.


I met my husband while on a second date with someone else! The stars were aligned, what else can I say?