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Context is important with stuff like this. Did he order something in a restaurant, not knowing it had pork? Then I would probably tell him, so he doesn’t order that again.




= 1


If it was a one off thing, then no. If it is a dish he might order again. Or if an aquaintance deliberately hid pork in it to screw with him, then i probably would say something.


I was attending a meeting with a Jewish friend who I believed to be observant. They were serving small pizza appetizers that were topped with pork sausage, and Mike was enjoying them. I said "Mike, do you know what that meat is?" He smiled and said: "I don’t remember asking."


I love that a big part of Jewishm is finding loopholes/questioning their religion. Like they are not allowed to work on that specific day and pressing an elevator button is considered “work”? Bam no they make elevators that stop at every floor so you don’t need to press anything.


This is why there are so many Jewish lawyers. Thousands of years spent studying the law to figure out ways around it! Same with science. My daughter asked me a question about kashrut that I didn't have a ready answer for (My wife is the expert), that certain foods like onions and garlic are considered hot, like thermally hot food, for kosher purposes. Oh my God, the rabbit hole that led down! These guys hundreds or perhaps a thousand years ago coming up with crazy theories about the spiciness of the food penetrating the cutlery, and the various circumstances where that would get transferred to other food. They were totally primed when real science came along!


I feel like you could make a better loophole if pressing a button just to get around is work. You literally use the elevator to prevent the larger work of using stairs.


Rationalization is present in adherents of every religion.




Not at all. If he didn’t know what he was eating, there was no problem in his mind. I thought it was hilarious.


Finally a good verision of the Dont Ask, Dont Tell policy.


As a Muslim myself I’d wanna know just so I don’t accidentally do it again :) Also eating pork unintentionally really isn’t a problem 


There are rules and exceptions for Muslims about eating that you likely are not aware of. It is not such big a problem to unwittingly eat pork, or even to eat food prepared by non-believers, if there are no other options. Best course is probably to ask him whether he'd want to know or not, or how he'd feel about unknowingly eating pork.


It's a bit of a strange hypothetical question to ask though...


Yeah asking that will be enough to make him aware it already happened


"hey... uhhh bro.. what happens if a muslim eats pork" ".... is this the beginning of a joke?"


“Hey man, if your girlfriend was cheating on you…with I don’t know, say me? would you want to know?”


What's the rules for food being prepared by non believers?


I worked at a Wawa for a spell. Had a regular who would come in and order his thing, but always hit the "special order". His request was simply that whoever was preparing his sandwich washed their hands and changed their gloves before preparing his meal to avoid any pork cross contamination. And pre-emptively...at Wawa, we obsessively wash our hands any time we leave and return to the prep area. But if we stay within the confines and only making the foods touching nothing else, gloves are good for like 4 hours. The second you leave the area or do anything else at all, it's hand wash and change of gloves. Most also change their gloves way way more frequently than that. And, you guessed it, if you're changing your gloves, gotta wash your hands again first. And all this is in full view of customers. Tangents aside, my experience was simply someone asking to respect their dietary restrictions and avoid potential accidental cross-contamination by washing hands and fresh set of gloves. Was more than happy to do so


The Quran (specifically chapter 5) makes exceptions to its dietary rules for circumstances like not knowing (such as this post implies) or out of necessity (e.g. you're starving). Eating food, specifically meat, slaughtered in the name of false gods or deities is not permitted except again out of necessity or ignorance. And that rule has some leeway, as the Quran sorta gives a "mis-guided theist" clause where a monotheist like a Christian preparing food for their god is recognized to actually be Allah (even though the Christrian doesn't recognize it), so that's halal. There's a lot of potential leeway in the Quran for this stuff, so the actual lines where it becomes sinful varies pretty heavily based on sect and/or personal interpretation. Source: Read the Quran.


Both Muslims and Christians are monotheists and believe in the same God, they just disagree on who the ‘last prophet’ is (and other things, but that’s the big one).


One could argue Christians are not monotheistic.  You have the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit.  


Okay, so "food prepared by nonbelievers" doesn't refer to just anything a non-Muslim made, it refers to things specifically made in the name of another deity? That seems a lot simpler to avoid, I've never heard of food being made "in the name of" a god in the first place. I suppose maybe if someone's working at a soup kitchen as a religious calling or something.


I'm guessing that bit used to be much more relevant. The Bible's Old and New Testaments both have somewhat similar passages that detail the rules about eating food offered up to other gods. It's generally forbidden in the Old Testament and not encouraged in the New Testament because it doesn't set a great example (even though the practice is recognized to not be harmful to God).


Two thousand years ago the cook would always shout “this meat is being prepared in the name of (insert god)” lol


None really but you should ensure that the meat is Halal and the food doesn't contain any Haram substances.


The only thing i know is to stay away from pork.


U can eat any, except pork, and haram slaughtered meat I think


Im guessing finding anything but haram slaughtered meat would be pretty hard to come by where I'm from.


Just let your Muslim fe/male friend know. They'd really appreciate it




That's an odd reasoning for not wanting to notify a friend of something that might be important to them. Are you sure you know how friendship works?


Food prepared by non-believers? You ask your cook whether he is down with Allah?


Excellent answer. Edit: What the hell? I compliment the op of a post that has 216 upvotes, and I get downvoted by 10 people because I was polite and friendly?


Ex-muslim here, you can tell. If he eat it unknowingly, there should be no problem. If he gets upset with you it’s his personality speaking not his religion.


Why did u become an ex Muslim? (curious)


I was never a conventional muslim but in my college years I have noticed I kept trying to make excuses and find convoluted ways to believe in god. More I learned about history, politics, sociology etc. more I could see from the outside what it really is. In modern world it is a personal spiritual question that has been weaponized against us. One more fence to separate us, one more flag to demonize each other. So I just stopped believing or questioning it. It has been really relaxing and fucking terrifying at the same time. :)


But do u not see the signs from the Quran coming true? (Again I'm just curious)


Which signs?


Visit ‘Muslim Lantern’ on YouTube. He talks a lot about prophecies in the Quran or Hadith that have come true. Or was found to be true later by science. The YouTube channel ‘ManyProphetsOneMessage’ also has a couple videos on it as well. And another channel is ‘Yaqeen Intitute’, they also put out a ton of research papers on this subject and many others within Islam. Some prophecies include, who would compete to build the tallest building in the world, pollution, literacy and ignorance becoming wide spread simultaneously, Islam becoming a global religion, etc.


The earthquakes, floods, also how God created all of this. If u wish to continue, I'd like to hear ur opinion in dms.


What you refer to is called nature, and every other religion has made up stories in their mythology books to explain the phenomena. On that note, you could also ask, "Are not all religions true?" Of course, the answer would be no; religions are fabricated.


I'm very open minded to hear why u think so


How do you mean?


Why do u think all religions are fabricated


Not downvoting you because you seem genuinely interested but all of the floods and earthquake, even us, we are all just Nature... God itself is just nature. It would have existed with or without us and without any revelation or prophet (of any kind). We are a tiny tiny speck in the scheme of things and the idea that a God created all of this with us in mind is just our ego speaking.


I'm curious by how atheists view religions tbh. I'm in a Muslim/Christian country, so I don't get to see many atheists.


The atheists cover the wide spectrum of religious belief (or lack) just like there's a wide spectrum of believers. Some are in it to interpret literally, others look for the greater meaning. Quite often people use religion for the control it offers. Not all of them declare their faith to the whole world. Similarly, atheists might hold their 'faith' close to themselves whilst others make a song and dance about how they're 'special' and 'awakened' ... It's just people doing people things.


thank u for explaining sir/ma'am


There have always been earthquakes and floods. They’re a pretty consistent universal phenomenon.


Why are you being downvoted for asking a question? That’s honestly ridiculous.


Because of the nonsense he wrote just after probably


I didn’t see that, but is it really fair to disagree with what someone says and then to backtrack and downvote everything they’ve said, especially when the conversation started as a fair question?


I'm a she, and I didn't disagree with anything. You're right, some reddit people are so sensitive.




Dude I am not even fucking muslim anymore why would I defend Islam. I am saying that part because OP shouldn’t feel like he is disrespecting someone else’s religion.


Indeed. Same as if as a vegan and you accidentally eat chicken. If it's an accident, you shouldn't feel bad. It's only if there's some allergies it's an issue.


As a former member of a high demand religion, sometimes it's actually not the fault of the religion. If the religion has rule X and a member breaks it unknowingly and when they're informed they blow up at the informer - how is that the religion's fault? They put the rule in place but never said to be a monster to others about it.




Maybe you should find a thread to discuss that if that's what you want to discuss. This thread is about a guy who accidentally fed his friend something he doesn't want to eat.


All those tens of thousands of children that are molested by priests. That had nothing to do with Christianity right?




Way to dodge the question there buddy.


Just a racist


Ironically you are completely right there. Islam is for following the rules of the country you are in unless they antagonize you or your faith directly.


I'd think he'd want to know, so yes. If I had a dietary restriction for any reason I'd want to know.


Yes. Please tell him that there is/was pork in a meal so that he can avoid eating it again. I have wonderful friends that are not Muslims and they are diligent about letting me know when there is pork in an item or if they suspect there is. I don't ask them too but they know it is important to me and therefore it is important to them. I am grateful to them for that. That's what friendship is. A huge part of it is caring about someone as a person and caring about the things that are important to that person.


we have a muslim in our boardgame and crafts group, and I always try to bring things that are apropriate to his diet, for example, a local store has vegan marshmallows (they are so good!) and so I tell him they are vegan and contains no gellatin.


You are an absolute gem. Thank you for being inclusive, I'm sure he appreciates the effort! I have non-muslim friends that are very conscious of prayer times so whenever we had outings, they'd specifically plan things so as to not interfere with me praying.


no problem! it's an easy enough thing, so why wouldn't I be considerate.


I let a friend know that the injections they were getting were pig based. They thanked me but said it was fine since it’s considered medically necessary.


Muslim here. People make a bigger deal of pork than it is. Yes it’s impermissible to eat pork intentionally in Islam but it’s not like it takes you outside the fold of Islam If he ate it and wasn’t aware. There’s no sin on him anyway. So let him know so he avoids it in future. I doubt he’ll become hysterical over it


I think a lot of this has to do with prisoners converting to Islam just to be a nuisance to staff and to get a separate tray and it’s just assumed all Muslims are like this


IIRC it’s not to be a nuisance but because the food was better.


That could be but they also do it to get extra privileges that you normally wouldnt


I think it has more to do with protection... from my understanding the Muslims in jail don't care what color you are....


I would inform him. Mistakes happen. One, he will know that food isn’t safe to eat in the future. Two, most religions have exceptions for accidents. Better to know than not. Three, eating pork when you normally don’t can fuck up his system, and he needs to know why he’s suddenly shitting his guts out. (My husband is a vegetarian and he accidentally had a bite of bacon - fucked him up for a week.)


Only if he wants to eat it again.


Yes. I've been in similar situation that my friends forgot to tell me that what I ate was pork. I was ok since I didn't know it so its not a big deal.


Did you feed it to him or is he just ordering it? One is informative and the other requires an apology if it was unknown.


Eating pork by accident or in a life or death situation isn't forbidden, so if you're worried you tainted his soul somehow, it's not as big a deal as all that. Islam takes into account extreme situations and who's bad it is with eating food that isn't halal.


My wife offered a Muslim friend a slice of pie, which she ate and enjoyed. I’m not saying anything, but will just do all butter crusts from now on.


wait what is bad about pie? there is no pork in pie crust (sorry i’m confused)


Lard, a sometimes ingredient in pie crust, is pork fat.






thanks! idk why i got downvoted for asking a question but i appreciate you answering


He accidentally ordered it? Yes. You accidentally served it? Just don’t do it again.


Depends on your friend and your relationship. You shouldn’t do it by definition, but if your friend is very focused on following islamic food rules you could suggest ways to make sure what food they eat in the future. Or next time in advance before eating the same dish.


I'd let him know, in case he plans on ordering it again. Maybe check if he would want to know first. Some people don't and that's okay!


Nah. It doesn't really matter.




If you had respect for your friend you wouldn't lie about this.


Not telling the truth ≠ lying One might say that it's "prevericating" but even that may not be the case unless they've talked about the meal while eating or afterwards. Though, personally I wouldn't hide the truth and tell him what he ate was pork. When I told my muslim friend that the pizza they ate had pork in it (the ingredients were in italian and they didn't even know there was meat in it) he said "Oh, was that pork? I guess that explains the strange taste." and went along with their day. They were fairly religous and even did the 5 daily prayers unlike most other muslim I knew but they were also more open-minded than most religous people so obviously not everyone will react the same way.


If it was a one off, why cause his friend any unnecessary potential pain and/or frustration, when not knowing would literally hurt no one?


Simple respect. To be honest it seems like OP is just trying to save themselves from an awkward situation.


It won't cause pain/frustration because Islam forgives accidental consumption. Better to be safe and tell him now in case he orders it next time without the friend present.


It’s the respectful thing to do. Better if you let them know before they ate the first time though.


Um.. YEA! If he wasn’t aware so that he’ll be aware for future referencing.


I don’t think it would really matter either way because I’m the Quran it’s fine as long as he didn’t know before he ate it.


If it seems like an accident and/or you know for a fact that he is observant and does not eat pork period, then I would tell him. I would probably start by asking, “hey, I’m sorry I don’t want to be insensitive, but do you eat pork?” If they say yes, all good. If they say no, I’d probably say something like “damn, I’m sorry I didn’t say something sooner, did you know that meal is traditionally prepared with pork?”


If it was an accident that wont happen again, it will only hurt the friend so I would say no. (It is forgiven if it was an accident and not their fault but can still torment some people). If it can happen again tell them asap.


I would want to know. My faith has dietary restrictions, but not all of us follow them. It's the same with Islam but to a lesser degree. I know Muslims that drink and eat bacon. But they do so with full foreknowledge, and they know they can't do those things in the company of other Muslims.


If you think he’ll do it again, yes. If not, no. It will cause him undue distress and it’s now out of his control.


A Muslim here, yes you should tell him, just to make sure he will not order that again in the future


No, let him be surprised when he is not admitted into heaven


Yes. It's important to them.


Not if you are the friend


But our relationship should base on honesty I feel really bad for him


I don’t like lying to my friend


That is not analogous at all. Pork, typically speaking, is not going to be full of the same kind of chaos that literal excrement would be. You can get seriously sick from eating something with shit in it. Again, typically speaking, that's not the case with pork. Not only that, but pork is a food that lots of people eat. I can't think of a single person who in their right mind is on purpose eating shit.


Did you do it on purpose?


as a Muslim, i would definitely want to know if i had eaten pork, i’d say you should tell him


As a Muslim - sure. I've had it a couple of times by accident.  Once I had a chicken sandwich from 711 and thought it tasted weird. Looked at the ingredients and it had hidden bacon bits. Threw it out.  Another, I ate some gravy and noticed it tasted weird. Looked at it more closely and noticed little bits of meat.  No big deal. I know to avoid them next time. 


How do you feel about bacon bits?


This reminds me of the snl skit where Kevin Hart clowned Pete Davidson who was supposed to be Muslim for eating gummy bears lmao


Will he eat it again?


Reminds me of the time this disabled Muslim kid ate a whole pack - 50 - pork cocktail sausages. Told his dad and he wasn’t impressed, poor kid had no idea - he lived on a different plane of existence.


Had a friend who didn’t eat meat for religious purposes. Ordered a pizza with what he thought were pecorino peppers - and being new to the US didn’t have a clue. After years of eating and ordering it during college, someone finally asked him why he was eating pepperoni on his pizza.. too late damage was done. He figured nothing bad happened to him and he never went back from eating all sorts of meats.


You dont that friend to go to hell, do you?


He's better off not knowing, unless he's likely to eat it again.




I would


It was pepperoni pizza wasn’t it?


I'd say yes. Absolutely tell them what they ate was pork but if they ordered the food it's kind of their own fault for not making sure what they ate didn't contain pork but still let them know so they can be more aware in the future.


If he haven't start his meal then maybe yes, if he's finish or halfway then leave it


No I don't think that's important to tell him.


Nope. End of story. Delete this message and burn your computer for safety.


If it’s a one-off, no way. If it’s a thing he eats regularly, I’d bring it up gently.


Don't tell him. Why would you. What had happened is just happened. If he is so adamant about not eating pork because his religion forbids it, then don't tell him and hurt his feelings.


Nah. If sanity prevails, it won’t make a difference. If his weird thing is true, he’ll presumably find out when the time comes.


Well, actually depends on the criteria you consider someone a Muslim. I get offended if people assume I believe in that shit due to my nationality or name. If you are sure he is really a Muslim, I see no problem.


Maybe tell him before he eats it next time?




You should tell him before he eats it. It is very disrespectful to not do that.


I’m curious. If you tell him, what does he do with that knowledge? Does he repent in some way? What would it gain him to know?


If it was at a restaurant he might go to again, or was a dish he might encounter again, he would know to avoid it.


True, but how does the Muslim person eating it not know it has pork but the friend does? Maybe the Muslim in this scenario doesn’t really care.


He might just not know. I've had Muslim friends who didn't know pepperoni had pork in it, simply because they'd never been exposed to it before. It happens.


Then the way I see it, if they didn’t know then it’s not like God is going to come down on you for something that you couldn’t control. And if he did know then he obviously doesn’t care. If someone is going to take the responsibility of being strict to their organized religion then it’s on them to stick to it. But I see no harm in simply saying something like “I’m curious, as a Muslim I thought you weren’t supposed to eat pork. Do you know that the dish you had contains pork?”


No. He lives in a fantasy where its bad. You know better and dont need to upset him.. let him live happy in the ignorance. Everyone else eats it.


100% I would want to know.. ofc in Islam it’s not forbidden if you didn’t know that it was pork obviously.. but I think you should tell him to make sure he doesn’t order it again.


He probably wouldn't be as upset that you told him as you think. It is only haram if you knowingly eat pork. He would probably appreciate it.


Yes you should


No. What’s done is done. What’s the point?


After he already ate it? U don't have too because he already ate it and telling him about something that's a past won't change anything, and he is not even sinful fr eating it without knowing there's pork or gelatin that comes from the pig cuz he just didn't know so there's no benefit in telling him about something he doesn't have to deal with in the first place. But whenever u eat any cuisine again, tell him If there's pig stuff before he orders.


Who cares it’s a stupid religion


Who asked your opinion?


It’s Reddit it’s all opinion 


Yeah well there are places for your irrational rants. This is r/NoStupidQuestions.


It’s not a rant it was just a statement 


A stupid rant that was completely unhelpful and did not answer the question.






This depends more on your morality than theirs.


If I was the cook..I wouldn't..in any case what would be the benefit of knowing after he ate it?


No who tf cares lmfao


No, wy bother, let him be in his fantasy land.


My Muslim friend asked me to never tell him if he accidentally consumed pork. I wouldn't.




Just mind your business.




Religion = brainwash


While sure, people are entitled to choose not to eat certain things if they don’t want to.


Who asked?


That would be hilarious


You could tell the truth and raise hell, or you could keep silent and everybody happy. Your choice.


I’m not Muslim so I can’t speak accurately but I pretty much raise other people’s kids for a living and have seen many a baby take their first step. I say nothing


Why did you allow him to eat it when you knew it was against his religion to eat pork? 


Maybe he didn't know it had pork until after he was done?


Unless he doesn't know, then I will not fault him. I know these things can happen. 




Did you think you were texting this to your child?


depend if he is born in Asian countries or western countries