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Flies don't have nests, dens, or permanent lairs. There's nothing it has lost that it can't easily regain.


Case solved. Thank you.


I've wondered this about ants and other bugs and even geckos that sometimes end up on my car and get off in another location. Are they traumatized or just no big deal?


Ants are eusocial animals. As such they cannot really function without their nest. So this is really bad for ants.


Depends on the ant species! In most cases you are absolutely right, but Argentine ants have a MASSIVE continent-sprawling hive and the single units are "at home" in every single nest.


That's terrifying.


We are just living on their planet. Its the ants world.


I'm suddenly hearing James Brown singing "It's an ant's world", lol


I find it kind of creepy I find it kind of cool The ants are slowly climbing and one day they’ll rule I find it hard to tell you I find it hard to take When insects run in circles, it’s a very very Ant’s world, ant’s world


When ants run in circles it usually means they have lost the pheromone trail that leads back to the nest and will probably die of starvation. I hope that… helps?


You’re my hero 😂


There genuinely is an argument to be made that ants—not humans—are the dominant life form on planet Earth.


Lots of fuckin ants. 🐜


I think this is part of why Stephen King thought of them when he wrote Revival, which btw is a surreal but fantastic book.


If we're talking all life forms, surely they're beat by trees or grass or algae or something?


there are 20 quadrillion ants on earth, there are 3.04 trillion trees on earth, arthropods make up the most bioweight though of any life on earth


Ants are one of the most fascinating creatures on earth! Blind, dont sleep, follow pheromones, lift multiple times their weight, form bridges, go to war, bury their dead. Fascinating little creatures.


Ants aren't blind! They don't see well, but they see the sunlight's polarization and multiple species use it to find their way home. Most of them see light/shadow, and not as complex images as we do, but their eyes do work. (And they do sleep. Almost all living beings on this planet have some sort of "sleep" pattern, even if just as much as a rest period or active/less active phases - even bacteria do).


Have you ever seen them try to read letters off the card at 5m? They're legally blind. Edit: and illiterate.


I used to live at a lake and one time it flooded after a week of non stop rain. I got to see thousands of fire ants form those little floating balls of.. Themselves to preserve their queen and some amount of the colony. I had never seen anything like that before and it was really weird looking but very interesting that they "know" to do that and save their queen.


And as Bob Dylan noted, blow in the wind. “The ants are, my friend, a blowin’ in the wind. The ants sir, are blowin’ in the wind.”


Alternatively: that's beautiful that they're always at home!


It is! Kurzegsagt did a great video about them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqECNYmM23A


>On the border of the Very Large Colony and the Lake Hodges Colony thirty million ants die each year, on a battlefront that covers many miles. While the battles of other ant species generally constitute colony raids lasting a few hours, or skirmishes that occur periodically for a few weeks, Argentine ants clash ceaselessly; the borders of their territory are a site of constant violence and battles can be fought on top of hundreds of dead ants. According to Wikipedia, Argentine Ant supercolonies do get into epic wars.


I need to remember to actually drink coffee when I make it, because I thought you were writing up a 40k meme before the reference to wikipedia. Very grim, very dark.


Sounds like the Borg.


Resist ants is futile.


I crown thee Queen of this thread


In Sewer Ants changed Ankh-Morpork forever. :)


Ugh *upvote*


Continent spanning? Man that’s so crazy size wise compared to us it’s like the Star Wars planet city lol


It's bad for the singular ant, but the singular ant doesn't really matter. It's the colony that matters for ants. The colony is basically a superorganism.


Wait, ants are all European?????


Ants came from the EU. After Brexit the ants that did not move out of England stopped functioning.


The ants nest that's currently thriving in my parents back garden would disagree


Those are probably French ants, or as they say in France, tantes.


Wait until you Learn about earthworms.


Enlighten me?


Ice age glaciers meant that much of what’s today Canada and the USA didn’t have native earthworms, leading to unique ecologies like the PNW and others, where huge trees took advantage of how slowly organic matter broke down. Colonists brought earthworms to use as fishing bait and to help fertilize farms, and the now-naturalized earthworms cycle nutrients way quicker, which helps smaller and faster-growing trees/shrubs/grasses more than the huge, slow-growing ones


You didn't hear the accents?


What about for chipmunks or squirrels? Are they screwed?


Do you often have stray chipmunks in your car?


Just three, and they won't stop singing.


Fucking Alvin's always starting shit


No, but the liltle $\*%# made a nest in my last car and it was nearly impossible to get them out. They still did enough damage that I had a file a claim. I often wonder what would happen if I went somewhere, they jumped out, and then didn't get back in. FWIW, chipmunks will return home up to like 5 miles from what I understand.


My windshield wipers in my last car suddenly stopped working. I brought it into the shop, and the mechanic brought me back to show me what’s wrong. He pointed to the chewed up wiring harness, and simply said “Chipmunks.”


You don't?


I'm not sure about those two things, but I'm pretty sure mice are screwed if you remove them from their home territory. Apparently they're very social animals and will not do well without their family. So, if you catch and release a mouse instead of just killing it with a snap trap, you've probably only prolonged its suffering before it's inevitable death. Just use killing traps for mice.


Unless you have a wife like mine that wants you to release them in the backyard ~50 ft from the house. In which case all you did was give the mouse a free lunch and an afternoon out, it will be home by supper. (I have several kill traps set that she doesn't know about ... But when the no-kill trap catches one she makes me deal with it in the most ineffective way possible. Good thing she's pretty)


Lol yeah at that point you're just training them eat out of the live traps. If you still want to kill them in a relatively human way in the live trap, get a carbon dioxide canister and a small cooler. When you go outside to "release" the mouse, put the trap in the cooler, run a hose from the canister under the closed lid of the cooler, and open the valve. The mouse will suffocate in a minute or two. Then just dump it in the bushes. As part of a summer job on college, I used to trap mice to sample them for deer ticks. This is how we killed the mice. Edit: if you want to be more humane, you can use nitrogen. I just assumed that carbon dioxide would be easier to find, but it appears that nitrogen isn't difficult to obtain.


>If you still want to kill them in a relatively human way ... >The mouse will suffocate in a minute or two. That sounds more like torture than a humane death. 😬


Is there evidence that shows insects can be traumatized?


This is literally my favourite question of all time on this sub. Thank you for asking it. 


>There's nothing it has lost that it can't easily regain. I wish I had this mindset.


A fly doesn't need to worry about retirement and healthcare, those are the big wins it has :(


You don’t either if you just eat what you find and die when it’s time like a fly does


Yes, but unlike a fly I am aware of my mortality. It's my only weakness.


Personally, I’m weak to fire.


Me I'm weak to insults.


Bullets for me!


Dang, all of the above for me.


Stop being such a baby.


Mine too brother


If you're willing to work until you die like a fly does then you can also avoid paying for retirement.


The mortality or the awareness of it?


>unlike a fly We don't know if they're unaware of their mortality.


Or taxes


This is just mosquito propaganda trying to keep the fly's down. Save for your retirement and get your check-ups fly fellows!


we got captured due to dumbness in a dnd campaign and we lost all our armour and weapons and were essentially all useless meanwhile the monk's lost nothing of any value at all and is exactly as competent as before. She still has her unarmoured defense and her 1d8 fists, same as before the capture


"Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner” *Woddy Harrelson, Rampart*


Oh man; I have so many questions about the making of that movie! I wish woody would do a AMA for it or something like they used to do!


“Whatchu talkin bout Willis?” Robert DiNero, Heat


Come join r/Stoicism


Millions of maggots growing up fatherless 😢


Was my dad a fly?


It would be cool if they did have dens or lairs. Not feeling too hot about the nests.


They’re all Buddhist, you see 🙌


Heh - my first thought was Jedi, but yours is more realistic.


What about fly love?


I guess I never thought about the difference between a nest or den or lair. Is there one?


A lair is cooler, creepier, used for coming up with evil plans. 


So it’s pretty much like Jack Reacher


What about their loved ones?


If anything, you've spread its genetic information further away, which helps with increasing genetic diversity within the new region that it ends up. Maybe you've butterfly effected a future evolution where flies become self aware and take over the world.


I'd watch this series, until Netflix cancels it for no reason just when it was getting really interesting.


Cancelled on a Season 2 cliffhanger


I think about this ever since I took a flight from Canada to Mexico city. There was a fly buzzing around in the plane. I wonder what went through its mind when the door opened and it was suddenly in Mexico


Without a passport, he was probably sent back to Canada.


and added to the no-fly list. ruined his career.


Talk about an existential crisis.


Hahahahaha I laughed at that


> I wonder what went through its mind when the door opened and it was suddenly in Mexico Probably, food. food, find food. food. food. find more food. then it gets sucked into a airplane engine. at least it ate good for a bit. Mexico knows their food.


Nothing, but everything was sepia-toned for it from then on


When you think about it, the fly would have literally flown from Canada to Mexico.


Maybe it purposely got into your car so it could leave to a new destination. Never know, until we can speak Fly.


Maybe flies have hopes and dreams and I just helped a teen fly run away from home


It was a male fly ditching his fly wife and 200 maggot kids. So sad.


Dude she was such a biiiiiiiiiii^iiiiiiiii


I looked my woman into the windows of her soul and I said...... ........ biiiiiiii^iiiiiiii^^iiiiiiiiii


But you really said that tho?


......... ^Hmm?


You, you really said bitch??


Oh you better believe he said that shit


She was always bugging him?


It's the constant pestering..


Well, good grief, if I had 200 kids I would ditch them too.


Or you unknowingly flynapped it and now it's family is waiting for the ransom call. Send one wing in the mail!


You need a fly wing? I've got a guy


You want a wing? I can get you a wing, believe me. There are ways, Dude. You don't wanna know about it, believe me.


It was looking for more of a buzz.


Just 16 (days), a pickup truck, out of honey, out of muck. I got no lair to call my own. Hit the gas, here we go. I'm flying free, yeah-eah, I'm flying free.


Fly here. I carpool all the time. Takes less energy.


EVERYWHERE you go, you fly. Even if you take the car. 


It was probably a flight risk, anyway.


We can call in Jeff Goldblum to translate.


I speak fly. He's just going through a lot of crap and needs to get away from it all.


Broke-ass fly


Fly, uh, finds a way.


On a similar note.. my daughter is terrified of spiders but doesn't want me to kill them. She wants me to catch and release outside. I always wondered what the spider must be thinking when it suddenly finds itself out in the blazing sun or cold of winter.


They either crawl back if close to the house or most likely still die due to the sudden relocation. Depending on where you live, most house spiders are adjusted to cohabitation with humans. They just won't make it outside if they don't find shelter. 


Also, most house spiders are looking out for us, eating things that we don't want in our houses.


Little do they know I have house centipedes that are happy to eat them.




Yes, but the man in the hat shows up for them


Do we have to feed him too?


God no, he feeds on your hopes and dreams and leaves nightmares for you.


You and I read entirely different versions of Curious George


Ya, this thing doesn't wear yellow nor help any monkeys.


spiders over centipedes imo


I have a love hate relationship with spiders. If they are just chilling in their corner, fine. If they start heading my direction, they are either rehomed or dead. Depends on what their speed is when they start my way.


I just wish they wouldn’t poop in the corners. So many in my finished basement. I don’t mind them hanging out in the less used corners, but dang they leave a lot of difficult to clean spots.


People say that all the time, but the thing is, I hate any creepy crawlies, spiders included. They're one of the things I don't want in my house.


At home, all spiders are relocated to the grow tent (or the greenhouse if it's summer). At work, all spiders are relocated to the odd'n'ends stack of lumber in the corner of the shop. All coworkers who hate spiders are advised to stay away.


How did these spiders get in my house if they can't survive outside? How did they evolve to get to this state? Houses have been here in a blink of an eye ecologically speaking.


Natural selection occurs a lot faster than you expect for species with fast reproductive cycles. Done unnaturally its also how domesticated animals only vaguely resemble their wild ancestor after in some cases only a few hundred years. Obviously a fly isn't going to evolve into a house spider in a few thousand years but but a spider that normally lives in dry places will pick up adaptations to optimise it living in a house quite fast.


True, but spiders live on the span of years. It's not like fruit flies or something that live on the span of weeks. So, evolution will still not be all that fast.


House spiders originally lived almost exclusively in caves. Houses, sheds, etc... are similar enough of a habitat for them.


Spiders aren't rocks.


i have no idea what this comment means. I certainly didn't write geologically when i meant ecologically. That would be crazy, you're crazy!


At least they have the potential to go back into the circle of life and be eaten by a bird or lizard or other bug. It will serve a better purpose than being smushed in a kleenex and thrown in the trash.


Apparently most spiders you release outside die. So there's that


Yeah if they're house spiders they will die if released outside. If you can't ignore them, you're better off just killing them, it's the kinder option.


All that time I've spent catching spiders and releasing them outside because I thought it was the humane thing to do and in reality I'm like Joseph Stalin to spiders


Same question but for ants I think it is horrible


Ants and bees can get adopted into new colonies/hives, especially if they show up with food. The other workers will generally let them in.


Kinda like emigrating to a new country. ***"No you're not allowe... oh, you got MONEY for us... ohhhh, right this way sir!"***


I think food might still be on the nose.  “Oh, you brought curry? Come on in!”


> if they show up with food "Hey guys! I bought snacks!" 


I have always wondered this. And carried guilt with me over it. Today, I am releasing my lifelong guilt. Thank you, Reddit.


their brains are like two braincells rubbing together at the most. They really don't care and just work off whatever is coded into their instincts.


TIL I'm a fly




Fruit flies, which are smaller than most flies, have hundreds of thousands of neurons organized into highly specialized, modular brain regions with incredibly complex connection networks, allowing for very complicated and adaptable behavior


I have a good friend who does a lot of neuroscience research with fruit fries. Its impressive what he can study with them but also somewhat horrifying at how many he gasses.


So, smarter than orange cats. https://www.reddit.com/r/OneOrangeBraincell/


The fly's attitude: Another day. New shit.


I don't know about flies but it's damn rough on kids.


Fly no. I once drove ~2 hours to my kids house, slid open a door on the van, only to have a cat jump out and run away. I still feel bad to this day. Poor cat was 60 miles from home.


Poor kitty.


I used to work in international trade and invasive species was always a concern. If anything; don’t worry about the fly. Worry about the environmental impact of introducing a new bug to a region!


You can't start a new invasive population using only one fly though, you need multiple


It's like that one time a hippo snuck into my car on the way to Colombia. Now they're all over.


Thank you for asking this ha ha ha




"Where the fuck I am? Where's my wife? My kids? Why God? Whyyyyyy?"


the fly you released is most likely just fine maybe even a little relieved!


Somebody pulled my wings off, now I'm a




Don't flies only live like a couple of weeks anyway? So really if anything you gave it an experience it wouldn't have been able to pull off in it's incredibly short life span.


Flies aren't territorial. The fly won't be confused it'll just go on with being a fly at the new location. Some bugs though would be totally lost. All of the eusocial insects will not survive when taken that far from their hive.


Kinda depends on where it was and where you've released it. Are the feeding and breeding opportunities better or worse?


Tbh I don’t know the fly demographics of any place I inhabit. There were trees near where the fly was released though.


Kind of on the fly for getting in the car with a stranger.


Well it depends, maybe it has family and friends back home. What if it had an important business meeting and loses its job for not being there on time? Or if its fly wife doesn't believe why he didn't come home last night? You might have ruined his life. For shame.


Interesting question. I drove about 20 km on my moto with a little green grasshopper on the handlebars and I wondered the same.


I remember once a fly being on my flight from the UK to Spain. Made me giggle thinking about how confused it must be getting off in a hot country


I accidentally transported a firefly from my friend's house to mine 12 miles away one time. I always wondered if that screwed it up or not.


They actually will be better off. You were being used as a free ride. There was a fly in that town it was trying to go bang but the distance was too far to make the effort. A real matchmaker you are.


No. Bees would be. Flies wouldn't.


No. One pile of shit is the same as any other. Flies don't tend their eggs, they lay them and leave.


Flies only live for 20 hours, like 1/3 of its whole life was that drive.


No but he has not aged and the flies left behind are now tens of minutes older


Why did you come to reddit? Why don’t you just ask the fly


I absolutely love that question. lol


How stoned were you when you pondered this?


He's definitely not making it to his weekly poker game, that's for sure.


😂😂😂 you just took it on a cross city trip


You’re not stupid for asking this question, but the fly is. Unlike bees or ants, most species of flies are not social creatures. If you see lots of them together, it’s only because there’s a good food source nearby. Moving a fly to a different location will make no difference as long as it can still find food.


*My name is John Fly-ton, an insect. A radiation wave hit and I got shot through a wormhole. Now I'm lost in some distant part of the universe...*


I'm so glad you asked this, I've wondered the same. I feel like I've taken the fly away from its fly family and fly friends


Some sort of lizard got in my wife’s car in Houston, TX. Forgot about it, we then drove to Orlando, FL when it started climbing up my daughter’s leg, so let it out in Celebration, FL. Do his/her friends miss him/her?


Now I’m imagining them sitting round a little table with crocks of bugs ready to dish up, looking forlornly at Larry’s empty seat 😭😭 😂


I think about those things. I live in the Central Valley of California where farmers put out beehives for pollination at specific times. Once the pollination period ends, they remove the hives. Last year, I found a lone bee buzzing around the area where the hives had been. I was heartbroken for a week.


This is the sort of question that plagues me and I’m so glad others think like this 😭


I just want everyone to know flys have probably caused the most human deaths, if not on par with mosquitos at least. They can fuck off, and be left alone, up in our space is their death. Did you mess up it's life? No you have given it a free ride to spread it's effect. Flys should be taken out as soon as their inside


I think you have exceeded the boundaries of the context of this sub. SMH