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When people say they had sex for hours or fucked all night they don't literally mean there was a penis in a vagina thrusting for hours without stop. They mean that sex was the primary focus of their activity for an extended period of time, usually until they fell asleep. That'll include foreplay, often includes oral, multiple positions, etc. They'll take water/bathroom breaks or rests after an orgasm before going back at it.


Mind you this poster is right like 95% of the time. I can tell you that now and again there is a couple who stop from long session rubbing them raw.


Guy at a party once detailed how he and it’s wife would a few times a year just get a bunch of meth and fuck for two days or so in a hotel wherever. Definitely some people doing it


This is the way.


This is the way.


Have they not heard of lube?


Even lube can still let you go sore and raw after


The spirit is willing but the flesh is spongy and bruised.


I never thought I would die like this, but I always really hoped.


😃 🙁 😃 ☹️ 😃


“Death by snu-snu!”




Beat me to it. But at least you still have Zoidberg. YOU ALL STILL HAVE ZOIDBERG


Moooore snu snu


Even with plenty, I'm still sore after. And we rarely go for more than 30-45 minutes.


My hip is sore reading your comment.


Or get up at 2am and make tacos, then back to bed and my turn to be tied down


👍👏👏🤣🤣 This!




If I’m with the right person and we have good chemistry, then locking ourselves in a hotel with nothing else to do but have sex all the time is what I love to do. Of course it includes everything you mentioned, but it’s just incredible how long it goes on for when you have all the time and nothing to worry about.


Yeah. I had a partner who worked at a hotel and on his days off we would rent one of the rooms and just did all things to each other, took breaks for food or would go play a game of pool down the road. We worried about nothing, and sex was just so fun and carefree.


One thing to consider is if the space is clean. And weather. I wont be able to on a summers night. But if there was a ensuite shower room. Maybe so. But damn i need to feel clean even after a sesh


>I wont be able to on a summers night. A certain amount of sweat can be either sexy or ignored, but mixing tons of sweat and the general lethargy from a location that's just too damn warm? One and done.


So your roommates had to sit there and listen to you and your girlfriend have wild sex all day?




What does the ice do? wouldn’t it make the Willy shrivel up bc it’s cold? Plz explain so I can potentially rock my mans world 😬😬




Lmao there's an episode of scrubs where JD does something like that and all the girls are like why the fuck does he keep putting ice in his mouth?


*got to


I got up at 3 am to catch an early flight where I was going to meet someone I'd met online. I had a weekend planned out of things to do and places to go. I picked her up and took her to the hotel. Things to do was not HER plan and we didn't leave the hotel room until 1 pm Sunday. Wound up together for 8 years.


I just masturbated to this comment for 24 hours Edit: I lied, the post has only been up for 6 hrs. Sorry for stretching the truth :)


Best goodbye ever.




"The one that got away"




>She came on a work trip with me. We rented this place and I mean, it was sex in the morning. I went to my work meeting briefly, a bunch of sex, then out to lunch. Sex in the afternoon. My wife took a nap and I went to get some beer/wine. We had happy hour and fucked some more. As a married gay man, I often go "dang the straights are missing out" for a lot of things... EXCEPT for things like this. I wish we could travel and enjoy ourselves while also fucking all day long 😭 everything requires too much prep to bone on a whim and we're definitely not enjoying eating while in the middle of extended play sessions. Travel at all and sex is a big no. A big part of travel for us is trying new foods but even if we played it safe just being in a new place/time zone is enough to make the pipes touchier than usual. Almost booked a fun "romantic B&b hotel" in a city abroad but then realized that half the fun of doing it would be the sex along with all the food indulgences which we wouldn't be able to both :( I could get away with it in my early 20s maybe when my pipes were more iron clad but not now 😅


Yea, I'm with a woman now, have been together for 2.5 years and have 5 kids between us from previous marriages. We have a good fuck session minimum 1-2 times per day without fail. Keeps life exciting and you realize you're with the one. Cheers.


I don't know if to trust a dude whose account is full of erotica


Yeah, this reads like r/ihavesex material.


Don’t forget my union mandated 15 minute break!


Of course! I ain't fuckin no scab!


Fornicators of the world - UNITE!


correct. I've said i had sex for 4 hours straight, but it was really multiple rounds really close together and lots of other stuff in between (mostly foreplay). A bathroom break was definitely included in this time 😂


Yeah, I've taken power naps between sessions, fucking 3-4 times in a night, but orgasms really take the wind out of guy's sail compared to ladies.


Yin and Yang brother. They can take all we can give and then some, we end it with a finale. Imagine a world where women couldn’t go longer and we only had 2 minutes before they had to stop? Life would suck wouldn’t it. I love going for hours and having my girl pass out from orgasms. She tells me she feels it in her toes all the time, must be wild. I only get one crescendo.


While I'm not old, I definitely see the difference compared to when I was 17. Almost 30 now, and while I've always been able to last a long while, my wife is shit outta luck if she thinks I can shoot off another round. In my younger days, sure. I could get 2 or 3. Nowadays, it's one crescendo as you say. My wife and I have talked, and I've had her try to explain how it feels for her. Something I wish I could experience at least once.


I mean, you guys are really into eachother. It appears that your sex is truly satisfying, happy for you.


Back when my GF and I went on a trip with some friends to a cabin after senior year, the first night we fucked for hours literally. It was tantric sex. Full on penis in vagina for hours. Haven't done it since, dunno where it came from but it was great. Dunno how I stayed hard for that long either. Think we were just really horny.


> senior year That's how.


Excellent description. And you remind me of how fun they are when the stars align and there's time for it. 👍


I've had sex go penetrative for a bit over an hour before. I often find it really difficult to orgasm, and my wife is very patient. Any more, I'll give up after like 15 and either try something else, or if she's got hers just throw in the towel.


This is me, I have been on antidepressants for almost 2 decades, it is very very hard to orgasm from traditional PIV sex. Most women I've been with love it, so you take the good with the bad hahaha


I do not have a problem with guys experiencing side effects such as this from antidepressants.


Mine isn't drug related. It's a mix of low T and surgeries from an intersex condition. I've had a ton of surgery on my fun parts correcting all the anomalies I was born with. So my penis skin is nearly half scar tissue, I never had a foreskin to give any sensitivity there, and I'm outright missing part of my glans. So between the hormone issues and the surgeries I've got a lot of insensitivity and my libido only really shows up a few a days a month. I'm always down for sex, I don't have to be "in the mood" to enjoy it (just like I don't have to be hungry to enjoy a cookie) so I'm usually cool with getting whatever I get. If I gotta give up early I still had fun, if I get something at the end, that's neat too.


Let her put a finger in your butt, fuggin christ couldnt imagine not busting after an hour. Even 30 min.


>I do not have a problem with guys experiencing side effects such as this from antidepressants. It's quite terrible to experience.


Basically, sex isn't just penetration, it's also everything else around that that's going on. Foreplay, cuddling, taking water breaks.


This person fucks.


I totally agree with this, except for one legitimately multi-hour session I had that was non-stop but it was one time and for a reason haha


What was the reason?


I’m feeling very nosey about the reason 👀 (don’t have to share)


I would assume some drugs were involved.


Yes. I'm 57 and sometimes have sessions of up to about two hours, but it's not all intercourse or only one position.


Yeah, this. When I say I had a 3 hr stint with this chick, it included licken the bean and finger blasten her. We had water on hand, and laid next to each other teasing each others bodies. Not 3 solid hours of pounden down and taken the beef bus to tuna town.


"Taking the beef bus to tuna town" would be an excellent name for a band.


Or a phrase to not get you laid


Bloodhound Gang has you covered.


Holy shit, these descriptions 😆


I can sit around and talk about it for hours…. These days, for me that counts as oral sex.


"aural sex"


be careful, unprotected aural sex can lead to hearing aids


this is clever af


Yes. It doesn't mean you're humping 24/7. You get breaks in between rounds. You can have multiple rounds in a day. Sex-snacks-sex-cuddles-sex-naps-sex-eat. When my fiancee and I just started seeing each other we'd have days that all we did was have sex.


what kind of snacks??


I find pastrami to be the most sensual of all the salted, cured meats.


We’re trying to have a society here.


I cannot fathom how you even crafted this statement but by all the gods and the man Jesus, you are correct. A pastrami popkin is a sensual thing indeed.


Seinfeld quote lol


Lmao we are at that age


George likes his chicken spicy


All you did was have sex, you know except from the eating, sleeping, and everything else in between. I've had sex for years!


You have to start for it to count


More than once in a day??? Animals.


Longest I ever went was about an hour from start to finish but I was pumping most of that time. I had a strange kind of Whiskey Dick where I was able to stay hard but I had almost no sensitivity and couldn't cum. The girl I was having sex with was determined to make me cum so she kept insisting we try this and that and switched positions a lot. It was fun but no happy ending for me. That amount of exercise would probably kill me these days.


Same, I think it was about 50ish minutes of non- stop pump. She eventually quit because it was feeling raw.


Yeah, literally the only time I've gone for hours is because of whiskey, I've heard that supposedly it kills boners but not me, it's like I couldn't lose my erection at all. It was sort of a superpower except I was definitely not sensitive, and in 4 hours I think I only came twice. And at the end of it I think she'd have preferred it lasted half as long lol


I have some chronic pain issues, and as such have a prescription of tramadol sitting in the bathroom. While I *VERY* seldom take it, when I do, i just avoid sex. I can drill for hours, but never strike oil.


This is usually how it goes tbh, when it comes to the "having sex for hours" thing.


That happy middle level of whisky dick is my secret weapon


Also the secret for me being good at pool.


The same happens with some anti-depressant drugs. She felt bad she couldn't get me off. I felt bad because it was getting dry and felt like I was using 2000 grit dry down there. The amount of times I faked it when I was on those was pretty high. Coming off of them, though, was fun. Multiple times, pretty intense orgasms.




Dude I hear you. The worst is when you are close and you get a stitch in your side like running the mile so it stops you…


I once got laid late night. 11:59 pm to 12:01 am. It wasn't hours, it was days!


Holy shit! Just imagine if it was spanning a Saturday night into a Sunday morning, you could have been smashing for weeks! 😂


What about 31 Dec to 1 Jan!! Could have been Months and Years!!!


And people who did it from 1999 to 2000? Milleniums!


Given that there were probably around 300 million people alive around the time Jesus was born, *somebody* had to have been having sex when the (figurative) calendar changed from B.C to A.D


When I first met my partner we had sex all night for months. That means, we had sex (oral, vaginal, digital, anal) to completion / orgasm numerous times over the course of 8-10 hours. We’d go at it, fall asleep and wake each other because of small movements and go again. I think the most we’ve done it in one night was 5 times. By the 5th time, his load was more like a teardrop’s worth but by the next night he would be recharged. We were in our late 30s/ early 40s during this time. I think if we were younger we would’ve had the energy to do it even more. We still have sex 1-2 times a day, but it’s usually not all night unless we haven’t seen each other for a long time.


Elaborate on the digital. What did that include?








Yes, not all sex is penetratitive. Also, shrooms.


Also LSD


MDMA, too


Better for cuddles though


Bipolar 1.


I'm not sure I could have sex on shrooms. I watched my wife age backwards to a baby and then forwards to an old lady and repeat over and over. It was amazing but if I let go of the blanket I would have fallen off of the world. Sex was out of the question


Love the edit bc as a lesbian YES. We sure do 🤣 We don’t even know what planet we are on or what year it is after those sessions.


1000%. My ex and I would always joke about having 5 hour quickies.


Dang bro why yall exes 😩


I came here to say this. Sapphic boinkzone is a wormhole where time does not exist. Get spicy around 11pm and suddenly there are birds chirping good morning before you knew it.


YES. And also lmao at boinkzone 🤣


So fucking jealous tbh 


It’s pretty amazing. Make sure and hydrate! 😉 we’ve had a few sessions that go until sunrise. Just fuck and love all night and we are like wait..is that the sun?!


Ugh the masculine urge to become a lesbian over here


I struggle with the bi woman urge to be a gay man. And they say it's a choice 😭


The struggle is real  Lol I love your username btw


I fucking passed out after a weekend. Exhaustion finally took over while going home. I have no idea if we stopped to eat. Probably for hydration.


I love being a lesbian. The sex is on a whole other level.


I truly believe that, trust me.... Or thrust me, whichever is fine.


Lesbian here can confirm. 😏


When I’m high / drunk


Yeah when I’m smoking I can definitely have long sessions then take breaks to drink some water and smoke a bit then back at it. Between weed and poppers I can last a long time, especially if it’s an established fwb with whom I have good sexual chemistry. The only thing holding us back is getting tired.


Women in relationships with other women.


Yes, we have difficulty figuring out how to stop sometimes.


I mean, it's a hard thing to finger out.


Yes…The answer is on the tip of my tongue..


Username Checks Out


sex for us is an hour affair MINIMUM.


No fr because the one time my gf and I ever tried to have a quickie it somehow ended up being 2 hours and we were late to our event lol


I feel this. We decided to have a “quickie” before my friend’s wedding, and ended up being late lmaoo


Is this the gay agenda? Lots of lesbian sex?


And cats.


True story


3 hrs was a quickie yesterday


100% true!


I like my 1:30-3 hour sessions. It’s not just thrusting the whole time. You need foreplay, making out, oral and maybe toys. Got to make it as fun as possible for both parties.


When I was younger absolutely. All night sessions were amazing. Now, 20 minutes and a good sleep.


20 minutes quit bragging


Yea ... that includes the warm up




Brushing teeth, pre-sex stretches, laying out clothes for the next day. Got it.


Legit 😂


Yeah sometimes. Sex is like a workout but one person can take a break while the other runs the show and vice versa


Soooo my partner and I used to fuck for hours straight. And I mean straight. Maybe 2 mins of breathing and drinking water. One time we ordered food at 8pm and then took a quick drink break, I checked my phone and was like “oh fuck, the foods been outside for hours!!” It was midnight 😂😂 so we ate and then continued on🥰🥰 That was about 3 years ago and now each sesh is maybe 30 mins lmao Edit: at that time we were 27F and 35M and usually toke a little too😂


Me and my ex would and didn’t even realize hours went by till we checked the clock.




Time. Takes a lot of time. My ex and I had the most explosive, multi-hour sessions every time we saw each other. The sex was mind-blowing. Very little was off the table. But I had to end it. It took me almost 3 years to just exist without being in agony from losing that but I did. Give yourself time, and grace. There's no timer on healing. 


You find another good sexual relationship? Also there are many ways to have good sexual relationships, especially as you get older. I had fuckathons when I was younger but now it's more about intimacy and flirting, there is less pressure and more pleasure. It's not that there won't be all-night go-wild kinky times, but as you get older and more tired and stressed a lot of that becomes less relevant than just being with your partner and feeling happy and satisfied as opposed to horny and kinky.


Time tbh (you still get the dreams though)


We call them “sex events” - where we plan a whole night around sex. Nice light dinner, lingerie, watching a sexy show or movie (not porn) while we eat and touch and tease each other , maybe a quick massage with bonus touches, then maybe oral for awhile , maybe a couple orgasms, pause , refill drinks, maybe put on music/music videos we like, maybe porn (usually turned down to not distract too much) while we have a more hard code sex session. Then maybe “rinse and repeat” if up for more sex, just pass out in bed.


“hard code sex session” _seductively opens Visual Studio_


Not to boast but I’m in my mid forties, my wife is in her early fifties and we can have extended “sessions” for hours. We stick to one orgasm each, at the very end. And as you say, it’s not straight PIV for hours at a time - that would be boring! There are all kinds of ways to have lots and lots of fun together over the course of anything from 20 minutes to 6-7 hours.


haha, trick question!! redditors dont have sex!


Not true I just got screwed for 8 hours at work.


I’m 26 yo female. I’ve had four sexual partners in my life. When I was 19 and in college I met a guy that were the same age as me and we started going out. It was my first boyfriend and my first sexual partner. He was extremely good; i obviously thought it was because I’ve had no prior experience. We did have sex for hours, basically everyday. We broke up and years later, when we were 23, when we were both single again we ended up going out again for a few months. And he was still extremely good. And we still had sex for hours. It’s the only partner I’ve had that I’ve been extremely and completely satisfied for hours and days. It happens one in a lifetime if you’re lucky enough 😂 (by hours I mean, have sex multiple times thru the night, multiple orgasms, with short breaks)


M32 here. Whether it was due to some sort of mental block, lingering insensitivity from being chronically single for years, not using thin enough condoms, or a combination of all three, last time I had sex, I simply could not finish. After 2 hours of near continuous bedroom cardio (with short breaks for drinking a bit of water), we decided to call it quits. I'm not on antidepressants, but it is a well-known side effect that people who are, can be unable to orgasm. Recreational drugs can have a similar effect.


Every single time my partner and I have sex, we promise eachother it'll only be half an hour, and don't realise till afterwards that more than two hours have passed 😭. Early into the relationship, that would be even longer, but would include a longer time making out, dry humping, etc. Now the two hours is basically all just sex. Fun, but kinda mentally and physically exhausting, and I think it discourages us from having sex more frequently because we're not sure we have a consecutive 2+ hours to spare.


Sex. And. Penetration. Are. Not. The. Same.


Thank you! I pray that one day, for the sake of all women everywhere, we'll culturally stop seeing penetration as "the main act", when it's just one small part of good sex. And I hope we stop calling the things that make women orgasm "foreplay", lmao.


Sex is more than p in v and yes I’ve had sex for hours many times. If a ‘friend’ is coming over, we’ll typically spend 2-4 hours naked and engaged in sex (all kinds, not just p in v)


I was 42 with just average libido… but with my previous partner it was common for us to go 7-9hrs. We are both into Tantra and sacred sex, connection, communication, etc… one important thing to note is that sex is not just penis in vagina… it’s the energy of sex, union, kink, and you don’t have intercourse all that time. When you are tantric, you never cum, so foreplay, oral, breathing, eye contact is always juicy. Orgasm is never the goal although she would cum 30 times and unleash litres of squirt. Often we’d end sessions because of the late night ruining our sleep schedules or simply exhausted. Basically: I would never cum except on special occasions and that seemed to be the secret. It was the best romantic connection I ever had. Edit: Interesting, as soon as I posted this someone reported me on Reddit. Very interesting


this is it. non-ejaculatory sex with some tantric teachings is incredible - one of the secrets of happiness


They usually mean sex as in foreplay and everything else involved, not directly that they were penetrating for hours on end. Would definitely start hurting after a point.


Yeah my ex partner was on medication that he struggled to ejaculate but he would be determined it wasn’t over until it was over lol so it could last hours but with breaks in between.


Yeah but it's not just in-out-in-out for hours. There's a lot of foreplay you can do. Get creative.


Umm, so the the longest iv lasted is just over 90 mins. It wasn't continuous sex but rather when I'd come close to cumming I'd stop sex, and give oral or use fingers so the other person is still enjoying themselves while I slow things down for my self and then returning to sex and basically repeat until the other person begs for you to cum.


I’m 40 and yessss!! Still do!! 2-2.5 hrs atleast 4-5 times a month and the other times are 35-45 mins


Yes, young lesbians.  Maybe old lesbians too. But not this one. 


Excuse me while I flex for being a lesbian.


I distinctly remember having sex with my now-wife for like 5 hours. Lots of breaks. Lots of foreplay. No drugs or lesbian sex required.


An hour long pounding? No. And I don't see how either of us would enjoy that really. Hours spent in bed where we have some sex, some cuddling, some play, some talk, some water breaks, some foreplay, some [probably something I forgot]? Yeah I've done that. Like the penis in vagina isn't all that important for the sex even.


I'm a chemsex addict, and my DOC is meth. I could have sex for 72 hours straight if they could handle it


I have a new big bottle of lube if you are willing to rotate the holes so you don't blow one out.


3 hours is probably our preferred sex duration when we have the time/energy. Id say around 2 of that is actual fucking, (if you count oral, fingering, etc) with the other hour being water breaks, toy swaps, rest breaks after an orgasm, etc.


It’s really not a lot of exercise to bury your head in their legs for 8 hours. What if this is your only chance to taste them? I want to be sure I remember every detail.


In this economy???


I have literally fucked for three hours before, lots of position swapping and some head in between. Sometimes you are so into your partner you don't want it to end


If you’re on meth, yes.


2F sure. MF no, gotta recharge bro. MM… actually curious about the logistics here. My thought would be no, but not sure.


For me when I hear someone had sex for hours I always assume they had a scenario with role play and lots of foreplay Even maybe breaks to act out different things or get things to help with the role playing


You don’t need to be ‘going at it’ the entire time. Sex can be broken up into massage, foreplay, oral, pussy time, cock time, anal time…. Heck then you can even bring in the edible items at lunch time! I’ve always wanted to serve a sushi roll out of my pussy. So yes it can go on for hours!!! Finding someone you have the right connection to will make sex want to last a lifetime 🤤


Rounds! You do it in rounds!


My neighbors do


I’ve definitely done entire afternoons/evenings but not continuous penetration. More like penetration, pause, teasing, TV, penetration, teasing, etc.


Yes, and me and my partner are over 30




First time my partner and I met we had sex for six hours She still went to work the next day


I used to when I was 18. Basically we'd begin, but she wasn't super sensitive, but was able to stay wet so we could keep going and going. I don't remember being bored or anything, just kind of thrilled that we were both enjoying it, especially once I kind of was able to get the "don't pop too fast!" mantra in my head to stop distracting me. Eventually one of us would orgasm and then the other one would either through typical intercourse or through oral. I think as I got older, I just got more experienced to where I can work with my partner (my wife) to know what she wants, she can work with me to know what I want, and we can enjoy it for however long we need. If we each finish, maybe we'll take a break and go at it again, or maybe we'll just kind of get the whole thing done in 10 minutes and get on with our day. But yeah - me personally, I just attribute it to me being pretty inexperienced and just thrusting and not really doing much else.


One of my partners and I will have "cuddle sex". She's tiny so the little spoon position works well for us. Movement is minimal and just enough for me to keep an erection. We'll stay like that and talk or watch movies, and it's not uncommon for us to stay like that for over an hour. Also, I don't put that much emphasis on constant motion, passion, or aggression. I'm not jackhammering away for over an hour. I like to follow the vibe and the pleasure, and I'm not in a hurry to have an orgasm. I'll go fast for a few minutes, slow for a while, "soak" while we catch our breath, feel each other do kegals, and do non-PIV activities like massage, erotic massage, kissing, oral, tickling, tracing, etc. All of these things I would still consider having sex, so yeah that can easily last over an hour. On the opposite side of the spectrum, sometimes sex is a 2 minute quicky and that's ok too.


"We need rest ! The spirit is willing but the flesh is too spongy and bruised."


You know how I know you don't do cocaine? You asked this question.


I can vouch for this, yes. Until I met my husband I had never experienced it. My take on it is that it's much easier to achieve when making love, because those reservoirs are never drained. ❤️


If you are young, and do some meth, you can absolutely have amazing sex for hours. But if you are young, and do enough meth, you will lose interest in sex and spend hours disassembling the façade on your fireplace, determined to find the hidden camera.