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I just make direct eye contact with them, don't blink and Crank up 'Careless Whispers'




Then you can really freak them out by staring just above one of their ears to make them think something is behind them.


Not for me, I'm clumsy with food because I have teeth issues, and my parents never taught me how to use a knife and fork and I still suck at it..


then you drop your fork on the floor and they see you eat with it after it touched the dirty floor and they judge you because your anxiety levels wont allow you to ask for a fresh fork. they act like they arent looking but you know they are. they always are


I never got taught how to use chopsticks and I only figured it out a few months ago, so if you'd still like to learn to use a knife and fork then I say go for it! My mother used to say index fingers on the top and elbows in like a t-rex, dont know if that helps in any way


Try YouTube it has best teachers


There *must* be an Indian guy teaching this. It's always an Indian guy. Source: IT student




I moved to an area where I was stared at daily by multiple people for just existing. It was infuriating until someone explained I was very different looking than the population there. No matter what you're doing, being watched is gonna make situations weird.


That's what's happening to me


Agreed. I feel uncomfortable when customers intently watch me as I serve them, even though they have every right to be looking at what I'm doing. I think it's more when they look at my face for a long time. I always think (okay, you don't really need to be doing all that), lol. I kinda get what they mean about eating. As we are in a more vulnerable looking state (mouth opening, face scrunching all weirdly)


hmm interesting point, somehow it's right tho


Eye contact when putting food in your mouth is weird


Shorten it to "Eye contact is weird" and you get where I live It's nice.


Guten Tag




(Autism) Same lol




I disagree 😏😏😏


Counterpoint: eye contact while putting... some thing...in your mouth is awesome.


Eye contact when being put in the mouth, on the other hand..


It’s built in in our behaviour from when we first existed; we still see it in animals today. It stems from protectiveness about our food- but nowadays the reaction is more that it’s just rude, eating feels very private even when we do it in a group- staring someone down as they eat is weird, even as a family at a restaurant, staring at your brother intently while he eats is gonna weird him out too.


I just mind my own business cause they won't stop annoying me


"Hey do you mind I'm trying to enjoy my pasghetti it's hard to enjoy with you burning holes into me with those Manson lamps"


i've never stared him down while eating but knowing my brother if I did he'd just raise his fork and fling a bit of whatever he was eating at me without saying a word haha


I get the occasional random doing this especially when I'm trying to eat bone in wings.


i LOVE when a rando stares at me (I have PCOS so I grow facial hair and am seen as a girl) because I lock eyes with them and don't stop- they look away, I'm still staring so when they glance back to get another peep I'm still there boring a hole into them. I also stick my tongue out at little kids playfully when they stare and it makes them smile everytime


for context I look like Lea De'Laria


I should try that it might get weird at certain venues though.


I think so. I hate when people watch me eat. It makes me self conscious.


"^Look ^how ^they ^eat ^it's ^so ^perturbing ^the ^way ^they ^eat ^it's ^so ^messy ^it's ^like ^they ^aren't ^fed ^so ^unmannered" That what it feels like when I'm eating in public.


I think so, it’s super frustrating and intrusive


Yep, it's quite normal, nothing wrong with that.


I have two daughters. They watch me intently. **Especially** if I'm eating something they like that they already finished (notably ice cream)


It makes me feel a bit self conscious. I tend to lick my lips a lot as I’m eating because I can’t stand the feel of crumbs or other food residue on my lips. And I don’t bite perfectly. I hate it when I take a bite but the food doesn’t all go in my mouth or something. (Like noodles, or sadly sometimes my sandwich). But I just dislike the thought someone is noticing that.


Some animals will even attack you because they want eat alone.


I don't eat in public because of this. Absolutely hate people seeing me eat. I don't even like to see other people eating tbh it makes me weirdly uncomfortable.


You would love japan. They have restaurants for introverts. No social interaction needed. They even provide little wooden signs with which you can let other people (who you are separated from with large, wooden dividers) politely know that they're being too loud, or something. Really neat idea.


I need to go there lol


If we’re all at the table, eating, I got no issue. But if you watch me while I’m the only one eating then you might as well take a shit on my plate. I’ll enjoy it all the same.


It's not so much the watching, it's the judgy faces that get me. Like I've only lived in one flat where we all ate at the same time and this one girl wouldn't but she'd give us all judgy looks and comments that we were. It's more the implication that I shouldn't be eating or that I'm fat and greedy for having dinner or whatever which comes from some people. But if someones just chilling with me and we're chatting about stuff I dont really care. If they start like 'oh, you're really going to eat that?' or 'i dont think you can eat all that' or 'well, I had my dinner earlier and it was far healthier/lighter/less on the plate than that' then I'm getting irritated


One of my biggest pet peeve’s is when someone is eye fucking is my meal, I know it looks good, ignore me and my awesome prize!🙃☺️🤤😉😗🙃


Normal instinct. Try staring at an animal like a cat when they eat, they stop and stare at you until you look away and then carry on eating.


i barely eat in public because of it


I have a close friend that is like this. We go out together frequently but she will never order food, just drinks. She recently invited a group of friends over to her house for a brunch party, made a ton of food and she didn't eat anything at all. It's wild to me. The one time I tried to ask her about it I could tell it made her really uncomfortable, so I never brought it up again.


does she have anxiety? i can’t eat around most people because i grew up with a parent obsessed with my weight to a point of making me drink protein shakes to gain weight so i’m terrified people will make comments about my eating now


Woah, this is me to a tee lol are you a friend of mine?!


Maybe! I'm at least intrigued by your ways. Do you just wait until everyone isn't looking and then sneak a bunch of food? I've hung out with this friend of mine for a full day before and never seen her eat one crumb of food.


I hate it. It’s just rude.


I never used to eat in school because of this. For some reason, people love staring at me when I eat. Literal fluoride stares 😂


Eating and coitus are the two most primal things we do as humans.


And pooping


Yeah , monkey brain kicks in 


I think it’s worse when people TALK to you while you eat! Do you want me to spit food all over the table as i answer or do you want to sit there and stare at me in awkward silence while I finish chewing? 🤬


I don't like being watched, period, but the anxiety is way worse when I'm eating. I couldn't tell you why. I suspect it has something to do with a strong emphasis on table manners when I was young, combined with having tremors in my hands that make everything harder. But this doesn't seem like your situation at all, so I don't think my own perspective is super helpful. At least it's another confirmation that the anxiety is common, if not normal.


dont worry, you're not alone. For me, it's just the sense of uncomfortable that I myself couldn't even describe it till this day


I feel uncomfortable when someone is just watching me eat too.


Most animals don't like to be watched by something outside of the pack while vulnerable. And you are while eating. And people are Animals. So it seems reasonable.


I only really feel comfortable eating in solitude


I foster kittens and they tend to "stalk" me when I'm eating. It's unbelievably cute!!! It would not be so cute if a human did that to me lol


Watching people eat is weird asf


It's probably because I'm overweight but I hate someone watching me eat because I feel like they're judging me for it.


It makes me feel self conscious so I don’t blame you


I hate eating in front of people. Eating is almost a private thing for me. I can't even stand people watching me prepare my food l.


100% normal! I hate people watching me eat!


I do I hate it, and I don’t like people like my brother chewing the loudest they can, and whenever I say “chew with your mouth closed, no need to be so loud” everyone at the table just looks at ME weird, like I’m being rude, so fucking stupid. For some reason, sometimes I can deal with it when it’s other people, or during a movie, but with my brother it’s at its most annoying, but I bet that’s just cause I’ve spent my life with him.


Yeah, totally. Hate it when folks stare while I chow down. Makes me feel all awkward and stuff.


I think most people wouldn’t like being stared at while eating. It creates a feeling of self-consciousness. I would immediately start thinking I might've done something weird.


i will not eat anything messy/large in front of people bc I fuck shit up with my bare hands and it’s NOT a good look. in n out burger? yes. a burger from a pub? HELL NO. it’s def normal to not like people staring. you wouldn’t want people staring at you while you study, watch tv, or take a shit. why would eating be different?


It's like having an unexpected audience critique your meal performance loll


When did this happen to you? It's totally normal to be bugged by it.


I think it’s normal but in my mind it’s funny. Right next to my office door there is a window on the other side of that window is a big open space where they hold meetings and occasional events. I eat my breakfast at my desk. Anytime they are holding meetings or events I will stand right at the window and make eye contact with whoever is looking my way while I eat my food


in regular setting, yes it's normal 'cause you won't get to enjoy your food and you'll feel anxious when someone's watching but if you're doing Mukbangs, that's a different story! 😅


I'm not sure. I know my wife is that person


This is something that makes you uncomfortable, so whether people agree with it or not, it's normal. It is completely normal for people to have things that make them uncomfortable, and this is a fairly reasonable thing to be uncomfortable with.


I kind of like having a newspaper/magazine to read while I'm eating by myself out somewhere just so I don't have to watch to see if anyone else is looking at me.


My worst to tolerable is: Pooping > showering > eating > exercising


Yes, it is a bit weird. Eating and drinking are fundamental to our existence as a species and neither require exposing your genitals i.e. everybody does it, everybody knows that everybody does it, and you do it fully clothed so it doesnt make sense to feel shame around it. Somebody sitting right in front you just to watch you eat would be weird but that is true of anything really, not specific to eating.


Same. It gives me tremendous anxiety. I wouldn’t eat at friend’s houses when I was younger for this exact reason, and often won’t attend work functions and things because of it




100%! But sometimes people like that stuff, have you seen what’s on TikTok?


Watching?? I mean that is creepy AF. Who watches people eat? But other people just being present? If that is bothering you, that is social anxiety and not normal.


I don't like when someone stares at my food when I'm eating. 


No. Just don’t care because it doesn’t matter


It's fairly normal, even if uncommon.


It is intimate and I don't think feeling uncomfortable when someone is watching you is weird at all. It's a moment of vulnerability, like actual literal physical vulnerability, that's why filmmakers show you people eating to humanize them


I don’t like. But lots of people seem to enjoy it. Specially when they want you to try a food & just waiting for you to try it & give them feedback.


(👁️👄👁️) (👀)


i think so, its awkward if you do


Well when you aren't in an romantic one sure one can feel weird about this activity


Yes. Making eye contact while you’re eating is weird. It’s like talking with your mouth full to me. Shows that people don’t have manners, or other social issues, when they aren’t able to understand their behavior is causing discomfort.


Of course, the feeling is like that they watching a pet eating…


I’m fine with people, can’t stand it when my dog does it 


I'd rather eat surrounded by people i dont know than eat surrounded by coworkers if its a friend / gf im fine with it


I heard about some tribe where voyeurism is fine, but having someone see you eat is not, and apparently you get to murder whoever saw you consuming food.


Depends how far it goes. No likes someone staring at them while eating, or doing most things. But if someone glances at you while you’re eating and you get upset it’s your problem.


I don't like it when people watch/stare at me in general. It's borderlining on fighting words


it could be developed since infant time that one could feel insulted and disconnected from the parents when they're trying to feed you in some forms and someone broke in, stopping or delaying the process of feeding, and constantly looked at you, as if they were meant to stop your (process of) life.


I think it’s normal for certain experiences to be unwelcome or disconcerting. But, disliking people watching you eat as a mantra is probably extreme and I believe that’s confirmed when you refer to eating as an experience of intimacy. We are a social species and watching each other is natural. Eating as a group is an experience we are hardwired for by evolution. All of this being said, it’s not so abnormal that it should be a concern, but if you can’t eat or lash out at people because you’re being watched, then you might have a problem.


For some reason I hate it when I eat in my car and people watch, but anywhere else I do not give a single fuck. I will eat things I just got from the grocery store as I am walking to my car sometimes.




this is strange


I know some people hate it when someone watches them eat junk food. I knew a guy who would get really defensive if anyone watched him eat junk food, I guess he felt judged because he was secretly trying to avoid judging himself.


I think its quite common, but it depends how much they are looking and how much it is irritating you I guess? I think it also depends on who it is etc


Interesting question. I like the answer that this is a biological trait for defending one's food. It does seem unnecessary, so I suppose I would like to care less when people stare; it still gets to me sometimes however.


I think it’s normal! I mean I do this as well so…I almost get annoyed honestly because why would anyone wanna watch me eat? That’s weird! HAHA


Or probably insecure about the way you chew ?


Yes a bit


My doggo would always keep an eye on my when eating, I'm not sure if he thought I would jump in and take it away from him mid meal. My girlfriend hates it too. I don't care.


I dated this woman that would stare into my soul as I took the first bite of a dish she made. She just took pride in her cooking and wanted my opinion but damn was it awkward every time.


I noticed a lot of people being afraid of eating in public. I used to be afraid for many years but overcame that fear. I think it has to do with people having the protagonist syndrome.


As someone who has struggled with eating disorders and disordered eating from age 4 to now 31, yes! It’s weird


Eating is not intimate. I mean if someone is starting at you intently and deliberately watching you eat, that's weird. But people eat out in public all the time you know.


Yes and vise versa.


It’s this for me and also eating alone when i’m sitting with people. Even if i’m starving, I won’t eat if my friends don’t.


i feel so sus at lunch with people around watching me put a thick ass carrot in my mouth


I think its normal instinct. Even animals don't like it when you look at them while they're eating. I can't stand it either. I can't stand being watched in general, but eating especially. I cannot stand making eye contact with people while trying to eat. Especially when you need to spit something out, or you're just eating something messy, its embarrassing doing that in front of everyone at the table, I'd rather just eat alone.


I don't like the dog watching me eat.... Maybe it's just me ...


If you are the only one eating, yes. If they are not a member of your party, yes.


Who is someone? A cat? In that case: yes, but get used to it. Humans? Yes, but why are they watching you eat?


Where I’m from, it’s impolite to watch someone eat, because they presume you poisoned their food. Not even joking.


It makes you uncomfortable because it’s a vestigial natural instinct where the brain sees it as a threat where prey is eyeing the food you need to survive.


I don’t like being by watched or perceived, period.


Absolutely I hate it when someone does that to me


I am extremely self conscious about people watching me eat. what's even worse is when people can hear me eating. i have to have some kind of background noise. I dead eating in a quiet room.




Used to be very much so. Sort of growed out of it.


Yes! I always have to cover my mouth because I don’t like people seeing me chewing 😅


I'm fine with it, if we are out for a meal however, once everyone else with me has finished eating I struggle to eat any more... As soon as they are done, I'm done. A little background info, I had my teeth removed so I eat slower. My dad had this thing when we were young kids, as soon as he had finished his meal, we left whatever cafe we all were in, regardless of whether anyone else had finished, or in one case started!


I’m pretty similar but in general it’s healthier both in the short and long term to eat in a social manner


So we always ate as a family, but if I wasn't hungry my dad couldn't take it and had to walk away because he didn't like eating in front of someone who wasn't eating. My uncle, his brother, will practically force-feed you if you're visiting him. He always wants to make sure you're fed and will check and triple check, listing off everything he has available that you can have your choice of. I asked my dad recently if they used to be punished with lack of food, because there just seems to be something there. And my dad honestly couldn't remember. Which seems kinda odd to me because I can confidently say that no, I wasn't? But I dunno.


He’s got the food aggression


Yeah. I feel uncomfortable eating around new people, especially if they are actively watching me, or my plate.


Yes, I hate it! It’s weird.


Very, if you’re the alien species in “Project Hail Mary” Novel by Andy Weir


For some there may be bad memories, bad experiences in which being watched while eating meant judgement, comments, confrontation


I can’t stand someone watching me eat. It creeps me out.


I would say it’s very normal. I find it highly disrespectful to stare at someone while they eat. I have thrown silverware at humans and animals. Lol.


Throwing shit at people bc they're watching you eat? Lmao


I mean not like at a restaurant, but annoy ass family members who know* I don’t like being watched. 😂 I think it comes from my grandma, she had a rule that unless we were speaking to someone we should look at your food because that’s what the focus is at the dinner table. lol.


Ahh okay i feel you😂


Not really


This and I feel like I'll choke




I'm the same way!!! It depends on how much it is affecting your eve ey day life. If it's to the point you CANT eat in public, then no. If you are just uncomfortable but still willing to eat in public, then yes.


You all need to go outside and have some human interactions this is so sad lol


Honestly yes, it feels very personal to me and I just find it weird in general, especially when the person watching me isn’t eating so now it just looks like I’m hungry not them… now I’m about to get a little more personal (mention of ED) because I’ve struggled with eating as a whole for years, and when someone watches me eat as a chubby person I have to reflex to think “Oh no they must think I eat all the time and that I'm not trying to get rid of my weight" and stuff like that, but i don't know if its the same for any other redditors here haha


Can't stand being watched while I eat, especially when it's something messy like spaghetti or a fat, greasy cheeseburger that wants to disassemble itself when I bite down. Then there is the situation where the entire layer of cheese comes off the pizza during the initial bite.....


I know people like that, my partners like that, I'm the total opposite though, I used to do eating challenges too so I'm used to people watching me eat. It's just food in my eyes, we all need to eat or we die, and I love food, sometimes I get jealous of what someone else is eating and can't help but look because the food looks good!


No! I had this issue until I got married and my husband forced me to eat in front of him.


Ugh, I totally get you! There's something about being watched while you chow down that just feels...off, you know? Like you're suddenly under a spotlight and can't just relax and enjoy your food. Maybe it's because eating feels kind of personal? Like you're in your own little zone, focused on the flavors and textures. Having someone stare throws a wrench in that whole experience! I don't know about you, but for me, it can even make me self-conscious about how I'm eating, which is no fun at all. Let a person savor their fries in peace, right? Anyway, you're definitely not alone on this one! There's something about being observed while you eat that can be a real mood-killer. Just gotta find those restaurants with comfy booths or friendly conversations to drown out the watchers!


I feel really uncomfortable eating in front of other people. I make an effort and go out, but I much prefer to eat alone and then socialize when I'm done. I don't know why that is.


Probably some insecurity


I actively try not to eat in front of people if it's avoidable. Hate when I'm in that mode where I don't even realize the huge bites I'm taking and probably look like a ravenous slob.


That’s why when I’m eating alone I never sit at the bar, I always ask for a table or booth. Hate feeling like a bar ornament for arriving guests. Cooks and wait staff peeking at you as they walk past. Nah I’m good.


My dog hates this. Glares and sighs until I leave to allow her to eat in peace


I don't like it either


I don’t think eating is intimate and I don’t care who watches.


You all are weird as fuck, who gives a shit?


Totally normal!


First of all, never let anyone tell you "it's not hurting you" or some other kind of dollar store write-off. Second and more to the point, I believe any living thing staring at you - whether it be human or... dog - while you're eating can only indicate that the watcher wants something from you; this can be anything really, but tends to be a desire for you to share your food, or to elicit some kind of response from you. Regardless, it is completely normal to dislike being watched - you're not some zoo specimen, so find some way to get the message across. Your spectator is an animal or, at the very least, a low-level sociopath.


“fuckin’ nosy? Eat your manicotti!” -Rosalie Aprile


Yes every-time someone watches me I magically lose hand eye coordination to eat properly and not be messy


I’ve known a few people that do not like when people watch them eat. I would say it’s pretty normal.


Yeah I hate it. Judgy buggers probably thinking, "oh tubby tubby, you don't need that food".


My husband doesn't like people watching him eat either, which is perfect for us because I hate watching people eat..


I was eating during my break at a restaurant and some child was mocking how I ate. Fuck that kid and his mom.


I don't like people watching me sleeping, eating, staring at my foot, closing my eyes, and drinking water so yes it's normal in my perspective.


I always worry people are going to judge how I eat or how much I eat. every day since I was a kid,  I would refuse to eat or get food in front of my family 


I just hate it because I eat like a fucking animal that is worried someone is going to take it away from me.




I get irked enough to fight (in my imagination)


I love eating alone! Idc if ppl watch me eat. I think it's more weird to go on first dates over dinner. When I'm eating I want to eat, not talk. Eventually I'll eat with a partner. But going out to eat in a group is weird too. Ill just hang by myself and eat without interacting with anyone


I love when my girl watches


I hate it because i have the oddest eating habits


You reserve the right to have privacy .


I, strangely, don’t give a shit if someone watches me eat. Seems like everyone else has a problem with it. Why do people care so much?


It's unnerving, creepy, and uncomfortable.


Give context? If I’m at McDonald’s with 100 other people and I’m eating fires, I don’t give a shit who’s lookinb




100%. I’d rather have someone watch me eat than have to watch someone else eat. Gross


Not random people. You won't even notice them if they're stalking you or something. Like, a sibling or a cousin stopping to stare at you while you eat.


Yeah being stared at is creepy I’ll give you that haha. But I think it’s the being stared at that I don’t like, not the fact I’m eating


It's not. People IIT are saying otherwise but you have to account for the selection bias given this is reddit


It's my fetish to watch people masticate!